TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic
Firmware Built In Digital Servo
The TC9457F is a firmware incorporating CD digital servo
system. In addition to an LCD/LED driver, 4-channel 6-bit AD
converters, and 2-wire/3-wire serial interface, it has a buzzer
function, interrupt function, and 8-bit timer/counter. The CPU
allows selection of the operating clock from three types of crystal
oscillators (16.9344 MHz, 4.5 MHz, and 75 kHz), making
interfacing with a CD easy. The CD digital servo incorporates
various functions and circuits required for CD systems. These
include sync separation protection and interpolation, EFM
demodulation, error correction, digital equalizer for servoing, and
a servo control circuit. Furthermore, it contains a 1-bit DA
converter, so that when combined with the digital servo head
amp TA2109F, it allows you to create a maintenance-free,
extremely simple CD player system.
Weight: 1.6 g (typ.)
· CMOS−technology DTS microcontroller LSI incorporating a CD digital servo and LCD/LED driver
· Operating supply voltage:
When CD is operating, V
When CD is turned off, VDD = 2.7 to 5.5 V (CPU operating)
· Current consumption:
When CD is operating, I
When CD is turned off, I
When CD is turned off, IDD = 0.1 mA (using 75 kHz crystal; CPU operating)
· Operating temperature range: Ta = −40 to 85 °C
· Firmware
· Instruction execution time: 1.89/1.78/107 µs
· Crystal oscillator frequency: 16.9344 MHz/4.5 MHz/75 kHz
· AD converter: 6 bits, 4 channels
· LCD driver: 1/4 duty, 1/2 biased, maximum 72 segments
· LED driver: 4 digits × maximum 14 segments (shared with LCD driver in software)
· Timer/counter: 8 bits (timer clock selectable from INTR1, INTR2, instruction cycle, or 1 kHz)
· Serial interface: 3-wire/2-wire interface (data length: 4 or 8 bits)
· Buzzer: 0.625 to 3 kHz (8 types) ; 4 modes available-continuous, single, 10 Hz intermittent, and 10 Hz
intermittent at 1 Hz interval
· Interrupt: 1 external, 3 internal (CD subing synchronous, serial interface, 8 bits timer)
= 4.5 to 5.5 V (5.0 V typ.)
= 55 mA (typ.)
= 2 mA (typ.) (using 4.5 MHz crystal; CPU operating)

· CD digital servo system
· Capable of decoding text data.
· Sure and reliable sync pattern detection, sync signal protection, and interpolation.
· Contains EFM demodulator circuit and subcode demodulator circuit.
· CIRC logical equations to provide high correction capability:
dual C1 correction and quadruple C2 correction.
· Supports variable-speed playback.
· Jitter absorbing capability of +6 frames.
· Contains 16 KB RAM.
· Contains Digital OUT circuit.
· Contains L/R independent digital attenuators.
· Audio output responds to bilingual function.
· Subcode Q data is free of read timing and can be output synchronously with audio data.
(LCD/OT pin switchable by a program)
· Contains data slice and analog PLL (using adjustment-free VOC) circuits.
· Loop gain, offset, and balance in focus and tracking servos can be automatically adjusted.
· Contains RF gain automatic adjusting circuit.
· Contains phase-correcting digital equalizer.
· Contains coefficient RAM for digital equalizer, thus supporting various types of pickup.
· Contains focus and tracking servo control circuit.
· Servo control is possible in every mode available, providing fast and stable search.
· Speed control method is adopted for lens and feed kick.
· Contains AFC and APC circuits for disc motor CLV servo.
· Contains defect and shock corrective circuit.
· Contains 8 times oversampling digital filter and 1-bit DA converter.
· 100 pin flat package.

Description Of Pin Function
Pin No. Symbol Pin Name Function And Operation Remarks
LCD segment
/Output ports
LCD segment
/Output ports
/CD signals
I/O ports
/LCD segment
/CD signals
I/O port 1
/Key input
Segment signal outputs to the LCD panel.
Up to 72 segments in a matrix with COM1 to COM4 can
be displayed.
All of the S1 to S18 pins can be switched for output ports
by a program (Note 1). Also, the S15 to S18 pins each
can be switched for I/O ports individually. When set for I/O
ports, these pins become Nch open-drain outputs.
Furthermore, the S11 to S14 and the P8-0 to P8-3 pins
can be switched for use as CD signal (CLCK to IPF)
input/output pins by a program.
For CD signal output, set parameters OT for output and
LEDon = 1.
Furthermore, when set for output ports, the buffer
capability can be increased by setting the LEDon bit to 1,
so that it can be used as an LED driver. These pins
normally are used for LED segment outputs.
output ports can increment OT1 through OT18 by an
instruction, data in external RAM/ROM can be accessed
Note 1: After a system reset, the output port shared pins
4-bit CMOS I/O ports.
These ports can be set for input or output bit for bit by a
These pins can be pulled up to V
program. Therefore, they can be used as key input pins.
Also, when they are set for I/O port input, a change of
state in this input can be used to clear the clock stop or
wait mode.
· CLCK : Subcodes P thru W data readout clock
Selected between input and output by
a command.
· DATA : Subcodes P thru W data output.
· SFSY : Playback system frame sync
signal output.
· LRCK : Channel clock (44.1 kHz) output. It
outputs a low for L channel and a high
for R channel. Polarity can be inverted
by a command.
· BCK : Bit clock (1,4112 MHz) output.
· AOUT : Audio data output.
· MBOV : Buffer memory-over signal output.
It outputs a high when buffer overflows.
· IPF : Correction flag output. When AOUT is
C2 correction output, it outputs a high
indicating that
correction is impossible.
Since the
are set for LCD output and the I/O port shared
pins are set for I/O port input.
or down to GND by a