Toshiba DK Digital Telephone User Manual

Digital Business Telephone Systems
Digital Telephone
Telecommunication Systems Division
User Guide
(includes LCD, Add-on Module, and Direct Station Selection Console)
May 1999

Publication Information

Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. , Telecommunication Systems Division, reserves the right, without prior notice, to revise this information publication for any reason, inc luding, but not limited to, utilization of new advances in the state of technical arts or to simply change the design of this document.
Further, Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., Telecommunication Systems Division, also reserves the right, without prior notice, to make suc h cha nges in equipment design or components as engineering or manufacturing methods may warrant.
Version C.1, May 1999 Version C, April 1998 Version B, October 1997 Version A, September 1996
© Copyright 1999 Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. Telecommunication Systems Division
All rights reserved. No part of this man ua l, cov ere d by the copyrights
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Strata is a registered trademark of Toshiba Corporation. Stratagy is a registered trademark of Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. Trademarks, registered trademarks, and service marks are the property of their
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Organization ....................................................................................................................................... viii
How to Use This Guide ......................................................................................................................viii
Conventions ......................................................................................................................................... ix
Related Documents .................................................................................................................................x
Chapter 1 – The Grand Tour
Buttons ....................................................................................................................................................3
Fixed Buttons ...................................................................................................................................3
Flexible Buttons ...............................................................................................................................5
LCD ........................................................................................................................................................8
LCD Buttons ....................................................................................................................................8
LED Indicators ........................................................................................................................................9
On-hook/Off-hook ................................................................................................................................10
Volume Controls ...................................................................................................................................10
Chapter 2 – Features
Before You Begin .................................................................................................................................13
Automatic Line Selection ...............................................................................................................13
Ringing Line Preference ................................................................................................................14
Signaling ........................................................................................................................................14
Quick Reference ..................................................................................................... ......... .....................14
Making an Internal Call .................................................................................................................14
Making an Outside Call .................................................................................................................15
Making an Outside Call to an ISDN Trunk ...................................................................................15
On-Hook Dialing ............................................................................................................................16
Answering Calls ............................................................................. ......... .......................................16
Incoming Call Notification ............................................................................................................17
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 i
Chapter 2 – Features
Account Code Calls ..............................................................................................................................17
Forced Account Codes (Verified/Non-Verified) ...........................................................................17
Voluntary Account Codes (Verified/Non-Verified) ......................................................................17
Alarm Reset ..........................................................................................................................................18
Alert Signaling ......................................................................................................................................19
Attendant Console Calling ....................................................................................................................19
Automatic Busy Redial (ABR) .............................................................................................................20
Automatic Callback (ACB) ..................................................................................................................21
Automatic Hold ....................................................................................................................................22
BGM Over Telephone Speakers ...........................................................................................................23
Call Forward .........................................................................................................................................23
Call Forward Modes .......................................................................................................................24
Using Call Forward Buttons ...........................................................................................................25
Using Access Codes .................................................................................................................... ...25
LCD Telephones ............................................................................................................................25
Call Forward–All Calls ..................................................................................................................26
Call Forward–Busy ........................................................................................................................26
Call Forward–No Answer ..............................................................................................................27
Call Forward–Busy/No Answer .....................................................................................................28
Call Forward–Fixed .......................................................................................................................29
Call Forward—External .................................................................................................................29
Call Park Orbits ....................................................................................................................................31
Call Park and Page ................................................................................................................................32
Call Pickup ............................................................................................................................................33
[DN] Pickup ...................................................................................................................................33
Directed Call Pickup ......................................................................................................................34
Group Pickup .................................................................................................................................34
Page/Internal Call Pickup ...............................................................................................................35
Call Transfer with Camp-on .................................................................................................................35
Call Waiting ..........................................................................................................................................36
Conference Calls ...................................................................................................................................37
Date/Time/Day Adjustment ..................................................................................................................38
Direct Inward System Access (DISA) ..................................................................................................38
DISA Calls - Internal ....................................................................................................................38
DISA Calls - External ...................................................................................................................39
Direct Station Selection (DSS) Buttons (Hotline) ................................................................................40
Do Not Disturb (DND) .........................................................................................................................40
Door Lock(s) .........................................................................................................................................41
ii Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99
Chapter 2 – Features
Door Phone(s) .......................................................................................................................................42
DTMF Tone Dialing with * and # ........................................................................................................44
Emergency Ringdown/Hotline Service ................................................................................................45
Group Listening ....................................................................................................................................45
Handsfree Answerback .........................................................................................................................45
Handsfree Monitoring ...........................................................................................................................46
ISDN Outgoing Calling ........................................................................................................................47
Subaddress ......................................................................................................................................47
Message Waiting ..................................................................................................................................48
Message Waiting Light on [PDN] ..................................................................................................48
Message Waiting Light on [PhDN/MW] .......................................................................................49
Message Waiting Light on Another Telephone .............................................................................50
Microphone Cut-Off .............................................................................................................................50
Off-hook Call Announce (OCA) ..........................................................................................................51
HS-OCA .........................................................................................................................................52
SP-OCA .......................................................................................................................................... 52
Override Calls .......................................................................................................................................53
Busy Override ................................................................................................................................54
Do Not Disturb Override ................................................................................................................54
Executive Override .........................................................................................................................54
Privacy Override ............................................................................................................................55
Toll Restriction Override ...............................................................................................................55
Page Announcements ............................................................................................................................56
All Call Page ..................................................................................................................................56
Privacy On-Line ....................................................................................................................................57
Privacy Release .....................................................................................................................................57
Release and Answer ..............................................................................................................................58
Saved Number Redial ............................................................................................. ..............................58
Speakerphone ........................................................................................................................................59
Speed Dial ........................................................................... ......... .........................................................60
Speed Dial—Advanced Features .......................................................... ......... .......................................62
Feature Access Codes ....................................................................................................................62
Speed Dial Pause and Flash Storage ..............................................................................................64
Speed Dial Number Linking ..........................................................................................................65
Chain Dialing Speed Dial Numbers ...............................................................................................67
Timed Reminders ..................................................................................................................................67
Tone/Pulse Dialing ...............................................................................................................................69
Two (Tandem) CO Line Connection ............................................................................................... .. ...69
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 iii
Chapter 3 – LCD Operation
[DN] Button ...................................................................................................................................69
CO Buttons .....................................................................................................................................70
Supervision .....................................................................................................................................72
Voice Mail Integration ..........................................................................................................................72
Message Mailbox ...........................................................................................................................72
Message Retrieval ..........................................................................................................................73
Call Forward to Voice Systems ......................................................................................................75
Chapter 3 – LCD Operation
Control Buttons ......................................................................................................................... ............77
Soft Keys ..............................................................................................................................................79
Soft Key Display ............................................................................................................................80
How to Use Soft Keys ....................................................................................................................80
Soft Key Prompts ...........................................................................................................................82
Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Display ..........................................................................................................83
Caller ID/ANI/DNIS Information Mode ..............................................................................................84
DNIS ..............................................................................................................................................84
ANI/Caller ID .................................................................................................................................84
Call Park Orbit List Display .................................................................................................................85
Retrieve and Auto Dial Lost Calls ........................................................................................................86
Messages, Memos, and Name Display .................................................................................................87
Messages ...............................................................................................................................................89
System Messages 60~64 ................................................................................................................90
System Messages 65~99 ................................................................................................................90
Station Messages ............................................................................................................................90
Message Notifications ....................................................................................................................93
Silent Messaging (Busy Station) ....................................................................................................95
Memos ..................................................................................................................................................96
Speed Dial Memos ................... ......... .............................................................................................96
Timed Reminders ...........................................................................................................................98
Name/Number Display .........................................................................................................................98
iv Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99
Chapter 4 – Add-on Module/DSS Console
Chapter 4 – Add-on Module/DSS Console
DADM ................................................................................................................................................101
DSS Console .......................................................................................................................................103
[DSS] Button ......................................................................................................................................104
Features ............................................................................................................................................... 104
Calling a Station ...........................................................................................................................104
Transfer to an Idle Station ............................................................................................................104
Call Transfer with Camp-on .........................................................................................................105
Call Answering (CO Line) ...........................................................................................................106
Speed Dial .............. ......... ................................................................................................... ..........106
Paging ...........................................................................................................................................106
Call Forward Override ([DSS] Override) ....................................................................................106
Night Transfer ..............................................................................................................................107
CO Line Access Codes .......................................................................................................................109
Feature Access Codes .........................................................................................................................110
Paging Access Codes ..........................................................................................................................110
Speed Dial Access Codes ...................................................................................................................111
Flexible Directory Numbering ............................................................................................................113
Centrex Feature Buttons .....................................................................................................................113
Ringing Repeat ...................................................................................................................................113
Delayed Ringing .................................................................................................................................114
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 v
vi Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99


This guide describes how to use the 2000-series digital telephones for Strata DK systems. Models covered in this user guide include digital telephones equipped with a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and/or speakerphone. Also discussed are Digital Add-on Modules (DADMs) and the Direct Station Selection (DSS) Console. The Strata DK systems which support this equipment are:
DK14 DK16e/16 DK40i/40 DK424/DK280 (Release 3.0 or higher)
Note This user guide incorporates the information in the Strata DK’s Liquid Crystal Display
Digital Telephone User Guide and the Add-on Module and Direct Station Selection Console User Guide. Those guides are discontinued.
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 vii


Chapter 1—The Grand Tour provides an overview of the equipment, buttons, Light
Emitting Diodes (LEDs), and LCDs.
Chapter 2—Features describes the available digital telephone features in alphabetical
order. Detailed instructions on using each feature are covered.
Chapter 3—LCD Operation includes an e xpl ana ti on o f t he Co ntr ol but to n an d Sof t Ke y
operations. Features which are available only on the LCD digital telephone are presented alphabetically and include detailed LCD displays.
Chapter 4—Add-on Module/DSS Consoles describes the DADM and DSS console
features and buttons.
Appendix A—Access Codes provides instructions for programming a sequence of steps
or access codes onto feature buttons. It includes CO Line Access Codes, Paging Group Codes, Feature Access Codes (User Programmable Buttons), and Speed Dial Access Codes.
Appendix B—Centrex Application describes the Centrex features which may be
available with your Strata DK system.
Appendix CButton Labels lists the feature button designations of the 2000-series
digital telephone models.

How to Use This Guide

We suggest that you read this entire guide and get acquainted with the Strata DK digital telephones and its features. Once you become acquainted with the basic features, you can use this guide in conjunction with the Digital Telephone Quick Reference Guide.
viii Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99


The left column gives you single or numbered
The right column gives the immediat e response t o your action. This column also includes additional notes and comments.
steps that you need to perform a procedure.
Note Elaborates specific items or references other information. Within some tables, General
Notes apply to the entire table and n umbered Notes apply to specific items.
Important! Calls attention to important instructions or information.
Letters in [brackets] represent buttons which have Directory Numbers on them. For example:
[PDN] represents a Primary Directory Number (also known as an Extension
Number for your telephone.
[SDN] represents a Secondary ap pearance of a [PDN]. A [PDN] whi ch appears on
another telephone is considered an [SDN].
[PhDN] represents a Phantom Directory Number button (an additional Directory
[DN] represents a Directory Number button (also known as an Extension or
Intercom Number). Whenever [DN] is used in this guide, it means the user can use any [PDN], [SDN], or [PhDN].
[DSS] represents the dir ectory numb er of anot her statio n which is a ccessed f rom a
DADM or DSS Console when this button is pressed.
represents buttons on a telephone.
~ means “through”
+ is used for mul tiple key entries.
denotes the step in a one-step procedure.
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 ix

Related Documents

Related Documents
Refer to the following documents for more information:
Digital Telephone Quick Reference Guide PC/Data Interface User Guide System Administrator Guide
x Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99
The Grand Tour 1
This chapter familiarizes you with the controls and indicators located on your digital telephone. Understanding the function of the feature buttons and their associated LEDs will improve your efficiency in using the telephone and will help you take advantage of all of the benefits your telephone offers.
Toshiba digital telephones incorporate state-of-the-art telecommunications technology and provide a vast array of calling features. They are easy to operate, and all features are accessed with a feature button or a brief access code.
If your telephone is equipped with an LCD, information and feature prompting makes call handling more effi cient and provides easy access to frequently-used features. Abbreviated feature prompts guide you through specific tasks.
In addition to the st andard features, the LCD telephones provide Alphanumeric Messaging, Busy Lamp Field (BLF) Identification, Central Office (CO ) Line Identification, Timed Reminders with Messaging, Speed Dial Memo Directory Dialing, User Name/Number, Call Duration, Date/Time of Day displays, and the ability to display names and telephone numbers of outside, incoming callers.
Telephones equipped with a speakerphone, enable you to make and receive outside and internal calls without lifting the handset.
Feature operations in this guide use the button designations for the 2000-series models. The following telephone models belong to the 2000-series (see F igu re 1 on Page 2):
DKT2010-H (10-button model that enables users to answer internal calls without lifting
the handset)
DKT2010-SD (10-button model equipped with a LCD and a speakerphone which enables
users to make and receive outside and internal calls without lift ing the handset)
DKT2020-S (20-button speakerphone model which enables users to make and receive
outside and internal calls without lifting the handset)
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 1
The Grand Tour
DKT2020-SD (20-button speakerphone model equipped with an LCD, and a
speakerphone which enables users to make and receive outside and internal calls without lifting the handset).
LCD Display
Red/Green LED Indicators
Dial Pad
Fixed Buttons Microphone Location
Figure 1 20-button Digital Speakerphone with LCD
LCD Control/Soft Key Buttons
Flexible Buttons
2 Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99
The Grand Tour


There are two sets of buttons, fixed and flexible. The fixed buttons (e.g., 0LF, 0VJ, 5HGLDO,
(see Figure 1). The flexible buttons consist of Directory Number (Primary, Secondary, Phantom) and feature buttons. The number of preprogrammed flexible buttons varies by telephone.

Fixed Buttons

The fixed buttons are located on your dial pad and enable you to perform standard functions quickly and easily.
Table 1 Fixed Button Definitions
Button Definitions
, and9RO▼) are standard to every Strata DK 2000-series telephone
(Conference/ Transfer)
+ROG Press once to hold internal or outside calls. The
Press to set up conference and transfer calls (see “Conference Calls” on
Page 37).
Line LED flashes green at t he inte rnal hol d rate. ...or press twice to enable Exclusive Hold. The
Line LED flashes green at the exclusive hold rate.
Note Exclusive Hold enables you to pl ac e a call on hold so that only you or
somebody using a Call Pickup code at another station can retrieve it.
To retrieve a call on hold:
Press /LQH or [DN] which is on hold
...or if the call is on Exclusive Hold, from another station dial  plus your [DN], or dial   plu s the CO line number (001 ~200) tha t the call is held on.
If a call is not retrieved by a certain time (set in system programming), it rec alls back to your phone . You hear repeated recall tone (or if you are on the phone, you hear recall tone twice).
HOLD LINE 10 JAN 01 SUN 12:19
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 3
The Grand Tour
Table 1 Fixed Button Definitions
Button Definitions
If the held party hangs up, the call is released and the CO provides a hold­release signal.
Note If your telephone is programmed for Automati c Hold, existing calls are
A different call can be held on each [DN] or /LQH button on your pho ne. Each tim e you press 6FUROO, a different [DN] or /LQH is selected. The selected button’s LED flas hes rapidly a nd your LCD dis plays information for the call holding on that button (samples shown at right).
Press to toggle the microp hone ON/O FF while the tele phone is in use. The
The microphone and ac companying LED are always ON when receiving
Each station’s Mic can be set in system programming to switch ON/OFF
To talkback to an HS-OCA call, press and hold Mic and talk over your
Mic functions on Handsfree Answerback and OCA calls for privacy.
automatically placed on hold when you answer a call or make another call. (See “Automatic Hold ” on Page 22.)
DN 202
LED indicates the status of the microphone.
“voice first” internal [DN] calls to en able Handsfr ee Answerback an d OFF if you receive a ring-first cal l. Mic ma y be ON /OF F when pla cing a n on- hook CO line or internal [DN] call.
with one touch, to switch OFF only while pressed and held, or to be either ON/OFF at the start of handsfree dialing.
telephone handse t/head set. Th e LE D and m icroph one re main OFF du ring OCA talkback operation (see “HS-OCA” on Page 52).
When Msg LED flashes, press 0VJ to call ba ck the station or voice mail
device that activated the LED (see “Message Waiting” on Page 48). Th is is the telephone’s [PDN] message waiting button.
Press the same [DN] or /LQH that you used to dial the original number.
Press 5HGLDO. The last number called is redialed.
Note If you have Automatic Line Selection, you must first lift the handset.
4 Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99
The Grand Tour
Table 1 Fixed Button Definitions
Button Definitions
Press to toggle the speaker ON/OFF. The LED indicates the status of the
6SNU must be pressed and held down when switching from Handset to
Also selects a line or the internal [PDN] if programmed for auto preference

Flexible Buttons

All flexible butt ons must be programmed for your telephone in system programming and vary for individual telephones. If a button does not appear on your display or telephone keystrip label, see your System Administrator for button assignments.
Line Buttons
You may have buttons designated as directly access outside Central Office (CO) lines. available CO Lines from a group of lines appearing under one button.
Speakerphone mode.
in system programming. Can be used to disconnect on-hook speakerphone calls.
Press to adjust volume levels (see “Volume Controls” on Page 10).
/LQH and/or 3RROHG/LQH*US which enable you to
3RROHG/LQH*US enables you to access
If your telephone does not have a
/LQH or 3RROHG/LQH*US button and you want to access
outside CO lines, you can use access codes. For a listing of these codes, see “Access Codes”
on Page 109.
Directory Number [DN] Buttons
The [DN] buttons consist of: [PDNs], [SDNs], and [PhDNs]. They are used to initiate or answer a call and are known as your extension or intercom number(s). You can have multiple [DN] buttons on your telephone (see Figure 2), including [DNs] belonging to another telephone, [SDNs].
Incoming calls ring your telephone’s [PDNs] from the top down. For exa mp le , inc oming calls to Station 10’s [PDNs] first ring the “10-1” button, then “10-2,” and finally “10-3.” Your [PDN] is considered busy only when all of the [PDNs] are being used by your telephone or other telephones, and/or when your telephone is on any type of CO Line or [DN] call.
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 5
The Grand Tour
If you have an LCD telephone, you can find out the actual Directory Number of a [DN] button by pressing the [DN] you want to display and dialing
. The number () displays.
T ab le 2 Directory Button Definitions
Button Definitions
DN = 210
[PDN] Primary Directory Number
[SDN] Secondary Directory Number
[PhDN] Phantom Directory Number
Press to answer a call to the Primary Directory Number or to initiate a phone call. The [PDN] is specifically your Extension Number or Intercom Number. Your telephone can have up to four [PDN] buttons with your number. You can set Call Forward and Voice Mail ID code for your [PDN].
A [PDN] of another telephone which appears on your telephone is considered a [SDN]. You cannot set Call Forward and Voice Mail ID code for [SDNs] on your telephone.
Up to eight Phantom Directory Numbers can be dedicated to a station or shared by a group of stations. One example of a Phantom Directory Number application is when it is used as a common phone number for an entire department. For instance, when the [PhDN] appears on a group of telephones, such as the Sales Department, it will ring on all of the telephones of the group when it is called. You can only set Call Forward and Voice Mail ID code for [PhDNs] that are owned by your telephone. You can have a separate message waiting button and mailbox for up to four [PhDNs] on your telephone.
6 Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99
The Grand Tour
Phantom Directory Numbers [PhDNs]
Secondary Directory Numbers [SDNs] of Station 11
Calls to Station 11 can be originated or answered by Station 10 by pressing the 11-1 or 11-2 button.
Station 10's Primary Directory Numbers [PDNs]
Figure 2 Multiple Directory Numbers Example
Feature Buttons
Preprogrammed feature buttons can be assigned to your telephone and vary for individual telephones. See Table 17 on page 115 for a list of all the possible feature buttons.
Station 10
Station 11
If a button does not appear on your display or telephone keystrip label, see your System Administrator for button assignments.
If your telephone has not been programmed for a
key in any of the procedures that appear in this guide.
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 7
6SHHG'LDO button, you can substitute the
The Grand Tour
In its idle state, the 32-character LCD feature on your digital telephone gives you an accurate desk clock and calendar combination. When you have an outside call in progress, an elapsed time display gives a constant reminder of the call duration. Alphanumeric messaging capability is also provided (see “Messages, Memos, and Name Display” on Page 87). All
display functions occur automatically as call processing proceeds. A “+” next to the LCD readout (sample shown at right) on your
telephone in dicates there is more data in memory. Press advance through the information. Press display to the User Name display.
All LCD examples in this user guide are shown with Soft Keys turned OFF. If your telephone has Soft Keys turned ON, the displays may be different (e.g., the information on rows 1 and 2 is reversed), but they still enable you to follow the steps in this guide.

LCD Buttons

There are two sets of buttons available with the LCD, Control and Soft Key (see Figure 3). The Control buttons consi st of t he Mode, Page and Scroll functio ns, whi le the Soft Keys offer access to frequently-used features that appear as abbreviated prompts above the Control buttons.
Soft Key Prompts
Soft Key and Control Buttons
3DJH to switch from th e CF
Mode Page Scroll
CF-A 201-203+
JAN 01 TUE 12: 19
Figure 3 LCD Buttons (with sample Soft Keys)
Both sets of buttons cannot be active at the same time.
Soft Keys are active when the Soft Keys are turned on and the telephone is active (on a
Control bu t tons are active when the Soft Keys ar e turned off and/or the telep hone is idle.
(See Chapter 3 – LCD Operation for an explanation of how to use these buttons.)
8 Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99

LED Indicators

Each line and feature button has a LED next to it which indicates the status of the line or feature associated with the button.
Line LEDs light red or green and flash at varying rates to indicate call status (see Table 3).
Table 3 LED Indicators
The Grand Tour
LED Indica tors
Line or [DN] In-Use
(access outside line)
Incoming Call
(while ringing)
Hold (outside line)
Your Station (Green) Other Station (Red)
Interval Rates
2 seconds on, 1/8 second
off— 1/8 second ON/OFF 1 second on at 10 pulses/
second—1 second OFF 4 pulses/second for 1/8
second ON/OFF
one second ON/OFF
1/2 second ON/OFF
Note If using 3RROHG/LQH*US, the
hold indication is only at the station that places the call on hold.
Hold – Consultation
(during consultation/transfer to another station)
Hold – Exclusive (outside line) 10 pulses/second steady Hold – Recall
(when held call recalls you r idle station)
Hold – Exclusive Recall
Internal Call
(while station ringing)
10 pulses/second steady
1 second at 2 pulses/second, 1 second at 10 pulses/second
1 second at 2 pulses/second, 1 second at 10 pulses/second
Your [PDN] flashes 10 pulses/
second—1 second off
[SDN] red flashing or green ringing
Busy Station Transfer
(outside call transferred to your busy station from a designated station or AA)
After disconnecting first call... 10 pulses/second 2 pulses/second
Alert Signal .5 seconds 4 seconds Conference 10 pulses/second steady
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 9
4 pulses/second, 1/8 second ON/OFF
3/4 second on, 1/8 second OFF
The Grand Tour


Some procedures in this user guide instruct you to perform a step while “on-hook” or “off­hook.” These terms refer to the position of the handset. “Off-hook” indicates that the handset should be lifted off of the telephone cradle. “On-hook” indicates that the handset should remain in the cradle and sho uld not be lifted.

Volume Controls

Your telephone has a volume incr ease and decrea se butt on f or contr olli ng speak er a nd handse t volume levels.
You must hold down either button ( change to occur. If you continually hold down either button, the volume continually changes about every half secon d unt i l t he l eve l limit is reached.You hear ring tone as long as you pres s a Volume button when your telephone is idle.
The method for changing fe atu re vol ume var ie s. Some features can be a dju st ed us ing only the
9RO /9RO (see Table 4) and others require additional buttons (see Table 5 on page 11).
Table 4 Using only Vol ▲/Vol ▼
Ring Tone Volume/Incoming Handsfree Answerback and Speaker OCA
Handset Receiver Off-hook After a call is terminated and the handset is on-
9RO /9RO ) for at least 1/8 second for any volume
Phone Status
On-hook, Idle
Adjusting the ring tone v olume also cha nges the volume level of incoming Handsfree Answerback and Speaker OCA calls before they are answered by pressing a [DN].
hook, the volume level returns to the “original” level for the next call. This “original” level can be adjusted to higher/lower in system programming.
10 Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99
Table 5 Using Vol ▲/Vol ▼ with Other Buttons
The Grand Tour
Volume Controls
Microphone Sensitivity On-hook/
Handset/Headset Call Waiting Tone
Muted Tone Burst
Phone Status
On-hook/ Off-hook
On-hook/ Off-hook
On-hook [DN] followed by
Note Tone sent for Busy
or DND Override, Call Transfer with Camp-on, etc.
Ringing, Handsfree Answerback, and Speaker OCA.
On-hook  followed by
Press Comments
While pressing, hold 0LF and 9RO /9RO  for three seconds.
While pressing, hold 5HGLDO and
9RO While pressing,
hold 5HGLDO and
 then 9RO /9RO 
The Mic LED flashes about six times while setting the sensitivity . When the microphone is set for the lowest or normal sensitivity, the Mic LED lights steady when the telephone is busy on a speakerphone call.
The tones are received over the handset/headset and speaker.
The tones are received over the speaker.
You hear the muted tone for 15 seconds or until disc onnected by pressing 6SNU.
Your phone rings for 15 seconds or until disconnected by pressin g 6SNU. Enables you to check if you can hear ringing at a distance from your telephone.
Speaker On-hook,
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 11
[DN] followed by 9RO▲/9RO
After you press a [DN], you hear dial tone.
Adjusts Internal and CO Dial Tone, Background Music.
The Grand Tour
Volume C ontrols
12 Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99
Features 2
This chapter lis ts al l the digit al t ele phone f eatur es in alp habeti cal o rder b eginni ng o n See Page
17. These features can be performed on 2000-series digital telephones equipped with or
without LCDs. Features which require a telephone equipped with a speakerphone are noted.

Before You Begin

If you are a new user of the Strata DK dig ital teleph one, you ne ed to fi nd out i f your t elepho ne has been set up for Automatic Line Sele ction and Ringi ng Line Pre feren ce. You will also need to know if your telephone has tone or voice first signaling when you receive an internal call:
Tone Signaling rings. Voice First Signaling does not ring; instead you hear a long tone, then the caller’s voice.
Each of these features are enabled in system programming and determine how you will make and answer calls on your telephone.

Automatic Line Selection

You have Automatic Line Selection, if you hear dial tone and the [DN], Line, or Pooled Line Grp LED lights steady green. The LCD displays the station number ( shown at right).
Lift the handset or press 6SNU.
You do not have Automatic Line Selection, if you hear silence.
Press an available [DN] or /LQH before dialing.
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 13
201) and the seized CO line (sample
NO. 201

Quick Refere nce

Ringing Line Preference

You have Ringing Line Preference, if you can answer a line ringing your station by lifting the handset or pressing button associated with the ringing call (flashing LED) to answer the call.
6SNU. You do not have Ringing Line Preference, if you have to press the
If your telephone does not have Automatic Line Selection, press the flashing [DN] or first, before using the handset or


If you hear a long tone, followed by a caller’s voice, you have Voice First Signaling.
Talk in the direction of your telephone
...or answer the call as you normally would using either the handset or
If you hear successive ring tones, you have Tone First Signaling.
Lift the handset or press 6SNU.
Note You can ch ange t o the a lter nate s ignal ing met hod when mak ing a call on a cal l-by -call
basis by pressing
Quick Reference
The following is a quick reference chart for using your telephone’s standard features.

Making an Internal Call

1. Lift the handset or press
after dialing an internal telephone number.
...or if you do not have Automatic Line Selection, press a [DN].
2. Dial a directory number (
NO. 203
3. When finished with the call, hang up or
14 Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99

Making an Outside Call

Quick Reference
1. Lift the handset or press
...or if you do not have Automatic Line Selection, you must also:
...or [DN], then enter a CO line or line group access code (see “CO Line Access
Codes” on Page 109).
2. Dial the telephone number.
3. When finished with the call, hang up or
The LED flashes green and the digits are displayed as you dial.
The display automatically changes from dialed number to elapsed time after a programmed period. After you hang up, elapsed time is displayed for 15 seconds and then changes to date/ time display.
NO. 203
NO. 203 5551374
NO. 203
00: 13: 23

Making an Outside Call to an ISDN Trunk

1. Access an outside CO line
2. Dial the number.
3. Press
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 15
6WDUW. The dialed digits will not be sent until you press this button or
until the timer expires. Se e “ISDN Outgoing Calling” on Page
47 for more information on ISDN calls.
Quick Refere nce

On-Hook Dialing

1. Press have Automatic line selection).
2. Access an outside line and dial a telephone number.
3. Lift the handset when the called party answers.
4. When finished with the call, hang up or press

Answering Calls

When you receive an incoming call, the LCD displays either the CO line (
... or the station’s [PDN] (
Lift the handset or
press ...or if you do not
have Ringing Line Preference, press the flashing [DN],
or and lift the handset.
6SNU(if you
Note If you have a full speakerphone, you do not have to li ft
the handset.
The green LED changes from incoming call rate to the in-use rate. Your LCD displays the answered line.
For information on Caller ID/ANI/DNIS LCD displays for incoming calls, see Chapter 3 – LCD Operation.
NO. 203
NO. 203
16 Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99

Incoming Call Notification

Muted ringing while you are on a call indicates an incoming call. If another call comes in during the first call, release, transfer, or place the call on hold, then answer the second call.
...or hold down the hookswitch for about one second.

Account Code Calls

Entered before or af ter a cal l, Account Codes (i.e ., Forced, Volu ntary) ca n be used f or a vari ety of reasons including billing, tracking, and line restriction applications. Account Codes are recorded by the system and can, along with the details of the calls, be printed on a Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) report.

Forced Account Codes (Verified/Non-Verified)

Some applications require you enter an Account Code, called a Forced Account Code, before dialing a telephone number.
If the system is set for Verified Account Codes, station users must enter specific codes when entering the Forced Acc ount Code(s) or the call does not execute. Verified Account Code s ar e established in system programming or by designated stations.
Account Code Calls
To dial using a Forced Account Code Emergency Override of Forced Account Codes
You can bypass Forced Account Code require ments with three emer gen cy number s, inclu ding
911. See your System Administrator for these numbers:
1) 911 2) _______ 3) _______

Voluntary Account Codes (Verified/Non-Verified)

Voluntary Account Codes are usually optional. They can be entered after accessing a CO line or during a call, to keep track of the call for client billing purposes.
An exception is a Voluntary Account Code which is required to change the Toll Restriction classification of your station. The code gives you access to telephone numbers outside your usual dialing ar ea and must be entere d prior t o dialing the t elephone nu mber. As an example, if your station is restricted to local area calls, you can make out-of-state calls by using a Voluntary Account Code set in system programming.
If the system is set for Verified Account Codes, station users must enter specific codes when entering the Voluntary Account Code(s) or the code is not validated for the SMDR call report.
Strata DK Digital Telephone 5/99 17

Alarm Reset

To dial using a Voluntary Account Code
1. After accessing a CO line, press
...or 6SHHG'LDO+
 if your
telephone does not have a speed dial button.
2. Enter the Account Code.
Your conversation is not interrupted.
Note If the Voluntary Account
NO. 204
Code is not required to dial out, the account code can be entered during a call.
When your station is set for Verified Account Codes, you hear a half
NO. 204
second confirmation tone if the code is valid.
The outside party is not able to hear any tones (e.g., confirmation tones) when the Account Code digits are being entered. If your station is programmed not to verify Account Codes, you do not hear a confirmation tone.
If the code is invalid, you hear two short tones.
NO. 204
3. Dial another account
The last co de entered is recorded. code by repeating Steps 1 and 2.
4. Dial a telephone number.
Any digits dialed after the code is e ntered i n Step 2 is trea ted a s part of a telephone number.
Alarm Reset
Your Strata DK system can be connected to a facility alarm system. All telephones produce a startling tone whenever this alarm is activated.
To reset the alarm
Press $ODUP5HVHW.
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