Toshiba Cosmos Preventive Maintenance

2. Preventive Maintenance
Preventive Maintenance - the Key to
Maintenance Cycle
Copy Volume
Total Reliability and Customer Satisfaction
Toshiba defines Preventive Mainte­nance for copiers as the summary of actions and procedures neces-
Additionally, the following two points should be
considered: sary for best copier performance, and for excellent and stable copy quality during the entire life of sup­plies and parts.
Such actions include:
• cleaning, lubrication, adjustment, and checking of functions
• replacement of all supplies and service parts in accordance with Toshiba's instructions.
For Peak Copier Performance
• Toshiba has been producing copiers for more than 30 years, and has its own research, design and manufacturing facilities. This accumulated expertise ensures the high quality of our products, and allows us to accurately define the life of our supplies and service parts.
• paper transport through the copi­er results in a high rate of wear for all moving components, necessitating their replacement
after a certain number of copies. This figure varies according to the model and is essential to ensure that proper functioning and excellent copy quality are main-tained.
• maximum copier performance
• excellent and stable copy quality during the entire life of supplies and service parts
• minimization of machine down­time
• increase in service efficiency
This is what is known as PM. When you follow Toshiba's recommendations for PM your
• higher profits for the service department
• total customer satisfaction.
business will benefit in a number of ways. You will achieve:
Merits of Preventive Maintenance
Without regular PM
Accumulated service costs
Number of copies
With regular PM
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