ASD-TB1-SIM9 Installation Procedure
Figure 1. ASD-TB1-SIM9 PCB.
The ASD-TB1-SIM9 is used to demonst rat e the man y powerful f eature s of th e 9-Serie s ASDs a nd may be
used with any of the 9-Series ASDs.
The ASD-TB1-SIM9 was devel oped to emulate the input/output control signals of the 9-Series ASDs.
The simulated input signals of the ASD-TB1-SIM9 are provided via switches and pots.
The switches simulate discrete input sig nals, such as relays and contac tors — the pots simulate anal og
inputs, whic h may be vol ta ge or cu rrent. The ASD-TB1-SIM9 uses LEDs to provide th e sta tus of the AM,
FM, OUT1, OUT2, and Fault signals.
The ASD-TB1-SIM9 connects to the Control Board and is installed using same sli de-in method as the
Terminal Board that is normally used with the 9-Series ASD.
This proc edure is to be perf orm ed by Qualified Personne l ON LY. See the Installation and
Operation Manual of the ASD being used for the complete description of the discrete and
analog operational applicables, and ASD safety precautions and requirements.
Ensure that the 3-phase input power to the ASD is off and that the circuit is properly
locked out and tagged out as per your local, regional, and/or state regulatory agency.
Failure to do so m a y res u lt in e qui pment damage, injury, or death.
To prevent electrical shock, ensure that the front cover of the 9-Series ASD has been
secured before applying power to the unit.
Installation Procedure
1. Open the front door of the 9-Series ASD and remove the lower front cover .
2. Loosen the Torx® screw at the upper -right side of the Terminal Board.
3. Remove the factory-installed Terminal Board from the 9-Series ASD.
4. Insert the ASD-TB1-SIM9 into the 9-Se r ies ASD . E n su r e that the m a le S106 connec to r of the ASD-
TB1-SIM9 seat s securely into the female connector of the 9-Series ASD Control Board.
5. Secure the ASD-TB1-SIM9 using the Torx® screw in the upper-right side of the ASD-TB1-SIM9.
6. The Torx® screw in the upper-right side of the ASD-
TB1-SIM9 does not require much torque to secure
the ASD-TB1-SIM9 into the 9-Series ASD. Once
the Torx
of a turn is required to tighten securely.
7. Replace the lower front cove r and cl ose the door of
the 9-Series ASD.
screw begins to resist turning, less than ½
ASD-TB1-SIM9 Document Num ber 59707-000
ASD-TB1 - SI M 9 Terminal s an d Fe atu r e s
AM Terminal — Produces an outp ut current that is proportional to the magnitude of the function
assigned to this terminal (see the Installation and Operation Manual of the ASD being used for more
information on the AM terminal setting s).
AM LED Indicator — A 1-to-10 LED module that produces a rea l-time visual indication of the
magnitude of the function assigned to this te rmi nal.
FM Terminal — Produces an output current that is proportional to the magnitude of the function
assigned to this terminal (see the Installation and Operation Manual of the ASD being used for more
information on the FM terminal sett ings).
Parameter F681 must be set to 0–10V to use the FM terminal with the ASD-TB1-SIM9.
FM LED Indi c at or — A 1-to-10 LED module that produces a real-time visual indication of the
magnitude of the function assigned to this te rmi nal.
S1 – RES Switches — Multifunctional programmable switch-activated discrete inputs (qty. 8).
VI Potentiomete r — Simulates the VI and the II analog input signals that are used to control the speed
or torque of the motor.
VI Te rminal — T est equipment monitor for the simulated VI input signal.
RR Potentiometer — Simulates th e RR anal og input s ig nal tha t is used t o control the speed or torq ue of
the motor.
RR Terminal — Test equipm ent monitor for th e simulated RR inpu t signal.
RX Potentiometer — Simulates the RX analog input signal that is used to control the speed, torque,
and/or the direction of the motor.
RX Terminal — Test equipment monitor for the simulated RX inpu t si gnal.
CN1 — Backup Control voltag e input connector.
OUT1 Te r min a l — A dis cret e output te rminal th at may be progra mmed to provi de an i ndicat ion (ope n or
closed) that any 1 of the avail able fu nctions of t he ASD has t aken pla ce (see the Ins tall ation a nd Operat ion
Manual of the ASD being used for more information on OUT1 terminal settings).
OUT2 Te r min a l — A dis cret e output te rminal th at may be progra mmed to provi de an i ndicat ion (ope n or
closed) that any 1 of the avail able fu nctions of t he ASD has t aken pla ce (see the Ins tall ation a nd Operat ion
Manual of the ASD being used for more information on OUT2 terminal settings).
Document Numb er 59707-000 ASD-TB1-SIM9