(32) BK0584
(30) BK0595
(29) BK0587
(28) BK0012
(26) BV0085
(25) BK0007
(24) BK0583
(23) BK0596
(22) BK0006
(20) BK0005
(19) BK0002
(18) BK0010
(17) BK0067
(16) BK0088
(15) BK0581
(25) BK0007
(4) HME4-5B
(31) BK0075
(9) HMV740ZZ
(13) BK0076
(1) HMC3-14B
(31) BK0075
(9) HMV740ZZ
(3) HMJ2-10N
(11) HMX0612
(5) HME3-10B
(17) BK0067
(5) HME3-10B
(8) HMV830ZZ
(21) BK0004
(3) HMJ2-10N
(31) BK0075
(9) HMV740ZZ
(13) BK0076
(1) HMC3-14B
(22) BK0006
(10) HMV840ZZ
(14) BK0078
(2) HMC3-8B
(26) BV0085
(3) HMJ2-10N
(31) BK0075
(23) BK0596
(7) HMC4-8B
(12) HMV1360Z
(32) BK0584
(11) HMX0612
(27) BK0586
(7) HMC4-8B
(6) BK0435
(12) HMV1360Z
(6) BK0435
(12 ) HMV1360Z
(31) BK0075
(3) HMJ2-10N
11 Main Rotor Head Assembly
(1) HMC3-14B Socket Screw(M3x14)........... 2
(2) HMC3-8B Socket Screw(M3x8)................ 2
(3) HMJ2-10N Self Tapping Screw(M2x10).... 8
(4) HME4-5B Set Screw(M4x5)...................... 2
(5) HME3-10B Set Screw(M3x10).................. 2
(6) BK0435 Washer (d4xD11xW1.7)............ 2
(7) HMC4-8B Socket Screw (M4x8)............. 2
(8) HMV830ZZ Bearing (d3xD8xW4)............ 2
(9) HMV740ZZ Bearing (d4xD7xW2.5)......... 4
(10) HMV840ZZ Bearing (d4xD8xW3).......... 2
(11) HMX0612 Thrust Bearing...................... 2
(12) HMV1360Z Bearing (d6xD13xW5).......... 4
(13) BK0076 Collar..........................................2
(14) BK0078 Collar.......................................... 2
(15) BK0581 Flap Collar..................................2
(16) BK0088 Flat Washer................................ 2
(17) BK0067 Flybar Paddle............................ 2
(18) BK0010 Flybar Rod..................................1
(19) BK0002 Flybar Control Arm.................... 2
(20) BK0005 Flybar Arm Bushing................... 2
(21) BK0004 Flybar Seesaw Hub....................1
(22) BK0006 Mixing Lever.............................. 2
(23) BK0596 Main Rotor Pitch Housing...........
(24) BK0583 Feathering Shaft................ 1
(25) BK0007 Flybar Control Rod............. 2
(26) BV0085 Double Link ...................... 2
(27) BK0586 Flap Damper...................... 2
(28) BK0012 Pin..................................... 2
(29) BK0587 Main Rotor Hub Pin............1
(30) BK0595 Main Rotor Hub.................. 1
(31) BK0075 Ball Link............................. 8
(32) BK0584 Thrust Washer.................... 2
Assembly Hint: Start from the bottom of the main Rotor Hub and work your way up to the flybar assembly. When
screwing on the flybar paddles to the flybar, stop when you can see the rod in the window of the paddle. Then, lay
the assembly on a flat surface and align the paddles so they are exactly parallel. Insert and tighten the set screws.
Attach the flybar control rod to the flybar control arm and use the Double Link to connect the mixing lever (short side)
to the Main rotor Pitch Housing.
Diagram for Thrust Bearing Assembly
(11) HMX0612
Large Internal Diameteralways go toward the
Main Rotor Hub
Small Internal Diameteralways go toward the