Thiel SI-1 Integrator Owners manual

SI 1 Integrator
Owner Information
Thank you for purchasing the THIEL SmartSub Integrator. It has been engineered to provide a very high level of performance and incorporates innovative (patent pending) concepts in its design to solve the integration and balance problems subwoofer systems usually exhibit.
You are welcome to contact our Customer Service department with any questions or for help in setting up this system. Our contact information is:
Tel: 859-254-9427 Fax: 859-254-0075 E-mail:ser
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 3
Connecting the Integrator...................................................................................................................................4
Crossover mode connections............................................................................................................................................. 4
Augment mode connections............................................................................................................................................... 4
Adjusting the Integrator ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Presets ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6
System Parameters............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Main Speaker Parameters ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Performance Parameters ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Setup and Adjustment Flow Chart...................................................................................................................... 8
Integrator Parameters for THIEL Speakers...................................................................................................... 10
Remote Control Battery Replacement ............................................................................................................................. 10
Remote Control Interference............................................................................................................................................ 10
Specifications ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Remote Control Command Codes ................................................................................................................... 11
The SI 1 SmartSub Integrator provides unprecedented ability to perfectly match a SmartSub with any main speakers and provide total system performance that is as well integrated and balanced as a full range speaker. This superior performance is achieved by innovative circuitry (patents pending) that automatically calculates the ideal subwoofer response to perfectly match the characteristics of the main speakers. Therefore, instead of the usual crossover controls that tell the subwoofer how to perform, the SmartSub Integrator has settings for the characteristics of the main speakers you are matching, the configuration of your system and the performance you desire. This information is then used to automatically calculate and implement the ideal subwoofer response. In addition, the unit enables the total system to operate in either augment or crossover system mode and can control up to 16 subwoofer units in either mono or stereo configuration.
Connecting the Integrator
The SmartSub Integrator is connected to the subwoofer with an XLR type balanced interconnect cable from the units’ Sub Output to the subwoofer’s Normal Input. If stereo subwoofer operation is used, one subwoofer from each channel needs to connect to the Integrator
For multiple subwoofers, one subwoofer is connected to the Integrator and the others are daisy-chained, with the second unit connected to the first, etc. Or, if two subwoofers are used in mono operation, they can both be connected to the Integrator using the left and right outputs.
If the system has a surround processor then its LFE or subwoofer output is connected to the Integrator’s LFE input.
The Integrator has two modes of operation available, Augment or Crossover, which may use different methods of connection. Augment mode should be used if you wish to use the main speaker normally, receiving the full-spectrum signal, and are therefore using the subwoofer to “fill out” the deep bass response of the main speakers. Crossover mode should be used if you wish to restrict the bass energy that the main speakers will reproduce, transferring this energy to the subwoofer.
If you wish to have the ability to switch between these two modes of operation, then crossover mode connections must be used.
SmartSub Integrator rear connections
Unbal InputRight Bal InputLeft Bal InputLFE Input Right Bal OutputLeft Bal OutputSpeaker level Inputs Power
Crossover mode connections
If the main speakers are not able to play loudly enough or you desire to limit their bass extension to achieve better performance, then the Integrator should be connected for use in “Crossover” mode. In this case the preamp/processor left/right outputs are connected to the Integrator inputs and the Integrator outputs are connected to the power amplifier inputs. Either balanced or unbalance connections can be used depending on which type of connections isa vailable from the preamp/processor and to the amplifier. This connection method can be used for operation in both Crossover and Augment mode.
Augment mode connections
If the main speakers are able to play loudly enough and therefore the subwoofer is needed only to extend the bass range of the main speakers (in addition to reproducing the subwoofer channel in video systems), the Integrator can be used in “Augment” mode. In this case the above connection method may be used, or, the main speaker system hookup can be left as-is, with no changes, and the Integrator can receive its input either from the output of the power amplifier (speaker level) or from the output of the preamp/ processor (line level).
To implement the first (speaker level) input connection method, connect cables from the power amplifier output terminals to the respective speaker level input terminals on the Integrator. Be careful to connect the positive amplifier outputs to the positive Integrator inputs. The cables used for these connections can be small since no power is being transferred.
The second (line level) method is implemented by connecting the preamp/processor’s left and right channel outputs to the respective inputs of the Integrator using either unbalanced (regular) or balanced interconnect cables since the Integrator will accept either. This input connection method can only be implemented if either the preamp/ processor has two sets of such outputs (since one set is already used for connection to the main amplifier inputs), or if a “Y” connector is used to split the output into two cables.
Unbal Output
Right Sub Output RemoteLeft Sub Output Right Bridge InLeft Bridge In S/N Model
Lexington, Kentucky USA
SI 1
If the subwoofer is used in Augment mode, these speaker level input connections may be used. Wires to these terminals are connected from the main speaker power amplifier.
This connec­tor is used to supply the LFE signal from the proces­sor.
For Crossover mode either these inputs or the unbalanced inputs must be used to receive input from the processor or preamp. For Augment mode operation, they are an alternative to the speaker level inputs.
These connec­tors are used as an unbal­anced alterna­tive to the bal­anced inputs.
For crossover mode connection these connectors or the unbalanced outputs are used to supply the crossover’s output to the main speaker power amplifier’s inputs.
These connec­tors are used as an unbal­anced alterna­tive to the bal­anced outputs.
These connectors are used to supply signal to the subwoofer unit(s).
These connectors are used to add the output from another Integrator into the Subwoofer signal.
This connector is used to remotely control the unit as an alternative to a hand­held remote control.
The AC power cord connects here.
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