Extended Service Protection Plan..........................................................................................................................2
Location And Ventilation..........................................................................................................................................3
Information On Battery Power.................................................................................................................................8
An additonal two year Service Contract is now available to
original purchasers of Norcold refrigerators. For only $25.00
you get:
* t wo extra years protection against cooling unit failure
* au t o matic replacement of defec t i ve co o l i n g uni t
* p r e-p ai d freight f ro m you r d eal er t o N or c ol d and r et u rn
* l ab o r f ree of charg e
The E.S.P. (Extend ed Service Pl an) plan can be o btai ned b y
mailing your check for $25.00, U.S. fund s t o :
E.S.P. is a servic e cont ract betw een Norc old and the or igi nal
purchaser. The contract provides replacement of a defective
cooling unit only for this refrigerator (freight, parts and labor)
for an additional period of two years after expiration of the
orig i nal Li m it ed Warranty . The refr ig erato r m ust be d el ivered to
a Norc old service cen ter to geth er with the Norc old E.S.P. card
showing E.S.P. coverage. An E.S.P. card will be mailed to the
original purchaser upon receipt of a comp leted Extended Service Pro tecti on Plan Appl icati on f orm and a c heck c overin g th e
E.S.P. charge. E.S.P coverage is non-transferable and non-refundable.
To register your refrigerator, fill out the Extended Service Protect io n Plan Ap pl icat ion - i.e.: tear sh eet f orm in bl ue envel op e
or in c lu d e t he f o ll o wi ng i nf o rmatio n (Please Pri nt Cl earl y) :
Applications will be accepted only if they are mailed within
ninety (90) days after date of purchase.
This ref ri g erat o r i s d esi g ned to o p erat e on p o wer su p p l y l i m i t s as f ol l ow s:
120 volt AC op erat i on : 132 vol t s m ax ., 108 vol t s min.12 volt DC op er ati o n: 15.4 vo lt s max., 12 vol t s m i n .
Operation on power supplies exceeding the maximum limits may cause damage and void the warranty. Operation on power
supplies below the limits will result in unacceptable performance.
When op erat i ng on 12 vol t s DC, a b att ery sou rce m u st b e u sed . Op erat in g th e ref rig er ato r on a con vert er or b at ter y c harg er al on e
(without a battery in the circuit) is not recommended since these devices do not normally supp ly a filtered DC source. Unsatisfactory operation will result.
61 hert z m ax ., 59 her tz min .
This ap pli ance has been desig ned f or refri gerati ng p urposes an d is op erable o n either 120 vo lt AC or 12 volt DC when inst alled as
directed by this manual.
The location of the mod el and serial number may be found attached to the front bottom trim or on the cabinet liner immediately
adj acen t to t he t ri m rail. ( See Figu re 1)
Before installing your refrigerator, record and retain the model and serial number for future reference and warranty purposes.
Mo del N o ._______________________________________________Ser i al No . __________________________________________________
Dat e O f Pu r c h a se ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dealer’s Na me ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
In preparing the DE-560 for installation, the following areas
should be considered:
Adequate ventilation.
Sizing of supply wire and fuse protection.
Direct wiring from battery to avoid electrical interference
with other equipment.
Provisions to prevent battery run-down.
Provid e c or rec t vo l t age and f requenc y f o r AC operati o n.
Proper grounding to prevent electrolysis for marine appl ica-
These instructions provide a guide to insure compliance to the
situ at i on s l ist ed ab o ve.
The Norc ol d d u al vo lt ag e ref ri g erato r i s d esig n ed fo r t he r ecreational vehicle, Marine industry, as well as under the counter installations. A typical R.V. installation, for instance, requires the refrigerato r to op erate on 12 vo lt DC whi le in t ransit an d 120 volt AC
while parked. The Norcold refrigerator automatically converts
from one power source to the other.
Unlike the absorption-type refrigerator, which requires a constant heat so urce fo r eff icien t op eratio n, you r du al volt age ref rigerato r operat es on th e same p rinci ple as t he stand ard do mesti c
refrigerator. That is, it has an electrically operated compressor
and u ses f r eo n as i t s r ef r i g er at i n g medium.
Location and Ventilation
Be sure the refrigerator is not installed in direct sunlight, or near
a gas stove, heater or other heat generating sources. A f langed
mounting frame is provided around the front of the refrigerator
cabinet to allow built-in installation.
The refr ig erat o r m u st b e l oc ated an d secu red on a sol id su rf ace
within the vehicle.
The op enin g cu t-ou t d im ensi ons fo r th e refri gerat or are l isted in
Table 1. M easure fo r the op enin g and det erm ine if you h ave the
pro per clearances for installation. There i s no need f or allowing
an area around the cabinet for additional insulation as the Norcold refrigerator is well insulated and requires no additional insulation.
Table 1
Refrigerator Cut-Out Opening (inches)
DE-56052 7/823 1/223 1/ 4
If the power suppl y connections are not accessible after the refrigerator is installed, provisions must be made to make AC and
DC connections before sliding the refrigerator in place.
Place the refrigerator into the wall opening and secure it in
place by fastening the mounting flange to the wall through the
holes provided.
Please not e the louvered access p anel (Kickplate) at the front
base of the refrigerator (See Figure 1). This panel allows air
movement to flow und er the cabinet and over the power supply
for cooling.
Figur e 1
The rear side of the unit must not be closed off without providing ventilation.
reject ed h eat to escape.
For tr avel t rai lers, a sm al l l o uver-t yp e vent o f ap p r oxi m at ely 6" x
16" area may be installed at the top and at the bottom of the
exterior wall of the vehicle for outside venting purposes.
At least 100 sq. i nch es m ust be p rovi ded t o all ow
Wall Mount
Overall H ei ght (A) = 54 29/32"
Overall Wid t h = 25"
Dept h Int o Aisl e ( B) = 5/32"
Figur e 2
Overa ll Dim e nsions
Floor Mount
Overall H ei ght (A) = 53 1/2"
Overall Wid t h = 25"
Dept h Int o Aisl e ( B) = 5/32"
A combination of a roof jack and lower vent or two side vents
offers adequate venting for high outside ambient temperatures.
The m ore air c ircu lati ng o ver the co nden ser (lo cated at rear), t he
more efficient the refrigerator will operate. Failure to provide the
necessary ventilation will result in poor refrigeration.
When in stall atio n in corp orat es exteri or vent ing and op eratio n at
low o ut sid e am b ien t t em p eratu res is n ecessary ( bel ow 23° F), exterior venting must be covered or reduced cooling efficiency in
cabinet will result.
Power Supply
Provisions are made for connection of either 12 volts DC or 120
volt s AC to t he ref rig erator. If bo th 12 volt s DC and 120 vo lts AC
are simultaneously supplied, a special relay in the refrigerator
po wer supp ly al lows th e unit to ru n on 120 vol ts AC. To conver t
to DC power, the AC supply is simply d isconnected.
DC Power Connection
The DC p ower connection is located at the rear of the unit as
shown in Figure 3. Remove the screw from t he top center of the
access panel and remove the panel. The DC terminal box is located in the control power supply assembly. The positive and
negative DC supply connections are located in this terminal b ox.
The terminal box is provided with knock-out holes for routing the
DC lead wi res t hr ou g h th e si d e of t he t erminal b o x .
This rec om m en ded wi re si ze is t o p revent a vo lt age d ro p at th e
refrigerator which is critical to DC performance.
Use of w ire sizes small er t han th ose li sted may cau se exc essive
DC running time, shorter battery life, and poor performance due
to line loss.
It is important that the 12 volt, DC supply wires be connected
directly to the battery and that the wires are dedicated to the
refrigerator (other appliances are connected by separate wires).
This practice minim izes the possibility of radio and T.V. interference. Twisting the positive and negative supply wires further
helps to nullify the induction effects which could further add to
radio/ T.V. interference.
To the leads located in the terminal box, connect the positive
battery lead to the red wire and the negative battery lead to the
black wire (important to be well insulated). These splices should
be soldered or connected by m eans of an app roved splice connector. Tape the spliced connections generously before replacing
the terminal cover box.
A 15 amp fuse should be installed as close to the battery as
po ssibl e in t he po sitive w ire lead ing to t he refr igerat or. Thi s fuse
will protect the wiring from the battery to the refrigerator in the
event of a short circuit.
Further information on DC supplies can be found later in this
Figur e 3
CAUTION: The DC lead wires must be p rotect ed from physical
damage to the insulation. Approved wire clamps must
be used at the knock-out hole according to governing
codes such as National Electric Code, ART.555 or
ABYC Section E9.15 or the specific local code.
The size of the wire from your 12 volt DC battery is dependent
up on t he d istan ce b etween t he ref rig erato r and the b att ery. Refer
to Tab l e 2 fo r wi re si ze.
The 120 volt AC po wer connection is made by connecting the
refri g erato r’s AC co rd to a stan dar d 120 vo lt g rounded receptacle
(See Figu r e 3).
The 120 vol t AC supp ly wi res, to wh ich th e refrig erator i s connected, should be routed through the fuse panel or circuit
break er th at p ro t ect s t h e vehi c le w hen an ou t side po wer so u rce i s
used. This connection should be permanently wired in accordance with existing governing codes.
is not recommended.
The use of an extension cord
Spe cia l Req uire me nts For
M arine I nstallatio ns:
The DE-560 is int ernall y wired so that the AC and DC c ircui ts ar e isol ated f rom eac h o th er. If t he p osi ti ve (+ 12 volt s)
DC input is grounded in any way (cuts in the wire insulation,
improperly insulated connections, etc.), a voltage potential
could be developed throughout the boat in which corrosion
develops on any metal parts exposed to water.
This situation may be avoided by wiring the boat so that
AC and DC grounds are comm on and wiring is protected per
NNMA CERTIFICATION HANDBOOK (1987). Insp ec t al l wi ri n g
to insure that insulation has not been damaged. Plastic wire
clamps are rec omm en d ed .
To obtain more information on corrosion, a good reference
by Yacht Corrosion Consultants, Inc.
2368 Eastm an Ave. # 6, Ventura, Ca. 93003.
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