Thermopro TP-01 User Manual

Digital Instant Read Thermometer
Model No. TP-01
Key Definition
Displ ay
Stain le ss S te el P ro be
ON/O FF Switch
Fa hre nhe it/ Cel siu s Swi tch
1. Sta inless Steel Pr obe: Inser t pro be into meat to rec eive internal m eat
2. O N /OFF Sw itch: P owers th e u nit on or off, depe nding on th e p osit ion of the switch.
3. Fahr enheit/ Cel sius S witch: De pending o n the position of th e switch, meat temper atu re wil l be dis played in Celsi us or Fa hrenhei t.
4. Display: Shows internal meat te mpera ture. This food t h e r m o m e t e r quickly m e a s u r e s the temperature o f a f o o d in
about 1 0 to 15 sec ond s. It is no t designe d to rem ain in the foo d whil e it is co oking , b ut shoul d b e u s ed near th e e n d o f t he estim ated coo king tim e to ch eck for fin a l c ooki n g t emper ature s. To pre v ent over cooki ng, chec k the tem peratur e before the food is e xpe cted t o finish cooking.
Be fore u sing , w ash or wi pe clea n the sta inle ss stee l probe i n h ot, soapy water. Rinse and dry thor oughl y to remo ve any re sidue which may remain from the crafting process. Not recommended for Dishwasher cleaning after use. Do not leave thermometer in food while cooking.
In sert pro b e o f t hermo m eter int o t h ickes t p a rt of meat. En s ure the tip is not touching bone, gristle, cooking pan or is inserted in the cavity, Because the cen ter of a food is us ual ly coo ler th an the o uter s urf ace, p lace t he tip in t he cen ter of th e thic kest part of th e f ood.
Battery No:L1154F
Ground Meat & Meat Mixtures
Turkey, Chicken (including patties)
Veal, Beef, Lamb, Pork
(including patties)
Fresh Beef
Medium Rare Medium Well Done
Fresh Veal
Medium Rare Medium Well Done
63/145 71/160 76/170
63/145 71/160 76/170
Fresh Lamb
Medium Rare Medium Well Done
63/145 71/160 76/170
*Fo r reasons of p e r s o n a l pref e r e n c e , consumer s may c h o ose t o cook pou ltry at high er t emper ature s . The USDA ® d o es not reco m mend rar e 140 degr e e s F as a safe eatin g tem p erature . T h e t e mperatu r e s o n t h e ch art are r ecom mend ed for co nsum er cook ing, b ut are not i nten ded for p r o c e s sing, i n stitut i o n a l , o r food s e r vice p r e parati o n . Food s ervice profe ssi ona ls should c onsult th eir state or loc al food cod e.
Fresh Pork
Chicken & Turkey, whole
Roasts and Breasts
Thighs and Wings Duck and Goose Stuffing (cooked alone or in bi fd)
Fresh (raw)
Pre-Cooked (to reheat)
Eggs and Egg Dishes
Egg dishes
Leftover & Casseroles
74/165 74/165 74/165 74/165 74/165
71/160 60/140
Cook until yolk & White are firm
71/160 74/165
ThermoPr o warrants thi s product t o be fre e of defect s in parts, m aterials and wor kma nship for a period of 90 days, f rom date of purchase .
Shoul d any repai rs or se rvicing u nder this warranty be requ ired, con tact Customer Service by phone or emai l for in structions on how to pack and ship th e product to ThermoPro.
Telephone: 1-877-515-77 97(US A & Canada only) Email: service@buythermopr Hours: Weekdays 9:00 AM- 5:00 PM E ST This warranty give s you specific legal right s and you may also have o ther
rights which vary fr om state to state.
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