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The TSB12LV32 (GP2Lynx) is a high-performance general-purpose IEEE P1394a link-layer controller
(LLC) with the capability of transferring data between a host controller, the 1394 Phy-link interface, and
external devices connected to the data mover port (local bus interface). The 1394 Phy-link interface
provides the connection to the 1394 physical layer device and is supported by the LLC. The LLC provides
the control for transmitting and receiving 1394 packet data between the microcontroller interface and the
Phy-link interface via internal 2K byte FIFOs at rates up to 400 Mbit/s. The TSB12LV32 transmits and
receives correctly formatted 1394 packets, generates and detects the 1394 cycle start packets,
communicates transaction layer transmit requests to the Phy , and generates and inspects the 32-bit cyclic
redundancy check (CRC). The TSB12L V32 is capable of being cycle master (CM), isochronous resource
manager (IRM), bus manager, and supports reception of isochronous data on two channels.
The TSB12LV32 supports a direct interface to many microprocessors/microcontrollers including
programmable endian swapping. TSB12LV32 has a generic 16/8-bit host bus interface which includes
support for the ColdFire microcontroller mode at rates up to 60 MHz. The microinterface may operate in
byte or word (16 bit) accesses. The data mover block in GP2Lynx is meant to handle an external memory
interface of large data blocks. The port can be configured to either transmit or receive data packets. The
packets can be either asynchronous, isochronous, or streaming data packets. Asynchronous or
isochronous receive packets will be routed to the DM port or the GRF via the receiver routing control logic.
The internal FIFO is separated into a transmit FIFO and a receive FIFO each of 517 quadlets (2 Kbytes).
Asynchronous packets may be transmitted from the DM port or the internal FIFO. If there is contention the
FIFO has priority and will be transmitted first.
The LLC also provides the capability to receive status information from the physical layer device and to
access the physical layer control and status registers by the application software.
1.2TSB12LV32 Features
•Compliant With IEEE 1394-1995 Standards and P1394a Supplement for High Performance
Serial Bus
•Supports Transfer Rates of 400, 200, or 100 Mbit/s
•Compatible With Texas Instruments Physical Layer Controllers (Phys)
•Supports the Texas Instruments Bus Holder Galvanic Isolation Barrier
•Glueless Interface to 68000 and ColdFire Microcontrollers/Microprocessors
•Supports ColdFire Burst Transfers
•2K-Byte General Receive FIFO (GRF) Accessed Through Microcontroller Interface Supports
•Programmable Microcontroller Interface With 8-Bit or 16-Bit Data Bus, Multiple Modes of
Operation Including Burst Mode, and Clock Frequency to 60 MHz.
•8-Bit or 16-Bit Data Mover Port (DM Port) Supports Isochronous, Asynchronous, and Streaming
Transmit/Receive From an Unbuffered Port at a Clock Frequency of 25 MHz.
•Backward Compatible With All TSB12LV31(GPLynx) Microcontroller and Data Mover
Functionality in Hardware.
•Four-Channel Support for Isochronous Transmit From Unbufferred 8/16 Bit Data Mover Port.
•Single 3.3-V Supply Operation With 5-V Tolerance Using 5-V Bias Terminals.
•High Performance 100-Pin PZ Package
Implements technology covered by one or more patents of Apple Computer, Incorporated and SGS Thomson, Limited.
The terminal functions are described in Table 1–1.
T able 1–1. Terminal Functions
Microcontroller/Microprocessor Interface
BCLK6IMicrointerface clock. Maximum frequency is 60 MHz. In the ColdFire mode,
COLDFIRE12IColdFire mode. To operate in this mode, COLDFIRE must be asserted high.
LENDIAN75ILittle-endian mode for the microinterface. When this terminal is pulled up, the
MA0 – MA624 – 21
19 – 17
M8BIT/SIZ013IConfiguration bit for microinterface. If the microinterface is 8 bits wide, this
MCMODE/SIZ114IMode bit for microinterface. If the microinterface wants to communicate in a
MCA4OMicrointerface cycle acknowledge. When asserted low, MCA signals an
MCS7IMicrointerface cycle start. When asserted low, MCS signals the beginning of a
MDINV11IMicrointerface data invariant mode. This terminal is meaningful only when
MD0 – MD1599 – 96
94 – 91
89 – 86
84 – 81
MWR8IMicrocontroller read/write indicator. When asserted high, MWR indicates a read
TEA3OTransfer error acknowledge. This active-low signal is asserted low for one BCLK
BCLK is the same as CLK, which is the clock-input signal to the ColdFire.
data on MD0–MD15 will be byte-swapped to little endian byte format before it is
written to the CFR or FIFO and after it is read from the CFR or FIFO.
IMicrocontroller address bus. MA0 is the most significant bit (MSB) of these 7 bits.
terminal must be pulled up to the supply voltage. In ColdFire mode, this terminal
represents burst SIZ0.
handshake manner this terminal must be pulled up to the supply voltage. When
the ColdFire mode terminal (12) is high, this terminal represents burst SIZ1.
acknowledge of the microcontroller cycle from the TSB12L V32.
microcontroller operation to the TSB12L V32.
LENDIAN (75) is high. When asserted high, the microinterface operates in the
data invariant mode. When low, the microinterface operates in address invariant
I/OMicrointerface bidirectional data bus. MD0 is the most significant bit. However,
byte significance is dependent on the state of the LENDIAN and MDINV
access from the TSB12LV32. When asserted low , MWR
to the TSB12LV32.
cycle whenever there is an illegal transfer request by the microcontroller (i.e.,
requested data transfer size is unsupported or MCS
one BCLK cycle in ColdFire mode).
indicates a write access
is asserted low for more than
T able 1–1. Terminal Functions (Continued)
Data-Mover Port Interface
DMD0–DMD1526 – 29
31 – 34
36 – 39
41 – 44
DMCLK46OData mover clock at (SCLK/2) MHz
DMDONE50OData mover done. For transmit, this will be activated when the packet per block
DMERROR52OData mover error. DMERROR is asserted high when there is an error in the
DMPRE48OData mover predata indicator. In transmit mode, DMPRE pulses for one DMCLK
DMREADY77IData mover ready. Must be asserted high by the external logic controlling the DM
DMRW49OData mover read/write indicator. When data is being moved from 1394 to the DM
PKTFLAG51OPacket flag. When set, PKTFLAG is asserted high to indicate the first (header) or
CTL0, CTL170, 69I/OPhy-link interface control lines.
D0–D767, 66,
LINKON64ILink-on from the Phy is a 4 MHz – 8 MHz clock. This signal will be activated when
LPS53OLink power status. LPS is used to drive the LPS input to the Phy. It indicates to the
LREQ74OLink request to Phy. LREQ makes bus requests and register access requests to
SCLK72ISystem clock. SCLK is a 49.152 MHz clock supplied by the Phy. DMCLK is
I/OData mover (DM) bidirectional data port. DMD0 is the MSB of these 16 bits.
counter in the CFR counts down to zero. For receive, this terminal will pulse for
one DMCLK prior to the first byte/word available to the DM interface.
received packet or an illegal transmit speed was attempted.
prior to sending the first quadlet. In isochronous receive mode, DMPRE will pulse
for one DMCLK when the sync bit in the header matches a bit set in the
isochronous register. DMPRE is not used in asynchronous receive mode.
interface when it is ready to supply data for transmit. DMREADY must be set low
when the data mover is in receive mode.
port (receive) this signal will go active high to indicate data is available on
DMD[0:15]. When data is being moved from DM to 1394 bus (transmit) this signal
will go active high to indicate that data must be supplied to the DMD[0:15] port for
last (trailer) quadlet of a received packet on the DM interface. PKTFLAG is not
valid in transmit mode.
Phy/Link Interface
I/OPhy-link interface data lines. Data is only expected on D0 and D1 at 100 Mbit/s,
D0–D3 at 200 Mbit/s, and D0–D7 at 400 Mbit/s. D0 is the MSB bit.
the link is inactive and the Phy has detected a link-on packet or a Phy interrupt.
This clock will persist for no more than 500 ns. When the link detects this terminal
as active, it will turn on and drive LPS.
Phy that the link is powered up and active. LPS toggles at a rate = 1/16 of BCLK.
the Phy.
generated from SCLK.
T able 1–1. Terminal Functions (Continued)
Miscellaneous Functions
CONTNDR65I/OContender. When asserted high, this terminal tells the link that this node is a
CYCLEIN76ICycle in. This input is an optional external 8-kHz clock used as the isochronous
CYSTART2OIsochronous cycle start indicator. CYSTAR T signals the beginning an isochronous
DIRECT79IIsolation terminal. When this terminal is asserted high, no isolation is present
GND5, 25, 30,
INT1OInterrupt. NOR of all internal interrupts.
STAT0–STAT254 – 56OGeneral status outputs. STATn is the output signal selected with the CFR at
TESTMODE16IThis terminal is used to place the TSB12LV32 in the test mode. In normal
VDD5V10, 35, 855 V (± 0.5V) supply voltage for 5-V tolerant inputs. Only the Phy/link interface side
45, 57, 73,
78, 90,
15, 20, 40,
47, 68, 71,
80, 95
contender for isochronous resource manager (IRM) or bus manager functions.
The state of the CONTNDR must match the state of the Phy contender terminal for
1394-1995 compliant Phys, and the Phy register bit for 1394.A compliant Phys.
This terminal defaults to being an input on power up. After power up, the value of
this terminal may be driven internally by the CTNDRSTAT bit (bit#12 at 08h)
cycle clock. It should only be used if attached to the cycle-master node. It is
enabled by the cycle source bit and should be tied high when not used.
cycle by pulsing for one DMCLK period.
between the TSB12LV32 and the Phy. When low, bus holder isolation becomes
of the TSB12LV32 is not 5-V tolerant. T ie this terminal to the 3.3-V supply voltage if
the TSB12LV32 is not connected to any devices driving 5-V signals. Tie this
terminal to the 5-V supply voltage if the TSB12L V32 is connected to any devices
driving 5-V signals. This terminal is only used to make inputs 5-V tolerant, it is not
used for any outputs.
3.3 V (± 0.3 V) supply voltage
1.5.1STAT0, STAT1, and STAT2 Programming
ST AT0, ST AT1 and ST AT2 terminals can be independently programmed to show one of fourteen possible
internal hardware status. The controls for the ST AT terminals are in the
of the CFR register. STAT0 is controlled by STATSEL0(bits 16–19), STAT1 is controlled by bits
STATSEL1(bits 20–23), and STAT2 is controlled by STATSEL2 (bits 24–27). Refer to Table 1–2 for
programming the STAT terminals.
T able 1–2. STAT Terminals Programming
0001ATFFULLATF is full. Bit 12 in CFR at 30h.
0010Bus Reset1394 Bus reset. Bit 3 in CFR at 0Ch
0011Arbitration reset gapBit 26 in CFR at 0Ch
0111BX_BUSYByte busy. This represents the OR of bits 0 – 3 of CFR at 20h
1011DMACKERRDM acknowledge was not Complete. Bit 17 in CFR at 0Ch
1100DMENDM enable. Bit 26 in CFR at 04h
Cycle out. This is the link’s cycle clock. It is based on the timer
controls and the received cycle-start messages.
Packet received to DM interrupt. Activated at the end of a received
packet. Bit 9 in CFR at 0Ch
Packet received to GRF interrupt. Activated at the end of a received
packet. . Bit 6 of CFR at 0Ch
Subaction gap. Activated upon detection of a subaction gap. Bit 27
in CFR at 0Ch
Cycle done. Indicates the end of the isochronous period. This
happens when a subaction gap has been detected.
(default setting for STAT1)
(default setting for STAT2)
Activated when an asynchronous packet transfer has started from
the ATF. Bit 5 in CFR at 0Ch
NOTES: A. All dark gray areas (bits) are reserved bits.
B. All light gray areas are read-only bits. All remaining are read/write bits.
Phy Access
FIFO Status
Bus Reset
(to 1394 Bus)
(from 1394
T able 2–2. Header Usage for CFRs 38h–44h
Header 0 CFR formatted for isochronous transmission.
Header1 – Header3 are used for additional channels.
Isochronous header supplied by DM interface. Header0 CFR
is automatically written with extracted (from transmitted
packet) isochronous header.
Header0–Header3 CFRs formatted for asynchronous transmission.
Asynchronous header supplied by DM interface. Header0 –
Header3 CFRs are automatically written with extracted (from
transmitted packet) header.
Header0 – Header3 are always automatically updated. The
isochronous header is streamed through the DM port. The
trailer quadlet is always appended to the data stream.
Header0 – Header3 are always automatically updated. The
isochronous header is streamed through the DM port along
with the payload data. The trailer quadlet is always appended
to the data stream.
Header0 – Header3 are always automatically updated.
Asynchronous headers are not streamed through the DM
port. The trailer quadlet is always appended to the data
Header0 – Header3 are always automatically updated.
Asynchronous headers are streamed through the DM port
along with data. The trailer quadlet is always appended to the
data stream.
This register controls the Data Mover port and must be set up before using the port. The power-up reset
value of this register = 0000_0000’h
12ENDSWAPEndian SwapR/WSwap endian. When this bit is set, the quadlet formed by
13BYTEMODEByte ModeR/WByte mode. When this bit is set the DM port will only look
22–23SPEEDDM Speed
Packets per
R/WNumber of packets per block. A packet is the size of the
data payload and is specified as part of the header. The
data mover logic uses this value to deactivate DMDONE.
This field is only used in transmit mode.
stacking the DM data will be byte reversed, (i.e. the
quadlet formed by fetching doublet AB01 then ‘CD02’ will
be 02CD–01AB instead of AB01CD02). In byte mode the
quadlet formed by fetching AB, 01, CD, 0 will be
02CD01AB instead of AB01CD02.
at DM0–DM7. DM8–DM15 will be ignored for transmit
and will not be driven on receive. In this mode, the
maximum speed allowed is 200 Mbps.
R/WHandshake. When this bit is 1 DMREADY and DMDONE
are in strict handshake mode (i.e., TSB12LV31
compatible mode). DMREADY must not be deactivated
until DMDONE activates. When this bit is set to 0,
DMREADY may be deactivated before DMDONE
R/WAutomatic update offset address. Valid only for
Address Up-
asynchronous transmit using header insert mode (bit 27
DMHDR set to 1). For write request asynchronous
packets, header quadlet 2 contains the destination offset
low address for the write. When this bit is set, header
quadlet 2 will be updated by the value of the payload size
(rounded up to the nearest quadlet boundary).
RDM acknowledge. This is the ack received from the
receiving node. This is updated only when the transfer is
from the DM port.
R/WSpeed code. This is valid for isochronous transmit and
asynchronous transmit through the DM port. The DM
logic uses this field to specify to the Phy the speed of the
isochronous transfer.
26DMENDM EnableR/WDMEN controls the transmission of packets from the DM
27DMHDRDM Header
Insert Control
28–29AR0, AR1Receive
31DMRXDM ReceiveR/WIf this bit is set to 1 the DM port is configured to receive.
R/WChannel count. This field is valid only in isochronous
transmit. This field allows the node to transmit multiple
packets during a single isochronous period. Each packet
must have a different channel number, however,
hardware does not check this. When the isochronous
transmit header is supplied by the DM interface or
automatically inserted by the hardware, a maximum of
four different channels may be accessed in one
isochronous period. In isochronous transmit with
automatic header insert, Header0–Header3 CFRs are
used as the isochronous header registers.
port. If this bit is 0, transmission through from the DM port
is inhibited. This is used for asynchronous flow control. In
normal operation, if an asynchronous packet transmitted from the DM port receives an acknowledge from
the receiving node other than
be set to 0 and DMERROR is asserted high. Software will
need to set this bit to allow further transmission of
asynchronous packets from the DM port. The default and
power-up value is 0.
R/WDM header insert bit. When set to 0, the hardware will
automatically insert the header(s) into the DM transmit
data. In receive, setting this bit to 0 will strip off the
header(s) before routing packet to the DM. Header(s) are
always written to the CFR header registers regardless of
the value of DMHDR.
R/WReceive packet routing control encoded bits. These bits
in conjunction with DMASYNC and DMRX bits in the DM
control register controls the routing of the received
packet to either the data mover port or to the GRF . Refer
to Table 4–1.
R/WIf this bit is set to 1 the DM port is configured for
asynchronous traffic only. The DM port can not accept
both asynchronous and isochronous traffic. It must be
configured for asynchronous (DMASYNC = 1) or
isochronous (DMASYNC = 0).
The DM port cannot both transmit and receive data at the
same time, it must be configured for either transmit or
The control register dictates the basic operation of the TSB12L V32. The power-up reset value of this register
equals E004_0200’h
2FULLSIDSave full
3PHY_PKT_ENAPhy Packets
4BSYCTRLBusy ControlR/W BSYCTRL controls which busy status the chip returns to
R/W This bit controls the flushing of the GRF when a packet with
on error
a data CRC error is detected. The power–up value is 1,
which means flush the GRF when a data CRC error is
R/W If set, the self-identification (SID) packets generated by Phy
devices during the bus initialization are received and placed
into the GRF as a single packet. The default setting of this
bit is 1. When set to 0, the SIDs are not placed into the GRF .
R/W Save the full self-ID packets.When this bit is 1 the self-ID
Self-ID Packet
in GRF
data quadlet and its inverse quadlet are saved in the GRF.
When this bit is 0 only the self-ID data quadlet is saved in the
R/W Phy packet enable allows reception of all Phy packets. If this
bit is reset to 0, all Phy packets, except for self-IDs, will be
rejected and interrupt HDERR (if not masked) will be
generated. One HDERR interrupt will be generated for
every Phy packet received.
incoming packets. When this bit is 0 the chip follows normal
busy/retry protocol, only send busy when necessary. When
this bit is 1 the chip sends a busy acknowledge to all
incoming packets following the normal busy/retry protocol.
R/W When TXEN is cleared, the transmitter does not arbitrate or
send packets. TXEN bit is cleared following a bus reset, and
all traffic through the DM port will be interrupted. TXEN must
be set before packet transmit can resume. Power-on reset
value of TXEN is 0
R/W When RXEN is cleared, the receiver does not receive any
packets. This bit is not affected by a bus reset and is set to 0
after a power-on reset.
R/W Enable acceleration. When this bit is set, fly-by acceleration
and accelerated arbitration are enabled. This bit cannot be
set while TXEN and RXEN are set. This bit must only be
used with a 1394a capable Phy.
R/W Enable concatenation. When this bit is set it allows the link
to concatenate multiple isochronous or asynchronous
packets. This bit must only be used with a 1394a capable
Insert Idle
R/W Per P1394a, the link is required to insert an idle state on the
control lines after the Phy grants the link control of the
Phy/link interface. If using a P1394a Phy, this bit should be
set to 1 in order for the link to drive an idle state following the
grant state from the Phy. For 1394-1995 Phys this bit must
remain low.
Driver Enable
15BUSNRSTBus number
reset enable
16–17BDIV0, BDIV1BCLK divisor
encode bits
R/W When RSTTX is set, the entire transmitter resets
synchronously. This bit clears itself.
R/W When RSTRX is set, the entire receiver resets
synchronously. This bit clears itself.
R/W Contender status. On power up, this bit reflects the status of
the CONTNDR pin. When bit 13, CTNDRISIN, is 0 this bit
will be driven out to the CONTNDR pin. If CTNDRISIN is 1
this bit is not used. (Only use on 1394–1995 Phys, or
P1394a Phys when using hardware reset, otherwise, use
the 1394a Phy registers to set the nodes contender status).
R/W Driver enable for the CONTNDR pin. On power up this bit is
set to 1 which disables the driver and allows reading of the
state of the CONTNDR pin. Writing a 0 to this bit will enable
the driver and will drive bit 12, CTNDRSTAT, to the
R/W When this enable is set to high, the bus number field clears
to 3FFh when a local bus reset is received.
BCLK divisors encode bits. Used to divide down the BCLK
to generate the link power status (LPS) clock to the Phy.
00Divide by 16. Default power on value.
01Divide by 2. Recommended for BCLK
10Divide by 4. Recommended for BCLK
11Divide by 32. Recommended for BCLK
Recommended for BCLK frequencies in
the range of 8 – 88 MHz.
frequencies in the range of 1 – 1 1 MHz.
frequencies in the range of 2 – 22 MHz.
frequencies in the range of 16 – 176
R/W Data mover acknowledge complete. This bit controls the
acknowledge response to an asynchronous packet
received and routed to the DM port. The default and power
on value is 0 which means to respond with ack pending. A 1
means to respond with an ack complete for write request
R/W FIFO acknowledge complete. This bit controls the
acknowledge response to an asynchronous packet
received and routed to the GRF. The default and power on
value is 0 which means to respond with ack pending. A 1
means to respond with ack complete.
20CYMASCycle MasterR/W When CYMAS is set and the TSB12LV32 is attached to the
21CYSRCCycle SourceR/W When CYSRC is set, the cycle_count field increments and
22CYTENCycle timer
24–27SIDERCODESelf-ID error
28CMAUTOAuto set cycle
29IRP1ENIR port 1
30IRP2ENIR port 2
root Phy, the cyclemaster function is enabled. When the
cycle_count field of the cycle timer register increments, the
transmitter sends a cycle-start packet.
the cycle_offset field resets for each positive transition of
CYCLEIN. When CYSRC is cleared, the cycle_count field
increments when the cycle_offset field rolls over .
R/W When CYTEN is set, the cycle_offset field increments.
WWhen CLRSIDER is set, the SIDERCODE field (bits 24–27)
is cleared.This bit clears itself.
SIDERCODE contains the error code of the first Self-ID
Error. The error code is as follows:
0000No error
0001Last self-ID received was not all child ports
0010Received Phy ID in self-ID not as expected
0011Quadlet not inverted (phase error)
0100Phy ID sequence error (two or more gaps in IDs)
0101Phy ID sequence error (large gap in IDs)
0110Phy ID error within packet
0111Quadlet not the inversion of the prior quadlet
R/W When CMAUTO is high, the TSB12LV32 automatically
enables CYMAS when the this node becomes the root
following a bus reset.
R/W When IRP1EN is set, the receiver accepts isochronous
packets when the channel number matches the value in the
IR port1 field at18h
R/W When IRP2EN is set, the receiver accepts isochronous
packets when the channel number matches the value in the
IR Port2 field at18h
2.2.4Interrupt/Interrupt Mask Register at 0Ch and 10h
The interrupt and interrupt mask register work in tandem to inform the host bus interface when the state of
the TSB12L V32 changes. The interrupt register is at 0Ch, the interrupt mask register is at 10h. The interrupt
register powers up all 0s, however, the interrupt mask register powers up with the INT and the MCERROR
bit set, i.e. 8000_1000h. The mask bits allows individual control for each interrupt. A 1 in the mask bit field
allows the corresponding interrupt in the interrupt register to be generated. Once an interrupt is generated
it must be cleared by writing a 1 to the bit in the interrupt register. For testing, each interrupt bit can be set
manually . This is done by first setting the REGRW bit at20h and then setting the individual interrupt bit. This
is also true for bit 0 at0Ch. In this test mode, the interrupt mask register is not used and has no effect.
0INTInterruptR/WINT contains the value of all interrupt and interrupt mask bits
1PHINTPhy chip
2PHRRXPhy register
3PHRSTPhy reset
7CMDRSTCSR register
8DMERRORData Mover
9RXDMPKTData Mover
10SELFIDERSelf-ID packet
ORed together
R/WWhen PHINT is set, the Phy has signalled an interrupt
through the Phy interface
R/WWhen PHRRX is set, a register value has been transferred to
the Phy access register (offset 24h) from the Phy interface
R/WWhen PHRST is set, a Phy-LLC reconfiguration has started
(1394 bus reset)
R/WSelf-ID end. This bit is set at the end of the self-ID reporting
process. When this bit is set, the contentF of the bus reset
CFR at34h is valid.
R/WAsynchronous transfer started. Activated when the bus has
transfer started
been granted and the first quadlet from the FIFO is about to
be popped from the ATF.
R/WReceive packet to GRF . This bit is set whenever a complete
packet has been confirmed into the GRF (asynchronous or
R/WIf CMDRST is set, the receiver has been sent a quadlet write
reset request
request to the Reset_Start CSR register(target address is
R/WDM error. This bit will be set whenever there is an error in the
DM stream. For transmit, if the DM port is configured for byte
access and the speed code in the DM control register or the
asynchronous header register is set for 400 Mbps then this
bit will be set. Under this condition DMEN will be reset to 0
preventing further transmit. For receive this bit will be set if
there is a header or data CRC error or if the DM port is configured for byte access and the data is received at 400 Mbps.
R/WReceive packet to DM. This bit is set whenever a packet is
packet receive
received to the DM port.
R/WSet if an error in the self-ID quadlet/packet has been de-
11LINKONLink-ON detectR/WSet if a link-on pulse is detected on the LINKON input termi-
12ATSTKTransmitter is
stuck (AT)
sent by receiver
15HDRERRHeader errorR/WWhen HDRERR is set, the receiver detected a header CRC
code error
17DMACKERRData Mover
20CYSECCycle second
21CYSTCycle startedR/WWhen CYST is set, the transmitter has sent or the receiver
22CYDNECycle doneR/WWhen CYDNE is set, an arbitration gap has been detected
24CYLSTCycle lostR/WWhen CYLST is set, the cycle timer has rolled over twice
arbitration failed
26ARBGPArbitration gapR/WWhen ARBGP is set, the serial bus has been idle for an ar-
nal. This bit should be used by software to reactivate the LPS
output to the Phy .
R/WWhen ATSTK is set, the transmitter has detected invalid data
at the asynchronous transmit-FIFO interface. If the first
quadlet of a packet is not written to the ATF_First or
ATF_First&Update, the underflow of the ATF also causes an
ATStuck interrupt. When this state is entered, no asynchronous packets can be sent until the ATF is cleared by way of
the CLR ATF control bit. Isochronous packets can be sent
while in this state.
R/WATFEMPTY. This bit is set to 1 when the ATF is empty.
R/WWhen SNTRJ is set, the receiver is forced to send a busy ac-
knowledge to a packet addressed to this node because the
GRF overflowed.
error on an incoming packet that may have been addressed
to this node.
R/WWhen TCERR is set, the transmitter detected an invalid
transaction code in the data at the transmit-FIFO interface.
R/WDM acknowledge error. Set to 1 when the acknowledge re-
ceived is not
of the DM Control CFR at04h will be reset to 0 and no more
asynchronous transmit from the DM port will be allowed to
take place until DMEN is set to 1.
R/WFIFO ack interrupt. This bit will be set when an acknowledge
from a previous ATF transmit has been received.
R/WMicro-interface error. Set whenever the microcontroller write
protocol is violated.
R/WWhen CYSEC is set, the cycle-second field in the cycle timer
register has incremented. This occurs about every second
when the cycle timer is enabled.
has received a cycle-start packet.
on the bus after the transmission or reception of a cycle-start
packet. This indicates that the isochronous cycle is over.
without the reception of a cycle-start packet. This occurs
only when this node is not the cycle master. All isochronous
traffic stop once CYLST is set. However , asynchronous and
asynchronous streaming traffic will not be affected.
R/WWhen CARBFL is set, the arbitration to send a cycle-start
packet has failed.
bitration reset gap.
ack complete
. When this occurs, DMEN(bit 26)
27SUBGPSubaction gapR/WWhen SUBGP is set, the serial bus has been idle for a subac-
arbitration failed
tion gap time (fair-gap). This bit can be set only when the
REGRW bit has been set in the diagnostics register at 20h.
R/WWhen IARFL is set, the arbitration to send an isochronous
The power-up reset value of this register = 0000_0000h
0–1TAG1Tag Field 1R/W The TAG1 field can further qualify the isochronous reception
8–9TAG2Tag Field 2R/W The TAG2 field can further qualify the isochronous reception
28IRCVALLReceive all
31MONTAGMatch on tagR/W MONTAG is set when the user wants to only accept
for isochronous Receive PORT1 when the MONT AG bit is set.
R/W IR port1 contains the channel number of the isochronous
receive port
1 channel
packets that the receiver accepts. The receiver accepts
isochronous packets with this channel number when the
IRP1EN is set.
for isochronous Receive PORT2 when the MONT AG bit is set.
R/W IR port2 contains the channel number of the isochronous
receive port
2 channel
packets that the receiver accepts. The receiver accepts
isochronous packets with this channel number when the
IRP2EN is set.
R/W In isochronous receive mode to the DM port, when the
ISYNCRCVN enable bits are high, the DMPRE terminal pulses
when an isochronous packet is received whose SYNC bit field
in its header matches the bit pattern in this field. The default is
R/W When the IRCVALL bit is set high, the TSB12L V32 receives all
isochronous packets regardless of the channel number or tag
number. The default is off.
isochronous packets that match both the tag field and the
channel number field. When set, MONTAG indicates that
isochronous receive data is accepted. The default is off.
This register is used to generate test conditions. The control bits in this register allow errors to be inserted
into various places in the packets generated by this node. After the completion of error insertion, enabled
error-insertion controls are disabled. The power-up reset value of this register = 0000_0000’h
2NO_PKTNo PacketR/WIf NO_PKT is set, the next primary packet to be generated by
3F_ACKAck FieldR/W If F_ACK is set, the ack field shall be used within the next ac-
4NO_ACKR/W If NO_ACK is set, the next acknowledge packet (that would
8–15ACKR/W The 8-bit ACK field contains the 8-bit acknowledge packet
24–31PINGVALUEPing timer
R/W If E_HCRC is set, the packet header CRC component of the
next primary packet generated by this node shall be in error or
shall be invalid; otherwise, this bit has no effect. After the next
packet for this node is generated, this bit will be cleared.
R/W If E_DCRC is set, the packet data CRC component of the next
primary packet generated by this node shall be in error or shall
be invalid; otherwise, this bit has no effect. After the next packet
for this node is generated, this bit will be cleared to zero immediately upon transmission of the erroneous CRC.
this node shall be discarded. This bit will be cleared to zero immediately after the next packet for this node is discarded.
knowledge packet generated by this node. This bit will be
cleared to zero immediately after the next acknowledge packet
for this node is generated.
normally have been generated by this node) is not sent. This bit
will be immediately cleared to zero when the next acknowledge
packet for this node is discarded.
(ack_code and ack_parity) to be supplied when the F_ACK bit
indicates a modified acknowledge packet is to be generated.
R/W Ping timer value. This value reflects the time it takes a node
to respond to a ping packet. The granularity of this timer is
40 ns.
The power-up reset value of this register = 0000_4AD0’h
0B0_BUSYByte 0 busyRByte 0 busy. When this bit is set, no microinterface write to byte 0 of
1B1_BUSYByte 1 busyRByte 1 busy. When this bit is set, no microinterface write to byte 1 of
2B2_BUSYByte 2 busyRByte 2 busy. When this bit is set, no microinterface write to byte 2 of
3B3_BUSYByte 3 busyRByte 3 busy. When this bit is set, no microinterface write to byte 3 of
4B0_PNDByte 0
5B1_PNDByte 1
6B2_PNDByte 2
7B3_PNDByte 3
8RAM_TESTR/W This bit can be set only when TESTMODE is high. When this bit is
any CFRs is allowed. The microinterface must first poll this bit
before writing to byte 0.
any CFRs is allowed. The microinterface must first poll this bit
before writing to byte 1.
any CFRs is allowed. The microinterface must first poll this bit
before writing to byte 2.
any CFRs is allowed. The microinterface must first poll this bit
before writing to byte 3.
RByte 0 pending. When this bit is set, it indicates that byte 0 of a word
or quadlet write has been accepted and the hardware is waiting for
the remaining bytes to be written. When the full write is complete,
this bit will be cleared.
RByte 1 pending. When this bit is set, it indicates that byte 1 of a word
or quadlet write has been accepted and the hardware is waiting for
the remaining bytes to be written. When the full write is complete,
this bit will be cleared.
RByte 2 pending. When this bit is set, it indicates that byte 2 of a word
or quadlet write has been accepted and the hardware is waiting for
the remaining bytes to be written. When the full write is complete,
this bit will be cleared.
RByte 3 pending. When this bit is set, it indicates that byte 3 of a word
or quadlet write has been accepted and the hardware is waiting for
the remaining bytes to be written. When the full write is complete
this bit will be cleared.
set, the built in self test(BIST) for the FIFOs (transmit and receive)
will be run. On completion of the test hardware will reset this bit to 0
and simultaneously set bit 30 and 31.
R/W When REGRW is set, write-protected bits in various registers can
be written to.
R/W Status output select bits. Used to program the output of STAT0
terminal. See table in
R/W Status output select bits. Used to program the output of STAT1
terminal. See table in
R/W Status output select bits. Used to program the output of STAT2
terminal. See table in Operation section.
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