The Texas Instruments TPS61177AEVM evaluation module (EVM) helps designers evaluate the operation
and performance of the TPS61177A High-Efficiency LED Backlight Driver. The device offers configurability
and can be set up to switch at 450 kHz, 600 kHz, 800 kHz, and 1.2 MHz.
The EVM contains one LED driver (see Table 1).
Table 1. Device and Package Configurations
Figure 1. TPS61177AEVM Evaluation Board
This section describes the jumpers and connectors on the EVM, as well as how to properly connect, set
up, and use the TPS61177AEVM.
2.1Input/Output Connector Description
J1 - Input: This header is the power input(VIN) terminal for the boost converter. The terminal provides a
power (VBAT) connection to allow the user to attach the EVM to a power supply.
J2 - Input: This header is the power input (GND) terminal for the boost converter. The terminal provides a
power ground(PGND) connection to allow the user to attach the EVM to a power supply.
J3 - Input: T his header is the power input terminal for the boost converter. The terminal provides a power
and power ground connection to allow the user to attach the EVM to a power supply using a 2-pin IDC
socket and also monitor VIN connected to J1.
J4 - Connector: This connector is for interfacing LED load board via ribbon cable or flying wires.
J5 - GND: This header connects to AGND to provide grounds for signal probing.
J6 - GND: This header connects to AGND to provide grounds for signal probing.
J7 - Input: This header connects to AGND to provide grounds for signal probing.
J8 - Connector: This connector is for interfacing with USB2ANY interface board for I2C communication
J9 - GND: This header connects to AGND to provide grounds for signal probing.
J10 - Connector: This connector is for interfacing LED load board(WLEDEVM-260) via 2 row ribbon
J17 - Connector: This connector is to use PWM signal from USB2ANY instead of VINor external one
chosen by JP9.
J18 - Connector: This connector is to use EN signal from USB2ANY instead of VINor external one
chosen by JP1.
JP1 - Jumper: This jumper is for selecting EN input state between high and low.
JP2 - Jumper: This jumper is for connecting VOUT to J4 and J10 for LED load connection.
JP3 to JP8 - Jumpers: These jumpers are for enabling or disabling LED channels.
JP9 - Jumper: This jumper is used to set PWM control. Connecting pin 1 and pin 2 will send high signal
to device and set full on. Connecting pin2 and pin3 will send low signal to device and set off.
JP10 - Jumper: This jumper is a small pad to place jumper resistor or current sensing resistor on VIN.
JP11 to JP16 - Jumpers: TThese jumpers are used to bypass 10-Ω series resistors to measure LED
string current.
JP17 - Jumper: This jumper is used to bypass series resistor on boost feedback (VLED) input.
JP18 - Jumper: This jumper is used to connect VIN to boost circuit or to bypass JP10.
TP1 - Test Point: This header is test point for VIN.
TP2 - Test Point: This header is test point for VINB.
TP3 - Test Point: This header is test point for VCC out.
TP4 - Test Point: This header is test point for boost switch node voltage.
TP5 - Test Point: This header is test point for REF.
TP6 - Test Point: This header is test point for VLED (boost feedback).
TP7 - Test Point: This header is test point for boost output voltage.
TP8 - Test Point: This header is test point for EN.
TP9 - Test Point: This header is test point for PWM input.
TP10 - Test Point: This header is test point for SCL (I2C clock).
TP11 - Test Point: This header is test point for SDA(I2C data).
TP12 - Test Point: This header is test point for CS1(LED driver out for channel 1).
TP13 - Test Point: This header is test point for CS6(LED driver out for channel 6).
Figure 2. TPS61177AEVM With USB2Any Board Connected
External power must be provided to the board. A standard USB to mini USB cable must be connected to
the USB2ANY from a PC. The I2C-compatible interface program provides all of the controls that the
TPS61177A device requires.
For proper operation:
•- USB2ANY should be plugged into the PC before the interface program is opened.
•- Install and execute the GUI program – installation guide will be followed below.
•- Power the evaluation board
2.2.1Installation Guide for GUI Program (Windows7-Compatible)
•Execute setup_TPS61177A_EVM.exe file : If it is compressed in zip file format, unzip first in any
•Select “Run” though Windows security warning message appears
•Click “Next” button. In default, program will be installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Texas
Instruments\TPS61177A folder and Texas Instruments\TPS61177AEVM in start menu.
•Check to create a desktop icon for the program and click “Next” button.