TPS549B22EVM-847, 25-A Single Synchronous Step-Down
Converter With Full Differential Sense and PMBus™
This user's guide describes the characteristics, operation, and use of the TPS549B22 Evaluation Module
(EVM). The user's guide includes test information, descriptions, and results. A complete schematic
diagram, printed-circuit board layouts, and bill of materials are also included in this document. Throughout
this user's guide, the abbreviations EVM, TPS549B22EVM, and the term evaluation module are
synonymous with the TPS549B22EVM-847, unless otherwise noted.
13Transient Response of 1-V Output at 12 V
14Output Ripple and SW Node of 1-V Output at 12 V
15Output Ripple and SW Node of 1-V Output at 12 V
16Start up from Control, 1-V Output at 12 V
170.5-V Pre-bias start up from Control, 1-V Output at 12 V
18Start-Up and Shutdown, 1-V Output at 12 V
19Thermal Image at 1-V Output at 12 V
, Transient is 0.5 A to 15.5 A, the Step is 15 A at 40 A/µs....... 18
The PWR847EVM evaluation module uses the TPS549B22 device. The TPS549B22 is a highly integrated
synchronous buck converter that is designed for up to 25-A current output.
1.1Before You Begin
The following warnings and cautions are noted for the safety of anyone using or working close to the
TPS549B22EVM-847. Observe all safety precautions.
The circuit module has signal traces, components, and component
leads on the bottom of the board. This may result in exposed
voltages, hot surfaces or sharp edges. Do not reach under the
board during operation.
WarningThe TPS549B22EVM-847 circuit module may become hot
during operation due to dissipation of heat. Avoid contact with
the board. Follow all applicable safety procedures applicable
to your laboratory.
CautionDo not leave the EVM powered when unattended.
The circuit module may be damaged by over temperature. To avoid damage,
monitor the temperature during evaluation and provide cooling, as needed, for
your system environment.
Some power supplies can be damaged by application of external voltages. If
using more than 1 power supply, check your equipment requirements and use
blocking diodes or other isolation techniques, as needed, to prevent damage to
your equipment.
The communication interface is not isolated on the EVM. Be sure no ground
potential exists between the computer and the EVM. Also be aware that the
computer is referenced to the Battery- potential of the EVM.
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TPS549B22EVM-847, 25-A Single Synchronous Step-Down Converter With
The PWR-847EVM is designed as a single output DC-DC converter that demonstrates the TPS549B22 in
a typical low-voltage application while providing a number of test points to evaluate the performance. It
uses a nominal 12-V input bus to produce a regulated 1-V output at up to 25-A load current.
2.1Typical End-User Applications
•Enterprise Storage, SSD, NAS
•Wireless and Wired Communication Infrastructure
•Industrial PCs, Automation, ATE, PLC, Video Surveillance
•Enterprise Server, Switches, Routers
•ASIC, SoC, FPGA, DSP Core and I/O Rails
2.2EVM Features
•Regulated 1-V output up to 25-A, steady-state output current
•Convenient test points for probing critical waveforms
•PMBus™ connector for easy connection with the TI USB adapter
TPS549B22EVM-847, 25-A Single Synchronous Step-Down Converter With
Full Differential Sense and PMBus™
TPS549B22EVM-847, 25-A Single Synchronous Step-Down Converter With Full
Differential Sense and PMBus™
Figure 1 illustrates the PWR-847EVM schematic.
Figure 1. PWR-847EVM Schematic
5Test Setup
5.1Test and Configuration Software
To change any of the default configuration parameters on the EVM, it is necessary to obtain the TI Fusion
Digital Power Designer software. This can be downloaded from the TI website.
The Fusion Digital Power Designer is the graphical user interface (GUI) used to configure and monitor the
Texas Instruments TPS549B22 power converter installed on this evaluation module. The application uses
the PMBus protocol to communicate with the controller over serial bus by way of a TI USB adapter. This
adapter can be purchased at
NOTE: The TI USB adapter must be purchased separately. It is not included with this EVM kit.
Some of the tasks performed with the GUI include:
•Turn on or off the power supply output, either through the hardware control line or the PMBus
operation command.
•Monitor status registers. Items such as input voltage, output voltage, output current, temperature, and
warnings and faults are continuously monitored and displayed by the GUI.
•Configure common operating characteristics such as VOUT, UVLO, soft-start time, warning and fault
thresholds, fault response, and ON/OFF.
This software is available for download at
Test Setup
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TPS549B22EVM-847, 25-A Single Synchronous Step-Down Converter With
Voltage Source: The input voltage source VIN must be a 0-V to 18-V variable DC source capable of
supplying at least 12 ADC.
Multimeters: It is recommended to use two separate multimeters Figure 2. One meter is used to measure
VINand one to measure V
Output Load: A variable electronic load is recommended for testing Figure 2. It must be capable of 25 A
at voltages as low as 0.6 V.
Oscilloscope: An oscilloscope is recommended for measuring output noise and ripple. Output ripple must
be measured using a tip-and-barrel method or better as shown in Figure 3.The scope must be adjusted to
20-MHz bandwidth, AC coupling at 50 mV/division, and must be set to 1-µs/division.
Fan: During prolonged operation at high loads, it may be necessary to provide forced air cooling with a
small fan aimed at the EVM. Temperature of the devices on the EVM must be maintained below 105°C.
USB-to-GPIO Interface Adapter: A communications adapter is required between the EVM and the host
computer. This EVM was designed to use TI's USB-to-GPIO adapter. Purchase this adapter at
Recommended Wire Gauge: The voltage drop in the load wires must be kept as low as possible in order
to keep the working voltage at the load within its operating range. Use the AWG 14 wire (2 wires parallel
for VOUT positive and 2 wires parallel for the VOUT negative) of no more than 1.98 feet between the EVM
and the load. This recommended wire gauge and length should achieve a voltage drop of no more than
0.2 V at the maximum 25-A load.
TPS549B22EVM-847, 25-A Single Synchronous Step-Down Converter With
Full Differential Sense and PMBus™
TP1T-H loopVDDSupplies the internal circuitry
TP17T-H loopADDRMonitor the ADDR external resistor divider ratio during initial power up.
TP15T-H loopVSELMonitor the VSEL external resistor divider ratio during initial power up.
TP9T-H loopBPLDO output
TP8T-H loopPGPower good
TP16T-H loopMODEMonitor the MODE external resistor divider ratio during initial power up.
TP12T-H loopILIMProgram over-current limit.
TP14T-H loopRESV_TRKDo not connect.
TP19T-H loopPGNDCommon GND
TP18T-H loopPGNDCommon GND
TP20T-H loopPMB_CLKClock input for the PMBus interface.
TP21T-H loopPMB_DATA Data I/O for the PMBus interface.
TP22T-H loopSMB_ALRT# Alert output for the PMBus interface.
JP42-pin jumperCNTLShunts control pin to GND
Sense VOUT + locally across C25. Use for efficiency and ripple
Sense VOUT– locally across C25. Use for efficiency and ripple
List of Test Points, Jumpers, and Switch
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TPS549B22EVM-847, 25-A Single Synchronous Step-Down Converter With
The TPS549B22 installed on this EVM leave the factory pre-configured. See Table 3 for a short list of key
factory configuration parameters as obtained from the configuration file.
MFR_440xFC0x0201ID: 0x020 (TPS549B22), Revision: 0x8
ON_OFF_CONFIG0x020x17Mode: CONTROL Pin Only; Control: Active High, Turn off
OPERATION0x010x00Operation is not used to enable regulatio; Unit:
STATUS_BYTE0x780x00Status: Output Off, Vout OV Fault, IOUT OC Fault, Vin
STATUS_CML0x7E0x00Status: Invalid Command, Invalid Data, PEC Fault, Other
STATUS_IOUT0x7B0x00Status: Iout OC Fault, Iout OC Fault with LV Shutdown,
STATUS_VOUT0x7A0x00Status: Vout OV Fault, OV Warning, UV Fault, UV
WRITE_PROTECT0x100x00Enable Writes To All Commands
True, SEQ: False, TRK: False
ImmediateOff; Margin: None
UV Fault, Temperature, CML
Comms Fault
Iout UC Fault
If it is desired to configure the EVM to settings other than the factory settings shown in Table 3, the TI
Fusion Digital Power Designer software can be used for reconfiguration. It is necessary to have input
voltage applied to the EVM prior to launching the software so that the TPS549B22 installed is active and
able to respond to the GUI and the GUI can recognize the device.
TPS549B22EVM-847, 25-A Single Synchronous Step-Down Converter With
Full Differential Sense and PMBus™
10.1 Line and Load Regulation Measurement Procedure
Use the following procedures for line and load regulation measurement.
1. Connect VOUT to J3 and VOUT_GND to J5 Figure 2.
2. Ensure that the electronic load is set to draw 0 ADC.
3. Connect VIN to J1 and VIN_GND to J2 Figure 2.
4. Connect the USB interface adapter as shown in Figure 4.
5. Increase VINfrom 0 V to 12 V using the digital multimeter to measure input voltage.
6. Launch the Fusion GUI software. See the screen shots in Section 12 for more information.
7. Configure the EVM operating parameters as desired.
8. Use the other digital multimeter or the oscilloscope to measure output voltage V
as you vary the external voltage source.
Table 4. List of Test Points for Line and Load Measurements
Test PointNode NameDescription
TP2LocS+Sense VOUT + locally across C5. Use for efficiency and ripple measurements
TP10LocS–Sense VOUT - locally across C5. Use for efficiency and ripple measurements
TP4PVINSense VIN + across C10
TP13PGNDSense VIN - across C10
Test Procedure
at TP2 and TP10
9. Vary the load from 0 ADCto maximum rated output 25 ADC. V
Table 1.
10. Vary VINfrom 5 V to 14 V. V
11. Decrease the load to 0 A.
12. Decrease VINto 0 V or turn off the supply.
10.2 Efficiency
To measure the efficiency of the power train on the EVM, it is important to measure the voltages at the
correct location. This is necessary because otherwise the measurements will include losses in efficiency
that are not related to the power train itself. Losses incurred by the voltage drop in the copper traces and
in the input and output connectors are not related to the efficiency of the power train, and they must not be
included in efficiency measurements.
Test PointNode NameDescription
TP2LocS+Sense VOUT + locally across C25. Use for efficiency and ripple measurements
TP10LocS-Sense VOUT - locally across C25. Use for efficiency and ripple measurements
TP4PVINSense VIN + across C10
TP13PGNDSense VIN - across C10
Input current can be measured at any point in the input wires, and output current can be measured
anywhere in the output wires of the output being measured. Using these measurement points result in
efficiency measurements that do not include losses due to the connectors and PCB traces.
must remain in regulation as defined in
must remain in regulation as defined in Table 1.
Table 5. List of Test Points for Efficiency Measurements
10.3 Equipment Shutdown
1. Reduce the load current to 0 A.
2. Reduce input voltage to 0 V.
3. Shut down the external fan if in use.
4. Shut down equipment.
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TPS549B22EVM-847, 25-A Single Synchronous Step-Down Converter With