(triple-channel) are system monitors that include
remote sensors, a local temperature sensor, and a
high-side current shunt monitor. These system
monitors have the capability of measuring remote
voltage/power/current consumption.
The remote temperature sensor diode-connected
transistors are typically low-cost, NPN- or PNP-type
transistors or diodes that are an integral part of
manufacturers, with no calibration needed. The
two-wire write and read commands.
The onboard current shunt monitor is a high-side
current shunt and power monitor. It monitors both the
shunt drop and supply voltage. A programmable
calibration value (along with the TMP512/TMP513
internal digital multiplier) enables direct readout in
amps; an additional multiplication calculates power in
watts. The TMP512 and TMP513 both feature two
separate onboard watchdog capabilities: an over-limit
comparator and a lower-limit comparator.
These devices use a single +3V to +26V supply,
drawing a maximum of 1.4mA of supply current, and
they are specified for operation from –40°C to
2DLP is a registered trademark of Texas Instruments.
3SMBus is a trademark of Intel Corporation.
4All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED this document contains
PRODUCTION DATA information current as of publication date.
Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas
Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not
necessarily include testing of all parameters.
Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications of Texas
Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.
This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas Instruments recommends that all integrated circuits be handled with
appropriate precautions. Failure to observe proper handling and installation procedures can cause damage.
ESD damage can range from subtle performance degradation to complete device failure. Precision integrated circuits may be more
susceptible to damage because very small parametric changes could cause the device not to meet its published specifications.
(1) For the most current package and ordering information see the Package Option Addendum at the end of this document, or visit the
TMP512/TMP513 product folder at
(2) Product preview device.
Over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted).
Supply Voltage, V+26V
Filter C
Analog Inputs, V
, V
Open-Drain Digital OutputsGND – 0.3 to +6V
GPIO, DXP, DXNGND – 0.3 to V+ + 0.3V
Input Current Into Any Pin5mA
Open-Drain Digital Output Current10mA
Storage Temperature–65 to +150°C
Junction Temperature+150°C
ESD RatingsCharged-Device Model (CDM)1000V
(1) Stresses above these ratings may cause permanent damage. Exposure to absolute maximum conditions for extended periods may
degrade device reliability. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond
those specified is not implied.
(2) V
and V
may have a differential voltage of –26V to +26V; however, the voltage at these pins must not exceed the range –0.3V to
VoltageGND – 0.3 to +6V
Differential (V
(1) For more information about traditional and new thermal metrics, see the IC Package Thermal Metrics application report, SPRA953.
(2) The junction-to-ambient thermal resistance under natural convection is obtained in a simulation on a JEDEC-standard, high-K board, as
specified in JESD51-7, in an environment described in JESD51-2a.
(3) The junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance is obtained by simulating a cold plate test on the package top. No specific
JEDEC-standard test exists, but a close description can be found in the ANSI SEMI standard G30-88.
(4) The junction-to-board thermal resistance is obtained by simulating in an environment with a ring cold plate fixture to control the PCB
temperature, as described in JESD51-8.
(5) The junction-to-top characterization parameter, yJT, estimates the junction temperature of a device in a real system and is extracted
from the simulation data for obtaining qJA, using a procedure described in JESD51-2a (sections 6 and 7).
(6) The junction-to-board characterization parameter, yJB, estimates the junction temperature of a device in a real system and is extracted
from the simulation data for obtaining qJA, using a procedure described in JESD51-2a (sections 6 and 7).
(7) The junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance is obtained by simulating a cold plate test on the exposed (power) pad. No specific
JEDEC standard test exists, but a close description can be found in the ANSI SEMI standard G30-88.
Boldface limits apply over the specified temperature range, TA= –40°C to +125°C.
At TA= +25°C, V+ = 12V, V
Current Sense (Input) Voltage RangePGA = ÷ 10±40mV
Bus Voltage (Input Voltage) Range
Common-Mode RejectionCMRRV
Offset Voltage, RTI
vs Temperature0.2mV/°C
vs Power SupplyPSRR
Current Sense Gain Error±0.04%
vs Temperature0.0025%
Input ImpedanceActive Mode
Input LeakagePower-Down Mode
ADC Basic Resolution12Bits
1 LSB Step Size
Shunt Voltage10mV
Bus Voltage4mV
Current Measurement Error±0.2±0.5%
over Temperature±1%
Bus Voltage Measurement Error±0.2±0.5%
over Temperature±1%
Differential Nonlinearity±0.1LSB
ADC Conversion Time12-Bit665733ms
(1) BRNG is bit 13 of Configuration Register 1.
(2) This parameter only expresses the full-scale range of the ADC scaling. In no event should more than 26V be applied to this device.
(3) Referred-to-input (RTI).
(4) See Subregulator section.
Boldface limits apply over the specified temperature range, TA= –40°C to +125°C.
At TA= +25°C, V+ = 12V, V
Local Temperature SensorTE
Remote Temperature Sensor
vs Supply, LocalV+ = 3V to 5.5V, Configuration 3
vs Supply, Remote
Conversion Time (per channel)100115130ms
Local Temperature Sensor13Bits
Remote Temperature Sensor13Bits
Remote Sensor Source CurrentsSeries Resistance 3kΩ max
Medium High60mA
Medium Low12mA
Default Non-Ideality FactornTMP512/12 Optimized Ideality Factor1.008
(5) Tested with one-shot measurements, and with less than 5Ω effective series resistance, and with 100pF differential input capacitance.
(6) See Subregulator section.
(7) SMBus timeout in the TMP512/13 resets the interface any time SCL or SDA is low for over 28ms.
1Filter CSubregulator output and filter capacitor pin.
2V+Positive supply voltage (3V to 26V) See Figure 20.
5SDASerial bus data line for SMBus, open-drain; requires pull-up resistor.
6SCLSerial bus clock line for SMBus, open-drain; requires pull-up resistor.
7A0Address pin
8DXP1Channel 1 positive connection to remote temperature sensor.
9DXN1Channel 1 negative connection to remote temperature sensor.
10DXP2Channel 2 positive connection to remote temperature sensor.
11DXN2Channel 2 negative connection to remote temperature sensor.
13ALERTOpen-drain SMBus alert output. Controlled in SMBus Alert Mask Register. Default state is disabled.
Positive differential shunt voltage. Connect to positive side of shunt resistor.
Negative differential shunt voltage. Connect to negative side of shunt resistor. Bus voltage is measured
from this pin to ground.
General-purpose, user-programmable input/output. Totem-pole output. Connect to ground or supply
through a resistor if not used. Default state is as an input.
115Filter CSubregulator output and filter capacitor pin.
216V+Positive supply voltage (3V to 26V) See Figure 20.
53SDASerial bus data line for SMBus, open-drain; requires pull-up resistor.
64SCLSerial bus clock line for SMBus, open-drain; requires pull-up resistor.
75A0Address pin
86DXP1Channel 1 positive connection to remote temperature sensor.
97DXN1Channel 1 negative connection to remote temperature sensor.
108DXP2Channel 2 positive connection to remote temperature sensor.
119DXN2Channel 2 negative connection to remote temperature sensor.
1210DXP3Channel 3 positive connection to remote temperature sensor.
1311DXN3Channel 3 negative connection to remote temperature sensor.
Positive differential shunt voltage. Connect to positive side of shunt resistor.
Negative differential shunt voltage. Connect to negative side of shunt resistor. Bus voltage is
measured from this pin to ground.
General-purpose, user-programmable input/output. Totem-pole output. Connect to ground or
supply through a resistor if not used. Default state is as an input.
Open-drain SMBus alert output. Controlled in SMBus Alert Mask Register. Default state is
should be less than 2200pF; see Filtering section.
Figure 19.
Product Folder Link(s): TMP512 TMP513
Configuration 1Configuration 2Configuration 3
V+ = 4.5V to 26V
Filter C
Bus Voltage Range = 4.5V to 26V
V+ = 4.5V to 26V
Filter C
Bus Voltage Range = 0V to 26V
V+ = 3V to 5.5V
Filter C
Bus Voltage Range = 0V to 26V
SBOS491 –JUNE 2010
between the two systems is being addressed. Two
The TMP512/13 are digital temperature sensors with
a digital current-shunt monitor that combine a local
die temperature measurement channel and remote
junction temperature measurement channels: two for
the TMP512 and three for the TMP513. The
TMP512/13 contain multiple registers for holdingThe subregulator can be configured to three different
configuration information, temperature, and voltagemodes of operation. Each mode has its advantage
measurement results. These devices provide digitalandlimitation.Figure20showsthethree
current, voltage, and power readings necessary forconfigurationarrangements.Theminimum
accuratedecision-makinginprecisely-controlledcapacitance on the Filter C pin for Configurations 1
systems.Programmableregistersallowflexibleand 2 is 470nF. The minimum capacitance on the
configuration for setting warning limits, measurementFilter C pin for Configuration 3 is 100nF.
operation. Detailed register information appears at
the end of this data sheet, beginning with Table 3.
For proper remote temperature sensing operation, theV+ supply range of 4.5V to 26V connected to the
TMP512 requires transistors connected betweenshunt voltage, the bus voltage range cannot go to
DXP1 and DXN1 and between DXP2 and DXN2, andzero and is limited to 4.5V to 26V.
for the TMP513, between DXP3 and DXN3 as well.
Unused channels on the TMP512/13 must be
connected to GND.
The TMP512/13 offer compatibility with two-wire andis not limited to 4.5V as in Configuration 1.
protocols are essentially compatible with each other.
Two-wire is used throughout this data sheet, with
SMBus being specified only when a difference
bi-directional lines, SCL and SDA, connect the
TMP512/13 to the bus. SDA is an open-drain
connection. See Figure 21 for a typical application
Configuration 1 has V+ and V
supplies the subregulator, which in turn supplies the
3.3V to the Filter C pin and the internal die. With the
Configuration 2 has V+ to the subregulator without
any other connections. Under this configuration, the
bus voltage range can go from 0V to 26V, because it
Configuration 3 has the subregulator V+ and Filter C
pins shorted together. V+ is limited to 3V to 5.5V
because the Filter C pin supplies the internal die; it
cannot exceed this voltage range. The bus voltage
range can go from 0V to 26V, because it is not limited
to 4.5V as in Configuration 1.
SERIES RESISTANCE CANCELLATIONLocal Temperature Result Register and the Remote
Series resistance in an application circuit that typically
results from printed circuitboard (PCB) trace
resistance and remote line length is automatically
cancelled by the TMP512/13, preventing what would
otherwise result in a temperature offset. A total of up
to 3kΩ of series line resistance is cancelled by the
TMP512/13, eliminating the need for additional
characterization and temperature offset correction.
See the Remote Temperature Error vs SeriesResistance typical characteristic curves (Figure 15 )
for details on the effects of series resistance and
power-supply voltage on sensed remote temperature
Temperature Result Registers. Note that byte 1 is the
most significant byte, followed by byte 2, the least
significant byte. The first 13 bits are used to indicate
temperature. The least significant byte does not have
to be read if that information is not needed. The data
format for temperature is summarized in Table 10.
One LSB equals 0.0625°C. Negative numbers are
represented in binary twos complement format.
Following power-uporreset,theTemperature
Register will read 0°C until the first conversion is
complete. Unused bits in the Temperature Register
always read '0'.
DIFFERENTIAL INPUT CAPACITANCEThe TMP512/13 contain multiple registers for holding
capacitance of up to 2200pF with minimal change in
temperature error. The effect of capacitance on
sensed remote temperature error is illustrated in
Figure 16, Remote Temperature Error vs Differential
Capacitance. See the Filtering section for suggested
component values where filtering unwanted coupled
signals is needed.
configuration information, temperature and voltage
measurement results, and status information. These
registers are described in Table 3.
The 8-bit Pointer Register is used to address a given
data register. The Pointer Register identifies which of
the data registers should respond to a read or write
command on the two-wire bus. This register is set
TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT DATAwith every write command. A write command must be
Temperature measurement data may be taken over
an operating range of –40°C to +125°C for both local
and remote locations.
The Temperature Register of the TMP512/13 is
configured as a 13-bit, read-only register that stores
the output of the most recent conversion. Two bytes
must be read to obtain data, and are described in the
issued to set the proper value in the Pointer Register
before executing a read command. Table 3 describes
the pointer address of the TMP512/13 registers. The
power-on reset (POR) value of the Pointer Register is
00h (0000 0000b).
n-FACTOR CORRECTION REGISTERtwos-complement format, yielding an effective data
The TMP512/13 allow for a different n-factor value to
measurements to temperature. The remote channel
uses sequential current excitation to extract a
differential VBEvoltage measurement to determine
the temperature of the remote transistor. Equation 1
describes this voltage and temperature.
The value n in Equation 1 is a characteristic of the
particular transistor used for the remote channel. The
power-on reset value for the TMP512/13 is n = 1.008.
The value in the n-Factor Correction Register may be
used to adjust the effective n-factor according to
Equation 2 and Equation 3.
Then-factorvaluemustbestoredinAcknowledge and pulling SDA LOW.
range from –128 to +127. The n-factor value may be
written to and read from pointer address 16h for
remote channel 1, pointer address 17h for remote
channel 2, and pointer address 18h for remote
channel 3. The register power-on reset value is 00h,
thus having no effect unless the register is written to.
The device that initiates the transfer is called a
master, and the devices controlled by the master are
slaves. The bus must be controlled by a master
device that generates the serial clock (SCL), controls
the bus access, and generates START and STOP
To address a specific device, the master initiates a
START condition by pulling the data signal line (SDA)
from a HIGH to a LOW logic level while SCL is HIGH.
All slaves on the bus shift in the slave address byte
on the rising edge of SCL, with the last bit indicating
whether a read or write operation is intended. During
the ninth clock pulse, the slave being addressed
Data transfer is then initiated and eight bits of dataWRITING TO/READING FROM THE
are sent, followed by an Acknowledge bit. DuringTMP512/13
data transfer, SDA must remain stable while SCL is
HIGH. Any change in SDA while SCL is HIGH is
interpreted as a START or STOP condition.
Accessing a particular register on the TMP512/13 is
accomplished by writing the appropriate value to the
register pointer. Refer to Table 3 for a complete list of
Once all data have been transferred, the masterregisters and corresponding addresses. The value for
generates a STOP condition, indicated by pullingthe register pointer as shown in Figure 24 is the first
SDA from LOW to HIGH while SCL is HIGH. Thebyte transferred after the slave address byte with the
TMP512/13 includes a 28ms timeout on its interfaceR/W bitLOW.Every writeoperationto the
to prevent locking up an SMBus.TMP512/13 requires a value for the register pointer.
To communicate with the TMP512/13, the master
must first address slave devices via a slave address
byte. The slave address byte consists of seven
address bits, and a direction bit indicating the intent
of executing a read or write operation.
The TMP512/13 feature an address pin to allow up to
four devices to be addressed on a single bus. Table 1
describes the pin logic levels used to properly
connect up to four devices. The state of the A0 pin is
sampled on every bus communication and should be
set before any activity on the interface occurs. The
communication event.
Writing to a register begins with the first byte
transmitted by the master. This byte is the slave
address, with the R/W bit LOW. The TMP512/13 then
acknowledge receipt of a valid address. The next
byte transmitted by the master is the address of the
register to which data will be written. This register
address value updates the register pointer to the
desired register. The next two bytes are written to the
register addressed by the register pointer. The
TMP512/13 acknowledge receipt of each data byte.
generating a START or STOP condition.
When reading from the TMP512/13, the last value
stored in the register pointer by a write operation
determines which register is read during a read
operation. To change the register pointer for a read
Table 1. TMP512/13 Address Pins and
operation, a new value must be written to the register
Slave Addressespointer. This write is accomplished by issuing a slave
address byte with the R/W bit LOW, followed by the
register pointer byte. No additional data are required.
The master then generates a START condition and
sends the slave address byte with the R/W bit HIGH
to initiate the read command. The next byte is
transmitted by the slave and is the most significant
byte of the register indicated by the register pointer.
This byte is followed by an Acknowledge from the
master; then the slave transmits the least significant
byte. The master acknowledges receipt of the data
The TMP512/13 operate only as slave devices on thebyte. The master may terminate data transfer by
two-wire bus and SMBus. SCL is an input only, andgenerating a Not-Acknowledge after receiving any
TMP512/13 cannot drive it. Connections to the busdata byte, or generating a START or STOP condition.
are made via the open-drain I/O lines SDA and SCL.If repeated reads from the same register are desired,
The SDA and SCL pins feature integrated spikeit is not necessary to continually send the register
suppression filters and Schmitt triggers to minimizepointer bytes; the TMP512/13 retain the register
the effects of input spikes and bus noise. Thepointer value until it is changed by the next write
TMP512/13 support the transmission protocol for fastoperation.
(1kHz to 400kHz) and high-speed (1kHz to 3.4MHz)
modes. All data bytes are transmitted MSB first.
Figure 22 and Figure 23 show read and write
operation timing diagrams, respectively. Note that
register bytes are sent most-significant byte first,
followed by the least significant byte. See Figure 25