Series 2000 Reader System
Micro-reader RI-STU-MRD1
Reference Guide
May 2000
Series 2000 Reader System
Micro-reader RI-STU-MRD1
Reference Guide
Literature Number: SCBU027
May 2000
Preface ............................................................................................................................... 7
1 Product Description ................................................................................................... 9
1.1 General ............................................................................................................. 10
1.2 Product Description ............................................................................................... 10
1.2.1 Power Supply ............................................................................................. 11
1.2.2 Antenna .................................................................................................... 11
1.2.3 Synchronization ........................................................................................... 11
1.2.4 Trigger Mode .............................................................................................. 12
1.2.5 Continuous Mode ......................................................................................... 12
1.2.6 Serial Communication ................................................................................... 12
1.3 Connector Pins .................................................................................................... 13
1.3.1 Pin Connection Description ............................................................................. 14
1.3.2 Module and Antenna Block Diagrams ................................................................. 15
2 Communications Protocol ......................................................................................... 17
2.1 Protocol PC to Micro-reader ..................................................................................... 18
2.1.1 Start Mark ................................................................................................. 18
2.1.2 Length...................................................................................................... 18
2.1.3 Command Field ........................................................................................... 18
2.1.4 Data Field ................................................................................................. 20
2.1.5 BCC ........................................................................................................ 20
2.2 Protocol Micro-reader to PC ..................................................................................... 20
2.2.1 Start Mark ................................................................................................. 21
2.2.2 Length...................................................................................................... 21
2.2.3 Status ...................................................................................................... 21
2.2.4 Data Field ................................................................................................. 21
2.2.5 BCC ........................................................................................................ 21
3 Specifications .......................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Recommended Operating Conditions .......................................................................... 24
3.2 Timings ............................................................................................................. 24
3.3 Mechanical Data ................................................................................................... 25
4 Transponder Protocols ............................................................................................. 27
4.1 Transponder Commands ......................................................................................... 28
4.1.1 Read RO, R/W ............................................................................................ 28
4.1.2 Program R/W ............................................................................................. 28
4.1.3 Addressing MPTs/SAMPTs ............................................................................. 28
4.2 Transponder Responses ......................................................................................... 30
4.2.1 Read Only Transponder ................................................................................. 30
4.2.2 Read/Write Transponder ................................................................................ 30
4.2.3 MPT/SAMPT .............................................................................................. 31
5 Communication Protocol Examples ............................................................................ 33
5.1 PC to Micro-reader ................................................................................................ 34
5.1.1 Read RO, R/W ............................................................................................ 34
SCBU027 – May 2000 Contents 3
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5.1.2 Program R/W Transponder ............................................................................. 34
5.1.3 General Read Page of MPT ............................................................................ 35
5.1.4 Program Page of MPT ................................................................................... 35
5.1.5 Lock Page of MPT ....................................................................................... 36
5.1.6 Selective Read Page of SAMPT ....................................................................... 36
5.1.7 Selective Program Page of SAMPT ................................................................... 37
5.1.8 Selective Lock Page of SAMPT ........................................................................ 38
5.2 Micro-reader to PC ................................................................................................ 38
5.2.1 Successful Read of RO .................................................................................. 38
5.2.2 Successful Program Page 2 of MPT ................................................................... 39
5.2.3 No Read ................................................................................................... 39
A CE Declaration ......................................................................................................... 41
B Demonstration Circuit ............................................................................................... 43
C Antenna Design ........................................................................................................ 45
C.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 45
C.2 Antenna Construction ............................................................................................. 45
C.3 Q Factor ............................................................................................................ 46
C.4 Adapting the Inductance Range ................................................................................. 46
4 Contents SCBU027 – May 2000
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List of Figures
1-1 Micro-reader Module ....................................................................................................... 10
1-2 Micro-reader Pin Connections ............................................................................................ 13
1-3 Block Diagram of the Micro-reader ...................................................................................... 15
1-4 Antenna Circuit Block Diagram ........................................................................................... 16
3-1 Top, Front, and Side Views (Measurements in mm) .................................................................. 25
4-1 Read Function .............................................................................................................. 28
4-2 Programming Data Format of the 64-bit Read/Write Transponder .................................................. 28
4-3 Data Format of the General Read Page Function ..................................................................... 29
4-4 Programming Data Format of the MPT .................................................................................. 29
4-5 Lock Page of MPT/SAMPT ............................................................................................... 29
4-6 Data Format of the Selective Read Page Function .................................................................... 29
4-7 Data Format of the Selective Program Page Function ................................................................ 30
4-8 Data Format of the Selective Lock Page Function ..................................................................... 30
4-9 RO Read Data Format ..................................................................................................... 30
4-10 R/W Read Data Format ................................................................................................... 30
4-11 MPT/SAMPT Read Data Format ......................................................................................... 31
B-1 Micro-reader Demonstration Circuit ...................................................................................... 43
List of Tables
1-1 Pin Connections ............................................................................................................ 13
SCBU027 – May 2000 List of Figures 5
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List of Tables6 SCBU027 – May 2000
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Edition Three - May 2000
This is the third edition of this manual, it describes the following equipment:
TIRIS™ Micro-reader Module RI-STU-MRD1
About This Guide
This manual describes the TIRIS Micro-reader, its goal is to describe the reader, how it works, how to
integrate it and how to use it.
SCBU027 – May 2000
This indicates information on conditions which must be met, or a procedure
which must be followed, which if not heeded could cause permanent damage to
the equipment or software.
Note: Indicates conditions which must be met, or procedures which must be followed, to ensure
proper functioning of the equipment or software.
Also indicates information that makes use of the equipment or software easier.
If You Need Assistance
Application Centers are located in Europe, North and South America, the Far East and Australia to provide
direct support. For more information, please contact your nearest TIRIS Sales and Application Center. The
contact addresses can be found on our home page: http://www.tiris.com
The TIRIS logo and the word TIRIS are registered trademarks of Texas Instruments.
SCBU027 – May 2000 7
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8 SCBU027 – May 2000
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Product Description
This chapter describes the hardware of the Micro-reader. It tells you about the module
and how to integrate it.
Topic .................................................................................................. Page
1.1 General .................................................................................... 10
1.2 Product Description .................................................................. 10
1.3 Connector Pins ......................................................................... 13
Chapter 1
SCBU027 – May 2000
SCBU027 – May 2000 Product Description 9
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1.1 General
The Micro-reader is an intelligent module providing RF and Control functions to read and program TIRIS
transponders. It is equipped with a Serial Communications Interface (SCI) which may be directly
connected to commonly used system controllers. The Micro-reader works together with a 47 µ H, low-Q
antenna, and therefore the system does not need tuning.
Figure 1-1. Micro-reader Module
1.2 Product Description
The Micro-reader module is a plug-in module which can be plugged into or soldered onto an application
specific adapter board. It supports serial data communications between a PC and TIRIS transponders.
With its Serial Communications Interface (SCI) the Micro-reader supports TTL data communications,
which with the addition of a communications driver (for example: RS232 or RS422) allows communication
to a standard interface.
The Micro-reader can be controlled remotely by either providing certain inputs with the corresponding
voltage level or sending commands to the SCI. It can be driven either with or without synchronization - the
synchronization can be either wireless or wired to enable reliable operation in multi-reader environments.
Two outputs show the reader status and inform the user about a successful command execution. The
Micro-reader supports all available TIRIS™ LF transponders.
10 Product Description SCBU027 – May 2000
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1.2.1 Power Supply
1.2.2 Antenna
Product Description
There are two separate 5V supplies to the Micro-reader, one for the output stage (VSP) and the other for
the logic (VSL). On power up VSL should rise faster than 0.1 V/ms to ensure a reliable operation. The
Micro-reader has an on-board reset circuit which will reset it should the supply fall below 4 V ( ± 0.2 V).
In order to avoid problems with noise conducted via the supply lines, we recommend that if a single supply
is used, separate connections from a common de-coupling capacitor are used to feed the Micro-reader.
Note: The RF Module must not be supplied by Switched Mode Power Supplies (SMPS). This is
because most SMPS operate at frequencies around 50 kHz. The harmonics of the
generated field can interfere with the TIRIS receiver. Therefore only use linear regulated
power supplies, or SMPS with a fundamental operating frequency of 200 kHz or higher.
The Micro-reader has been designed for use with a 47 µ H antenna with a Q of 10 to 20 to generate the
exciter frequency of 134.2 kHz. Because of the low Q the system does not need to be tuned.
1.2.3 Synchronization
There are two possible methods of wired synchronization:
1. Connect a pulse waveform to all RDEN- input pins of the Micro-readers to be synchronized. The pulse
would normally be at VSL, dropping to GND for 100 µ s every 200 ms.
2. Connect all SYNC outputs to an 'Or' and then connect this as an input to RDEN- of each Micro-reader
to be synchronized.
Wireless synchronization of the Micro-reader is very effective at synchronizing to adjacent readers,
however problems may occur if the antennas are positioned such that a transponder can be within range
of two readers at the same time. In this situation one reader could synchronize with the transponder
instead of the other reader.
When the WLSC input is active the Micro-reader is in wireless synchronization mode. Wireless
synchronization can also be switched on/off by a corresponding command via the serial interface. During
execution of this command it has priority over the WLSC input. After the command execution the status of
the WLSC input will be considered again.
Note: It is not recommended to have both wired and wireless synchronization switched on as
synchronization could be unreliable.
We recommend the use of bus drivers for wired synchronization with other Micro-readers
and to prevent ESD damage.
Wired or wireless synchronization prolongs the cycle time by typically 20 ms.
SCBU027 – May 2000 Product Description 11
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Product Description
1.2.4 Trigger Mode
When the Micro-reader is in idle mode it is possible to trigger a single charge-only read with a power burst
duration of 50 ms by taking the RDEN- pin to logic high for 100 µ s. The single read will start on the falling
edge of the 100 µ s pulse.
If a transponder command is sent to the Micro-reader via the SCI while RDEN- is in a logic high state
(waiting position), a falling edge would trigger execution of the command. In waiting position the
Micro-reader can only store one command. This means that if two commands were to be sent to the
Micro-reader while it is in the waiting position the second command will overwrite the first one.
1.2.5 Continuous Mode
When the CRDM input is active the Micro-reader goes into continuous charge-only read mode using a
power burst duration of 50 ms. The serial data input takes priority over the CRDM input such that if a
serial command is received it will be executed regardless of the state of the CRDM input. After the
execution of the serial data command the Micro-reader continues with the previous read mode.
In the default continuous read mode, only those valid RO, R/W or MPT IDs that differ from the previously
read ID; or valid IDs read after a “NO READ”, are transferred via the SCI (Normal Mode). The
Micro-reader can be set to transfer all valid IDs that are read (Line Mode) by means of a corresponding
serial data command.
Without synchronization the Micro-reader has a reading frequency of approximately 10 readouts per
second using a power burst duration of 50 ms. Timing is given in more detail in Section 3.2 .
1.2.6 Serial Communication
The two serial I/O pins are configured for 9600 Baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit; they
can be connected directly to a communications driver to allow a half duplex communication with a PC via
its serial communications interface (for example: RS232 or RS422).
The communications protocol is specified in Chapter 2 .
The Micro-reader accepts handshake commands X
stops its current operation and stops transmitting data via the serial port. It stays in idle mode until X
) is received when it continues with the previous mode/command. During this idle period the
Micro-reader accepts commands via the serial port, however, it waits for its execution until X
In this idle period the Micro-reader can store only one command.
Note: While receiving a command protocol from the serial port Xon/X
data without affecting the serial communication.
. When it receives an X
is interpreted as normal
) the Micro-reader
is received.
Product Description12 SCBU027 – May 2000
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1.3 Connector Pins
The Micro-reader module has 30 pin connections which are shown in Figure 1-2 and listed in Table 1-1 .
Connector Pins
Figure 1-2. Micro-reader Pin Connections
Table 1-1. Pin Connections
Pin Signal Name Function
1 SYNC Output for wired synchronization
2 RDEN- Input for wired synchronization and single read trigger
3 – Reserved, do not connect
4 RESET- Reset of the Micro-reader
5 RXD Receive Data signal input of serial interface
6 TXD Transmit Data signal output of serial interface
7 – Reserved, do not connect
8 – Reserved, do not connect
9 – Reserved, do not connect
10 – Reserved, do not connect
11 – Reserved, do not connect
12 – Reserved, do not connect
13 – Reserved, do not connect
14 – Reserved, do not connect
15 GND Ground for logic
16 ANT1 Antenna terminal 1
17 ANTCAP Antenna capacitor terminal
18 – Reserved, do not connect
19 ANT2 Antenna terminal 2
20 – Reserved, do not connect
21 GNDP Ground for output stage
22 VSP Supply voltage output stage
23 – Reserved, do not connect
24 VSL Supply voltage logic
25 GND Ground for logic
26 CRD Input for continuous read mode
27 WLS Input to switch wireless synchronization on
28 – Reserved, do not connect
29 OKT Output to show if a valid ID was read
30 STAT Output to show status of RF-transmitter control signal
SCBU027 – May 2000 Product Description 13
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Connector Pins
1.3.1 Pin Connection Description
SYNC (1) Output for wired synchronization. This output is at GND level until the Micro-reader starts
RDEN- (2) Input for wired synchronization. Taking this pin to VSL acts as a hold-off for the
RESET- (4) Taking this pin to GND holds the Micro-reader in reset. If the reset pin is not used it can
RXD (5) Input configured to receive serial data commands at 9600 Baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits,
TXD (6) Output configured to transmit serial data at 9600 Baud, 1 start bit, 8 data bits, no parity
GND (15, 25) Pins 15 and 25 are ground for the logic part.
ANT1 (16) Antenna pin for the connection of 47 µ H, low Q antennas.
ANTCAP (17) It is possible to use antennas of lower inductance by connecting a suitable capacitor
ANT2 (19) Antenna pin (GND) for the connection of 47 µ H, low Q antennas.
GNDP (21) Pin 21 is ground for the output stage.
VSP (22) Pin 22 is for connecting the positive supply voltage (5 V) for the output stage.
VSL (24) Pin 24 is for connecting the positive supply voltage (5 V) for the logic part.
CRDM (26) Supplying pin 26 with a logic high signal causes the Micro-reader to run in a continuous
WLSC (27) Pin 27 enables or disables wireless synchronization. To enable the wireless
its read cycle, at which time it goes to VSL until the complete reading, programming or
locking cycle is finished.
Micro-reader's output stage preventing it from transmitting until the input returns to GND.
The Micro-reader only samples this input at the start of its own reading, programming or
locking cycle, this means that if the input goes to VSL after a cycle is started, the cycle is
not interrupted. RDEN- is a high impedance input and must be tied to GND via a suitable
resistor (27 k Ω ) when it is not being used.
When the Micro-reader is idle it is possible to trigger a single read by taking the
RDEN-pin logic high for 100 ms. The single read will start on the falling edge of the
100 ms pulse.
be left disconnected as it is internally pulled up. Minimum pulse duration to perform a
reset is 1 ms. After a reset the processor takes between 28 ms and 132 ms (typically
72 ms) before it can receive new instructions via the serial communications interface.
no parity and 1 stop bit.
and 1 stop bit.
between ANT1 and ANTCAP. This additional capacitor (ceramic, 100 VDC) will be in
parallel with the 30 nF resonance capacitor on board the Micro-reader (see Figure 1-4
and Appendix C ).
charge-only read mode (see Section 1.2.5 for more information).
When the CRDM pin is tied to logic low, the Micro-reader is in an idle state waiting for
commands via the serial interface or for a trigger signal (RDEN-) to start a single read
out cycle. CRDM is a high impedance input and must be tied to either VSL or GND via a
suitable resistor (27 k Ω ).
synchronization, pin 27 must be taken to VSL. When wireless synchronization is
enabled, the Micro-reader will try to synchronize its transmit signals with any other
readers in range. To disable wireless synchronization pin 27 must be taken to GND. Pin
27 is a high impedance input and must be tied to either VSL or GND via a suitable
resistor (27 k Ω ).
Wireless synchronization can also be switched on/off by a corresponding command via
the serial interface. During execution of this command it has priority over the WLSC
14 Product Description SCBU027 – May 2000
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OKT (29) This output is set to logic high for approx. 60 ms if a valid transponder was read. It can
be connected to an LED externally to indicate the result of the read cycle.
STAT(30) Pin 30 is set to logic low when the RF-transmitter is activated. Supplying an external LED
with this signal makes the status of the Micro-reader visible.
1.3.2 Module and Antenna Block Diagrams
Connector Pins
Figure 1-3. Block Diagram of the Micro-reader
SCBU027 – May 2000 Product Description 15
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