Texas Instruments TEXTI83PLUS User Manual

D ocum ent numb er: Alka lin e_Dr y_MA S_S D S_20 18
The batteries are articles and are not subject to the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard Requirement as shown in paragraph (b)(6)(v) of §1910.1200. This sheet is provided as technical information only. The information and recommendations set forth are made in good faith and are believed to be accurate as of the date of preparation. However, Maxell makes no warranty expressed or implied.
Date: Jan. 1st, 2018
(a) Product identifier used on the label:
(b) Other means of identification:
Alkaline battery (LR20,LR14,LR6,LR03,LR1,6LF22)
(c) Recommended use of the chemical and restrictions on use:
See 7.Handling and storage
(d) Name, address, and telephone number of the chemical manufacturer, importer, or other
responsible party:
Manufacturer: Maxell Asia,Ltd. Address: Unit Nos.03B-06,13/F909CheungShaWanRoad,Kowloon,HongKong
Tel: +8522730 9243 Fax: +8522735 6250
(e) Emergency phone number.
Tel: +8522730 9243
2. Hazard(s) identification
(a) Classification of the chemical in accordance with paragraph (d) of §1910.1200
Chemical battery (Primary)
(b) Signal word, hazard statement(s), symbol(s) and precautionary statement(s) in
accordance with paragraph (f) of §1910.1200. (Hazard symbols may be provided as graphical reproductions in black and white or the name of the symbol, e.g., flame, skull and crossbones)
(c) Describe any hazards not otherwise classified that have been identified during the
classification process
Improper handling of the battery could lead to distortion, leakage*, overheating, or explosion and cause human injury or equipment trouble. Especially touch with liquid
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D ocum ent numb er: Alka lin e_Dr y_MA S_S D S_20 18
Chemical Name
Common Name
and Synonyms
Content (Wt %)
Manganese Dioxide
35 to 45
Potassium Hydroxide
5 to 15
1 to 5
10 to 20
Not used (Less than 5ppm)
Not used (Less than 20ppm)
Not used (Less than 40ppm)
Date: Jan. 1st, 2018
leaked out of battery could cause injury like a loss of eyesight. . Please strictly observe safety instructions.
(* Leakage is defined as an unintended escape of liquid from a battery.)
(d) Where an ingredient with unknown acute toxicity is used in a mixture at a concentration
≥1% and the mixture is not classified based on testing of the mixture as a whole, a
statement that X% of the mixture consists of ingredient(s) of unknown acute toxicity is required
No such an ingredient is contained in the product.
3. Composition/information on ingredients
Except as provided for in paragraph (i) of §1910.1200 on trade secrets: For Substances: (a) Chemical name
(b) Common name and synonyms (c) CAS number and other unique identifiers (d) Impurities and stabilizing additives which are themselves classified and which contribute
to the classification of the substance
For Mixtures In addition to the information required for substances:
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(a) The chemical name and concentration (exact percentage) or concentration ranges of all
ingredients which are classified as health hazards in accordance with paragraph (d) of
§1910.1200 and (1) Are present above their cut-off/concentration limits; or (2) Present a health risk below the cut-off/concentration limits. No such an ingredient is contained in the product.
D ocum ent numb er: Alka lin e_Dr y_MA S_S D S_20 18
Date: Jan. 1st, 2018
(b) The concentration (exact percentage) shall be specified unless a trade secret claim is
made in accordance with paragraph (i) of §1910.1200, when there is batch-to-batch variability in the production of a mixture, or for a group of substantially similar mixtures (See A. with similar chemical composition. In these cases, concentration ranges may be used.
No such a situation would happen during the production from batch to batch. For All Chemicals Where a Trade Secret is claimed Where a trade secret is claimed in accordance with paragraph (i) of §1910.1200, a statement
that the specific chemical identity and/or exact percentage (concentration) of composition has been withheld as a trade secret is required.
4. First-aid measures
(a) Description of necessary measures, subdivided according to the different routes of
exposure, i.e., inhalation, skin and eye contact, and ingestion Inhalation Explosion may make fumes of alkaline solution and the fumes could
cause respiratory irritation. Rinse by plenty of water and consult a physician.
Skin Contact Immediately flush skin with plenty of water. If itch or irritation by
chemical burn persists, consult a physician.
Eye Contact Immediately flush eye with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes.
Consult a physician immediately
Ingestion If swallowing a battery, consult a physician immediately.
If contents come into mouth, immediately rinse by plenty of water and consult a physician.
(b) Most important symptoms/ effects, acute and delayed
(c) Indication of immediate medical attention and special treatment needed, if necessary
Wash with clean water immediately.
5. Fire-fighting measures
(a) Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing media.
Any class of extinguisher is effective.
(b) Specific hazards arising from the chemical (e.g., nature of any hazardous combustion products).
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Date: Jan. 1st, 2018
The batteries could be exploded by heat of fire and alkaline solution could disperse.
(c) Special protective equipment and precautions for fire-fighters.
Use self-contained breathing apparatus and full gear not to inhale or not to come into eyes or skin with harmful alkaline mist.
6. Accidental release measures
(a) Personal precautions, protective equipment, and emergency procedures.
Wear protective clothing. Keep unprotected persons away.
(b) Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up.
When the liquid leaks out of the battery, absorb and wipe it with dry cloth. If touching the liquid, Observe Section 4 - First Aid Measures
7. Handling and storage
(a) Precautions for safe handling.
● Never swallow.
If swallowed, see Section 4 - First Aid Measures.
Never touch the liquid leaked out of battery. If the liquid comes into eyes, or mouth, see Section 4 - First Aid Measures.
Never short-circuit the battery.
Do not allow the positive and negative terminals to short-circuit. Never carry or keep battery with metal goods such as a necklace or a hairpin. Otherwise battery could cause distortion, leakage, overheating, or explosion of the battery.
Never charge.
The battery is not designed to be charged by any other electrical source. Charging could generate gas and internal short-circuiting, leading to distortion, leakage, overheating, or explosion.
Never expose to open flames. Exposing to flames could cause explosion of the battery.
Never heat. Heating the battery more than 100 degree centigrade could increase the internal pressure leading to distortion, leakage, overheating, or explosion.
Never disassemble or deform.
Disassembly or deforming of the battery could cause the leakage, overheating, or explosion due to an internal short-circuits..
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D ocum ent numb er: Alka lin e_Dr y_MA S_S D S_20 18
(a) Appearance (physical state,
color, etc.)
LR20,LR14,LR6,LR03,LR1: cylindrical shape with primary cell of 1.5V nominal voltage. 6LF22: prismatic shape with primary cell of 9V nominal voltage.
(b) Odor
not applicable
(c) Odor threshold
not applicable
(d) pH
not applicable
(e) Melting point/ freezing point
not applicable
(f) Initial boiling point and
boiling range
not applicable
(g) Flash point
not applicable
(h) Evaporation rate
not applicable
(i) Flammability (solid, gas)
not applicable
(j) Upper/lower flammability or
explosive limits
not applicable
Date: Jan. 1st, 2018
(b) Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities.
Never let the battery contact with water. Never store the battery in hot and high humid place.
8. Exposure controls/personal protection
(a) OSHA permissible exposure limit (PEL), American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Value (TLV), and any other exposure limit used or recommended by the chemical manufacturer, importer, or employer preparing the safety data sheet, where available.
(b) Appropriate engineering controls.
Do not disassemble the product without professional basis.
(c) Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipment.
No special equipment is required for handling, carrying or using the product. The chemical materials concluded in the Product is sealed up, thus being stable, safe and eco-friendly under common conditions.
9. Physical and chemical properties
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