DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 Evaluation Module
User's Guide
Literature Number: SLEU057A
September 2004 – Revised May 2009

2 SLEU057A – September 2004 – Revised May 2009
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Preface ............................................................................................................................... 5
1 Description ................................................................................................................ 7
1.1 Functional Block Diagram .................................................................................................. 8
1.2 EVM Features ................................................................................................................ 8
1.3 System Requirements ....................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Electrostatic Discharge Warning ........................................................................................... 9
1.5 Function Control for DAI Interface Format ............................................................................... 9
1.6 Reset Operation .............................................................................................................. 9
1.7 SW006 Operation Control for DAC ...................................................................................... 10
1.8 Jumper Connection ........................................................................................................ 10
1.9 Demonstration Software ................................................................................................... 10
2 Schematics, PCB Layout, and Bill of Materials ............................................................. 11
2.1 DEM-DAI/ASDAC Printed Circuit Board Layout ........................................................................ 12
2.2 DEM-AS/CDAC Printed Circuit Board Layout .......................................................................... 15
2.3 DEM-DAI/ASDAC Schematics ............................................................................................ 17
2.4 DEM-AS/CDAC Schematics .............................................................................................. 19
2.5 Component Lists ........................................................................................................... 20
2.5.1 DEM-AS/CDAC_96/98 Parts List................................................................................ 20
2.5.2 DEM-DAI/ASDAC_96/98 Parts List ............................................................................. 20
Revision History ................................................................................................................. 22
Important Notices ............................................................................................................... 23
SLEU057A – September 2004 – Revised May 2009 Contents 3
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List of Figures
1-1 DEM-DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 Block Diagram ...................................................... 8
2-1 DEM-DAI/ASDAC Silkscreen ............................................................................................. 12
2-2 DEM-DAI/ASDAC (Top View) ............................................................................................ 13
2-3 DEM-DAI/ASDAC (Bottom View)......................................................................................... 14
2-4 DEM-AS/CDAC Silkscreen ................................................................................................ 15
2-5 DEM-AS/CDAC (Top View) ............................................................................................... 15
2-6 DEM-AS/CDAC (Bottom View) ........................................................................................... 16
2-7 DEM-DAI/ASDAC Analog Section (Sockets for Daughterboard and Low-Pass Filter) ............................ 17
2-8 DEM-DAI/ASDAC Connector and Regulator ........................................................................... 17
2-9 DEM-DAI/ASDAC Digital Section (Digital Audio Interface) ........................................................... 18
2-10 DEM-AS/CDAC ............................................................................................................. 19
List of Tables
1-1 Digital Audio Receiver Configuration ...................................................................................... 9
1-2 SW006 Options ............................................................................................................. 10
2-1 Bill of Materials ............................................................................................................. 20
2-2 Bill of Materials ............................................................................................................. 20
4 List of Figures SLEU057A – September 2004 – Revised May 2009
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About This Manual
This document provides the information needed to set up and operate the
DEM-DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 EVM evaluation module, a test platform for the 24-bit,
192-kHz, sampling stereo DSD1796 , PCM1795 , PCM1796 , and PCM1798 audio digital-to-analog
converters (DACs). For a more detailed description of these devices, refer to the specific device product
data sheet available from the Texas Instruments web site at http://www.ti.com .
How to Use This Manual
Throughout this document, the abbreviation EVM and the term evaluation module are synonymous with
the DEM-DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 EVM. Unless specifically noted, the information
presented in this manual applies to the DSD1796, PCM1795, PCM1796, and PCM1798 audio stereo
Chapter 1 describes the hardware setup guide for the EVM, including the necessary information required
to configure the EVM switches and jumpers for product evaluation. This chapter also explains how to use
the software provided with the DEM-DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 EVM for controlling the
Chapter 2 includes the EVM electrical schematics, printed circuit board (PCB) layouts, and the bills of
material for both the DEM-DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798, the DEM-AS/CDAC, and the
SLEU057A – September 2004 – Revised May 2009
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Information About Cautions and Warnings
This document contains caution statements.
This is an example of a caution statement. A caution statement describes a
situation that could potentially damage your software or equipment.
The information in a caution or a warning is provided for your protection. Please read each caution and
warning carefully.
If You Need Assistance
If you have questions regarding either the use of this evaluation module or the information contained in the
accompanying documentation, please contact the Texas Instruments Product Information Center at (972)
644–5580 or visit the TI web site at www.ti.com .
FCC Warning
This equipment is intended for use in a laboratory test environment only. It generates, uses, and can
radiate radio frequency energy and has not been tested for compliance with the limits of computing
devices pursuant to subpart J of part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide reasonable
protection against radio frequency interference. Operation of this equipment in other environments may
cause interference with radio communications, in which case the user at his own expense is required to
take whatever measures may be required to correct this interference.
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All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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SLEU057A – September 2004 – Revised May 2009
The DEM-DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 is an evaluation fixture for the DSD1796/PCM1795/
PCM1796/PCM1798 series of 24-bit, 192-kHz sampling stereo DACs. This EVM provides all necessary
connectors and circuitry for interfacing to audio test systems and commercial audio equipment.
Topic .................................................................................................. Page
1.1 Functional Block Diagram ............................................................ 8
1.2 EVM Features ............................................................................. 8
1.3 System Requirements ................................................................. 9
1.4 Electrostatic Discharge Warning .................................................. 9
1.5 Function Control for DAI Interface Format ..................................... 9
1.6 Reset Operation.......................................................................... 9
1.7 SW006 Operation Control for DAC .............................................. 10
1.8 Jumper Connection ................................................................... 10
1.9 Demonstration Software ............................................................ 10
Chapter 1
SLEU057A – September 2004 – Revised May 2009 Description 7
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(4.5V )
(4.5V )
SW001 003
( 15V)
Functional Block Diagram
1.1 Functional Block Diagram
Figure 1-1 illustrates the functional block diagram of the DEM-DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798
1.2 EVM Features
Figure 1-1. DEM-DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 Block Diagram
The DEM-DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 series of stereo DACs consist of a DAI (S/PDIF)
section that uses a DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 DAC section, a differential current/voltage
(I/V) section, and a balanced amplifier with a post-low-pass filter (LPF) section.
The DEM-DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 requires a 5-V digital power supply for its digital
circuits, a 5-V analog power supply for the device itself, and a ± 15-V analog power supply for the
balanced amplifier circuits.
The DAI section has both coaxial and optical inputs that are switch-selectable and capable of handling
sampling rates up to 96 kHz.
The DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 accepts PCM audio data input at a sampling rate up to 192
kHz, or a 64-f
the board.
DSD signal input, as determined by functional control settings and jumper connections on
This evaluation fixture uses the DEM-DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 demonstration board and
demonstration software for functional evaluation and operational control of the
DSD1796/PCM1795/PCM1796/PCM1798 DAC device.
Description 8 SLEU057A – September 2004 – Revised May 2009
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