Texas Instruments MSP-FET430P140 Flash Emulation Tool
User’s Guide


Thank you for purchasing a Texas Instruments MSP-FET430P140 Flash Emulation Tool for our MSP430F13x/14x ultra-low power microcontroller.
This tool contains the most up-to-date materials available at the time of packaging. For the latest materials (data sheets, software, applications, etc.), please visit our MSP430 web site at www.ti.com/sc/msp430 contact your local TI sales office.
This document supplements the existing TI and IAR documentation. This document does not fully teach the MSP430 or the IAR systems. For details of these systems, please refer to the appropriate TI and IAR documents listed in “Sources of Additional Information” within the Appendices.
, or

Get Started Now!

Kit Contents

1. One READ ME FIRST document.
2. One MSP430 CD-ROM.
3. One MSP-FETP430IF FET Interface module. This is the unit that has a 25-pin male D-Sub connector on one end of the case, and a 2x7 pin male connector on the other end of the case.
4. One MSP-TS430PM64 Target Socket module. This is the PCB on which is mounted a clam-shell-style socket for the MSP430F149. A 2x7 pin male connector is also present on the PCB.
5. One 25-conductor cable.
6. One 14-conductor cable.
7. Eight PCB 2x7 pin connectors (Four male and four female).
8. One small, black, box containing two MSP430F149PM devices.
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MSP-FET430P140 Flash Emulation Tool User’s Guide

Software Installation

1. Follow the instructions on the supplied READ ME FIRST document to install the IAR Workbench (assembler and C project development environment) and IAR C-SPY (assembler and C debugger). Please read the file ew430ks.htm for the latest information about the Workbench, and read the file cs430.htm for the latest information about C-SPY. For simplicity, the term KickStart is used to refer to the development environment that consists of the Workbench and C-SPY.
KickStart is compatible with WINDOWS ’95, ’98, 2000, ME, and NT4.0.

Significant Changes from Software Version 2.02

1. Numerous bugs in the C-SPY/FET driver have been corrected. The performance and robustness of the driver have been greatly improved.
2. The current device type is displayed in FET Options.
3. An Advanced section has been added to the FET Options that permits one to dump the contents of memory to a named file (Memory Dump), to view the stack contents (Views->Stack), and to view the registers (Views->Registers).

Hardware Installation

1. Use the 25-conductor cable to connect the FET Interface module to the parallel port of your PC.
2. Use the 14-conductor cable to connect the FET Interface module to the Target Socket module.
3. Ensure that the MSP430F149 is securely seated in the socket, and that its pin 1 (indicated with a circular indentation on the top surface) aligns with the “1” mark on the PCB.
4. Ensure that jumpers JP1 and JP2 (near the 2x7 pin male connector) are in place. A picture of the Target Socket module and its parts is presented later in this document.

Important MSP430 Documents on the CD-ROM

The MSP430 CD-ROM supplied with the FET contains a wealth of information.
From the MSP430 main page on the CD-ROM, Literature->MSP430 Literature->Data Sheets presents the MSP430 device data sheets.
From the MSP430 main page on the CD-ROM, Literature->MSP430 Literature->User’s Guides presents User’s Guides for our suite of MSP430 tools.
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MSP-FET430P140 Flash Emulation Tool User’s Guide

“FLASH”ing the LED (an example in assembler and C)

This section demonstrates on the FET the equivalent of the C-language “Hello, world!” introductory program; assembler and C applications that flash the LED are developed and downloaded to the FET, and then run.

Assembler Example

2. Use FILE->OPEN to open the project file at: 430->FET_examples->F149->Assembler->Fet_1->Fet_1.prj
3. Use PROJECT->BUILD ALL to assemble and link the source code. You can view the source code by double-clicking Common Sources, and then double-clicking on the file Fet_1.s43 in the Fet_1.prj window.
4. Ensure that C-SPY is properly configured (With DEBUG selected, PROJECT->OPTIONS, C-SPY);
1. SETUP, DRIVER, Flash Emulation Tool
2. SETUP, CHIP DESCRIPTION, $TOOLKIT_DIR$\cw430\msp430F149.ddf
5. Use PROJECT->DEBUGGER to start C-SPY. C-SPY will erase the device FLASH, and then download to the device FLASH the application object file.
6. In C-SPY, use EXECUTE->GO to start the application. The LED should flash!
7. In C-SPY, use FILE-EXIT to exit C-SPY.
8. In the Workbench, use FILE-EXIT to exit the Workbench.
Congratulations, you’ve just developed and tested your first MSP430F149 assembler application!

C Example

2. Use FILE->OPEN to open the project file at: 430->FET_examples->F149->C->Fet_1->Fet_1.prj
3. Use PROJECT->BUILD ALL to compile and link the source code. You can view the source code by double-clicking Common Sources, and then double-clicking on the file Fet_1.c in the Fet_1.prj window.
4. Ensure that C-SPY is properly configured (With DEBUG selected, PROJECT->OPTIONS, C-SPY);
1. SETUP, DRIVER, Flash Emulation Tool
2. SETUP, CHIP DESCRIPTION, $TOOLKIT_DIR$\cw430\msp430F149.ddf
5. Use PROJECT->DEBUGGER to start C-SPY. C-SPY will erase the device FLASH, and then download to the device FLASH the application object file.
6. In C-SPY, use EXECUTE->GO to start the application. The LED should flash!
7. In C-SPY, use FILE-EXIT to exit C-SPY.
8. In the Workbench, use FILE-EXIT to exit the Workbench.
Congratulations, you’ve just developed and tested your first MSP430F149 “C” application!
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MSP-FET430P140 Flash Emulation Tool User’s Guide

Solutions to a Common Problem when Using the FET Examples

A common problem that users report when using the FET examples is that their PC cannot communicate with the device. Possible solutions to this problem include:
1. Insure that R6 on the Interface modules has a value of 82 ohms. Early Interface modules were built using a 330 ohm resistor for R6. Refer to the diagrams in the Schematics and PCB Pictorials section to locate R6.
2. Insure that the correct parallel port is being specified in the C-SPY configuration window (LPT1, 2, or
3). Check the PC BIOS for the parallel port address (0x378, 0x278, 0x3bc), and the parallel port configuration (ECP, Compatible, Bidirectional, or Normal).
3. Insure that no other software application has reserved/taken control of the parallel port (say, printer drivers, ZIP drive drivers, etc.). Such software can prevent the FET driver from accessing the parallel port, and, hence, communicating with the FET.
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MSP-FET430P140 Flash Emulation Tool User’s Guide

Development Flow


Applications are developed in assembler and/or C using the Workbench, and they are debugged using C­SPY. C-SPY can be configured to operate with the FET (i.e., an actual MSP430F149), or with a software simulation of the device.
Documentation for the MSP430 family and KickStart is extensive. The CD-ROM supplied with this tool contains a large amount of documentation describing the MSP430. The MSP430 home page on the world wide web (www.ti.com/sc/msp430 KickStart (assembler, compiler, workbench, debugger) are fully documented in 430\doc under the KickStart installation directory root (see readme.htm). Additional files located throughout the KickStart directory tree contain the most up to date information and supplement the .pdf files. In addition, KickStart documentation is available on-line via HELP. Please ignore the references in the KickStart documentation to DOS and “Command Line” commands. The IAR User’s Guides (.pdf) do not make reference to the FET or the MSP430F13x/14x devices.
430\doc\FET_Doc_Overview.htm conveniently organizes the IAR and TI documents.
Tool User’s Guide Most Up To Date Information
) is another source of MSP430 information. The components of
Workbench ew430.pdf readme.htm & ew430ks.htm
Assembler a430.pdf a430.htm
Compiler icc430.pdf icc430.htm
C library clib.txt
Linker xlink.htm
Linker xman.htm
C-SPY Debugger cw430.pdf cs430.htm

Using KickStart

The KickStart development environment is limited. The following restrictions are in place:
1. The C compiler supports a maximum of 2K bytes generated code and has no support for floating-point arithmetic. It will not generate any assembly code output. The assembler is not restricted.
2. The linker will link a maximum of 2K bytes originating from C source code, but an unlimited amount of code originating from assembler source.
3. C-SPY does not support code profiling.
A “full” (i.e., unrestricted) version of the software tools can be purchased from IAR. A “mid-featured” tool set – called Baseline, with an 8K byte code size limitation – is also available. Please consult the IAR web site (www.iar.se
) for more information. FET drivers for these software tools are available.
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MSP-FET430P140 Flash Emulation Tool User’s Guide

Project Settings

The settings required to configure the Workbench and C-SPY are numerous and detailed. Please read and understand the supplied KickStart documentation thoroughly when dealing with project settings. Please review the project files (.prj) supplied with the assembler and C examples; use these files as templates when developing your own project files. The project options are accessed using: PROJECT->OPTIONS
Some noteworthy items are:
1. Choose the –v1 330 Processor Configuration with support for hardware multiply when developing with the MSP430F14x. Choose the –v0 310/320 Processor Configuration without support for hardware multiply when developing with the MSP430F13x. (GENERAL, TARGET)
2. Enable Debug Information in the compiler. (ICC430, DEBUG)
3. Enable Generate Debug Information in the assembler. (A430, CODE GENERATION)
4. Enable Debug Info in the linker Format section. (XLINK, OUTPUT)
5. Override the XCL File Name. See System Files below. (XLINK, INCLUDE)
6. Select the C-SPY driver: Select Simulator to debug on the simulator. Select Flash Emulation Tool to debug on the FET. (C-SPY, SETUP). Select the active parallel port in PARALLEL PORT.
7. Override and select the correct Chip Description for C-SPY. See System Files below. (C-SPY, SETUP)

System Files

The following configuration and special files are provided to facilitate development of MSP430 applications under KickStart/MSP-FET430P140. In each category, choose the file corresponding to the specific device being developed for.
1. Linker control files for point 5. above that support assembler development: $TOOLKIT_DIR$\icc430\msp430F133A.xcl $TOOLKIT_DIR$\icc430\msp430F135A.xcl $TOOLKIT_DIR$\icc430\msp430F147A.xcl $TOOLKIT_DIR$\icc430\msp430F148A.xcl $TOOLKIT_DIR$\icc430\msp430F149A.xcl
2. Linker control files for point 5. above that support C development: $TOOLKIT_DIR$\icc430\msp430F133C.xcl $TOOLKIT_DIR$\icc430\msp430F135C.xcl $TOOLKIT_DIR$\icc430\msp430F147C.xcl $TOOLKIT_DIR$\icc430\msp430F148C.xcl $TOOLKIT_DIR$\icc430\msp430F149C.xcl
3. Chip Description files for point 7. above that support debugging: $TOOLKIT_DIR$\cw430\msp430F133.ddf $TOOLKIT_DIR$\cw430\msp430F135.ddf $TOOLKIT_DIR$\cw430\msp430F147.ddf $TOOLKIT_DIR$\cw430\msp430F148.ddf $TOOLKIT_DIR$\cw430\msp430F149.ddf
4. Device definition “#include” files: $TOOLKIT_DIR$\inc\msp430x13x.h $TOOLKIT_DIR$\inc\msp430x14x.h
5. C library files: $TOOLKIT_DIR$\lib\cl430ks.r43 // For MSP430F13x (without hardware multiplier) $TOOLKIT_DIR$\lib\cl430ksm.r43 // For MSP430F14x (with hardware multiplier)
System files are also provided for all other MSP430 devices.
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Realtime/Non-Realtime Debugging

C-SPY supports two fundamental modes of debugging: Realtime and Non-Realtime. During Realtime debugging, the device operates at full device speed and makes use of a limited number of on-chip debugging resources (specifically, three address breakpoint registers). During Non-Realtime debugging, the device executes under the control of the host PC; the system operates at a much slower speed, but offers a software breakpoint at every instruction address. During Non-Realtime mode, the PC effectively repeatedly single steps the device and interrogates the program counter after each operation. Realtime is the default mode. CONTROL->REALTIME selects or deselects Realtime mode.
Attention: When Realtime is selected, (single) STEP is disabled and GO can only be executed with a maximum of three breakpoints active. If more than three breakpoints are active in Realtime mode and GO is selected, a message is output that informs the user that the operation is not possible.

Using Breakpoints

If there are three or fewer breakpoints active, C-SPY will always operate in Realtime mode (regardless of the setting of CONTROL->REALTIME).
If there are four or more breakpoints active, C-SPY will only operate in Non-Realtime mode (regardless of the setting of CONTROL->REALTIME).
The GO TO CURSOR operation implicitly requires a breakpoint.
RESET’ing a C program implicitly requires a breakpoint.
If, during a breakpoint, an interrupt becomes pending, the current instruction is completed and the first instruction of the interrupt service routine becomes the next instruction (i.e,. C-SPY breaks at the start of the interrupt service routine).
Note: Only address breakpoints on instruction fetches are supported; data breakpoints are not yet supported.

Using Single Step

Non-Realtime mode must be selected to enable single stepping.
A single step (STEP) or STEP INTO operation within an assembler file of a non-CALL instruction executes the instruction at full device speed.
A STEP INTO operation within an assembler file of a CALL instruction will stop at the first instruction of the CALL’ed function.
A single step (STEP) operation within an assembler file of a CALL instruction to a function defined in the same file as the reset vector function and before the reset vector function will execute the CALL’ed function and will stop on the instruction following the CALL instruction. The CALL'ed function will execute in non-realtime.
A single step (STEP) operation within an assembler file of a CALL instruction to a function defined in a different file than the reset vector function or after the reset vector function will stop at the first instruction of the CALL’ed function. In this case, STEP operates identical to STEP INTO.
A true STEP OVER a CALL instruction in assembler that executes the CALL’ed function at full device speed (regardless of where the source of the CALL’ed function is located) can be synthesized by placing a breakpoint after the CALL and GO’ing (to the breakpoint [in Realtime mode]).
GO OUT is not supported within an assembler file; C-SPY will hang if it is used.
A single step operation within a C file executes the next C statement. Thus, it is possible to step over a function reference. Statements are executed in Non-Realtime mode. STEP INTO is supported. GO OUT is supported.
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Within Disassembly mode (View->Toggle Source/Disassembly), a single step (STEP) operation of a CALL instruction will place – if possible - a hardware breakpoint after the CALL instruction, and then execute GO. The CALL’ed function will execute at full device speed. If no hardware breakpoint was available prior to the GO, the CALL’ed function will be executed in Non-Realtime mode. In either case, execution will stop at the instruction following the CALL. GO OUT is not supported in Disassembly mode.
It is only possible to single step when source statements are present. Breakpoints must be used when running code for which there is no source code (i.e., place the breakpoint after the CALL to the function for which there is no source, and then GO to the breakpoint [in Realtime mode]).
If, during a single step operation, an interrupt becomes pending, the current instruction is completed and the first instruction of the interrupt service routine becomes the next instruction (i.e,. C-SPY steps to the start of the interrupt service routine).
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FET Specific Menus

Control->Real Time
Select Realtime mode or deselect Realtime mode (i.e., Non-Realtime mode).
FET Options
The current device type is displayed.
FET Options->Download Options
Erase Flash Memory before Download
Main and Information Memory
Erase both FLASH memories before download.
Main Memory only
Erase the Main FLASH memory only before download. The Information memory is not erased.
Retain Unchanged Memory
The Information and Main FLASH memories are read into a buffer. The FLASH memories are then erased. The data to be written is written to the buffer (overwriting the previous buffer contents at those selected locations). The new data effectively replaces the old data, and unaffected old data is retained. The buffer is then written to the FLASH memories.
When enabled, Verify Download verifies that program data has been correctly transferred from the PC to the device. This verification does increase the programming sequence time.
FET Options->Release JTAG on Go
C-SPY uses the device JTAG signals to debug the device.
However, when RELEASE JTAG ON GO is selected, the JTAG drivers are set to tri-state and the device is released from JTAG control when GO is activated. Any active on-chip breakpoints are retained.
At this time, C-SPY has no access to the device and cannot determine if an active breakpoint (if any) has been reached. C-SPY must be manually commanded to stop the device at which time the state of the device will be determined (i.e., Was a breakpoint reached?).
If RELEASE JTAG ON GO is selected, the JTAG pins will be released if and only if there are three or fewer active breakpoints.
See Known Problems 2 and Miscellaneous 15.
FET Options->Resynchronize JTAG
Regain control of the device.
FET Options->Init New Device
Initialize the device according to the settings in the Download Options. Basically, the current program file is downloaded to the device memory. The device is then reset. This option can be used to program multiple devices with the same program from within the same C-SPY session.
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FET Options->Advanced->Views->Registers
Display the device registers. The “@:” is an “indirect” control, and displays in the adjacent window the memory contents as addressed by the corresponding device register. The device register contents can be changed using this window. Note: If the IAR Window->Register is open, changes made using the new Registers window will not be reflected in the Register window immediately (and vise versa).
FET Options->Advanced->Views->Stack
Display the device memory as addressed by the Stack Pointer (SP). The highlighted address and contents indicates the “top of the stack”. The stack contents can be changed using this window.
FET Options->Advanced->Memory Dump
Write the specified device memory contents to a specified file. A conventional dialog is displayed that permits the user to specify a file name, a memory starting address, and a length. The addressed memory is then written in a text format to the named file. Options permit the user to select word or byte text format, and address information and register contents can also be appended to the file.
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Sources of Additional Information

The primary sources of MSP430 device information include the following TI documents: the Architecture Guide, the Software User’s Guide (TI), tool manuals, and the specific device datasheet. The most up to date versions of these documents available at the time of production have been provided on the CD-ROM included with this tool. The MSP430 web site (www.ti.com/sc/msp430 these documents.
The .pdf files in the 430\doc directory document KickStart. A copy of the .pdf file are include on the MSP430 CD-ROM. The IAR User’s Guides (.pdf) do not make reference to the FET or the MSP430F13x/14x devices. The .htm files in the 430\doc directory supplement the KickStart documentation, and contain the latest information.

Sources of Assistance

Support for the MSP430 device and the FET is provided by the Texas Instruments Product Information Group (PIC). Contact information for the PIC can be found on the TI web site at www.ti.com device-specific information can be found on the MSP430 web site at www.ti.com/sc/msp430
Note: Although KickStart is a product of IAR, Texas Instruments provides the support for it. Therefore, please do not request support for KickStart from IAR. Please consult the extensive documentation provided with the product before requesting assistance.
) will contain the latest version of
. Additional

Design Considerations for In-Circuit Programming

Boot Strap Loader

The JTAG pins provide access to the FLASH memory of the current MSP430F13x/14x device. MSP430 FLASH devices contain a program (a “Boot Strap Loader”) that permits the FLASH memory to be erased and programmed simply using a reduced set of signals. An Application Note that fully describes this interface has been developed. Texas Instruments suggests that customers of the MSP430 FLASH devices design their circuits with this capability in mind (i.e., we suggest that the customer provide easy access to these needed signals (say, via a header)).

Device Signals

The following device signals should be brought out (i.e., made accessible) so that the FET and PRGS (Programming Adapter Serial) tools can be utilized:
RST/NMI, TMS, TCK, TDI, TDO, GND, and VCC. The PRGS also requires XOUT.
The BSL tool requires the following device signals: RST/NMI, TCK, GND, VCC, P1.1, and P2.2

External Power

The PC parallel port is capable of sourcing a limited amount of current. Owing to the ultra-low power requirement of the MSP430, a stand-alone FET430P140 tool does exceed the available current. However, if additional circuitry is added to the tool, this current limit could be exceeded. In this case, external power can be supplied to the tool via jumper J3 on the Target Socket module. In this configuration, the external supply powers the device on the Target Socket module and any user circuitry connected to the Target Socket module, and the Interface module continues to be powered from the PC via the parallel port.
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