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About This Manual
This user’s guide documents the MSP430 gang programmer
How to Use This Manual
This document contains the following chapters:
Information About Cautions and Warnings
- Chapter 1 – Introduction, Installation, and Setup
- Chapter 2 – Operation
- Chapter 3 – Firmware
- Chapter 4 – Dynamic Link Library GANG430.DLL
- Chapter 5 – Hardware
- Chapter 6 – Schematics
Information About Cautions and Warnings
This book may contain cautions and warnings.
This is an example of a caution statement.
A caution statement describes a situation that could potentially
damage your software or equipment.
This is an example of a warning statement.
A warning statement describes a situation that could potentially
cause harm to you
The information in a caution or a warning is provided for your protection.
Please read each caution and warning carefully.
Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.
If You Need Assistance. . .
Support for the MSP430 device and the MSP−GANG430 is provided by the
Texas Instruments Product Information Center (PIC). Contact information for
the PIC can be found on the Texas Instruments web site at www.ti.com
Additional device-specific information can be found on the MSP430 web site
at www.ti.com/msp430.
The MSP-GANG430 is an MSP430 device programmer that can program up
to eight MSP430 flash devices at the same time. The MSP-GANG430
connects to the host PC using a standard RS232 serial connection. The
MSP-GANG430 provides flexible device programming options as described
in Chapter 2.
The MSP-GANG430 is not a gang programmer in the traditional sense; there
are not eight sockets provided to program the target devices. Instead, the
MSP-GANG430 is designed to connect to the target devices in-circuit (i.e., the
target devices are mounted in the customer’s final circuit/system). The
MSP-GANG430 accesses the target devices using connectors to the JTAG
Chapter 6 contains a schematic that documents how the signals from the
MSP-GANG430 can be brought out to each of the target devices via an
MSP430-standard JTAG connector. The circuit could easily be modified to
connect the signals to the target device pins directly (via a socket) if a
traditional gang programmer was desired.
The MSP−GANG430 is provided with an expansion board that implements the
interconnections between the MSP−GANG430 and multiple target devices.
Eight cables are provided that connect the expansion board to eight target
devices (via a JTAG connector).
1.2Software Installation
To install the MSP-GANG430 software:
1) Insert the MSP430 CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of the computer. The
setup routine automatically opens the default browser of the computer and
displays the MSP430 start page. Alternatively, open the file index.htm
located in the root directory of the CD-ROM using a browser. The MSP430
start page is displayed in the browser window.
2) Select Tool Software
3) Select MSP-GANG430 Gang Programmer
4) Select Save this program to disk under the File Download options and clickOK. A Save As dialog is displayed.
5) Using the Save As dialog, save the GANG430_Rxxx.exe program to the
computer. Make a note of the directory path to this file.
6) Navigate to this file (GANG430_Rxxx.exe) and execute it. A welcome
message is displayed on the screen.
7) The setup program guides you through the installation process. Follow the
setup instructions on the screen.
Software Installation
8) On completion of the setup program execution, the MSP-GANG430
program icons are created in the selected folder. Click on the GANG430Read Me First icon to obtain important information about the
MSP-GANG430 hardware and software.
9) The appropriate program group and icons are added to the Windows
program manager.
10) To start the MSP-GANG430 software, click the GANG430 icon in the
selected program group (the default program group is ADT430).
1.3Hardware Installation
To install the MSP-GANG430 hardware:
1) Connect the MSP-GANG430 to the serial port (COM1−COM15 or
extension board) of the PC using the 9-pin SUB-D connector.
2) Connect an external power supply to the MSP-GANG430. The voltage of
the power supply must be between 9 V and 15 V dc and must be capable
of providing a minimum current of 300 mA. The center post of the power
supply connector on the MSP-GANG430 is the positive voltage terminal.
The power supply connection status is indicated by the yellow system LED
on the MSP-GANG430.
3) The expansion board should be attached to the 25-pin SUB-D connector
on the MSP−GANG430. It provides connectivity for up to eight targets, via
the included eight 14-pin cables. The target MSP430 flash devices can be
in standalone sockets or can be on an application’s PCB and are accessed
via the JTAG signals.
Introduction, Installation, and Setup
Hardware Installation
Note: Maximum Signal Path Length: 60 cm
The maximum length of the signal path between the 25-pin SUB-D connector
on the MSP-GANG430 and a target device is 60 cm. If cables between the
programmer and targets are longer then 20 cm, serial resistors of 100 Ω
should be inserted on signals TCK and TMS on the expansion board. TCK
is on pin 4 and TMS is on pin 3 of the 25-pin SUB-D connector.
4) The MSP−GANG430 provides the selected power supply voltage V
(VCC_MSP on pins 7 and 14 of the 25-pin SUB-D target connector; pin 2
on the 14-pin cable) to the target devices in application PCBs. A maximum
total current of 150 mA can be provided by the programmer to the targets.
5) When an external supply voltage V
should also be fed into the sense input pin (MSP_VCC_IN on pin 15 of the
25-pin SUB-D target connector; pin 4 on the 14-pin cable) of the
programmer. This connection allows the integrated level shifters to match
the target JTAG signal levels with the external supply voltage.
When an external supply voltage is used for the target systems, it is very
important to disconnect VCC_MSP from the targets to avoid power supply
conflicts that could potential damage the MSP-GANG430 and the targets.
Connect the external supply voltage to MSP_VCC_IN.
It is not possible to use the MSP-GANG430 with targets powered by the
MSP-GANG430 and with targets powered by an external supply
Figure 1−1.MSP-GANG430 Gang Programmer
is used for the target systems, it
8−15 V
300 mA
MSP430 Gang Programmer
JTAG connector
for eight
MSP430 devices
Chapter 2
This chapter describes the various methods for programming MSP430 flash
devices using the MSP-GANG430.
2.1Programming MSP430 Flash Devices Using the GUI2-2. . . . . . . . . . . . .
The following sequence must be followed to start the GUI and program
MSP430 flash devices using the MSP-GANG430:
1) Connect the MSP-GANG430 hardware and the targets as suggested in
Section 1.3.
2) Click on the GANG430 icon located in the program group specified during
installation of the software (default: ADT430). The MSP430 FLASH GangProgrammer GUI is displayed on the screen (see Figure 2−1). The status
line in the GUI displays the message MSP-GANG430 Gang Programmerconnected. If this message is not displayed, check the CO
in the communication settings and the MSP-GANG430 connections.
M Port selection
3) Select the required device using the D
4) Select the object code file to be programmed into the device(s) using the
ame menu. The formats supported for the object code file are TI TXT
File N
(.txt) and Intel hex (.a43, .hex, .int).
5) Use the L
sum to the MSP-GANG430. The data is written to an internal memory
called the image buffer.
6) Select the supply voltage using the Su
7) Select the options in Main Process as required.
8) Click on the S
operation. The progress and completion of the operation is displayed in
status. Before the gang programming operation starts, the reset of all
targets is performed. The duration of the reset pulse and the delay after
reset is specified by “Settling Time”. The reset feature is available on
hardware V1.30 and later.
oad Image button to download the object code file and its check-
tart button in Main Process to start the gang programming
evice Type menu.
pply Voltage menu.
Figure 2−1.MSP-GANG430 GUI
Programming MSP430 Flash Devices Using the GUI
Programming MSP430 Flash Devices Using the GUI
Executes the
function(s) selected
function(s) selected
in Main Process
Load Image –Target
Load Image –Target
Erase/Check Erase
2.1.2Description of the MSP-GANG430 GUI
Table 2−1 describes the function buttons and option settings in the
Table 2−1.Function Buttons and Descriptions
Button GroupFunctionsDescription
EraseErase the target’s flash memories as selected on the panel
Erase/Check Erase
Start – Main Process
in Main Process
Target Power
Execute –
Erase checkCheck if the target’s memories are erased as selected on the
panel Erase/Check Erase
ProgramProgram the image buffer into the target’s flash memory
VerifyCompare the target’s flash memory and the image buffer
Blow fuseBlow the target’s JTAG fuse after successful completion of the
selected operations
Supplied by
Switch VCC offThe supply voltage provided by the VCC_MSP pin is switched off
Supply voltageSelect the voltage supplied to the targets
Settling timeTime to allow the target capacitors to fully charge
Load imageLoad the selected object code file into the image buffer.
Device TypeSelect the memory model of the target
Device Information Memory details of the selected device type
File nameThe file containing the object code
Main memoryCheck if the main memory should be erased or checked according
Info memoryCheck if the info memory should be erased or checked according
Calibration dataCheck if the calibration protected info memory should be erased
H/W self testInitiate hardware self test. All green LEDs on – test pass. All red
Update firmwareUpdate MSP-GANG430 firmware with the firmware update file
Read out TargetRead out exclusively one of eight target modules.
Erase imageErase the image buffer
Target connector
Use SpyBiWireCheck this box if the 2-wire SpyBiWire interface should be used
COM portSelect the PC serial port used to communicate with the
Baud rateSelect the baud rate of the serial port
The connected targets are powered by the MSP-GANG430 via
VCC_MSP pin.
after programming the targets.
to setting in group Main Process
to setting in group Main Process
and/or checked according to setting in group Main Process. If this
check box is checked, the calibration data is lost. It can be used
if the calibration data is not needed in the application.
LEDs on – test fail.
Set the selected pin on the 25-pin target connector of the
for device operation. This option is not available for all devices.
Note: The 2-wire SpyBiWire interface operation is slower than the
regular 4-wire JTAG.
Programming MSP430 Flash Devices Using the GUI
System menu
Button Group
System menu
Lock settingsAll settings on the GUI are locked. Only the Start button, the Result
Unlock settingsThe locked settings and the hidden group boxes are enabled.
Help…Opens the user help window
About gang
2.1.3Status Messages
Table 2−2 shows the status messages that can be displayed in the
MSP-GANG430 GUI during operation.
Table 2−2.Status Messages
Status TypeStatus Messages
Executing main process...
Erasing image buffer...
Loading image buffer...
Loading checksum of image buffer...
Erasing firmware section...
Loading firmware section...
Initializing firmware...
Changing baud rate...
Executing self test...
Setting signals at target connector...
Operation successful
MSP-GANG430 gang programmer connected.
Result of the operation: See the result section.
COM port settings modified. MSP-GANG430 gang programmer connected.
Target power settings modified
Operation successful
Selftest passed
The System Menu is displayed by clicking on the icon at the upper
left corner of GUI (or {Alt} and {Space} pressed together).
group box, and the Status group box are displayed. Other group
boxes are hidden.
Desktop application software and firmware version and filename
information is displayed (or press F1)
Programming MSP430 Flash Devices Using the GUI
Setting System
2.1.4Error Messages
Table 2−3 shows the error messages that can be displayed in the
MSP-GANG430 GUI when an error occurs during operation.
Table 2−3.Error Messages
Error TypeError Message
Setting System
ERROR: Unable to read Target!
ERROR: Unable to open COM port − already in use?
ERROR: Unable to close COM port!
ERROR: Synchronization failed. Programmer connected?
ERROR: Time out during operation − Correct COM port selected?
ERROR: Communication − Frame has errors!
ERROR: Select baud rate command not accepted!
WARNING: Target voltage too low for erase / program operation! Set to > 2.7−V.
WARNING: Could not set target voltage − Externally supplied?
ERROR: Value wrong or out of range!
ERROR: Selected file is of unrecognizable format!
ERROR: Selected file is not a firmware update file!
ERROR: Firmware section cannot be erased!
ERROR: Unable to load firmware. Correct file format?
ERROR: Unable to refresh gang programmer system parameters!
ERROR: Unable to load Image buffer! Image buffer erased? Correct file format?
ERROR: Result of operation not received!
FATAL ERROR: Image memory corrupted or erased!
ERROR: Unexpected end of file!
ERROR: File contains invalid record!
ERROR: Wrong target device connected!
ERROR: Image range XXXX−YYYY placed outside of existing memory
General error!
ERROR: Self test failed – No access to one ore more image buffer devices!
ERROR: Self test failed − No JTAG access to one or more target channels!
ERROR: Self test failed − Target voltage generator (V
ERROR: Self test failed – system voltage (VCC) not in range!
ERROR: Self test failed − blow fuse voltage (VPP) not in range!
ERROR: Unable to open file!
ERROR: Error during file I/O!
ERROR: Unable to open INI file!
) does not work properly!
2.1.5Description of the Gang430.ini File
The Gang430.ini file contains the MSP-GANG430 default settings and the last
used GUI settings.
2-6 Section [System]
The last used settings of the MSP-GANG430 GUI are stored in the
Gang430.ini file before exiting the GUI application program. This information
is stored under the [System] section of the file. There is one entry in this section
which setting can be not changed via GUI: JtagSpeed = 0 (default value is 0).
Setting it to a value of 1 makes the JTAG connection slower. It can be used for
quality testing of the cable between target devices and the MSP-GANG430. Section [User]
The initial settings for the following parameters are in the [User] section and
may be modified by the user:
CaptionIndexed = 0 (default)
The caption of the MSP-GANG430 GUI in the default state is MSP430 FLASHGang Programmer.
When CaptionIndexed = 1, the caption is extended with a suffix [n] to allow
multiinstance operation for programming in automated production
environment that uses caption titles for process control. The suffix n
represents the unique COMn port number for that instance. E.g. for COM3, the
caption is displayed as MSP430 FLASH Gang Programmer [3].
Programming MSP430 Flash Devices Using the GUI Section [Timing]
The [Timing] section shows the approximate time that has elapsed in
milliseconds for various operations of the MSP-GANG430. The parameters
under this section are updated after the associated operations are successful.
The information on the elapsed time is useful for development and setup. The
parameter that is most interesting is the time taken to complete a gang
programming cycle, represented by TimeGangProg under this section. Section [Diagnostic]
The [Diagnostic] section is useful for automatic production using the
MSP-GANG430. During gang programming operation, Busy = 1. After
completion of the operation, the information in the Result group box in the GUI
is also listed in this section for the following: Connected, EraseChecked,
Verified, FuseBlown, OverAll, and MiscErrors, if any. A Busy = 0 terminates
that process and the diagnostics can be read from the .ini file.
For Example:
OverAll=239 (hexadecimal 0xEF) means: All channels except channel 5
were successfully processed (channel 1 represents the LSB, channel 8
represents the MSB of a byte).
When MiscErrors is nonzero, the diagnostic values are not valid for evaluation. Possible values for MiscErrors are shown below.
Programming MSP430 Flash Devices Using the GUI
Operation successful
1FATAL ERROR: Image memory could be corrupted or
11ERROR: Main process parameters not yet set
ERROR: Could not set target voltage (VCCT) −
MSP_VCC_IN pin connected?
2.1.6Target Connector Functional Check
The MSP-GANG430 GUI diagnostics support a functional check of the target
connector pins. The functional check is invoked by selecting the TargetConnector category in the Maintenance group box, and clicking the Execute
button with the appropriate Set Signals defined. The Set Signals value is the
decimal value that represents the combination of the appropriate control bits.
The defined pin’s signal level is available for measurement after execution of
the functional check. The signal levels remain unchanged until another
configuration is set. The target connector functional check must always be
terminated by executing the End of Check setting (0x8000 = 32768) or by
executing an H/W self test to initialize the MSP-GANG430. Table 2−4 shows
the details of the control bits.
Table 2−4.Control Bit Definitions for Target Connector Pins
BitsPin Function and LevelsSignal LevelConnector Pins
Logic level at TDI/VPP pin
0x0010Logic level at TCK pinVCC or 04
0x0020Logic level at TMS pinVCC or 03
0x0040Logic level at TEST/VPP pinVCC −0.25V or 017
0x0080Logic level at TDI/VPP pinVCC or 02
0x0100VCC on/off at VCC_MSP pinVCC or 07, 14
0x0200VPP on/off at TDI/VPP pin, overwrites bit 0x0080VPP or 02
0x0400VPP on/off at TEST/VPP pinVPP or 017
0x8000End of check, reinitialize MSP-GANG430initialall
VCC or 0
/VPP or 0
1, 8−13, 25, 24,
Programming MSP430 Flash Devices in Standalone Mode
Example 1:
To check the logic high level on TDO/TDI3 and VPP voltage level on
Enter 0x040A (0x0002 + 0x0008 + 0x0400) into Set Signal and click Exe-cute. The V
pins remain at 0 V. The connector case is electrically grounded, as are pins
Example 2:
To let free run target 3 programmed via SpyBiWire (2-Wire Mode):
Select TDO/TDI3 0x0002
Logic Level at TDO/TDIx 0x0008
VCC on at VCC_MSP pin 0x0100
Enter 0x010a (0x0002 + 0x0008 + 0x0100) into Set Signal and click
at pin 10 and VPP at pin 17 can be measured now. All other
2.2Programming MSP430 Flash Devices in Standalone Mode
The MSP-GANG430 supports a standalone mode of programming the target
MSP430 flash devices.
The programming options for the MSP-GANG430 while operating in
standalone mode are configured using the GUI. When the Start button in Main
Process is clicked, all selected options are downloaded into the flash memory
of the MSP-GANG430. Once the download is complete, the MSP-GANG430
can be disconnected from the PC and used standalone to program the target
devices. The START push-button on the MSP-GANG430 operates identical
to the Start button of the GUI. Progress of the operation in standalone mode
is indicated by the flashing yellow LED.
The result status is represented by the rows of green and red LEDs on the
MSP-GANG430. For each channel, a green LED indicates a successful
operation and a red LED indicate a failed operation. If both red and green LEDs
are off for a channel, the target device connected to that channel is not
accessible or is not connected.
In standalone mode, the H/W self test of the MSP-GANG430 can be initiated
by pressing the START key for more than three seconds. The progress of the
test is indicated by alternate flashing of green and red LEDs in groups of four.
Upon completion of the self test, all eight green LEDs are on if the self test
passes. Any other combinations of the LEDs indicate a failed self test.
2.3Programming MSP430 Flash Devices With User-Configured UART
The MSP-GANG430 programmer supports programming the MSP430 flash
devices by using generic firmware commands. The generic firmware
commands and protocol are described in Chapter 3.
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