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The MicroSystem family of devices is designed for high-resolution measurement applications in smart transmitters, industrial process control, weigh
scales, chromatography, and portable instrumentation. They provide highperformance mixed signal solutions. The MicroSystem family not only includes high-end analog features and digital processing capability, but also integrates high-performance peripherals to offer a unique system solution.
The main components of a MicroSystem product include:
- Enhanced 8051 microcontroller core
- FLASH memory
- High-performance analog functions
- High-performance peripherals
The enhanced 8052 microcontroller core includes dual data pointers and executes instructions three times faster than the standard 8052 core. This MIPS
capability allows you to optimize speed, power, and noise tradeoffs based on
specific requirements.
A block diagram of the MSC1210 ADC is shown in Figure 1−1.
Figure 1−1.MSC1210 Block Diagram
The on-chip FLASH memory is programmable in a variety of modes over a
wide temperature and operating voltage range. This greatly simplifies programming at both the manufacturing level and in the field.
The on-chip high-performance analog features are state-of-the-art. The perfor mance and f eatures o f t he a nalog f unctions r ival t he b est o f t he i ndustry. The l ownoise ADC and the precision voltage reference a long w ith t he integration o f o ther
analog features greatly simplify achieving high-end analog performance.
The on-chip high-performance peripherals not only reduce the cost, design
time, and board space required for external circuitry, but also blend analog and
digital functions that simplify the system design. The high-performance peripherals are designed from a system perspective, thereby decreasing the processing requirements on the CPU and providing greater system throughput.
1.2MSC1210 Pin-Out
The names and functions of these pins are similar to those found on a
traditional 8052 core, but the MSC1210 includes additional pin assignments
to support the additional functions specific to the part.
Table 1−1 Pin Descriptions of the MSC1210 (Continued)
Pin #NameDescription
34-40, 43P2.0-P2.7Port 2 is a bidirectional I/O port. The alternate functions for Port 2 are
listed below.
Port 2—Alternate Functions:
P2.0A8Address Bit 8
P2.1A9Address Bit 9
P2.2A10Address Bit 10
P2.3A11Address Bit 11
P2.4A12Address Bit 12
P2.5A13Address Bit 13
P2.6A14Address Bit 14
P2.7A15Address Bit 15
45ALEAddress Latch Enable: Used for latching the low byte of the address
48EAExternal Access Enable: EA must be externally held LOW to enable
46, 47,
P0.0−P0.7Port 0 is a bidirectional I/O port. The alternate functions for Port 0 are
Program Store Enable: Connected to optional external memory as a
chip enable. PSEN
mode, PSEN
allel programming mode. PSEN
will provide an active low pulse. In programming
is used as an input along with ALE to define serial or par-
is held HIGH for parallel programming
and tied LOW for serial programming. This pin can also be selected
(when not using external program memory) to output the Oscillator
clock, Modulator clock, HIGH, or LOW.
during an access to external memory. ALE is emitted at a constant rate
of 1/2 the oscillator frequency, and can be used for external timing or
clocking. One ALE pulse is skipped during each access to external
data memory. In programming mode, ALE is used as an input along
with PSEN
to define serial or parallel programming mode. ALE is held
HIGH for serial programming and tied LOW for parallel programming.
the device to fetch code from external program memory locations starting with 0000
listed below.
Port 0—Alternate Functions:
P0.0AD0Address/Data Bit 0
P0.1AD1Address/Data Bit 1
P0.2AD2Address/Data Bit 2
P0.3AD3Address/Data Bit 3
P0.4AD4Address/Data Bit 4
Introduction to the MSC1210
MSC1210 Pin-Out
Table 1−1 Pin Descriptions of the MSC1210 (Continued)
Pin #NameDescription
46, 47,
55, 56,
P0.0−P0.7P0.5AD5Address/Data Bit 5
P0.6AD6Address/Data Bit 6
P0.7AD7Address/Data Bit 7
P1.0−P1.7Port 1 is a bidirectional I/O port. The alternate functions for Port 1 are
listed below.
Port 1—Alternate Functions:
P1.0T2T2 Input
P1.1T2EXT2 External Input
P1.2RxD1Serial Port Input
P1.3TxD1Serial Port Output
P1.4INT2/SSExternal Interrupt/Slave Select
P1.5INT3/MOSIExternal Interrupt/Master Out−Slave In
P1.6INT4/MISOExternal Interrupt/Master In−Slave Out
P1.7INT5/SCKExternal Interrupt/Serial Clock
1.2.1I/O Ports (P0, P1, P2, and P3)
Of the 64 pins on the MSC1210, 32 of them are dedicated to I/O lines that have
a one-to-one relation with SFRs P0, P1, P2, and P3. The developer may raise
and lower these lines by writing 1s or 0s to the corresponding bits in the SFRs.
Likewise, the current state of these lines may be found by reading the corresponding bits of the SFRs.
All of the ports have optional pull-up resistors that are enabled when the port
is in 8051 mode, as configured by the PxDDRL/H SFRs. The pull-up resistors
are disabled when the port is configured in any other mode, or when accessing
external memory. 0
Port 0 is dual-function: in some designs port 0 I/O lines are available to the developer to access external devices, while in other designs it is used to access
external memory. If the circuit requires external RAM, the microcontroller will
use port 0 to latch in/out the 8-bit data word, as well as the low eight bits of the
address in response to a MOVX instruction, as long as the hardware configuration registers are set up correctly . Port 0 I/O lines may be used for other functions as long as external data memory is not being accessed at the same time
and the hardware configuration registers are set up correctly. If the circuit requires external code memory, the microcontroller will use port 0 I/O lines to access each instruction to be executed. In this case, port 0 cannot be used for
other purposes, because the state of the I/O lines are constantly being modified to access external code memory.
1-6 1
MSC1210 Pin-Out
Port 1 consists of eight I/O lines that may be used to interface to external parts.
Port 1 is commonly used to interface to external hardware such as LCDs, keypads, and other devices. As opposed to a standard 8052 core, all I/O lines of
the MSC1210 serve optional alternate functions, as described below. These
lines can still be used for the developing purposes, if the functions described
below are not needed.
P1.0 (T2): If T2CON.1 is set (C/T
2), then timer 2 is incremented whenever
there is a 1-0 transition on this line. With C/T2 set, P1.0 is the clock source for
timer 2.
P1.1 (T2EX): If timer 2 is in auto-reload mode and T2CON.3 (EXEN2) is set,
a 1-0 transition on this line causes timer 2 to be reloaded with the auto-reload
value. This also causes the T2CON.6 (EXF2) external flag to be set, which
may cause an interrupt, if so enabled.
P1.2 (RxD1): If the secondary USART is b eing used, P 1.2 (RxD1) i s the p in that
receives serial data. Data received via this pin is read using the SBUF1 SFR.
P1.3 (TxD1): If the secondary USART is being used, P1.3 (TxD1) is the pin that
transmits serial data. Data written to the SBUF1 SFR is sent via this pin.
P1.4 (INT2/SS
): This pin has two dual functions. It may be used to trigger an
external 2 interrupt when a 0-1 transition is detected on this line. It is also used
as slave select in SPI applications.
P1.5 (INT3
/MOSI): This pin may be used to trigger an external 3 interrupt when
a 1-0 transition is detected. It is also used as Master Out/Slave In in SPI applications.
P1.6 (INT4/MISO): This pin may be used to trigger an external 4 interrupt when
a 0-1 transition is detected. It is also used as Master In/Slave Out in SPI applications.
P1.7 (INT5/SCK): This pin may be used to trigger an external 5 interrupt when
a 1-0 transition is detected. It is also used as serial clock in SPI applications.
Introduction to the MSC1210
MSC1210 Pin-Out 2
Like port 0, port 2 is dual-function. I n some c ircuit designs, it i s available f or accessing external devices, while in others it is used to address external RAM or external
code memory . W hen m ore t han 256 b ytes o f e xternal RA M are u sed, p ort 2 i s used
to output the high byte of the address that is to be accessed in a MOVX operation.
Whether port 2 is used to address external memory or as general I/O lines is defined by the EGP23 bit in hardware configuration Register 1.
When the EGP23 bit of hardware configuration Register 1 is set, Port 2 assumes the value of the high byte of DPTR when using the MOVX @DPTR
instruction. When using the MOVX @Rx instructions, port 2 assumes the value of the MPAGE SFR.
If the circuit requires external code memory, the microcontroller automatically uses
port 2 I/O lines to access each instruction to be executed, but only if bit EGP23
of HCR1 equals one. In this case, port 2 cannot be used for other purposes because the state of the I/O lines are constantly being modified to access external
code memory. 3
Port 3 consists entirely of dual-function I/O lines. While you can access all
these lines from the software by reading/writing to the P3 SFR, each pin has
a predefined function that the microcontroller handles automatically when configured to do so and/or when necessary.
P3.0 (RxD0): The primary USART/serial port uses P3.0 as the receive line. For
in-circuit designs that are using the microcontroller internal serial port, this is
the line into which the serial data is clocked.
When interfacing an 8052 to an RS-232 port, you cannot connect this line
directly to the RS-232 pin; you must pass it through a part such as the
MAX233 to obtain the correct voltage levels.
You can assign any function to this pin as long as the circuit has no need to
receive data via the integrated serial port.
P3.1 (TxD0): The primary USART/serial port uses P3.1 as the transmit line. For
in-circuit designs t hat i s u sing t he m icrocontroller i nternal s erial p ort, t his i s t he l ine
used by the microcontroller to clock out all data written to the SBUF SFR.
When interfacing an 8052 to an RS-232 port, you cannot connect this line
directly to the RS-232 pin; you must pass it through a part such as the
MAX233 to obtain the correct voltage levels.
You can assign any function to this pin as long as the circuit has no need to
transmit data via the integrated serial port.
MSC1210 Pin-Out
P3.2 (INT0): When so configured, this line is used to trigger an external 0 Interrupt. This may either be low-level triggered or may be triggered on a 1-0 transition (see Chapter 10, Interrupts, for details). You can assign any function to this
pin as long as the circuit has no need to trigger an external 0 interrupt.
P3.3 (INT1
/TONE/PWM): When so configured, this line is used to trigger an
external 1 Interrupt. This may either be low-level triggered or may be triggered
on a 1-0 transition (see Chapter 10, Interrupts, for details). This pin is also used
for outputting PWM, if so configured.
P3.4 (T0): When so configured, this line is used as the clock source for timer 0.
Timer 0 is incremented either e very i nstruction cycle t hat T 0 i s h igh, o r e very t ime
there is a 1 -0 t ransition o n t his l ine, d epending o n h ow t he t imer i s c onfigured ( see
Chapter 8, Timers, for details). You c an a ssign a ny function to this pin a s l ong a s
the circuit has no need to control timer 0 externally.
P3.5 (T1): When so configured, this line is used as the clock source for timer 1.
Timer 1 is incremented either e very i nstruction cycle t hat T 1 i s h igh, o r e very t ime
there is a 1 -0 t ransition o n t his l ine, d epending o n h ow t he t imer i s c onfigured ( see
Chapter 8, Timers, for details). You can assign a ny f unction t o t h is p in a s l ong a s
the circuit has no need to control timer 1 externally.
P3.6 (WR
): This is the external memory write strobe line when bit EGP23 is
set in hardware configuration Register 1. This line is asserted low by the microcontroller whenever a MOVX instruction writes to external RAM. This line
should be connected to the RAM write (W
) line. You can assign any function
to this pin as long as the circuit does not write to external RAM using MOVX.
P3.7 (RD
): This is the external memory read strobe line when bit EGP23 is set
in hardware configuration Register 1. This line is asserted low by the microcontroller whenever a MOVX instruction is read from external RAM. This line must
be connected to the RAM read (R
) line. You can assign any function to this pin
as long as the circuit does not read from external RAM using MOVX.
1.2.2Oscillator Inputs (XTAL1 and XTAL2)
The MSC1210 is typically driven by a crystal connected to pins 1 (XOUT) and
2 (XIN). Common crystal frequencies are 11.0592MHz as well as 12MHz, although the MSC1210 is capable of accepting frequencies as high as 33MHz.
While a crystal is the normal clock source, this is not always the case. A digital
clock source may also be attached to XIN and XOUT to provide the clock for
the microcontroller.
Introduction to the MSC1210
MSC1210 Pin-Out
1.2.3Reset Line (RST)
Pin 13 is the master reset line for the microcontroller. When this pin is brought
high for two instruction cycles, the microcontroller is effectively reset. SFRs,
including the I/O ports, are restored to their default conditions and the program
counter is reset to 0000
a reset. The microcontroller begins executing code at 0000
turns to a low state.
The reset line is often connected to a reset button/switch that you can press
to reset the circuit. It is also common to connect the reset line to a watchdog
IC or a supervisor IC (such as MAX707). Traditional resistor-capacitor networks attached to the reset line also work well because the RST input is a
Schmitt trigger input.
1.2.4Address Latch Enable (ALE)
The ALE at pin 45 is an output-only pin that is controlled entirely by the microcontroller and allows the microcontroller to multiplex the low-byte of a memory
address and the 8-bit data itself on port 0. This is because, while the high byte
of the memory address is sent on port 2, port 0 is used both to send the low
byte of the memory address and the data itself. This is accomplished by placing the low byte of the address on port 0, exerting an ALE high-to-low transition
to latch the low byte of the address into a latch IC (such as the 74HC573), and
then placing the 8 data bits on port 0. In this way, the MSC1210 is able to output
a 16-bit address and an 8-bit data word with 16 I/O lines instead of 24.
. Keep in mind that Internal RAM is not affected by
when pin 13 re-
The ALE line is used in this fashion both to access external RAM with MOVX
@DPTR, as well as t o a ccessi instructions i n e xternal c ode memory. When t he p rogram is executed from external code memory, ALE pulses at a rate that is ¼ that
of the oscillator frequency. Thus, if the oscillator operates at 11.0592MHz, ALE
pulses at a rate of 2 764 800 t imes per s econd. When t he MOVX i nstruction is e xecuted, one PSEN
pulse is missed in lieu of a pulse on WR or RD.
This pin is also used when programming the part, along with PSEN
during reset to indicate whether programming will occur in serial or parallel
mode. If this line is held high when in programming mode, programming will
occur in serial mode.
1.2.5Program Store Enable (PSEN)
The program store enable (PSEN) line at pin 44 is exerted low automatically
by the microcontroller whenever it accesses external code memory. This line
should be attached to the output enable (OE
your code memory. The PSEN signal is applied for both internal and external
memory access.
This pin is also used when p rogramming the p art, along w ith A LE, as a n i nput to
indicate whether programming will occur in serial or parallel mode. If this line is
held high when in programming mode, programming will occur in parallel mode.
, as an input
) pin of the device that contains
1.2.6External Access (EA)
The external access (EA) line at pin 48 is used to determine whether the
MSC1210 will execute your program from external code memory or from internal code memory. I f E A
will execute the program it finds in internal/on-chip code memory. If EA
low (to ground), it will attempt to execute the program that it finds in the attached external program memory. Of course, the external program memory
must be properly connected for the microcontroller to be able to access the
program in external program memory.
MSC1210 Pin-Out
is tied high (connected to supply), the microcontroller
is tied
The EA
pin is ignored during serial or parallel flash programming modes.
Even when EA
is tied high (indicating that the microcontroller should execute
from internal code memory), the microcontroller will attempt to execute from
external code memory if the program counter references an address not
available for the chip you are using, or if you are accessing program memory
in excess of the amount of flash memory that you have partitioned for program memory. For example, if you have partitioned 4k of flash memory to be
program memory and you tie EA
high, the derivative starts executing the program it finds on-chip. However, if your on-chip program attempts to execute
code above 0FFF
(that is, exceeding 4k), then the MSC1210 will attempt
to execute that code at that address from external code memory. Thus, it is
possible to have a split design, in which some of the code is found on-chip
and the rest is found off-chip.
Introduction to the MSC1210
Enhanced 8051 Core
1.3Enhanced 8051 Core
The MSC1210 is an 8052-based family of high-performance, mixed-signal
controllers. All instructions in the MSC1210 family perform exactly the same
function as they would in a standard 8052 core. Although the effect on bits,
flags, and registers is the same, the timing is different.
The MSC1210 family uses an efficient 8052 core that results in an improved
instruction execution speed of three times faster than the original core for the
same external clock speed (4 clock cycles per instruction versus 12 clock
cycles per instruction, as shown in Figure 1−3). This allows you to run the device at slower external clock speeds, which reduces system noise and power
consumption, but provides greater throughput.
Figure 1−3.MSC1210 Timing Compared to Standard 8051 Timing
The timing of software loops is faster with the MSC1210 than with the standard
8052. However , t he t imer/counter o peration o f t he M SC1210 m ay b e m aintained
at 12 clocks per increment or optionally run at 4 clocks per increment.
You can develop software for the MSC1210 with the existing 8052 development tools because the MSC1210 is fully compatible with the standard 8052
instruction set. Additionally, a complete integrated development environment
is provided with each demonstration board.
1.4Family Device Compatibility
The hardware functionality and pin outs across the MSC1210 family are fully
compatible. The only difference between family members is the memory configuration and this enables simple migration between family members. Code
written for the 4K bytes program memory version of the MSC1210 can be executed directly on the 8K, 16K, or 32K versions. This allows you to add or delete
software functions and to freely migrate between family members.
The MSC1210 can become a standard device used across several application
1.5Flash Memory
The MSC1210 features flexible flash memory that allows you to uniquely configure the program and non-volatile data memory maps to meet the needs of
the application. The flash memory is programmable over the entire operating
voltage range and temperature range using both serial and parallel programming methods.
Family Device Compatibility
1.6High Performance Analog Functions
The analog functionality is state-of-the-art. The ADC is extremely low noise,
which enables you to meet even the most stringent analog requirements. The
integrated programmable gain amplifier (PGA) further improves the performance of the ADC. This effectively provides for resolution into the nanovolt
The on-chip voltage reference provides for low drift and high accuracy, thus
eliminating the need for an external voltage reference.
These features are integrated with other analog functions, such as a programmable filter, multiplexer, temperature sensor , burnout current sources, analog
input buffer, and an offset correction digital-to-analog converter (DAC).
Introduction to the MSC1210
High-Performance Peripherals
1.7High-Performance Peripherals
High-performance peripherals are included on-chip, which offload CPU processing and control functions from the core to further improve the overall device
efficiency and throughput. On-chip peripherals include additional SRAM, a
32-bit accumulator, an SPI-compatible serial port with a FIFO buffer, dual
USARTs, on-chip power-on reset, brownout reset, low-voltage detect, multiple
digital ports with configurable I/O, a 16-bit pulse width modulator (PWM), a
watchdog timer, and three timer/counters.
For instance, the SPI interface uses a FIFO buffer, which allows for the serial
transmission and reception of data with virtually no CPU overhead. The FIFO
buffer function allows for the transfer of large amounts of data at faster transfer
rates than more conventional methods.
Additionally, the 32-bit accumulator significantly reduces the processing overhead for the multiple byte data from the ADC or other sources. This allows for
24-bit addition, subtraction, and shifting to be accomplished without using
CPU resources. This can reduce both the code size and code execution time.
Chapter 2
This chapter defines the Memory Organization of MSC1210 ADC.
The MCS1210 has three very general types of memory. To program the
MCS1210 effectively, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of these
memory types:
- Special Function Registers refer to 128 bytes that control the operation
of the MSC1210.
- Program Memory is used to store the actual program that may reside on-
chip, off-chip, or both.
- Data Memory is static random access memory (SRAM) that can reside
on-chip, off-chip, or both. The MSC1210 has four types of data memory:
Program memory holds the actual program that is to be run. This memory includes the on-chip flash memory designated as program memory and/or external memory.
The MSC1210 family offers a maximum of 32k of on-chip flash program
memory. The exact amount of on-chip program memory depends on the specific MSC1210 version selected and how the flash memory of that chip has
been partitioned between program and data memory. Figure 2−1 illustrates
how the flash memory may be distributed between these two types of memory.
Figure 2−1.MSC1210 Memory Map
For example, in the Y5 model there is 32k flash memory available. This 32k
may be configured as either program memory, data memory, or both. This configuration is set at the moment the firmware is loaded onto the MSC1210 by
setting hardware configuration register HCR0 as per Table 2−1. This table indicates the total amount of program and data memory available for each part
revision given a specific HCR0 setting.
Note:When a 0kB program memory configuration is selected, program execution is external
For example, setting the DFSEL bits to 1 10 with a MSC1210Y5 would cause
31kb of on-chip flash memory to be partitioned as program memory and 1kb
of flash memory to be partitioned as data memory.
Table 2−2 indicates where the assigned memory will be located in address
space. This table provides essentially the same information as Table 2−1, but
also indicates where the memory will be located. For example, the DFSEL =
110 example in the previous paragraph (31kb of on-chip flash program
memory , 1k of on-chip flash data memory) appears in Table 2−2 as flash program mem o r y f r o m 0 0 0 0
to 07FFH (which is 1k).
Note that the Data memory address starts at 0400
to 7BFFH (which is 31k) and flash data memory from
because the first 1k
(0000H-03FFH) is, by default, used to address the on-chip extended SRAM.
The location of on-chip extended SRAM may be changed by using the Memory
Control (MCON) SFR. By setting bit 0 of MCON, the on-chip extended SRAM
may be moved from 0000
tended flash data memory always begins at 0400
Note:Program accesses above the highest listed address will access external Program memory.
Program memory addressing beyond the on-chip address range is accessed
externally via ports 0 and 2. The total amount of code memory, on-chip and off,
is limited to 64k due to limitations of the 8052 architecture.
2.3Data Memory
MSC1210 programs are limited to 64k because code memory is restricted to
64k. Some c ompilers o ffer w ays t o g et around this limit w hen u sed w ith s pecially
wired hardware. However, without such special compilers and hardware, programs are limited to 64k.
The MSC1210 includes 2k of boot ROM code that controls operation during
serial or parallel programming. In program mode, the boot ROM is located in
the first 2kB of program memory.
The boot ROM is available to your program as long as EBR (hardware configuration register 0, bit 4) is set, which is the default. When enabled, the boot ROM
routines will be located at program memory addresses F800
boot ROM includes a number of functions such as flash memory access, and
serial routines including data transmission, reception, and auto-baud.
Data memory is divided into four types of memory, depending on its location
and volatility: internal RAM, on-chip extended SRAM, off-chip external SRAM,
and on-chip flash data memory. However, data memory (regardless of its location or volatility) is accessed using the MOVX instruction, except for internal
RAM, which is accessed using the MOV instruction.
2.3.1On-Chip Extended Static RAM (SRAM)
The MSC1210 includes 1024 bytes of on-chip extended static RAM (SRAM).
Even though t his m emory r esides o n-chip, i t i s a ccessed u sing t he M OVX i nstruction as if it were external data memory. Whenever a program accesses data
memory addresses 0000
through 03FFH, the on-chip external SRAM is used.
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