The LDC1000 Evaluation Module is designed to provide an example LC tank and coil structure
application, to interface to a host computer. The module can be used independently of the GUI by the onboard embedded LED, which demonstrates threshold detection.
Chapter 1
SNAU150–September 2013
LDC1000 Evaluation Module
Figure 1-1. Evaluation Module
The EVM includes an example PCB sensor which is 14mm in diameter and contains 2 layers. A 100pF
1% COG cap is connected, in parallel, to the PCB coil, in order to form an LC tank.
The EVM is perforated at two locations: One between Coil and LDC1000, which provides the option to
snap the PCB coil and connect a custom coil required in the application. The second perforation is
between LDC1000 and MSP430, and provides the option to connect the LDC1000+Sensor into a different
system or use multiple of such sensors in one system for prototyping.
Figure 1-2. LDC1000+Sensor
When the evaluation module first powers up from the USB port, it will flash a series of green and red LED
lights to indicate self-test. When self-test is finished, the green LED indicates the status of the LDC1000
INT pin. When INT is asserted, the green LED is lit. By default, INT is configured for threshold detection.
The LDC1000 Evaluation Module (EVM) enables the user to test out analog and digital capabilities of the
LDC1000 Inductance-to-Digital Converter. The EVM is a USB device used with a host computer and
accessed using the Inductive Sensing Graphical User Interface (GUI) software, which is documented in
Chapter 3.
To quickly get started on the LDC1000 GUI, follow the steps below to load and configure a device.
2.1.1 Evaluation Module
Set Up Requirements
1. The LDC1000 GUI and drivers must be installed on the host.
2. The USB port of the EVM must be connected to the host.
Loading and Running
1. Plug the EVM into the host computer. The host computer should automatically detect the device as
2. Launch the GUI. It should automatically detect the target, read all the configuration registers, and begin
streaming data.
If the EVM is disconnected from the host at any time, simply reconnect the device and the GUI will
automatically discover and re-establish the streaming abilities with the device.
Configuring the Device Manually
1. The GUI puts the device in streaming mode by default. Click on "Stop" in the Streaming Section to
stop streaming.
2. Click on the "Configuration Section" icon in the main window toolbar.
Figure 2-2. Stop Streaming
Figure 2-3. Configuration Section Icon
3. Select the parameter to change. When entering the comparator thresholds, press ENTER to confirm
the change. Changes are applied immediately.
4. After the configuration file is loaded, current values are written once to all supported registers. To
restore defaults defined in the configuration file, click on Restore Defaults to write all current registers
with the new configuration file defaults.