Texas Instruments DLP NIRscan User Manual

DLP®NIRscan™ Nano EVM User's Guide
User's Guide
Literature Number: DLPU030B June 2015–Revised July 2015
Preface ........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 What is the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM? ................................................................................... 8
1.2.1 Optical Engine....................................................................................................... 9
1.2.2 DLP NIRscan Nano Electronics................................................................................. 12
1.2.3 Connections........................................................................................................ 14
2 Getting Started................................................................................................................... 18
2.1 Operating Modes ........................................................................................................... 18
2.1.1 USB Connection................................................................................................... 18
2.1.2 Bluetooth Connection............................................................................................. 19
3 Operating the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM ................................................................................. 20
3.1 NIRscan Nano GUI......................................................................................................... 20
3.1.1 Scanning a Sample ............................................................................................... 22
3.1.2 Displaying Previous Scans ...................................................................................... 27
3.1.3 Transferring Scans Stored in microSD Card .................................................................. 28
3.1.4 Utilities.............................................................................................................. 29
4 DLP NIRscan Nano Hardware............................................................................................... 31
4.1 External Power Supply Requirements .................................................................................. 31
5 DLP NIRscan Nano Software................................................................................................ 35
5.1 Overview..................................................................................................................... 35
5.1.1 TI RTOS ............................................................................................................ 35
5.1.2 TivaWare ........................................................................................................... 36
5.1.3 USB Driver ......................................................................................................... 36
5.1.4 SDSPI Driver ...................................................................................................... 36
5.1.5 Bluetopia Stack.................................................................................................... 36
5.1.6 DLP Spectrum Library ............................................................................................ 37
5.1.7 DLP Spectrum Library Workflow ................................................................................ 37
5.2 Software System Overview ............................................................................................... 39
5.3 Bluetooth Client App Workflow........................................................................................... 40
5.3.1 Bluetooth Client Establishing a Connection.................................................................... 40
5.3.2 Bluetooth Client GATT Profiles.................................................................................. 41
6 iOS App............................................................................................................................. 45
6.1 NanoScan iOS App ........................................................................................................ 45
A Installing the DLP NIRscan Nano Software ............................................................................ 48
A.1 DLP NIRscan Nano Software Installation............................................................................... 48
B Required Tools to Compile Tiva Software.............................................................................. 49
B.1 Tiva Tools Installation...................................................................................................... 49
B.1.1 Code Composer Studio Installation............................................................................. 49
B.1.2 Updating TI-RTOS ................................................................................................ 49
C How to Compile Tiva Source Code ....................................................................................... 51
C.1 Tiva Libraries Compilation ................................................................................................ 51
C.1.1 Tiva driverlib Compilation ........................................................................................ 51
Contents DLPU030B–June 2015–Revised July 2015
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C.1.2 Tiva usblib Library................................................................................................. 51
C.1.3 DLP Spectrum Library ............................................................................................ 51
C.2 Tiva Main Source........................................................................................................... 51
C.3 Project Settings............................................................................................................. 52
D Required Tools to Compile NIRscan Nano GUI....................................................................... 53
D.1 NIRscan Nano GUI......................................................................................................... 53
D.1.1 Compiling the DLP Spectrum Library........................................................................... 53
D.1.2 Compiling NIRscan Nano GUI................................................................................... 53
E Tiva EEPROM Contents....................................................................................................... 54
E.1 Tiva EEPROM .............................................................................................................. 54
F DLP NIRscan Nano Connectors............................................................................................ 55
F.1 Battery Connector.......................................................................................................... 55
F.2 Battery Thermistor Connector ............................................................................................ 55
F.3 Expansion Connector...................................................................................................... 55
F.4 JTAG Connector............................................................................................................ 56
F.5 Trigger Connector.......................................................................................................... 56
G DLP NIRscan Nano Command Description............................................................................ 58
G.1 Command Handler Supported Commands ............................................................................. 58
H DLP NIRscan Nano USB Communications............................................................................. 62
I DLP NIRscan Nano Bluetooth Communications..................................................................... 65
I.1 Bluetooth Communications ............................................................................................... 65
I.1.1 GATT Supported Services ....................................................................................... 65
I.2 Bluetooth Packets.......................................................................................................... 71
Revision B History....................................................................................................................... 72
Revision A History....................................................................................................................... 72
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List of Figures
1. DLP NIRscan Nano Evaluation Module .................................................................................. 6
1-1. DLP NIRscan Nano Block Diagram ....................................................................................... 9
1-2. DLP NIRscan Nano Optical Engine...................................................................................... 10
1-3. DLP NIRscan Nano Dimensions ......................................................................................... 11
1-4. DLP NIRscan Connectors (Rear View).................................................................................. 14
1-5. DLP NIRscan Connectors (Front View) ................................................................................. 15
1-6. DLP NIRscan Nano Button Locations ................................................................................... 16
1-7. DLP NIRscan Nano LED Locations...................................................................................... 17
3-1. DLP NIRscanNano GUI Information Screen............................................................................ 21
3-2. DLP NIRscanNano GUI Scan Screen................................................................................... 22
3-3. DLP NIRscanNano GUI Scan Configuration Dialog ................................................................... 24
3-4. DLP NIRscan Nano GUI Scan Select Menu............................................................................ 25
3-5. Absorbance Spectrum of Aspirin......................................................................................... 26
3-6. Displaying Previous Scans................................................................................................ 27
3-7. Number of Scans Detected on microSD Card.......................................................................... 28
3-8. 3 Scans Transferred from microSD Card ............................................................................... 29
3-9. DLP NIRscan Nano GUI Uitlities Screen................................................................................ 30
4-1. DLP NIRscan Nano Power Block Diagram ............................................................................. 32
4-2. DLP NIRscan Nano Tiva Connections .................................................................................. 33
4-3. DLP NIRscan Nano Tiva Connections to DLPC150 Controller Board .............................................. 34
5-1. DLP NIRscan Nano Software Architecture ............................................................................. 35
5-2. DLP Spectrum Library View Configuration Information Workflow ................................................... 37
5-3. DLP Spectrum Library Decode Scan Results Workflow .............................................................. 38
5-4. DLP Spectrum Library Compute Reference Workflow ................................................................ 38
5-5. DLP Spectrum Library Compute and Display Reflectance Workflow ............................................... 38
5-6. DLP Spectrum Library Compute and Display Absorbance ........................................................... 39
5-7. DLP NIRscan Nano Software Block Diagram .......................................................................... 40
5-8. Bluetooth Low Energy Connection Workflow........................................................................... 40
5-9. GATT Calibration Service Workflow..................................................................................... 41
5-10. GATT Scan Configuration Service Workflow........................................................................... 42
5-11. GATT Scan Data Service Workflow ..................................................................................... 43
5-12. GATT Scan Data Service Workflow to Display an Existing Scan or Performing a New Scan................... 44
6-1. NanoScan Main Screen ................................................................................................... 45
6-2. NanoScan Scan Screen................................................................................................... 46
6-3. NanoScan Scan Plot Screen ............................................................................................. 47
H-1. USB HID Protocol .......................................................................................................... 62
List of Figures DLPU030B–June 2015–Revised July 2015
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1-1. DLP NIRscan Nano EVM Specifications................................................................................ 11
1-2. DLP NIRscan Nano Electronics.......................................................................................... 13
1-3. DLP NIRscan Nano Connectors.......................................................................................... 14
1-4. DLP NIRscan Nano LED Indicators...................................................................................... 17
3-1. Typical Scan Configuration Parameters................................................................................. 23
E-1. Tiva EEPROM .............................................................................................................. 54
F-1. Battery Power Connector (Tiva J6) ...................................................................................... 55
F-2. Battery Thermistor Connector (Tiva J7)................................................................................. 55
F-3. Expansion Connector (Tiva J3)........................................................................................... 56
F-4. ARM Cortex 10-pin JTAG Connector (Tiva J4) ........................................................................ 56
F-5. Trigger Connector (DLPC150 J500)..................................................................................... 57
G-1. DLP NIRscan Nano Supported Commands ............................................................................ 58
I-1. Device Information Service (DIS) ........................................................................................ 66
I-2. Battery Service (BAS) ..................................................................................................... 66
I-3. GATT General Information Service...................................................................................... 67
I-4. GATT Date and Time Service ............................................................................................ 68
I-5. GATT Calibration Information Service................................................................................... 68
I-6. GATT Scan Configuration Information Service......................................................................... 69
I-7. GATT Scan Data Information Service................................................................................... 69
List of Tables
DLPU030B–June 2015–Revised July 2015 List of Tables
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About This Guide
The DLP®NIRscan™ Nano EVM is a third-party implementation of the next generation DLP reference design to enable faster development cycles for mobile spectrometer applications.
This guide is an introductory document for the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM that provides an overview of the system and the system software.


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Figure 1. DLP NIRscan Nano Evaluation Module
NIRscan, Tiva, TivaWare, SimpleLink, Code Composer Studio are trademarks of Texas Instruments. DLP is a registered trademark of Texas Instruments. ARM is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. Apple, iPhone, iPad are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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Related Documentation from TI
DLP2010NIR data sheet: DLP 0.2 WVGA Near-Infrared DMD, DLPS059
DLPC150 data sheet: DLPC150 DLP Digital Controller for Advanced Light Control, DLPS048
DLPC150 programmer's guide: DLPC150 Programmer’s Guide User's Guide, DLPU031
DLP design guide: DLP Spectrometer Design Considerations, DLPA049
Tiva™ TM4C1297 data sheet: Tiva TM4C1297NCZAD Microcontroller Data Sheet SPMS435
TivaWare™ USB library: TivaWare USB Library User's Guide, SPMU297
TivaWare™ peripheral driver library: TivaWare Peripheral Driver Library User's Guide, SPMU298
TI-RTOS 2.10: TI-RTOS 2.10 User's Guide, SPRUHD4
CC2564MODN data sheet:CC2564MODN Bluetooth®Host Controller Interface Module, SWRS160
ADS1255 data sheet:Very Low Noise, 24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter Data Sheet, SBAS288
If You Need Assistance
Search the DLP and MEMS TI E2E Community Support forums. Search the TM4C Microcontrollers TI E2E Community Support forums. Search the Bluetooth®CC256x TI E2E Community Support forums. Search the SimpleLink™ Bluetooth®CC256x Wiki.
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1.1 Introduction

The DLP® NIRscan Nano™ EVM is a complete evaluation module to design a high performance, affordable near-infrared portable spectrometer. This flexible tool contains everything a designer needs to start developing a DLP-based spectrometer right out of the box. DLP technology enables handheld spectral analyzers for use in the food, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, medical, security, and other emerging industries to deliver lab performance levels in the field. The EVM contains the DLP2010NIR digital micromirror device, DLPC150 digital controller, and DLPA2005 integrated power management components. This technology brings together a set of components providing an efficient and compelling spectroscopy system solution for:
Portable process analyzers
Ultra-mobile spectrometer The new DLP2010NIR DMD is optimized for operation at wavelengths between 700 and 2500 nm. The
DLP NIRscan Nano EVM is one possible implementation of this new DLP technology, operating from 900 to 1700 nm.
Chapter 1
DLPU030B–June 2015–Revised July 2015

DLP NIRscan Nano Overview

1.2 What is the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM?

The DLP NIRscan Nano EVM is a complete NIR spectrometer EVM using DLP technology. The EVM package includes:
Near-infrared optomechanical spectrometer engine optimized for 900 to 1700 nm wavelength range:
– Reflective illumination module with two integrated infrared lamps – 1.69-mm × 0.25-mm input slit – Collimating lenses – 885-nm long wavepass filter – Reflective diffraction grating – Focusing lenses – DLP2010NIR DMD (0.2-inch WVGA, 854 × 480 orthogonal pixel, NIR optimized) – Collection optics – 1-mm single-pixel InGaAs non-cooled detector
Electronics subsystem with the electronics consisting of four boards:
– Microcontroller board
Tiva TM4C1297 microprocessor for system control operating at 120 MHz
32MB SDRAM for pattern storage
Power management with Lithium-polymer or Lithium-ion battery charging circuits using bq24250
CC2564MODN Bluetooth Low Energy module for Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity
USB micro connector for USB connectivity
microSD card slot for external data storage
HDC1000 humidity and temperature sensor
– DLP controller board
DLPC150 DLP controller
DLPA2005 integrated power management circuit for DMD and DLP controller supplies
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Microcontroller Board
DMD Board
DLP Controller Board
Detector Board
DLP Controller
DMD Flex
24-bit ADC
USB Slave
24bit RGB
TPS63036 TPS81256 TPS82671
I2C 24bit RGB
Reflective Module
*Battery Not Included
2.5V Ref
Hum & Temp Sensor
IR Temp
AS4C16M16S (32MB)
LEDs Buttons
On/Off Scan/BT Pair
10pin header
Lamp Driver
*Thermistor Not Included
USB Power
Figure 1-1 shows the NIRscan Nano hardware block diagram.
What is the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM?
Constant current lamp driver based on OPA567 and monitored by INA213
– Detector board
Low-noise differential amplifier circuit
ADS1255 30 kSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with SPI
TMP006 thermopile sensor for detector and ambient temperature measurement
1-mm non-cooled Hamamatsu G12180-010A InGaAs photodiode
– DMD board
DLP2010NIR near-infrared digital micromirror device

1.2.1 Optical Engine

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Figure 1-1. DLP NIRscan Nano Block Diagram
The DLP NIRscan Nano EVM spectrometer optical engine is mounted on top of the electronics subsystem. The configuration is a post-dispersive architecture with a removable reflectance sample module. The reflectance module includes two lens-end broadband tungsten filament lamps. In this specific implementation, depicted in Figure 1-2, a sample is placed against the sapphire front window of the reflectance head. During a scan, the sample absorbs a specific amount of NIR light and diffusely reflects the non-absorbed light into the system. The amount of light absorbed at each wavelength is dependent on the molecular makeup of the material, and is specific to that material, a chemical fingerprint. The light diffusely reflected from the sample is gathered by the collection lens and focused into the optical engine
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DMD Board
Microcontroller Board
DLP Controller Board
Detector Board
What is the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM?
through the input slit. The slit size is chosen to balance wavelength resolution with SNR of the spectrometer. This spectrometer uses a 25-μm wide by 1.69-mm tall slit. The light that passes through the slit is collimated by the first set of lenses, passes through an 885-nm long wavepass filter, and then strikes a reflective grating. This grating, in combination with the focusing lens, disperses the light into its constituent wavelengths. The focusing lenses form an image of the slit at the DLP2010NIR DMD. Different wavelengths of this slit image are spread horizontally across the DLP2010NIR DMD. The optical system images 900-nm wavelengths to one end of the DMD and 1700-nm to the other end, with all other wavelengths dispersed in between. When specific DMD columns are selected as on, or tilted to the +17° position, the energy reflected by the selected columns is directed through the collection optics to the single pixel InGaAs detector. All other DMD columns selected as off, or tilted to the –17° position, diverts the unselected wavelengths away from the detector optical path so as not to interfere with the selected wavelength measurement.
The DLP NIRscan Nano reflectance module operates by illuminating the sample under test at an angle so that specular reflections are not collected, while gathering and focusing diffuse reflections to the slit. The illuminating lamps are designated as lens-end lamps because the front end of the glass bulb is formed into a lens that directs more light from the filament to the sample test region. The collection lens gathers collimated light from a 2.5-mm diameter region at the sample window. The size of the collection region was matched to the nominal illumination spot size created by the lens-end lamps. This requires that the sample be placed directly against the sapphire window, where the two angled light source paths intersect the collection vision cone of the lens. If the sample is shifted farther away from the window, the sample may not receive enough illumination for the system to perform an accurate scan.
The optical engine footprint drives the size of the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM. The NIRscan Nano EVM measures approximately 62-mm long, 58-mm wide, and 36-mm tall as shown in Figure 1-3.
Figure 1-2. DLP NIRscan Nano Optical Engine
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58 mm
62 mm
36 mm
What is the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM?
Figure 1-3. DLP NIRscan Nano Dimensions
Table 1-1 lists the specifications of the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM.
Table 1-1. DLP NIRscan Nano EVM Specifications
Supported wavelengths 900 1700 nm Optical resolution 10 12 nm Lamp power 1.4 W
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What is the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM?

1.2.2 DLP NIRscan Nano Electronics

The DLP NIRscan Nano EVM contains the following four boards:
Microcontroller board: The Microcontroller board is the largest board in the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM.
This board includes the following: – Tiva TM4C1297 microcontroller: The Tiva processor controls the whole system. The Tiva runs the
TI realtime operating system (RTOS), the Bluetopia stack, and the spectroscopy software. When it
receives a scan command through USB, Bluetooth, or through pressing the scan button, the Tiva
streams through its LCD interface a set of unique wavelength specific patterns to the DLPC150 for
display on the DMD while synchronizing the sampling of the spectrometer's ADC. An external
32MB SDRAM allows for additional code storage and stores the pattern buffer streamed to the
– External interfaces: The Microcontroller board provides two main interfaces to the outside world:
USB and Bluetooth Low Energy. To leverage the DLP NIRscan EVM platform for new product
development using the Tiva processor, the microcontroller board also contains a Tiva debug JTAG
port, which can be used with Code Composer Studio™ emulation software and XDS100, XDS200,
or XDS560 emulators. The Microcontroller board also includes and expansion connector with SPI,
UART, and GPIO capability for connection to external systems.
– Battery charging circuits: An optional 3.7-V Lithium-Ion or Lithium-Polymer can be added to power
the system. The on-board power management circuits of the bq24250 device take power from USB
and simultaneously charge the battery if its voltage is below 4.2 V at up to 1-A charge current. The
bq24250 also monitors an optional thermistor for battery temperature monitoring during charge.
– microSD card connector: The microSD card connector allows additional storage for scan data when
the system is not connected to a PC nor iOS device.
– HDC1000 humidity and temperature sensor: Measures the humidity and temperature of the system.
These values are captured with each scan.
DLP controller board: The DLPC150 controller board is the second largest board in the DLP NIRscan
Nano EVM. This board includes the following: – DLPC150 controller: The DLPC150 receives the pattern data from the Tiva TM4C1297 processor
over a 24-bit RGB bus. The DLPC150 decodes the pattern information and converts the information
into the correct format for the DLP2010NIR DMD. The DLPC150 controls and synchronizes all the
DMD signals, thereby directing each individual mirror to its desired state.
– DLPA2005 PMIC: The DLPA2005 is a power management IC that controls all the supplies to the
DLP2010NIR DMD and the DMD interface portion of the DLPC150 supplies.
– Lamp driver circuit: To provide constant current to the near-infrared lamps, a OPA567 based power
amplifier circuit regulates the current to the lamps to 280 mA at 5 V based on the voltage across a
sense resistor monitored by the INA213 current shunt monitor.
Detector board: The detector board includes the following:
– Transimpedance low-noise amplifier: Amplifies the signal form the InGaAs detector to the ADC. – ADS1255 ADC: Converts the amplified signal of the InGaAs detector into a 24-bit value for Tiva
– TMP006 thermopile sensor: Measures the InGaAs detector temperature and ambient temperature
of the system. These values are captured with each scan.
– 1-mm non-cooled Hamamatsu G12180-010A InGaAs photodiode
DMD board: The DMD board includes the DLP near-infrared digital micromirror. The DLP NIRscan Nano electronics contain many devices manufactured by Texas Instruments. Table 1-2
lists the main parts and their functions.
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What is the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM?
Table 1-2. DLP NIRscan Nano Electronics
Device Electronics Type Description
TM4C1297 Microprocessor
bq24250 Battery charger phases: trickle charge, precharge, constant current, and
CC2465MODN host controller
HDC1000 Sensor
TPS386596 Quad reset supervisor
TPS22904 Load switch supplies 1.8 V for Bluetooth circuits.
TPS81256 Power management
OPA567 Power amplifier 2-A power amplifier that supplies 280-mA lamp current.
INA213 Analog monitor
ADS1255 Analog
REF5025 Power management
OPA2376 Detector board
TMP006 Sensor
DLP2010NIR DMD board DLP DLP near-infrared digital micromirror
DLP controller
Cortex-M4 microprocessor operating at 120 MHz with integrated 1MB flash, 256K SRAM, and USB 2.0 interface.
Single cell Lithium-Ion or Lithium-Polymer battery charger with up to 1-A charge current from USB. Battery is charged in four
constant voltage. In all charge phases, an optional battery pack thermistor monitors the battery temperature for safe charging.
Bluetooth Low Energy
interface module
Power management
DLP power DLP power management integrated circuit that powers the DLP
management 1.8-V, 10-V, 18-V, and –14-V supplies.
Precision amplifier
Single chip Bluetooth 4.1 Low Energy subsystem module with on-board antenna.
Low power, high accuracy temperature and humidity sensor with 14-bit resolution.
High-efficiency buck-boost converter in wafer chip scale package supplies 3.3 V.
High-efficiency step-up converter in microSIP package supplies
5.0 V for analog circuits. High-efficiency step-down converter in microSIP package
supplies 1.8 V.
DLP digital controller for advanced light control. The Tiva microprocessor in conjunction with the DLPC150 controls individual DLP2010NIR micromirrors to reflect specific wavelengths of light to a single point InGaAs detector.
High efficiency step-up converter in microSIP package that supplies the 5 V for the lamp driver
Voltage output, current-shunt monitor that monitors lamp current.
Very-low-noise 24-bit analog-to-digital converter. Converts the analog output of the InGaAs detector into a 24-bit digital value.
Low-noise, very-low-drift, precision voltage reference that provides the 2.5-V reference for the transimpedance amplifier.
Low-noise precision operational amplifier. Used as a transimpedance amplifier for the InGaAs detector.
High-speed operation amplifier that buffers the 2.5-V reference voltage of the transimpedance amplifier.
Infrared thermopile sensor that measures ambient and detector temperature
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Battery Thermistor
What is the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM?

1.2.3 Connections

Table 1-3 lists the DLP NIRscan Nano connectors with its locations shown in Figure 1-4 and Figure 1-5.
Microcontroller board
DLP controller board
Table 1-3. DLP NIRscan Nano Connectors
J3 external device. UART4 is used as Tiva's console output for debugging
J4 J6 Lithium-Ion or Lithium-Polymer battery connection
J7 Battery thermistor connection
J500 this connector requires to removal of the Microcontroller and DLP
J501 Lamp photodetector connector J503 Lamp power connector
Micro-USB connector: Provides power and PC connectivity with HID commands
Detector board interface: Provides Tiva's SSI1 connection to ADS1255 and Tiva's I2C7 to TMP006
Expansion connector: Provides TIva's UART4 or SSI0 interface to information
JTAG connector: ARM Cortex 10-pin emulation (XDS100, XDS200, or XDS560) connection
Trigger connector. This connector is covered by the top cover. Access to controller boards from the optical engine
Figure 1-4. DLP NIRscan Connectors (Rear View)
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What is the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM?
Figure 1-5. DLP NIRscan Connectors (Front View)
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Reset Button
Wake Button
Scan / Bluetooth
Sample Window
What is the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM? Buttons
The DLP NIRscan Nano EVM includes three buttons:
Wake button:
– When the system is in standby, pressing the Wake button will wake the system from hibernation
– Upon wake up, the green LED will pulse on and off.
Scan/Bluetooth button:
– When pressed and released, the system performs a scan. During a scan, the yellow LED is
illuminated and the lamps will turn on for the duration of the scan.
– When pressed, held for more than 3 seconds, and then released, the Bluetooth subsystem powers
up and advertises a connection. While a Bluetooth Low Energy connection is advertised, the blue
LED will turn on. When a Bluetooth Low Energy connection is active, the blue LED will pulse off
and on. The pulsing may coincide with the green LED or may pulse opposite to the green LED
Reset button:
– Pressing the Reset button will initiate a hardware reset of the NIRscan Nano system.
Figure 1-6. DLP NIRscan Nano Button Locations
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Power On LED
Scan LED
Bluetooth LED
Battery Charging LED
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The DLP NIRscan Nano EVM includes four LEDs to indicate activity as shown in Table 1-4.
What is the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM?
Table 1-4. DLP NIRscan Nano LED Indicators
Green Pulse on and off, once a second
Pulse on and off, once a second connection has been
Yellow ON Scan is being performed
Red ON System is charging a battery
Indicates system is powered
and active
Bluetooth circuits are active
and advertizing
Bluetooth Low Energy
Figure 1-7. DLP NIRscan Nano LED Locations
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2.1 Operating Modes

The DLP NIRscan Nano supports the following modes of operation:
USB connection: A Windows®application with a graphical user interface (GUI), running on a PC with
the Windows 7 or 8 operating system, controls the system. Control includes scan initiation, parameter settings, and data download. The PC GUI displays the intensity or absorbance of the scan. The PC powers the NIRscan Nano through the USB cable.
Bluetooth connection: An iOS app (available from KS Technologies through the Apple®App StoreSM)
running on an iPhone®or iPad®with iOS 7.1 or later operating system controls the system. Control includes scan initiation, parameter settings, and downloading data. The iOS app displays the intensity or absorbance of the scan. A USB cable or optional battery powers the NIRscan Nano.
Standalone: The NIRscan Nano can be preconfigured through the PC GUI or Bluetooth iOS app.
Scans are invoked through the Scan button and data is stored on the on-board SDRAM or microSD card. The stored scan data can be later downloaded to a host PC through USB or Bluetooth connection.
Chapter 2
DLPU030B–June 2015–Revised July 2015

Getting Started

2.1.1 USB Connection

When a USB cable is inserted into the DLP NIRscan NanoJ1 micro-USB connector (see Figure 1-4), the system powers up from the PC's USB VBUS 5-V supply, and the power-on LED pulses to indicate the system is operational and ready for a command. The PC GUI will show as connected after the DLP NIRscan Nano enumerates through USB. NIRscan Nano GUI
The DLP NIRscan Nano software includes a QT-based PC GUI called NIRscanNanoGUI.exe. This GUI requires the following dynamic link libraries (DLLs) to reside in the same directory as the executable file:
hidapi.dll — USB human interface device (HID) class communication driver
icudt53.dll — Qt Creator v5.3 Unicode library
icuin53.dll — Qt Creator v5.3 Unicode library
icuuc53.dll — Qt Creator v5.3 Unicode library
libgcc_sdw2-1.dll — GCC library
libstdc++6.dll — Standard C++ library
libwinpthread-1.dll — Pthreads for Windows library
Qt5Core.dll — Qt Core class library
Qt5Gui.dll — Qt Graphical User Interface class library
Qt5Svg.dll — Qt Scalable vector graphics class library
Qt5Widgets.dll — Qt Widgets class library
platforms/qwindows.dll — Platform plugin for Windows applications
lmdfu.dll — Tiva USB device firmware upgrade
lmusb.dll — Tiva USB driver The Qt windeployqt executable will list all the DLLs necessary by a Qt application.
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2.1.2 Bluetooth Connection

To connect to the DLP NIRscan Nano, the Bluetooth circuits must first be powered. The following steps activate the Bluetooth circuits:
1. Press the Scan/Bluetooth button and hold it for more than 3 seconds to power the Bluetooth circuits.
2. After the Bluetooth circuits are powered and active, the blue LED turns on and the DLP NIRscan Nano
advertises its presence through Bluetooth.
3. Run the iOS App and click the Scan button at the top-right of the screen. This will establish a
connection with the DLP NIRscan Nano. The Bluetooth icon on the top-right of the screen will flash.
4. After the DLP NIRscan Nano establishes connection, the blue LED will pulse to indicate that the
connection was successful.
Operating Modes
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3.1 NIRscan Nano GUI

Upon execution of the NIRscanNanoGUI.exe, the software checks for the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM enumerating through USB and displays the information screen shown in Figure 3-1. The GUI is divided into two sections:
The top section displays the connected state of the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM on the top-right side. It
also has four buttons: – Information: Changes the bottom portion of the GUI to display version information, and links to
online resources.
– Scan: Changes the bottom portion of the GUI to display spectrum plots and controls for scan
configurations and parameters.
– Utilities: Changes the bottom portion of the GUI to display sensor information and to synchronize
data and time with PC, ADC PGA settings, and firmware upgrades.
– Connected Status Button: Once a DLP NIRscan Nano enumerates, the icon in the connected status
button will change from a gray indicator light with a "Not Connected" message to a green indicator
light with a "Connected" message. Pressing this button has no effect. Disconnecting the DLP
NIRscan Nano, powering down the device, or resetting the DLP NIRscan Nano will toggle the state
of this button.
The lower section displays information related to the three main operational modes: information, scan,
and utilities.
Chapter 3
DLPU030B–June 2015–Revised July 2015

Operating the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM

Operating the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM DLPU030B–June 2015–Revised July 2015
Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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NIRscan Nano GUI
Figure 3-1. DLP NIRscanNano GUI Information Screen
The information screen displays:
Version information, including the version number of the Tiva and DLPC150 firmware, as well as the
GUI software version number.
EVM image, which displays the locations of the buttons and their functionality.
Links to online resources, including Texas Instruments DLP brochures, white papers, and application
notes on spectroscopy with DLP technology. For support, users can search TI's E2E Community. The TI E2E icon includes a link to direct users to the Texas Instruments DLP E2E forums.
Presence of microSD card by clicking the Refresh button. Under this button, the "Import all Unread
scan Data" buttons transfer any scan data residing on the microSD card to the PC.
DLPU030B–June 2015–Revised July 2015 Operating the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM
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Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
NIRscan Nano GUI

3.1.1 Scanning a Sample

The Scan button at the top of the NIRscan Nano GUI displays spectrum plots and controls scan configurations and parameters, as shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2. DLP NIRscanNano GUI Scan Screen
A scan configuration must be created to scan a sample. (See Figure 3-3 for the Scan Configuration dialog screen.) A scan configuration specifies the following parameters of a scan:
Wavelength range: Start and End wavelengths (in nm) or spectral range of interest for the scan. The
minimum wavelength is 900 nm and the maximum wavelength is 1700 nm.
Width in nm: This number must be greater than 8 nm and corresponds to the desired smallest
wavelength content that you want to resolve in a scan. The DLP NIRscan Nano optical resolution is 10 nm, so values less than 10 nm result in lower signal intensity.
Number of patterns: This number defines how many wavelength points are captured across the
defined spectral range. Depending on the previous setting, the GUI computes the maximum number of patterns and indicates them as the "Max Limit."
Number of scans to average: This is the repeated back-to-back scans that are averaged together. Typical scan configuration parameters for four type of scans that resolve wavelength content in 20-, 15-,
10-, and 8-nm, are shown in Table 3-1.
Operating the DLP NIRscan Nano EVM DLPU030B–June 2015–Revised July 2015
Copyright © 2015, Texas Instruments Incorporated
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