The DLP®LightCrafter 4500™ is a third-party implementation of the next generation DLP reference design
to enable faster development cycles for applications requiring small form factor and intelligent pattern
This guide is an introductory document that provides an overview of the DLP LightCrafter 4500 system
and its software. Other documents provide more in-depth information of the hardware and software
features of the components of the DLP LightCrafter 4500.
DLPC350 data sheet: DLP Digital Controller for the DLP4500 DMD, DLPS029
DLP4500 data sheet: DLP 0.45 WXGA DMD, DLPS028
DLPC350 and DLP4500 chipset manual: DLP 0.45 WXGA Chipset Data Manual, DLPU009
User's guide: DLPC350 Programmer’s Guide, DLPU010
Application note: Using DLP®LightCrafter 4500™ Triggers to Synchronize Camera, DLPA036
If You Need Assistance
Refer to the DLP and MEMS TI E2E Community support forums: DLP LightCrafter 4500 Development
Platform Forum
Related Documentation From Texas Instruments
LightCrafter 4500 is a trademark of Texas Instruments.
DLP, Linux are registered trademarks of Texas Instruments.
Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc..
Ubuntu is a registered trademark of Canonical Ltd..
SVTronics is a registered trademark of SVTRONICS, INC..
Sullins Connector Solutions is a registered trademark of Sullins Connector Solutions, Inc..
DLPU011E–July 2013–Revised September 2015Read This First
The DLP LightCrafter 4500 evaluation module (EVM) allows evaluation of the DLP 4500 platform from TI.
This technology brings together a set of components providing an efficient and compelling system solution
•3D scanning structured light applications:
– 3D modeling and design
– Fingerprint identification and face recognition
– Machine vision and robotic factory automation
– Industrial inspection
•Medical and life sciences:
– Vascular imaging
– Hyperspectral imaging
– Dental impression scanners
– Intraoral dental scanners
– Orthopedics, prosthesis, CT, MRI, and X-ray marking
– Retail cosmetics
•Spectroscopy and chemical sensing
– Material identification
– Oil & Gas analysis
– Water & air quality
– Food & drug inspection
– TI NIRscan EVM uses the DLP4500NIR DMD (similar to the DLP4500 in the LightCrafter4500 EVM
and optimized for near-infrared light) in structured light mode to provide a high performance and
cost-competitive spectroscopy solution
Chapter 1
DLPU011E–July 2013–Revised September 2015
DLP LightCrafter 4500 Module Overview
1.2What is in the LightCrafter 4500 EVM?
The DLP LightCrafter 4500 module consists of two subsystems:
•Light engine – includes the optics; red, green, and blue LEDs; and the 912 × 1140 diamond pixel 0.45inch WXGA DMD, heat sinks, and fan. The light engine produces approximately 150 lumens at 15-W
LED power consumption.
•Driver board – includes the LED driver circuits, DLPC350 DMD controller, power-management circuits,
DVI-to-RGB conversion with the TFP401, and a 32-MB flash storage
Figure 1-1 shows the major hardware components.
DLPU011E–July 2013–Revised September 2015DLP LightCrafter 4500 Module Overview
iView Limited developed the IPD 1231 light engine for the DLP LightCrafter 4500. As shown in Figure 1-2,
the light engine includes:
•DMD heat sink
•Red, green, and blue LEDs
•Focus control
•Projection lens
The iView Light Engine is mounted on top of a large thermal plate to cool the module. The DLP4500 DMD
is mounted vertically between the DMD heat sink and the light engine. On the opposite side to the DMD,
the red and green LEDs are mounted between a thermal plate and the light engine. The blue LED is
mounted between a thermal plate and the light engine, next to the projection lens. An LED heat sink is
mounted behind the red and green LED thermal plate and thermally connected to the blue LED thermal
plate. A fan forces air across the LED heat sink to cool the LEDs.
The light engine, not including the LED heat sinks, has a length of 90.5 mm, width of 73.7 mm, and height
of 23.6 mm.
DLP LightCrafter 4500 Module OverviewDLPU011E–July 2013–Revised September 2015
LED power consumption15W
Full-on full-off contrast1000:1
Throw ratio1.4
Focus range0.512m
Image diagonal size16.732.865inch
The light engine includes the DLP4500 0.45-inch DMD with 1039680 mirrors, each 7.6 µm, arranged in
912 columns by 1140 rows with the diamond pixel array geometry and configuration (see Figure 1-3 and
Figure 1-4). Due to the diamond pixel configuration, the array produces smooth diagonal lines, with jagged
vertical and horizontal lines, as shown in Figure 1-5. Two options exist to produce the vertical and
horizontal lines: use every row or column, or use every other row or column. When every row or column is
used, a more thick line is projected. When every other row or column is used, a more faint line is
DLPU011E–July 2013–Revised September 2015DLP LightCrafter 4500 Module Overview
The DLP LightCrafter 4500 driver board contains the electronics to drive the DLP4500 DMD, LEDs of the
light engine, and the LED cooling fan. The driver board offers several interface options for USB, I2C,
trigger inputs and outputs, video input through mini-HDMI and FPD-link connector, and a system board
interface. Figure 1-6 shows the driver board block diagram of the DLP LightCrafter 4500.
– TL7712: Programmable time delay for power-supply sequencing
•TFP401: Digital Receiver for DVI to 24-bit parallel RGB interface
•TS3USB2221A: ESD-protected high-speed USB multiplexer
•SN74AVC32T245: 32-bit dual supply bus transceiver for system board interface
1.2.3 Embedded Processor Interface
The DLP LightCrafter 4500 driver board allows the connection of a PandaBoard ES. See, Chapter 6.
1.3Other Items Needed for Operation
The DLP LightCrafter 4500 module is a flexible, ready-to-use EVM. However, the DLP LightCrafter 4500
EVM does not ship with cables, power supply, or additional hardware components. To use the EVM, the
user needs the following:
•Power supply:
– Nominal voltage: 12-V DC
– Typical current: 6 A
– Maximum current: 7 A
– DC connector size:
•Inner diameter: 2.5 mm
•Outer diameter: 5.5 mm
•Shaft: 9.5-mm female, center positive
– Efficiency level: V
– A recommended power supply is Digi-Key part number 62-1186-ND , or equivalent.
•USB cable: A to mini-B USB cable
•Optional: PandaBoard 4500
DLP LightCrafter 4500 Module OverviewDLPU011E–July 2013–Revised September 2015
Figure 1-7 and Figure 1-8 depict the switches and connectors with their respective locations. The following
list corresponds to the callouts on these figures. The figure does not include cables, or a power supply.
1. Reset button
2. Power connector: Use a power supply with a 12-V DC output with current of 6 to 7-A rating and a plug
of 2.5-mm inner diameter × 5.5-mm outer diameter and 9.5-mm female center positive shaft. The
current output of the power supply determines how much current the LED driver can supply
3. External trigger output connector: Supports two trigger output signals, each with configurable voltage of
3.3 V and 1.8 V through jumpers, J13 and J15, respectively.
4. Mini-USB connector: use an A to mini-B USB cable to connect to a PC.
5. UART/RS232 mini-plug connector output: DLPC350 3.3-V UART output for error messages. Mini-plug
tip is DLPC350 transmit (TX) and ring is DLPC350 receive (RX) signals. UART has the following serial
•Bits per second: 115200
•Data bits: 8
•Parity: None
•Stop bits: 1
•Flow control: None
6. External trigger Input connector: Supports two trigger input signals, each with configurable voltage of
5 V, 3.3 V and 1.8 V through jumpers, J10 and J12
7. Stand-by switch: Places the DLP LightCrafter 4500 in standby mode, powering down the LED driver
and the DLPC350
8. Flat panel display-link connector
9. Fan connector
10. Red LED supply connector (bottom of the board)
11. DLPC350 I2C1 bus
12. DLPC350 I2C0 bus
13. Green LED supply connector
14. Blue LED supply connector
15. External LED driver connector: Install a jumper in J30 to disable the DLP LightCrafter 4500 LED
drivers and set jumper J28 for 3.3-V or 1.8-V supply. Then use this connector to control an external
LED driver board to power the LEDs of the DLP LightCrafter 4500 light engine or external light engine.
16. System board connector: This interface routes USB, I2C, GPIO, and triggers from DLPC350 to a
system board to control the DLP LightCrafter 4500.
17. Focus control (bottom of the board): Adjust focus from 0.5 m to infinity
18. JTAG connector for DLPC350
19. JTAG Boundary Scan for DLPC350 (bottom of the board)
20. DVI input through mini-HDMI connector (bottom of the board). This input supports resolutions of 1280
× 800, 1024 × 768, 1024 × 640, 912 × 1140, 800 × 600, 800 × 500, and 640 × 480 at up to 120 Hz. In
Video Mode, the DLPC350 scales the input resolution to the native resolution of the DLP4500 DMD. In
Pattern Sequence mode, this input supports 912 × 1140 resolution.
DLP LightCrafter 4500 Connections
DLPU011E–July 2013–Revised September 2015DLP LightCrafter 4500 Module Overview
The DLP LightCrafter 4500 has jumper options to disable the onboard LED driver, control voltages of the
LED signals to an external board, and control the trigger input and output voltages. This section lists all
the jumpers on the DLP LightCrafter 4500 driver board. Figure 1-9 depicts the locations of these jumpers.
These jumpers require a 2-mm jumper, like Sullins Connector Solutions®SPN02SYBN-RC, Digi-Key part
number S3404-ND.
•J8: EDID write protect disable jumper. Place this jumper to reprogram the EDID EEPROM (U2) using
I2C commands through the mini-HDMI connector. Remove the jumper when programming of the EDID
is complete. The EDID is programmed at the factory with resolutions of 1280 x 800 and 912 x 1140.
•J10: DLPC350 TRIG1_IN voltage selection. See to Figure 1-10.
– Jump across pins 3 to 4 for 3.3 V
– Jump across pins 5 to 6 for 1.8 V
•J12: DLPC350 TRIG2_IN voltage selection. See to Figure 1-10.
– Jump across pins 3 to 4 for 3.3 V
– Jump across pins 5 to 6 for 1.8 V
DLPU011E–July 2013–Revised September 2015DLP LightCrafter 4500 Module Overview
This action is needed only if the DLP LightCrafter 4500 firmware becomes corrupted and must be
reprogrammed through the JTAG boundary scan or USB. The graphical user interface (GUI) firmware
upgrade process places the DLPC350 in bootloader mode through software commands and does not
need the jumper.
•J19: Device address select
– Jump across header to set I2C address to 0x3A and USB device serial number to LCR2.
– Do not populate jumper to set I2C address to 0x34 and USB device serial number to LCR2.
•J23: Hold in reset. Jump across header to drive and hold reset line low. Jumping across this header is
equivalent to pressing and holding the reset switch.
•J28: DLPC350 LED signals voltage selection. This jumper must be populated when bypassing the
onboard LED driver and using an external LED driver.
– Jump across pins 1 to 2 to set the DLPC350 LED enables and PWM signals to 3.3 V.
– Jump across pins 3 to 4 to set the DLPC350 LED enables and PWM signals to 1.8 V.
•J30: DLPC350 LED driver disable. This jumper must be populated when bypassing the onboard LED
driver and using an external LED driver.
– Jump across header to disable the onboard LED driver and turn off all LEDs, regardless of the DLP
LightCrafter 4500 video mode.
– Do not populate this header for normal operation using the onboard LED driver.
The DLP LightCrafter 4500 optical engine is mounted on top of a thermal plate to provide passive cooling
to the module. A heat sink and fan provide active cooling to the LEDs. The DLP4500, 0.45-in. DMD, is
vertically mounted at the end of the optical engine and attached with a flex cable to the driver board that
lies on top of the light engine. The dimensions of the DLP LightCrafter 4500 are of 98 mm long, 121.6 mm
wide, and 47.7 mm tall. Figure 1-12 shows DLP LightCrafter 4500 dimensions.
DLPU011E–July 2013–Revised September 2015DLP LightCrafter 4500 Module Overview
This chapter details the steps to power up the DLP LightCrafter 4500 and connect to a PC.
2.1Power-up the DLP LightCrafter 4500
The DLP LightCrafter 4500 is ready to use, out of the box. Steps 1 through 5 show how to power, display
an image, and connect the device to a PC.
1. Connect a 12-V DC power supply to the power supply connector (connector 2 in Figure 1-8).
2. An LED on the bottom of the LightCrafter 4500 board, next to the flex cable lights up green. The fan
starts, stops, and then restarts while the DLPC350 is booting. After 5 to 10 seconds, the DLPC350
bootloads and displays a screen with the DLP and LightCrafter 4500 logo. The D4 LED on top of the
LightCrafter 4500 board flashes on and off green. If the board shuts down after briefly turning on the
display, the power supply current rating might be too low.
3. To display video, connect a DVI source to the mini-HDMI connector (connector 20 in Figure 1-8).
4. Control the DLP LightCrafter 4500 with the free GUI software (available to download from
5. After installing the software on the computer, connect the PC to the DLP LightCrafter 4500 using a
USB to mini-USB cable (connector 4 in Figure 1-8). The first time the cable is connected on a PC, the
DLP LightCrafter 4500 emulates a USB composite device with human-interface device (HID) class. No
drivers are required because these drivers are natively handled by all operating systems.
Chapter 2
DLPU011E–July 2013–Revised September 2015
Quick Start
Quick StartDLPU011E–July 2013–Revised September 2015