Texas Instruments bq34210-Q1 Technical Reference Manual

Technical Reference Manual
Literature Number: SLUUBE8
September 2018
Preface ........................................................................................................................................ 6
1 General Description.............................................................................................................. 7
1.1 Gas Gauging ................................................................................................................. 7
1.1.1 CEDV Gas Gauging Operational Overview ..................................................................... 8
1.1.2 Main Fuel Gauge Registers ....................................................................................... 8
1.1.3 Capacity Learning (FCC Update)................................................................................. 9
1.1.4 End-of-Discharge (EDV) Thresholds and Capacity Correction ............................................... 9
1.1.5 EDV Discharge Rate and Temperature Compensation ...................................................... 10
1.1.6 EDV Age Factor ................................................................................................... 11
1.1.7 Self-Discharge..................................................................................................... 11
1.1.8 Battery Electronic Load Compensation......................................................................... 11
1.1.9 Initial Battery Capacity at Device Reset........................................................................ 12
1.1.10 Fuel Gauge Operating Modes.................................................................................. 12
1.1.11 CEDV Smoothing ................................................................................................ 13
1.2 Accumulated Charge Measurement ..................................................................................... 14
1.3 End-Of-Service Determination............................................................................................ 15
1.3.1 Alert Config Registers ............................................................................................ 16
1.3.2 Smoothing Config Register ...................................................................................... 21
1.3.3 End-Of-Service Determination—Detailed Description........................................................ 21
2 Functional Description........................................................................................................ 31
2.1 Device Configuration....................................................................................................... 31
2.1.1 Smoothing Config Register ...................................................................................... 31
2.1.2 Operation Configuration A (Operation Config A) Register................................................... 31
2.2 External Pin Functions..................................................................................................... 32
2.2.1 Wake-Up Comparator ............................................................................................ 32
2.2.2 Autocalibration..................................................................................................... 32
2.3 Temperature Measurement ............................................................................................... 33
2.3.1 Overtemperature Indication ...................................................................................... 33
2.3.2 Undertemperature Indication..................................................................................... 33
2.4 Battery Condition Warnings............................................................................................... 33
2.4.1 Battery Low Warning.............................................................................................. 33
2.4.2 Battery High Warning ............................................................................................. 34
2.4.3 Battery Low SOC Warning....................................................................................... 34
2.4.4 Battery Level Threshold .......................................................................................... 34
2.5 Charging and Charge Termination Indication .......................................................................... 35
2.5.1 Detecting Charge Termination................................................................................... 35
2.5.2 Charge Inhibit...................................................................................................... 35
2.6 Power Modes ............................................................................................................... 35
2.6.1 NORMAL Mode.................................................................................................... 37
2.6.2 SLEEP Mode....................................................................................................... 37
2.6.3 SHUTDOWN Mode ............................................................................................... 37
2.7 CONFIG UPDATE Mode .................................................................................................. 37
2.8 Application-Specific Information.......................................................................................... 37
2.8.1 Battery Profile Storage and Selection .......................................................................... 37
2.8.2 First OCV Measurement.......................................................................................... 38
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2.9 Additional Data Memory Parameter Descriptions...................................................................... 38
2.9.1 Calibration ......................................................................................................... 38
2.9.2 Coulomb Counter Offset (CC Offset) ........................................................................... 38
2.9.3 Board Offset ....................................................................................................... 38
2.9.4 Int Temp Offset ................................................................................................... 38
2.9.5 Ext Temp Offset .................................................................................................. 38
2.9.6 Pack VOffset ...................................................................................................... 38
2.9.7 Internal Temp Model ............................................................................................. 38
2.9.8 Ext a Coef and Ext b Coef ...................................................................................... 39
2.9.9 RC0 ................................................................................................................. 39
2.9.10 Filter................................................................................................................ 39
2.9.11 Deadband ........................................................................................................ 39
2.9.12 CC Deadband .................................................................................................... 39
2.9.13 SOC Flag Configuration A (SOC Flag Config A) Register ................................................. 39
2.9.14 SOC Flag Configuration B (SOC Flag Config B) Register ................................................. 40
2.9.15 CEDV Gauging Configuration (CEDV Config) Register .................................................... 41
2.9.16 EMF ............................................................................................................... 41
2.9.17 C0 ................................................................................................................. 41
2.9.18 R0 ................................................................................................................. 42
2.9.19 T0 .................................................................................................................. 42
2.9.20 R1 ................................................................................................................. 42
2.9.21 TC ................................................................................................................. 42
2.9.22 C1 ................................................................................................................. 42
2.9.23 Age Factor ........................................................................................................ 42
2.9.24 Fixed EDV0 ...................................................................................................... 42
2.9.25 Fixed EDV1 ...................................................................................................... 42
2.9.26 Fixed EDV2 ...................................................................................................... 42
2.9.27 Battery Low % ................................................................................................... 42
2.9.28 Learning Low Temp ............................................................................................. 42
2.9.29 Overload Current ................................................................................................ 42
2.9.30 Self Discharge Rate ............................................................................................. 42
2.9.31 Electronics Load ................................................................................................. 42
2.9.32 Near Full .......................................................................................................... 42
2.9.33 Reserve Capacity ................................................................................................ 43
2.9.34 Charge Efficiency (Chg Eff)..................................................................................... 43
2.9.35 Discharge Efficiency (Dsg Eff).................................................................................. 43
2.9.36 Depth of Discharge (DOD) at EDV2........................................................................... 43
2.9.37 Design Capacity ................................................................................................. 43
2.9.38 Design Voltage ................................................................................................... 43
2.9.39 Cycle Count % ................................................................................................... 43
2.9.40 Charge Inhibit Temp Low ....................................................................................... 43
2.9.41 Charge Inhibit Temp High ...................................................................................... 44
2.9.42 Temp Hys ......................................................................................................... 44
2.9.43 Charging and Charge Termination............................................................................. 44
2.9.44 Fast Charge Current ............................................................................................ 45
2.9.45 Charging Voltage ................................................................................................ 46
2.9.46 Taper Current..................................................................................................... 46
2.9.47 Taper Voltage..................................................................................................... 46
2.9.48 Sleep Current ..................................................................................................... 46
2.9.49 Bus Low Time .................................................................................................... 46
2.9.50 Offset Calibration Inhibit Temperature Low................................................................... 46
2.9.51 Offset Calibration Inhibit Temperature High .................................................................. 46
2.9.52 Sleep Voltage Time.............................................................................................. 47
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2.9.53 Sleep Current Time .............................................................................................. 47
2.9.54 Dsg Current Threshold (Discharge Detection Threshold) .................................................. 47
2.9.55 Chg Current Threshold (Charge Detection Threshold)...................................................... 47
2.9.56 Quit Current ...................................................................................................... 47
2.9.57 Discharge Relax Time .......................................................................................... 47
2.9.58 Charge Relax Time .............................................................................................. 47
2.9.59 Quit Relax Time ................................................................................................. 47
2.9.60 OT Charge ........................................................................................................ 47
2.9.61 OT Chg Recovery ............................................................................................... 48
2.9.62 OT Discharge ..................................................................................................... 48
2.9.63 OT Dsg Recovery ............................................................................................... 48
3 Communications ............................................................................................................... 49
3.1 I
3.2 I
3.3 I
3.4 I
C Interface................................................................................................................. 49
C Time Out ................................................................................................................ 49
C Command Waiting Time .............................................................................................. 50
C Clock Stretching........................................................................................................ 50
4 Data Commands................................................................................................................. 51
4.1 Control()/CONTROL_STATUS(): 0x00 and 0x01...................................................................... 52
4.1.1 CONTROL_STATUS: 0x0000 ................................................................................... 53
4.1.2 DEVICE_NUMBER: 0x0001 ..................................................................................... 54
4.1.3 FW_VERSION: 0x0002........................................................................................... 54
4.1.4 BOARD_OFFSET: 0x0009....................................................................................... 54
4.1.5 CC_OFFSET: 0x000A ............................................................................................ 54
4.1.6 CC_OFFSET_SAVE: 0x000B ................................................................................... 54
4.1.7 SET_PROFILE_1: 0x0015 ...................................................................................... 54
4.1.8 SET_PROFILE_2: 0x0016 ...................................................................................... 54
4.1.9 SHUTDOWN_ENABLE: 0x001B ................................................................................ 54
4.1.10 SHUTDOWN: 0x001C........................................................................................... 54
4.1.11 ACCUM_DSG_EN: 0x001E .................................................................................... 54
4.1.12 ACCUM_CHG_EN: 0x001F .................................................................................... 54
4.1.13 IGNORE_SELFDSG_EN: 0x0020 ............................................................................ 55
4.1.14 PIN_CONTROL_EN: 0x0022................................................................................... 55
4.1.15 CAL_TOGGLE: 0x002D......................................................................................... 55
4.1.16 SEAL: 0x0030 .................................................................................................... 55
4.1.17 EOS_START_LEARN: 0x0039................................................................................. 55
4.1.18 EOS_ABORT_LEARN: 0x003A ................................................................................ 55
4.1.19 EOS_RCELL_RRATE_LEARN: 0x003B...................................................................... 55
4.1.20 EOS_WARN_CLEAR: 0x003C................................................................................. 55
4.1.21 EOS_INITIAL_RCELL: 0x003E ................................................................................ 55
4.1.22 EOS_INITIAL_RRATE: 0x003F ................................................................................ 55
4.1.23 RESET: 0x0041 .................................................................................................. 55
4.1.24 ACCUM_RESET: 0x004B....................................................................................... 55
4.1.25 GAUGING_STATUS: 0x0056 .................................................................................. 56
4.1.26 ManufacturingStatus(): 0x57.................................................................................... 56
4.1.27 ALERT_SET: 0x0068............................................................................................ 57
4.1.28 ALERT_RESET: 0x0069 ........................................................................................ 57
4.1.29 EDV_Threshold: 0x0073 ........................................................................................ 57
4.1.30 EXIT_ CAL: 0x0080.............................................................................................. 57
4.1.31 ENTER_CAL: 0x0081 ........................................................................................... 57
4.1.32 ENTER_CFG_UPDATE: 0x0090............................................................................... 57
4.1.33 EXIT_CFG_UPDATE_REINIT: 0x0091 ....................................................................... 57
4.1.34 EXIT_CFG_UPDATE: 0x0092.................................................................................. 57
4.2 Temperature(): 0x06 and 0x07 ........................................................................................... 57
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4.3 Voltage(): 0x08 and 0x09 ................................................................................................. 58
4.4 BatteryStatus(): 0x0A and 0x0B.......................................................................................... 58
4.5 Current(): 0x0C and 0x0D................................................................................................. 58
4.6 RemainingCapacity(): 0x10 and 0x11 ................................................................................... 58
4.7 FullChargeCapacity(): 0x12 and 0x13................................................................................... 58
4.8 AverageCurrent(): 0x14 and 0x15........................................................................................ 59
4.9 AverageTimeToEmpty(): 0x16 and 0x17................................................................................ 59
4.10 AverageTimeToFull(): 0x18 and 0x19................................................................................... 59
4.11 AccumulatedCharge(): 0x1A and 0x1B.................................................................................. 59
4.12 AccumulatedChargeTime(): 0x1C and 0x1D ........................................................................... 59
4.13 LastAccumulatedCharge(): 0x1E and 0x1F............................................................................. 59
4.14 LastAccumulatedChargeTime(): 0x20 and 0x21....................................................................... 60
4.15 AveragePower(): 0x24 and 0x25......................................................................................... 60
4.16 InternalTemperature(): 0x28 and 0x29 .................................................................................. 60
4.17 CycleCount(): 0x2A and 0x2B............................................................................................ 60
4.18 RelativeStateOfCharge(): 0x2C and 0x2D.............................................................................. 60
4.19 StateOfHealth(): 0x2E and 0x2F ......................................................................................... 60
4.20 ChargingVoltage(): 0x30 and 0x31 ...................................................................................... 60
4.21 ChargingCurrent(): 0x32 and 0x33....................................................................................... 60
4.22 BLTDischargeSet(): 0x34 and 0x35 ..................................................................................... 60
4.23 BLTChargeSet(): 0x36 and 0x37......................................................................................... 60
4.24 OperationStatus(): 0x3A and 0x3B ...................................................................................... 61
4.25 DesignCapacity(): 0x3C and 0x3D....................................................................................... 61
4.26 ManufacturerAccessControl(): 0x3E and 0x3F......................................................................... 61
4.27 MACData(): 0x40 through 0x5F .......................................................................................... 61
4.28 MACDataSum(): 0x60 ..................................................................................................... 61
4.29 MACDataLen(): 0x61 ...................................................................................................... 62
4.30 EOSLearnStatus(): 0x64 and 0x65 ...................................................................................... 62
4.31 EOSSafetySatus(): 0x66 and 0x67 ...................................................................................... 64
4.32 EOSStatus(): 0x68 ......................................................................................................... 65
4.33 AnalogCount(): 0x79....................................................................................................... 66
4.34 RawCurrent(): 0x7A and 0x7B............................................................................................ 66
4.35 RawVoltage(): 0x7C and 0x7D ........................................................................................... 66
4.36 RawIntTemp(): 0x7E and 0x7F........................................................................................... 66
4.37 RawExtTemp(): 0x80 and 0x81 .......................................................................................... 66
5 Data Memory Interface ........................................................................................................ 67
5.1 Accessing the Data Memory.............................................................................................. 67
5.2 Device Access Modes ..................................................................................................... 67
5.3 Sealing and Unsealing Data Memory Access .......................................................................... 67
6 Data Memory Summary....................................................................................................... 68
7 Application Example........................................................................................................... 81
7.1 Data Memory Parameter Update Example ............................................................................. 81
7.2 GAUGEPARCAL ........................................................................................................... 82
Revision History.......................................................................................................................... 83
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This manual discusses the modules and peripherals of the automotive-qualified AEC-Q100, Grade 3 bq34210-Q1 fuel gauge, and how each is used to build a complete battery pack fuel gauge solution. For further information, refer to the bq34210-Q1 Automotive 1-Series Cell System-Side CEDV Fuel Gauge for Rarely Discharged Batteries Data Sheet (SLUSCG1).
Formatting in This Document
The following formatting convention is used in this document:
SBS commands: italics with parentheses and no breaking spaces; for example, RemainingCapacity()
Data memory: italics, bold, and breaking spaces; for example, Design Capacity
Register bits and flags: italics and brackets; for example, [TDA]
Data memory bits: italics and bold; for example, [LED1]
Modes and states: ALL CAPITALS; for example, UNSEALED
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Read This First
SLUUBE8–September 2018


http://www.ti.com provides a Battery Glossary on the Battery Management FAQ page and the TI Glossary.
Related Documentation from Texas Instruments
To obtain a copy of any of the following TI documents, click on the links below:
1. bq34210-Q1 Automotive 1-Series Cell System-Side CEDV Fuel Gauge for Rarely Discharged Batteries Data Sheet (SLUSCG1)
2. Going to Production with the bq275xx Application Report (SLUA449)
3. Host System Calibration Method Application Report (SLUA640)
For more documentation and product information, go to the bq34210-Q1 product page or to the TI Web site at www.ti.com.
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Chapter 1
SLUUBE8–September 2018

General Description

The bq34210-Q1 fuel gauge incorporates gas gauging and an End-of-Service (EOS) Determination function to use with a 1-series Li-Ion or Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) rechargeable cell or a Nickel metal hydride (NiMH) based pack with a configuration of 3-series cells.
The gas gauge uses Compensated End-of-Discharge Voltage (CEDV) gauging technology to accurately predict the battery capacity and other operational characteristics of the battery. It can be interrogated by a system processor to provide cell information, such as remaining capacity, full charge capacity (FCC), time­to-empty (TTE), and relative state-of-charge (RSOC), and provide an interrupt signal to the processor.
The integrated EOS Determination function is specifically intended for applications where the battery is rarely discharged, such as eCall systems, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), enterprise server backup systems, and telematics or telecommunications backup modules. In such systems, the battery may remain in a fully (or near fully) charged state for much of its lifetime, with it rarely or never undergoing a significant discharge. If the health of the battery in such a system is not monitored regularly, then it may degrade beyond the level required for a system backup/discharge event, and thus fail precisely at the time when it is needed most. Monitoring the battery enables the system to take action before the failure occurs.
The EOS Determination function monitors the health of the battery by using infrequent learning phases, which involve a controlled discharge of ~1% capacity, and provides an alert to the system when the battery is approaching the end of its usable service. By coordinating battery charging with the learning phases, the battery capacity available to the system can be maintained above a preselected level to avoid compromising the ability for the battery to support a system discharge event.
Information is accessed through a series of commands, called Data Commands, and indicated by the general format Command(). Read and write information within the device control and status registers, as well as its data memory locations are accessed through these commands. Commands are sent from the system to the gauge using the I2C serial communications engine, and can be run during application development, system manufacturing, or end-equipment operation.
The fuel gauge measures charge and discharge activity by monitoring the voltage across a small-value series sense resistor (5 mΩ to 20 mΩ, typical), which may be used in a low-side (at the CELL- connection) or a high-side (at the CELL+ connection) configuration.
The external temperature sensing is optimized with the use of a high-accuracy negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor with 25°C resistance (R25) = 10.0 kΩ ±1% and beta value (B25/85, resistance at 25°C and at 85°C) = 3435 kΩ ± 1% (such as Semitec NTC 103AT). Alternatively, the fuel gauge can be configured to use its internal temperature sensor or receive temperature data from the host processor. The fuel gauge uses temperature to monitor the battery-pack environment, which is used for gas gauging and cell protection functionality.
To minimize power consumption, the fuel gauge has several power modes: INITIALIZATION, NORMAL, SLEEP, and SHUTDOWN. The fuel gauge passes automatically between these modes (except for SHUTDOWN exit, which needs an external stimulus), depending upon the occurrence of specific events, though a system processor can initiate some of these modes directly. The device also includes a CONFIG UPDATE mode, which is generally used during initial setup to update various RAM-based parameters used by the gauge.

1.1 Gas Gauging

The bq34210-Q1 device features the Compensated End-of-Discharge Voltage (CEDV) gauging algorithm, capable of gauging a maximum capacity of 32 Ah.
Figure 1-1 shows the operational overview of the bq34210-Q1 fuel gauge.
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General Description
– –
Temperature, Other Data
Main Counters and
Capacity Reference (FCC)
Available Charge
LED Display
Serial Port
Battery Electronics
Load Estimate
Gas Gauging

1.1.1 CEDV Gas Gauging Operational Overview

The bq34210-Q1 device accumulates the measured quantities of charge and discharge and estimates self-discharge of the battery. The bq34210-Q1 device compensates the charge current measurement for temperature and the state-of-charge of the battery. The device also adjusts the self-discharge estimation based on temperature. The initial battery state-of-charge estimation on first insertion of the battery pack in the system may display a factor of the true value; the system must go through a full charge and then a full discharge cycle before the correct full-charge capacity (FCC) is estimated.
The main charge counter, RemainingCapacity() (RC) register, represents the available capacity or energy in the battery at any given time. The bq34210-Q1 device adjusts RC for charge, self-discharge, and other compensation factors. The information in the RC register is accessible through the I2C interface. The FullChargeCapacity() (FCC) register represents the initial or last measured full discharge of the battery. It is used as the battery full-charge reference for relative capacity indication. FCC is accessible through the I2C interface.

1.1.2 Main Fuel Gauge Registers

Remaining Capacity (RC) — Remaining capacity in the battery
Figure 1-1. bq34210-Q1 CEDV Gas Gauging Operational Overview
RC represents the remaining capacity in the battery. The bq34210-Q1 device computes RC in units of mAh.
RC counts up during charge to a maximum value of FCC and down during discharge and self­discharge to a minimum of 0. In addition to charge and self-discharge compensation, the bq34210­Q1 device calibrates RC at three low-battery-voltage thresholds, EDV2, EDV1, and EDV0. This provides a voltage-based calibration to the RC counter.
Design Capacity (DC) — User-specified battery full capacity
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DC is the user-specified battery full capacity. It is calculated from Design Capacity mAh and is represented in units of mAh. It also represents the full-battery reference for the absolute display mode.
Full Charge Capacity (FCC) — Last measured discharge capacity of the battery
FCC is the last measured discharge capacity of the battery. It is represented in units of mAh. On initialization, the bq34210-Q1 device sets FullChargeCapacity() to the data memory value stored in
Full Charge Capacity (FCC). During subsequent discharges, the bq34210-Q1 device updates FullChargeCapacity() with the last measured discharge capacity of the battery. Once updated, the bq34210-Q1 device writes the new FullChargeCapacity() value to data memory in mAh to Learned
Full Charge Capacity. FullChargeCapacity() represents the full battery reference for the relative display mode and relative state-of-charge calculations.

1.1.3 Capacity Learning (FCC Update)

An FCC update occurs if the battery discharges from RC FCC Near Full to the EDV2 voltage threshold with the following conditions:
No valid charge activity occurs during the discharge period. A valid charge is defined as a charge of 10 mAh into the battery.
No more than 256 mAh of self-discharge or battery load estimation occurs during the discharge period.
The temperature does not drop below the low temperature thresholds programmed in Low Temp during the discharge period.
The battery voltage reaches the EDV2 threshold during the discharge period and the voltage is greater than or equal to the EDV2 threshold minus 256 mV when the bq34210-Q1 device detected EDV2.
Current remains 3C/32 when EDV2 is reached.
No overload condition exists when EDV2 threshold is reached or if RC has dropped to Battery Low % × FCC.
The bq34210-Q1 device sets [VDQ] = 1 in OperationStatus() when a discharge begins. The bq34210-Q1 device sets [VDQ] = 0 if any disqualifying condition occurs. One complication may arise regarding the state of [VDQ] if [CSYNC] is set in CEDV Gauging Configuration. When [CSYNC] is enabled, RemainingCapacity() is written to equal FullChargeCapacity() on valid primary charge termination. This capacity synchronization is done even if the condition RC FCC Near Full is not satisfied at charge termination.
FCC cannot be reduced by more than 256 mAh or increased by more than 512 mAh during any single update cycle. If [FCC_LIMIT] is set in CEDV Gauging Configuration, then FCC cannot learn above the Design Capacity mAh. The bq34210-Q1 device saves the new FCC value to the data memory within 4 s of being updated.
Gas Gauging

1.1.4 End-of-Discharge (EDV) Thresholds and Capacity Correction

The bq34210-Q1 device monitors the battery for three low-voltage thresholds: EDV0, EDV1, and EDV2. If the [EDV_CMP] bit in CEDV Gauging Configuration is clear, fixed EDV thresholds may be
programmed in Fixed EDV0, Fixed EDV1, and Fixed EDV2 in mV. If the [EDV_CMP] bit in CEDV Gauging Configuration is set, automatic EDV compensation is enabled
and the bq34210-Q1 device computes the EDV0, EDV1, and EDV2 thresholds based on values stored in the selected CEDV profile in data memory and the battery's current discharge rate and temperature. If the [FIXED_EDV0] bit in CEDV Gauging Configuration is also set, then the EDV0 threshold will be set to the programmed Fixed EDV0, and the EDV1 and EDV2 compensated thresholds will not go below the programmed Fixed EDV0.
The bq34210-Q1 device disables EDV detection if current exceeds the Overload Current threshold. The bq34210-Q1 device resumes EDV threshold detection after current drops below the Overload Current threshold. Any EDV threshold detected is reset after charge is applied and [VDQ] is cleared after 10 mAh of charge.
The bq34210-Q1 device uses the EDV thresholds to apply voltage-based corrections to the RC register (see Table 1-1).
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General Description
Gas Gauging
Table 1-1. State-of-Charge Based on Low Battery
EDV0 0% EDV1 3% EDV2 Battery Low %
The bq34210-Q1 device performs EDV-based RC adjustments with current C/32. No EDVs are set if current < C/32. The bq34210-Q1 device adjusts RC as it detects each threshold. If the voltage threshold is reached before the corresponding capacity on discharge, the bq34210-Q1 device reduces RC to the appropriate amount, as shown in Table 1-1.
If an RC % level is reached on discharge before the voltage reaches the corresponding threshold, then RC is held at that % level until the threshold is reached. RC is only held if [VDQ] = 1, indicating a valid learning cycle is in progress. If Battery Low % is set to 0, EDV1 and EDV0 corrections are disabled.

1.1.5 EDV Discharge Rate and Temperature Compensation

If EDV compensation is enabled, the bq34210-Q1 device calculates battery voltage to determine EDV0, EDV1, and EDV2 thresholds as a function of battery capacity, temperature, and discharge load. The general equation for EDV0, EDV1, and EDV2 calculation is as follows:
EDV0,1,2 = n (EMF × FBL – |I
EMF is a no-load cell voltage higher than the highest cell EDV threshold computed. EMF is programmed in mV in the CEDV profile EMF.
is the current discharge load magnitude.
n = the number of series cells. In the bq34210-Q1 case, n = 1.
FBL is the factor that adjusts the EDV voltage for battery capacity and temperature to match the no­load characteristics of the battery.
FBL = f (C0, C + C1, T) (2)
C (either 0%, 3%, or Battery Low % for EDV0, EDV1, and EDV2, respectively) and C0 are the capacity-related EDV adjustment factors. C0 is programmed in the CEDV profile C0. C1 is the desired residual battery capacity remaining at EDV0 (RC = 0). The C1 factor is stored in the CEDV profile C1.
T is the current temperature in °K.
R0 × FTZ represents the resistance of a cell as a function of temperature and capacity.
FTZ = f (R1, T0, C + C1, TC) (3)
R0 is the first order rate dependency factor stored in the CEDV profile R0.
T is the current temperature; C is the battery capacity relating to EDV0, EDV1, and EDV2.
R1 adjusts the variation of impedance with battery capacity. R1 is programmed in the CEDV profile R1.
T0 adjusts the variation of impedance with battery temperature. T0 is programmed in the CEDV profile T0.
TC adjusts the variation of impedance for cold temperatures (T < 23°C). TC is programmed in the CEDV profile TC.
The graphs below show the calculated EDV0, EDV1, and EDV2 thresholds versus capacity using the typical compensation values for different temperatures and loads for a Li-Ion 18650 cell. The compensation values vary widely for different cell types and manufacturers and must be matched exactly to the unique characteristics for optimal performance.
| × R0 × FTZ) (1)
General Description
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Gas Gauging
Figure 1-2. (a) EDV Calculations vs Capacity for Various Temperatures, (b) EDV Calculations vs Capacity
for Various Loads

1.1.6 EDV Age Factor

The EDV Age Factor enables the bq34210-Q1 device to correct the EDV detection algorithm to compensate for cell aging. This parameter scales cell impedances as the cycle count increases. This new factor is used to accommodate for much higher impedances observed in larger capacity and/or aged cells. For most applications, the default value of 0 is sufficient; however, for some very specific applications, this new aging factor may be required. In those cases, experimental data must be taken at the 0, 100, 200, and 300 cycle-read points using a typical discharge rate while at ambient temperature. Entering this data into a TI provided MathCAD™ program will yield the appropriate EDV Age factor value. Contact TI Applications Support @ http://www-k.ext.ti.com/sc/technical-support/email-tech-support.asp?AAP for more detailed information.

1.1.7 Self-Discharge

The bq34210-Q1 device estimates the self-discharge of the battery to maintain an accurate measure of the battery capacity during periods of inactivity. The bq34210-Q1 device makes self-discharge adjustments to RC every 1/4 second when awake and periodically when in SLEEP mode. The period is determined by Sleep Current Time.
The nominal self-discharge rate, %PERDAY (% per day), is programmed in an 8-bit value Self-Discharge Rate by the following relation:
Self-Discharge Rate = %PERDAY/0.0025

1.1.8 Battery Electronic Load Compensation

The bq34210-Q1 device can be configured to compensate for a constant load (as from battery electronics) present in the battery pack at all times. The bq34210-Q1 device applies the compensation continuously when the charge or discharge is below the digital filter. The bq34210-Q1 device applies the compensation in addition to self-discharge. The compensation occurs at a rate determined by the value stored in Electronics Load. The compensation range is 0 μA–765 μA in steps of approximately 3 µA.
The amount of internal battery electronics load estimate in μA, BEL, is stored as follows: Electronics Load = BEL/3
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General Description
RelaxationMode ChargeMode DischargeModeRelaxationMode ChargeMode DischargeMode RelaxationMode
1 10 1 1 10[DSG]
Gas Gauging

1.1.9 Initial Battery Capacity at Device Reset

The bq34210-Q1 device estimates the initial capacity of a battery pack at device reset, which is the case when battery cells are first attached to the application circuit. The initial FullChargeCapacity() (FCC) is a direct copy of the ROM CEDV profile parameter Full Charge Capacity. The initial RC and RSOC are estimated using the open-circuit voltage (OCV) characteristics of the programmed Li-Ion (LiFePO4 or NiMH) chemistry, DOD at EDV2, and Design Capacity (maximum chemical capacity). This gives a reasonably accurate RC and RSOC; however, battery capacity learning is required in order to find the accurate FCC, RC, and RSOC. During battery capacity learning, learned Full Charge Capacity, and DOD at EDV2 will be learned and updated.
The determined value of remaining capacity can be further scaled, if needed, through the value of
RemCap Init Percent. Upon a reset, the final value of RemainingCapacity() is initialized from the RemCap Init Percent value of the initial value correlated to the battery voltage table.

1.1.10 Fuel Gauge Operating Modes

Entry and exit of each mode is controlled by data memory parameters in the Current Thresholds subclass. The [DSG] flag referenced below is from the MAC GaugingStatus() subcommand and is set in RELAXATION and DISCHARGE modes. The [DSG] flag in BatteryStatus() is slightly different—it sets only in DISCHARGE mode and not in RELAXATION mode.
CHARGE mode is exited and RELAXATION mode is entered when Current() goes below Quit Current for a period of Charge Relax Time. DISCHARGE mode is entered when Current() goes below (–)Dsg Current Threshold. DISCHARGE mode is exited and RELAXATION mode is entered when Current() goes above (–)Quit Current threshold for a period of Discharge Relax Time. CHARGE mode is entered when Current() goes above Chg Current Threshold.
Figure 1-3. Fuel Gauge Operating Mode Example
General Description
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1.1.11 CEDV Smoothing

The bq34210-Q1 device has the ability to smooth the RemainingCapacity() during discharge in order to avoid a drop in RelativeStateOfCharge() when the EDV thresholds are reached. This feature is enabled by setting the Smoothing Config [SMEN] = 1 and configuring the Smoothing Start Voltage and Smoothing Delta Voltage.
The smoothing will activate only when all of the following conditions are true:
Current() < 0
Voltage() < Smoothing Start Voltage
EDV2 has been reached ([EDV2] = 1) OR (Voltage() – present EDV2 threshold) < Smoothing Delta Voltage.
Maximum Voltage() during the previous one minute is less than the maximum Voltage() during the current minute (that is, "drop rate" is greater than 0).
RemainingCapacity() is greater than the capacity at the next EDV point.
While smoothing is active, the "drop rate" is used to estimate the time to the EDV point under the assumption that the rate is constant (linear). This information is then used to estimate how much current would need to be applied in order to have RemainingCapacity() reach the expected capacity at the EDV point. The actual Current() is then scaled by the "smoothing current." This will either speed up or slow down the RemainingCapacity() accumulation to reach the EDV threshold at the correct time.
Whenever the RemainingCapacity() accumulation is actively scaled, the OperationStatus()[SMTH] bit will be set.
Smoothing deactivates whenever an EDV threshold is reached until the rate to the next EDV threshold can be calculated; however, smoothing past the EDV2 point only occurs if Smoothing Config [SMEXT] is set to 1.
To improve smoothing at the end of discharge, the SME0 configuration bit provides additional flexibility. This is particularly useful when FIXED_EDV0 is set and the calculated EDV2/EDV1 is lower than EDV0. In this scenario, the State-of-Charge (SOC) smooths to EDV2, then to EDV1, and then to EDV0, leading to SOC jumps. If the SME0 bit is set, then the SOC smooths directly to EDV0, leading to a smooth transition to empty.
Table 1-2 shows the available smoothing configurations.
Gas Gauging
Smoothing Config
0 0 0 No Smoothing 0 0 1 No Smoothing 0 1 0 No Smoothing 0 1 1 No Smoothing 1 0 0 Smoothing to EDV2 1 0 1 Smoothing to EDV0 if calculated EDV2/EDV1 is less than EDV0. 1 1 0 Smoothing to EDV2 EDV1 EDV0 1 1 1 Smoothing to EDV0 if calculated EDV2/EDV1 is less than EDV0.
Smoothing Config
The bq34210-Q1 device can also add smoothing during charging. In situations when the FCC is not updated during a discharge cycle or on a subsequent charge cycle, if the valid charge termination is reached, RSOC is synced to 100% regardless of the true RSOC. To help in scenarios like these, the device enables the SMOOTHEOC_EN bit (default is enabled). When enabled, the RSOC value is gradually increased to 100% instead of a sudden jump if the following are true:
a. Battery is charging. b. Cell Voltage > Taper Voltage c. Charge Current is decreasing AND is below the EOC Smooth Current threshold for EOC Smooth
Current Time.
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Table 1-2. Smoothing Configurations
CEDV Config
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General Description
Accumulated Charge Measurement

1.2 Accumulated Charge Measurement

The bq34210-Q1 device integrates an Accumulated Charge function that measures the integrated charge passed in or out of the cell since the integration is reset. This function can be used to generate an alert to the host when a programmable threshold of Accumulated Charge is achieved.
The device also integrates the elapsed time since the integration began, assuming the timer was not interrupted by a power cycle or put into SHUTDOWN mode. This time is read using the command AccumulatedTime(). If an event has occurred that interrupted the timer, the value of AccumulatedTime() will be fixed unchanging at 0 until the integration is reset.
The charge and time integration is reset at full charge termination or upon issue of the ACCUM_RESET command. While the battery is discharging (that is, the measured Current() is negative), then the charge integration counter increases. If the battery starts charging (that is, the measured Current() is positive), then the charge integration counter decreases. The integrated charge value in mAh can be read by the host using the command AccumulatedCharge(). The elapsed time (which does not decrease in value) is read by issuing the AccumulatedTime() command.
The Accumulated Charge calculation uses the current measured across the sense resistor and, similar to the coulomb counter integration, ignores currents below a programmed level controlled by CC Deadband. In periods when the bq34210-Q1 device is in SLEEP mode, the Accumulated Charge integration includes an estimate of the charge integrated based on analysis of the periodic measured current.
If the user prefers to include cell self-discharge in the integration, this capability can be enabled or disabled using the [IGNORE_SD_EN] configuration bit.
The charge integration can also be limited to only include positive (charging) currents, only negative (discharging) currents, or both, through setting the [ACCHG_EN] and [ACDSG_EN] configuration bits. If both [ACCHG_EN] and [ACDSG_EN] are reset, then the timer is halted. These bits can be set using the ACCUM_CHG_EN() and ACCUM_DSG_EN() commands.
When the cell is fully charged and the FC bit is set due to normal charge termination, then the integration counter is again reset. At this point, the values of Accumulated Charge and time just before reset are stored and can be read using LastAccumulatedCharge() and LastAccumulatedTime(). The values stored in LastAccumulatedCharge() and LastAccumulatedTime() are cleared each time the command is issued and the respective value is read. They are also overwritten whenever the integration counter is reset again. The user can set thresholds to alert the host when AccumulatedCharge() reaches a particular level in both the charge (positive) and discharge (negative) directions. These thresholds are set by Accum Charge Positive Threshold and Accum Charge Negative Threshold.
Due to the charge integration and timer information being stored in RAM, any the device's power cycles or putting the device into SHUTDOWN will result in the loss of AccumulatedCharge(), AccumulatedTime(),
LastAccumulatedCharge(), and LastAccumulatedTime() data.
AccumulatedCharge() R Signed integer, 2 bytes –32767 32767 0 mAh LastAccumulatedCharge() R Signed integer, 2 bytes –32767 32767 0 mAh AccumulatedTime() R Unsigned integer, 2 bytes 0 65535 0 5 min LastAccumulatedTime() R Unsigned integer, 2 bytes 0 65535 0 5 min
General Description
NOTE: AccumulatedCharge() does not reset when a threshold is reached: The reset should be
initiated by the host using ACCUM_RESET. When a threshold is passed, a flag is set in OperationStatus()[ACTHR].
It is possible for the integration counter to be reset at normal charge termination, but the charger continues charging the battery for additional time until the charger ceases charging. In this case, the integration counter would reset, then proceed to integrate this additional charge. The user should be aware of this possibility and if it is a concern to plan for a workaround, such as programming the integration to only accumulate discharging currents or to detect when the charger stops charging, then issue an ACCUM_RESET command to clear any residual charging integration.
Command R/W Type Min Max Default Units
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1.3 End-Of-Service Determination

The bq34210-Q1 device incorporates the End-of-Service (EOS) Determination function to determine the end of useful service of the battery and to provide alerts based on this detection. Learning phases are used to gather information about the present state of the battery through its cell resistance. Learning cycles are coordinated by the bq34210-Q1 device with the host, which enables and disables the learning load. LEN or LLEN is used to denote the Learning Load Enable function. The EOS Determination function is enabled when [EOS_EN] in ManufacturingStatus() = 1. This bit can be toggled using the EOS_EN() subcommand. The ManufacturingStatus[EOS_EN] bit should not be written directly during CONFIG UPDATE mode, but instead should be done via the EOS_EN() subcommand. If the [EOS_EN] bit or other data memory values related to this function are changed directly in data memory, they will not take effect until a device reset is issued.
For best results, it is recommended that JEITA-based charging is not enabled when the EOS Determination feature is used.
There are two ways to initiate a learning phase: a. To have it automatically controlled by the device (recommended) based on when the internal Auto
Learn Time timer has expired since the last successful learning phase OR
b. To have it triggered by the host by writing a ManufacturerAccessControl() EOS_START_LEARN()
subcommand to the device.
Automatic learning is disabled if Auto Learn Time = 0. There is also a special test mode, which is entered using the [LTEST] bit and sets several timers to short time durations.
The learning phase can be implemented in two ways, which are controlled by the [LSM] bit: a. CHARGE-BEFORE-DISCHARGE: The system begins a Learn Charge Phase where it enables
charging to a voltage given by the charging voltage determined by the selected algorithm (JEITA, for example) incremented by Learn Charge Voltage Delta. This increases charging from the level used when not in a learning phase.
End-Of-Service Determination
NOTE: The data memory value of Last Charge Voltage Tx - Ty is not increased due to this Learn
Charge Phase.
After this charging is completed through normal charge termination, the device waits for the cell to relax. It then initiates a Learn Discharge Phase, whereby an intended Learn Discharge Current is enabled for a length of time given by Learn Discharge Time. When this time has expired, the device disables the Learn Discharge Current. The bq34210-Q1 device analyzes the response of the battery to this discharge current to estimate the status of the battery regarding its end of usable service.
If needed, the host continues discharging the battery until Voltage() reaches the appropriate voltage, as determined by the charging algorithm selected, OR
b. DISCHARGE-BEFORE-CHARGE: The device begins by ensuring it is in a RELAXED state (typically
fully or near-fully charged). The device begins a Learn Discharge Phase by enabling Learn Discharge Current for a length of
time given by Learn Discharge Time. When this time has expired, the device disables the Learn Discharge Current.
The device can now be recharged to the appropriate voltage, as determined by the charging algorithm selected, if needed.
NOTE: The learning discharge current value is set by external components and is not directly
controlled by the bq34210-Q1 device. However, this current is monitored throughout the Learn Discharge Phase and evaluated to ensure it is close to the intended value.
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General Description
End-Of-Service Determination
The CHARGE-BEFORE-DISCHARGE approach described above in (a) is appealing in that the battery voltage is not discharged below the appropriate charging voltage level by the learning phase. However, it requires the use of a charger with programmable charging voltage, which may be a limitation in some systems. For those cases, the DISCHARGE-BEFORE-CHARGE approach in (b) is provided, whereby a charger with a fixed output voltage can be used with the tradeoff that the battery voltage will be discharged below this level during the Learn Discharge Phase. However, the amount of this reduction in battery voltage, and thus capacity, can be controlled and limited to acceptable levels through appropriate device settings.
The response of the battery to the learning discharge current is analyzed and used to estimate the cell resistance, Rcell, and this resistance estimate is used in two different methods to evaluate the cell EOS status:
a. Direct Resistance Decisioning (DRD): This method uses the newly measured value of Rcell and
computes the ratio of Rcell with that of an Initial Rcell captured when the battery was first put into service. The ratios are compared to thresholds to generate an alert and a warning.
Alert if (Rcell/Initial Rcell) > DRD Alert Level
Warning if (Rcell/Initial Rcell) > DRD Warning Level
b. Resistance Slope Decisioning: This method uses the changes with respect to time of Rcell,
comparing this to programmable thresholds to generate an alert and a warning.
Use of Resistance Slope Decisioning (RSD) requires an accurate measurement of the time between consecutive learning phases for calculation of the slope of Rcell change with respect to time. This will not be possible if the device is powered off between learning phases; in which case, Direct Resistance Decisioning (DRD) can still be used. If the device is programmed to use Resistance Slope Decisioning and a power cycle is detected (or anything that could impact the validity of the time measurement between learning phases), then the device defaults to only using Direct Resistance Decisioning until the device is continuously powered long enough to complete multiple learning phases and accurately evaluate the Rcell change over time.

1.3.1 Alert Config Registers

The Alert registers are detailed in this section.
Alert_x Config Register Matching Register
Alert_0 Config Battery Status Low Byte Alert_1 Config Battery Status High Byte Alert_2 Config EOS Learn Status Low Byte Alert_3 Config EOS Learn Status High Byte Alert_4 Config EOS Status Alert_5 Config EOS Safety Status Active Bits Alert_6 Config Operation Status 2 bits Alert_0 Config
This register matches the Battery Status register low byte.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table 1-3. Alert Config Registers
Table 1-4. Alert_0 Config Register Bit Definitions
General Description
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End-Of-Service Determination
SLEEP = Enables BatteryStatus()[SLEEP]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
CHGINH = Enables BatteryStatus()[CHGINH]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
FD = Enables BatteryStatus()[FD]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
FCSETV = Enables BatteryStatus()[FCSETV]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
TCA = Enables BatteryStatus()[TD]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
TDA = Enables BatteryStatus()[TDA]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
CHG = Enables BatteryStatus()[CHG]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
DSG = Enables BatteryStatus()[DSG]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled Alert_1 Config
This register matches the Battery Status register high byte.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
RSVD = Reserved
SOCLOW = Enables BatteryStatus()[SOCLOW]
UTC = Enables BatteryStatus()[UTC]
UTD = Enables BatteryStatus()[UTD]
OTC = Enables BatteryStatus()[OTC]
OTD = Enables BatteryStatus()[OTD]
Table 1-5. Alert_1 Config Register Bit Definitions
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
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General Description
End-Of-Service Determination
BATHIGH = Enables BatteryStatus()[BATHIGH]
BATLOW = Enables BatteryStatus()[BATLOW] Alert_2 Config
This register matches the EOS Learn Status register low byte.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LCT0 = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LCT0]
LFAULT = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LFAULT]
LABRT = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LABRT]
LCMD = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LCMD]
LPER = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LPER]
LRLX = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LRLX]
LCHG = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LDSG]
LDSG = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LDSG]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
Table 1-6. Alert_2 Config Register Bit Definitions
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled Alert_3 Config
This register matches the EOS Learn Status register high byte.
General Description
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Table 1-7. Alert_3 Config Register Bit Definitions
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
LCTLEDGE = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LCTLEDGE]
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
LDONE = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LDONE]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
LRES = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LRES]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
LRSTOR = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LRSTOR]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
LUCD = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LUCD]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
LDPAM = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LDPAM]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
LDPAT = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LDPAT]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
LDPAI = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[LDPAI]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
End-Of-Service Determination
0x00 Alert_4 Config
This register matches the EOS Status register.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
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0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
SRRL = Enables EOSStatus()[SRRL]
SRCL = Enables EOSStatus()[SRCL]
RSVD = Reserved
LTI = Enables EOSStatus()[LTI]
Table 1-8. Alert_4 Config Register Bit Definitions
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default)
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General Description
End-Of-Service Determination
RSDLI = Enables EOSStatus()[RSDLI]
RCELLR = Enables EOSStatus()[RCELLR]
IRRCOMP = Enables EOSStatus()[IRRCOMP]
IRCOMP = Enables EOSStatus()[IRCOMP] Alert_5 Config
This register matches the EOS Safety Status register active bits. Bits 7:4 in the Alert_5 Config register match the EOS Safety Status register's high byte, Bits 3:0. Bits 3:0 in the Alert_5 Config register match the EOS Safety Status register's low byte, Bits 3:0.
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
Table 1-9. Alert_5 Config Register Bit Definitions
RSVD = Reserved
RSDLWARN = Enables EOSSafetyStatus()[RSDLWARN]
RSDWARN = Enables EOSSafetyStatus()[RSDWARN]
DRDWARN = Enables EOSSafetyStatus()[DRDWARN]
RSVD = Reserved
RSDLALERT = Enables EOSSafetyStatus()[RSDLALERT]
RSDALERT = Enables EOSSafetyStatus()[RSDALERT]
DRDALERT = Enables EOSLearnStatus()[DRDALERT] Alert_6 Config
This register matches two bits from the Operation Status low byte.
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
General Description
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Table 1-10. Alert_6 Config Register Bit Definitions
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
RSVD = Reserved
ACTHR = Enables OperationStatus()[ACTHR]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled
BLT = Enables OperationStatus()[BLT]
0 = Disabled (default) 1 = Enabled

1.3.2 Smoothing Config Register

Table 1-11. Smoothing Config Register Bit Definition
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
End-Of-Service Determination
RSVD = Reserved
SMOOTHEOC_EN = Allows smoothing of RemCap once Current starts decreasing during the end of charge (EOC).
0 = End of charge smoothing is not enabled. 1 = End of charge smoothing is enabled (default).
SMEXT = When set to 1, smoothing continues to EDV1 and EDV0 points. When set to 0, smoothing stops at
VAVG = Enables smoothing to use average voltage
SMEN = Smoothing result is reported on RemainingCapacity().
EDV2. Default is 0.
When set to 1, smoothing uses average voltage. When set to 0 smoothing uses measured voltage. Default is 0.
When set to 1, the smoothing result is reported on RemainingCapacity(). When set to 0, the normal CEDV remaining capacity is reported. Default is 0.

1.3.3 End-Of-Service Determination—Detailed Description

The EOS Configuration data memory is used to configure certain settings associated with the EOS Determination function.
Table 1-12. EOS Configuration
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Legend: RSVD = Reserved. Do not use.
LTEST = Learn Test Mode Control
This bit is used to put the device into a test mode for reduced timing testing of the EOS Determination function.
When this bit is set = 1, the following values are set:
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General Description
Voltage Restore
End-Of-Service Determination
Auto Learn Time = 10 min Auto Learn Retry Time = 5 min Alert-Warn Learn Time = 10 min Minimum Learn Time = 10 min
0 = The device uses the values programmed in data memory for the above parameters (default).
LVR = Learn Voltage Restore Control
This bit determines whether the device continues discharging during Learn Discharge Phase until Voltage() reaches the appropriate Last Charge Voltage Tx - Ty (when set = 1), or to simply stop discharge when the timer reaches Learn Discharge Time (when set = 0).
1 = The device continues Learn Discharge Phase until Voltage() reaches the appropriate
Last Charge Voltage Tx - Ty. 0 = The device stops Learn Discharge Phase when the timer reaches Learn Discharge
Time (default).
LSM = Learn Sequence Mode Control
This bit determines whether the EOS algorithm uses CHARGE-BEFORE-DISCHARGE or DISCHARGE-BEFORE-CHARGE mode.
1 = DISCHARGE-BEFORE-CHARGE mode is used. 0 = CHARGE-BEFORE-DISCHARGE mode is used (default).
The device includes a variety of flags to provide visibility into the operation of the EOS Determination Learning process. These are found in EOSLearnStatus(): 0x64 and 0x65.
The sequence of steps involved in a learning phase differs depending on the setting of [LSM]. These are depicted in the following figures.
General Description
Figure 1-4. State Diagram for LSM = 0
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Figure 1-5. State Diagram for LSM = 1 Periodic and Manual Learn Command
For manual control of learning phases, the ManufacturerAccessControl() subcommand EOS_START_LEARN() is used. When the device receives this command, it sets the [LCMD] flag and
initiates the learning phase if conditions permit: for example, charger present, no charging or safety faults, and the temperature is within acceptable limits. The [LDPAT] and [LFAULT] flags will be set if the Learning Discharge Phase is attempted but temperature conditions do not permit it.
If the device is in periodic (automatic) learning mode, then the [LPER] bit will be set while the device is in a learning phase.
EOS_ABORT_LEARN(): This ManufacturerAccessControl() subcommand is used to abort a learning phase that is in progress. Use of this command during a learning phase results in a failed learning phase and setting the [LABRT] flag, whereupon the device will retry another learning phase after a time period of Auto Learn Retry Time.
When the device attempts to initiate a learning phase, but conditions do not permit this, then the device will wait for Auto Learn Retry Time to again attempt a learning phase. Note that this will occur whether the device is configured in periodic learning or learning is initiated through a host command.
If the case occurs where an alert or warning is detected, either through Direct Resistance Decisioning or Resistance Slope Decisioning, the Alert-Warn Learn Time is used to schedule a new learning phase. If multiple fault events must be detected before the alert or warning flags are set, and an stopped learning phase occurs after the first alert or warning is detected, then Alert-Warn Learn Time is used to schedule future Rcell measurements rather than Auto Learn Retry Time.
End-Of-Service Determination
NOTE: If [LTEST] is set, special values override the selected timer values to facilitate device
operation testing in a shorter time scale.
To avoid interruption to the EOS Determination measurements and calculations, automatic offset calibration is not initiated during a learning phase. While it is possible for the host to manually initiate a calibration event during a learning phase, it is recommended that the host avoid this.
NOTE: Alert-Warn Learn Time has priority over Auto Learn Retry Time, so if multiple
occurrences must be detected before an alert or warning is triggered, and after the first occurrence is detected that a fault occurred that invalidated a following attempted learning phase, the Alert-Warn Learn Time will be used to determine the time to the next learning phase attempt. It should also be noted that if Alert-Warn Learn Time is set to be lower than Minimum Learn Time, then Minimum Learn Time will be used to determine the time to the next learning phase attempt.
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General Description
End-Of-Service Determination Learn Charge Phase
The operation of the device is first described for the case of [LSM] = 0, in which the device uses CHARGE-BEFORE-DISCHARGE mode. In this mode, the device first enters Learn Charge Phase by setting ChargingVoltage() to the appropriate charging voltage determined by the selected charging algorithm (JEITA, for example) incremented by Learn Charge Voltage Delta. The [LCHG] flag is set and charge terminates using standard charge termination criteria. Upon termination of charge, then [LCHG] is cleared. Note that the data memory value of Last Charge Voltage Tx - Ty is not incremented due to this Learn Charge Phase.
The time while [LCHG] is set is measured and compared against a threshold given by Learn Charge Time Limit to identify an excessive charging time, which may indicate an issue in the system. When the learn charging time exceeds this limit, the [LCTO] flag is set, learning is terminated, and the [LFAULT] flag is set to indicate a fault has occurred. The [LCHG] flag is reset whenever the device exits from CHARGING mode. If a learning fault occurs, the status flag ([LCHG] in this case) remains set to enable the host to understand what mode the system was in when the fault occurred.
NOTE: The standard charge termination criteria voltage condition is relative to ChargingVoltage(), so
the same settings are used for Normal and Learn charging phases. Learn Pre-Relax Phase
If [LSM] = 0, then the device next waits for relaxation of the cell, during which Voltage() is monitored for 100-s time windows. While in this phase, the device sets the [LRLX] flag. If the change in the consecutive 100-s averages of Voltage() is less than 4 µV, then relaxation is deemed achieved. If not, the device continues monitoring for another 100-s time window. It is important that the cell be fully relaxed before the algorithm can continue onto the Learn Discharge Phase. The status of relaxation can be seen by the [REST] bit in the Gauging Status register, after which the algorithm can move onto the Learn Discharge Phase. If a learning fault occurs while in the Learn Pre-Relax Phase or the Learn Post-Relax Phase, the status flag ([LRLX] in this case) will remain set to enable the host to understand what mode the system was in when the fault occurred.
When the device is in learning mode (but not in the Learn Discharge Phase), and a current is detected differently than what is expected, the [LUCD] bit will be set. It is set if the device is attempting to charge or relax, and a discharge current in excess of Discharge Detection Threshold is detected. It is also set if the device is in a RELAXATION mode and a charging current in excess of Charge Detection Threshold is detected. This detection also terminates the learning phase, and this flag will remain set so the host can recognize why the learning phase was stopped. This bit will be reset to 0 when charging is terminated or the register is read.
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After achieving relaxation, the bq34210-Q1 device next enters the Learn Discharge Phase, whereby the device enables the Learn Discharge Current (depending on the [LENCTL] setting), sets the [LDSG] flag, and begins the timer.
External circuitry is required to actively discharge the battery at a constant current rate where the discharge current flows through the sense resistor connected across SRP – SRN. This will be implemented by the host directly controlling the current. To provide sufficient resolution in the associated calculations, it is important that the level of this Learn Discharge Current be large enough so that it generates a cell voltage change of approximately 5 mV or greater. A current level of C/20 or higher is generally recommended.
[LDSG] remains enabled until the timer reaches Learn Discharge Time, at which point (if [LVR] = 0) the [LDSG] flag is reset and Learn Discharge Current is disabled. The device then transitions into the Learn
Post-Relax Phase. The [LVR] (Learn Voltage Restore) bit is used to tell the device to resume discharging using the learning
load after completion of the voltage determined by the charging algorithm selected until Voltage() reaches the appropriate voltage determined by the charging algorithm selected (when [LVR] is set = 1). When this is finished (or when the Learn Post-Relax Phase is complete, if [LVR] is set = 0), the entire learning phase is complete, at which point the device sets the [LDONE] flag.
General Description
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
SLUUBE8–September 2018
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During the time period while the timer is active for the Learn Discharge Time period, the average current and average temperature over this time period will be calculated by the device and saved at the conclusion of the Learn Discharge Phase. These values are used in later calculations to provide better accuracy.
While the device is in Learn Discharge Phase, it is also monitoring Current() and ensuring it is within an acceptable range around the intended discharge current. The algorithm knows the intended current based on the Learn Discharge Current, which is the intended Learn Discharge Current implemented using the external circuitry. This current should generally be designed greater than C/20. The boundary the algorithm uses for the acceptable range is determined using the Learn Discharge Current Boundary. If the current exceeds the Learn Discharge Current Boundary, the [LDPAI] and [LFAULT] flags are set, and the learning phase is stopped. If a learning fault does occur, the status flag ([LDSG] in this case) will remain set to allow the host to understand what mode the system was in when the fault occurred.
The value of Learn Discharge Current should be selected large enough to accept variations in the current with temperature and system noise, but low enough to ensure identification of other events, such as an unintended charging session starting or a system load discharge event beginning. The Learn
Discharge Current should also be chosen well above the Discharge Detection Threshold and Quit Current to ensure proper operation.
End-Of-Service Determination
NOTE: After setting [LDSG], the device will monitor Current() for up to Learn Request Timeout
seconds and start the timer only when the current has entered the acceptable range around Learn Discharge Current. This will accommodate delay in the host responding to the ALERT interrupt to see the [LCTLEDGE] signal and enable the Learn Discharge Current.
If the bq34210-Q1 device does not detect a valid current within a time period of Learn Request Timeout after setting [LDSG], then the device will set [LFAULT], delay a time given by Auto Learn Retry Time, and then initiate a new learning phase. The [LDSG] flag will remain set so the host can read and determine the phase in which the fault occurred. The Learn Request Timeout timer is similarly used after the [LCTLEDGE] signal asserts when the host should disable the learning load.
The Learn Discharge Phase can be terminated for other criteria (beyond its intended valid termination by persisting for the Learn Discharge Time period), including Current() exiting the acceptable range, a safety fault is detected, or a temperature exceeds the allowed learning temperature limits. If the Learn Discharge Phase is terminated for any reason other than valid termination, then [LFAULT] is set, indicating that the learning phase was not completed. [LFAULT] is cleared when the learning process is initiated again.
The Learn Discharge Phase is only allowed when the temperature is within an allowed range, which is given by the Learn Min Temperature and Learn Max Temperature. If a Learn Discharge Phase is attempted when the temperature is outside this allowed range, the [LDPAT] and [LFAULT] flags are set.
If the [LSM] is set = 1, then DISCHARGE-BEFORE-CHARGE mode is used, in which the operation sequence is described below:
1. Check for relaxation by monitoring Voltage() as described above, and delay until relaxation is achieved.
2. Enable [LDSG], enable the Learn Discharge Current, and reset the timer to begin Learn Discharge Phase.
3. When the timer reaches Learn Discharge Time, then disable [LDSG] and Learn Discharge Current.
SLUUBE8–September 2018
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Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
General Description
End-Of-Service Determination Learn Post-Relax Phase
After the Learn Discharge Phase completes, the bq34210-Q1 device will disable the learning current and enter the Learn Post-Relax Phase, whereby the device again waits for relaxation of the cell, during which Voltage() is monitored for 100-s time windows. While in this phase, the device sets the [LRLX] flag. If the change in the consecutive 100-s averages of Voltage() is less than 4 µV, then relaxation is deemed achieved. If not, the device continues monitoring for another 100-s time window. It is important that the cell be fully relaxed before the algorithm can continue. The status of relaxation can be seen by the [REST] bit in the Gauging Status register. If a learning fault occurs while in the Learn Post-Relax Phase, the status flag ([LRLX] in this case) remains set to enable the host to understand what mode the system was in when the fault occurred.
As in the Learn Pre-Relax Phase, if a discharge current in excess of Discharge Detection Threshold or a charging current in excess of Charge Detection Threshold is detected, then the [LUCD] flag is set. This detection also terminates the learning phase, and this flag will remain set so the host can recognize why the learning phase was stopped. This bit will be reset to 0 when charging is terminated or the register is read.
At the completion of the Learn Post-Relax Phase, if in CHARGE-BEFORE-DISCHARGE mode and Voltage() > the charging voltage determined by the selected charging algorithm and [LVR] = 1, then the device will set [LDSG] and enable the Learn Discharge Current until Voltage() the calculated charging voltage. At which point, [LDSG] is reset and the Learn Discharge Current is disabled. The [LRSTOR] bit will be set while the device is continuing discharge to reach the calculated charging voltage.
If in DISCHARGE-BEFORE-CHARGE mode and [LVR] = 0, then the device will set [LDONE] and complete learning. If [LVR] = 1, then the device will initiate a new charging session to charge the battery back to the appropriate charging voltage determined by the selected charging algorithm using a similar sequence as described above. In this case, the device sets the [LCHG] and [LRSTOR] flags to indicate to the host that charging can begin. If charging does not terminate within Learn Charge Time Limit, then [LCTO] and [LFAULT] is set. If a learning fault does occur, the status flag ([LCHG] in this case) will remain set to allow the host to understand what mode the system was in when the fault occurred.
NOTE: It is possible that a Learn Discharge Phase has completed, and a new Rcell value was
calculated and stored, but during a Voltage Restore phase, a fault could occur. This would cause [LFAULT] to be set, and the device would retry a new learning phase after Auto Learn Retry Time. Cell Resistance Calculation
The device uses the values obtained during each learning phase to estimate a value of Rcell for the battery. Note the actual value of this Rcell estimate is not critical here, rather its change as the battery ages is what is important. The [LRES] bit indicates when a new Rcell value was acquired and stored by the device.
The change in value of Rcell must be normalized relative to differences in temperature when they are captured. Therefore, the bq34210-Q1 device uses resistance temperature parameters in Rcell High &
Low Temperature Coefficients to calculate an expected value of resistance at the Learn Target Temperature.
The Rcell High & Low Temperature Coefficients are obtained during a preproduction test whereby the customer initiates Initial Rcell calculations at temperatures of 5°C, 25°C, and 40°C. These Initial Rcell values are put into a spreadsheet provided by TI, which then calculates the values of Rcell High Temperature Coefficient and Rcell Low Temperature Coefficient. These values are then loaded into data memory and used by the device to normalize effective Rcell measurements back to an equivalent value at the Learn Target Temperature.
General Description
Copyright © 2018, Texas Instruments Incorporated
SLUUBE8–September 2018
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