This evaluation module (EVM) is a complete evaluation system for the bq27750 battery management
system. The EVM includes one bq27750 circuit module and a link to the Microsoft®Windows®based PC
software. The circuit module includes one bq27750 integrated circuit (IC) and all other onboard
components necessary to monitor and predict capacity, monitor critical parameters, protect the battery
from overcharge, over-discharge, short-circuit, and overcurrent in 1-series cell Li-Ion or Li-Polymer battery
packs. The circuit module connects directly across the battery. With the EV2300 or EV2400 interface
board and software, the user can read the bq27750 data registers, program the chipset for different pack
configurations, log cycling data for further evaluation, and evaluate the overall functionality of the solution
under different charge and discharge conditions using I2C communication protocol.
This section summarizes the performance specifications of the bq27750 EVM.
Table 2. Performance Specification Summary
Input voltage 1P+ to 1N–2.53.525V
Charge and discharge current027A
2bq27750EVM Quick Start Guide
This section provides the step-by-step procedures required to use a new EVM and configure it for
operation in a laboratory environment.
2.1Items Needed for EVM Setup and Evaluation
The following items are needed for EVM setup and evaluation:
•bq27750 circuit module
•EV2300 or EV2400 communications interface adapter
•Cable to connect the EVM to an EV2300 or EV2400 communications interface adapter
•USB cable to connect the communications interface adapter to the computer
•Computer setup with Microsoft Windows XP, or higher, operating system
•Access to the Internet to download the Battery Management Studio software setup program
•One battery cell
•A DC power supply that can supply 5 V
2.2Software Installation
Find the latest software version in the bq27750 tool folder on Use the following steps to install
the bq27750 Battery Management Studio software:
1. Download and run the Battery Management Studio setup program from the Development Tools section
of the bq27750EVM product folder on See Section 3 for detailed information on using the
tools in the Battery Management Studio.
2. If the Communications Interface Adapter was not previously installed, after the bqStudio installation, a
TI USB DRIVER INSTALLER pops up. Click Yes for the agreement message and follow its
instructions. Two drivers are associated with the EV2300 and an additional file may be required for the
EV2400. Follow the instructions to install both. Do not reboot the computer, even if asked to do so.
3. Plug the communications interface adapter into a USB port using the USB cable. The Windows system
may show a prompt that new hardware has been found. When asked, "Can Windows connect to
Windows Update to search for software?", select "No, not this time", and click Next. In the next dialog
window, it indicates "This wizard helps you install software for: TI USB Firmware Updater". Select
"Install the software automatically (Recommended)" and click Next. It is common for the next screen to
be the Confirm File Replace screen. Click No to continue. If this screen does not appear, then go to
the next step. After Windows indicates that the installation was finished, a similar dialog window pops
up to install the second driver. Proceed with the same installation preference as the first one. The
second driver is TI USB bq80xx Driver.
This section covers the hardware connections for the EVM. See Figure 1.
Figure 1. bq27750 Circuit Module Connection to Cells and System Load or Charger
•Direct connection to the cells: 1N (BAT–), 1P (BAT+)
Attach the cells to the J2 terminal block. A specific connection sequence is not required, but it is a
good practice to start with the BAT– of the battery before the BAT+. A power supply set at 4 V can be
used instead of a battery for evaluation purposes.
•I2C™ (SDA, SCL)
Attach the communications interface adapter cable to J3 and to the I2C port on the EV2300.
NOTE: If the EVM board is an E1 revision, it will only work with an EV2400. If it is an A revision, the
EV2300 can be used. Ensure that shunts are placed on P2 and P3 jumpers to enable the
onboard pullup resistors. If the EV2400 is used, there will be no need for shunts on P2 and
P3 because it has internal pullup resistors.
•System load and charger connections across Charger+/Load+ and Charger-/LoadAttach the load to the J1 terminal block. The positive terminal of the load should be connected to the
terminal block position labeled PACK+. The ground wire for the load should be connected to the other
terminal block position labeled Charger-/Load-.
•Wake-up the device up from SHUTDOWN (WAKE)
Press the Wake pushbutton switch S1 to temporarily connect 1P to Charger+/Load+. This applies
voltage to the PACK pin on the bq27750 to power-up the regulators and start the initialization
•Parameter setup
Data flash parameters should be updated to fine tune the gauge to the pack. See the bq27750
Technical Reference Manual (SLUUBI6) for help with setting the parameters.
Run Battery Management Studio from the Start | Programs | Texas Instruments | Battery Management
Studio sequence or the Battery Management Studio shortcut. As long as the device has been woken up
from shutdown mode by momentarily pressing button S1 or applying a charger voltage, the gauge will be
automatically detected and the register screen will appear as seen in Figure 2. If your device contains an
earlier firmware version, then auto detection of the device may not occur. If that happens, on the window
that pops up as shown in Figure 3, select any bq27750.bqz file. This action will enable the program to get
started and the user can update the firmware using the latest .srec file for the device downloadable from
the product folder of the gauge at
The Registers section contains parameters used to monitor gauging. The Bit Registers section provides
bit-level picture of status and fault registers. A green flag indicates that the bit is 0 (low state) and a red
flag indicates that the bit is 1 (high state). A greyed-out bit indicates that the bit is reserved. Data begins to
appear once the Refresh (single-time scan) button is selected, or it scans continuously if the Scan button
is selected. The continuous scanning period can be set via the | Windows | Preferences | Register
The Battery Management Studio program provides a logging function which logs all the values of the
parameters in the Register section if running the program in “Show basic view mode”. To selectively
choose the parameters of the Register section that are scanned and logged, set Battery ManagementStudio to “Show Advanced view mode”. This mode can be set via | Windows | Preferences | All Global
Settings| Show Advanced Views. Uncheck the fields that are not needed to be scanned or logged. To
enable logging, select the Log button; this causes the Scan button to be selected. When logging is
stopped, the Scan button is still selected and has to be manually deselected.
3.3Data Memory Screen
The bq27750 data flash comes configured per the default settings detailed in the bq27750 TRM. Ensure
that the settings are correctly changed to match the pack and application for the solution being evaluated.
For ease of configuration, a text file with a gg.csv extension can be extracted, modified, and imported back
on the device. Use the export and import buttons as seen in Figure 4 to export and import gg.csv files.
The auto export button enables gg files to be exported periodically at intervals. This is useful when
debugging issues with the gauge. A Write All command is necessary if a gg.csv file is imported to ensure
that all the changes made on the gg.csv file are effected on the gauge. The Read All command is used to
read back all of the data written to the gauge so that the changes made can be verified. The Filter/Search
field enables the user to search for a particular parameter in the data memory content.
NOTE: Do not make modifications to the gg.csv file using Microsoft Excel®as it makes changes to
file, which bqStudio rejects. Make sure to use a text editor like Notepad or similar to edit a
gg.csv file.
Battery Management Studio
3.4Calibration Screen
The voltages, temperatures, and currents should be calibrated to provide good gauging performance.
Press the Calibration button while in the “Show Advanced view mode” to select the AdvancedCalibration window, see Figure 5. If in the “Show basic view mode”, the basic calibration window shows
when the Calibration button is clicked. The Advanced Calibration window enables the internal
temperature sensor as well as the external thermistor to be calibrated.
•Measure the voltage from 1N to 1P and enter this value in the Applied Cell 1 Voltage field and Applied
Battery Voltage, then select the Calibrate Voltage and calibrate battery voltage checkboxes.
•Measure the voltage from Charger+/Load+ to Charger-/Load- and enter this value in the Applied Pack
Voltage field and select the Calibrate Pack Voltage box. If the voltage is not present, then turn the
charge and discharge FETs on by entering a 0x22 command in the Manufacturer Access register on
the Register screen.
•Press the Calibrate Gas Gauge button to calibrate the voltage measurement system.
•Deselect the Calibrate Voltage boxes after voltage calibration has completed.
3.4.2Temperature Calibration
•Enter the room temperature in each of the Applied Temperature fields and select the Calibrate box for
each thermistor to be calibrated. The temperature values must be entered in degrees Celsius.
•Press the Calibrate Gas Gauge button to calibrate the temperature measurement system.
•Deselect the Calibrate boxes after temperature calibration has completed.
The Board Offset Calibration option is not offered in Battery Management Studio, because it is not
required when using the bq27750EVM. The Board Offset Calibration option is available in bqProduction.
•Connect and measure a 2-A current source from 1N (–) and Charger-/Load- to calibrate without using
the FETs. (TI does not recommend calibration using the FETs.)
•Enter "–2000" in the Applied Current field and select the Calibrate Current box.
•Press the Calibrate Gas Gauge button to calibrate.
•Deselect the Calibrate Current box after current calibration has completed.