Teleway DFU026 User Manual

Model# D FU026
Fea tures :
·Com patib le with i Pod Touc h/iPh one/i Pad and o ther de vices
tha t suppl y Bluet ooth st ereo au dio pla yer.
·Via B lueto oth wir eless a ccess m ode, it c ooper ates wi th iPod
Touc h/iPh one/i Pad or ot her ser ies tha t suppo rt Blue toot h ste reo aud io play er to rea lize th e long- dista nce tra nsmis sion of st ereo au dio.
·Thr ee diff erent co lors of t he LED in dicat ors, t he Green L ED is
cha rging , the Red LE D means l ow batt ery, t he Blue L ED mean s Blu etoot h pairi ng and co mmuni catio n.
·Bui lt-in g reen lit hium- ion pol ymer ba tter y.
·It ca n input s tereo a udio fo r porta ble spe akers .
Con tents:
1 × Groo veSti k
3.5 MM Audi o Cable ,USB Con necto r
Spe cific ation s:
Com patib le with i Pod Touc h/iPh one/i Pad and o ther se ries pr oduct s tha t suppo rt Blue tooth s tereo a udio pl ayer. Exe cutiv e Standa rd: Blu etoot h SIG, V3 .0 Blu etoot h Protoc ol: Blu etoot h seria l port p rofile ( SPP) Por t Inter face: B SPP-U SB (DFU 026 Typ e) Com munic ation S peed Ra te: 120 0, 2400 , 4800, 9 600, 19 200, 38 400, 576 00, 115 200bp s Mod ulati on Syst em: 2.4 G ISM dir ect seq uence f requen cy (FHS S) Ope ratin g Temper ature / Stora ge Tempe ratur e: -10- 50°C/ -20-8 0°C Tra nsmit ting Pow er/ Rec eivin g Sensi tivit y: 30mA h/0.6 mAh
* the B lueto oth is di sconn ected m ore tha n 10 minu tes, th e devic e will tur n off aut omati cally .
3. On ce conn ected , conne ct 3.5M M audio c able to S peake r to real ize the t ransm issio n of ster eo audi o.
4. Pre ssing t he swit ch for 3 s econd s, the LE D indic ator fl ash/o ff to rea lize on/ off func tion (w hen tur n on, the b lue LED i ndica tor wi ll flas h 3 times ; tur n off, it wi ll be out .)
5. Af ter tur n on the de vice, s oft-p ressin g the swi tch to r ealiz e music p lay or pa use func tiona l.
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The L ED indi cator inf ormat ion:
1. Th e blue LE D indic ator fl ashes o ne time e ach 5 sec onds me ans tha t the Blu etoot h is disc onnec ted.
2. Th e blue LE D indic ator fl ashes o ne time e ach sec ond mea ns that t he Blu etoot h is conn ected .
3. Th e red LED in dicat or flas hes mea ns low ba ttery , need to r echar ge( or th e dev ice wil l turn of f autom atica lly)
4. Th e green LE D indic ator on m eans th e batte ry is in ch argin g, The gr een LED shu t down it m eans ch arged.
For technical support, please email us for more information at
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Bat tery Sp ec.: 3. 7V / 120m Ah Eff ectiv e Range : above 8M
Ins truct ions:
1. Ch arging G roove Stik
Ope n the cap o f the Groo veSti k, and c onnec t the USB p ort to an y powere d USB d evice . Such as c harge r (outp ut USB 5V 1A, 2.1 A), com puter, an d so on. The g reen LED i ndica tor wil l keep li ghtin g when ch arged .
2. Pai r Groov eStik w ith you r devic e
Whe n Groove Stik pa ring wi th your d evice 1 st time ,plea se make s ure the dev ice is po wer off.
a. Lo ng-pre ssing t he swit ch for 5 se conds t o enter i nto pai ring mo de, the LED i ndica tor alt ernat ely fla shing re d and blu e.
b. Cho osing D FU026 f rom the B lueto oth dev ice lis t on your i Pod Touc h/
iPh one/i Pad dev ices sc reen, an d star t to do pai ring. W hen you co mplet e to do p airin g, the red L ED indi cator w ill be ou t, an d blue LE D indic ator wi ll fla sh quic kly for 5 t imes, t hen fla sh 1 time p er seco nd.
For t he devi ce has su ccess fully pa ired wi th Groo veSti k, no nee d to do
pai ring ag ain. a. Pl ease ma ke sure Gr ooveS tik is in s hut dow n. b. Lon g-tim e press ing the s witch f or 3 seco nds, tu rn on and c onnec t the
Blu etoot h devic e that pa ired las t time. T hen the b lue LED i ndica tor wil l fla sh quic kly 3 tim es, the n one tim e each 0. 5 secon d. It wil l go to sta ndby mod e if cann ot conn ect suc cessfu lly in 30 s econd s, the bl ue LED in dicat or
wil l flash o ne time i n each 5 se conds .
* iPod T ouch/ iPhon e/iPa d Bluet ooth de vice ca n conne ct 2 pcs at th e same ti me (Blu etoot h versi on abov e 3.0 )
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Failure to read and foll ow these safety instructio ns could result in fire, explosion, el ectrical shock or other haza rd, causing serious and/ or fatal injury an d/or property damage.
1. Do not modify, dis assemble, open, drop, crush, p uncture or shred the product
2. Do not expose the prod uct to rain or water
3. Keep away from open fl ame or sunlight to prevent heat bu ild-up
4. Keep away from high vol tage devices
5. This product is not a to y, keep away from children. Ensu re that all persons who use th e product read and follow these war nings and instructions
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.