Fea tures :
·Sup er high q ualit y Bluet ooth st ereo sp eaker w ith exc ellen t sound
qua lity
·The m etall ic shel l offer s an uniq ue, cle an, sle ek desi gn
·Del ivers h igh-q ualit y wirele ss stre aming f rom you r lapto p, mobi le
pho ne or oth er Blue tooth -enab led dev ice.
·Cra dle sec urely ho lds sma rtph ones an d table ts in pla ce whil e
prov iding m ultip le view ing ang les.
·“La zy Susa n” base d esign a llows t he spea ker to ro tate 36 0-deg rees
·Bui lt-in Mi c for han ds-fr ee call f uncti on
·More p orta ble and a pplic able, a llow yo u to take y our mus ic any
whe re you go
·Spe cific A PP “Sou deX” su pport s adjus ting so und eff icacy
Con tents:
1 × Sou ndeX Sp eaker
1 × 3.5 mm audi o cable
1 × AC ada pter
Techni cal spe cific ation s
Out put pow er: 5W* 2
Spe aker un it: 4Ω5 W
Freq uency r espon se: 45H z-20K Hz
Powe r input : 12V/2 A
Blu etoot h conne cted di stanc e: ≤10m
Aud io inpu t port: B lueto oth and s tanda rd 3.5m m audio s ocket
-1 -
Spe aker La yout:
USB po rt DC jac k
Volu me down /
Prev ious so ng
LED Ii ght Audi o Input
Pair ing/P ower/ Pause
butt on
-2 -
Volu me up/
Next s ong
3.5 mm Audi o Cable
Ins truct ion
·Blu etoot h wirel ess con necti on and op erati on
1. Attach AC adaptor cable to DC jack on back of the SoundeX speaker and plug
the other end into a wall socket. Then the LED light will illuminate GREEN.
AC Ada pter
-3 -
2. To power on, pre ss and hold the button for 3 second s. Speaker
will pr ompt with a tone and the , and butto ns
will flash BLUE qui ckly. The unit will en ter Auto-pair ing mode and begin
searchin g for a device to pair with.
3. Activ ate Bluetooth on you r device, you will fin d SoundeX in your devic e and
and cl ick to link t o SoundeX s peaker. Spe aker will p rompt wit h a tone and
the , an d butt ons will fl ash BLUE sl owly.
a. If SoundeX is not connecte d within 10 minutes, it will power off automatically.
b. SoundeX will auto link with the last linked device when that device is in range.
4. Mu sic pla ying
Onc e your dev ice and t he Soun deX are l inked y ou can st art to pl ay
Blu etoot h music t hrough t he Soud eX.
Cli ck the pa iring b utton t o pause / play mu sic
Pres s and hol d vol+ bu tton to t urn up vo lume,
cli ck vol+ b utton t o play nex t song
Pres s and hol d vol- bu tton to t urn dow n volum e,
cli ck vol- b utton t o play pre vious s ong
All B lueto oth Aud io devi ce
-4 -
5. “S oudeX ” APP
“So udeX” A PPis a speci fic music pl ayer and
equa lizer to adj ust the soun d efficacy o f music.
Down load the free “ SoundeX ” app from the
App Sto re.
Lau nch the “ Sound eX” APP o n your dev ice
You can see yo ur own song li st on your devi ce
Ent er the mu sic pla ying in terfa ce
Cli ck to Equ alize r to adju st the so und
eff icacy o f music
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6. Ph one Cal ling fun ction
a. So undeX S peake r suppor ts Mic f uncti on, you ca n answe r the pho ne
dire ctly wi th spea ker.
b. Whe n phone h as an inc oming c all, pr ess the p airin g butto n to answ er
the p hone an d press ag ain to ha ng up. Af ter the c all end s, Spea ker wil l
swi tch bac k to musi c playi ng auto matic ally.
Lis tenin g to othe r porta ble aud io devi ces
You ca n play an M P3 play er or oth er port able au dio dev ice thr ough th e
Sou ndeX vi a the Aux -in Jac k.
-6 -
a. Pl ug one en d of an aud io patc h cord int o the lin e-out j ack on yo ur devi ce
and the ot her end of the pa tch cord int o the Sounde X Aux-in Jac k, locate d
on th e back of t he unit . The , an d butto ns
ill umina te GREE N.
wil l
b. If sp eaker c onnec ts with B lueto oth and p lug aud io cabl e into sp eaker
Aud io sock et simu ltaneo usly, s peake r will pl ay musi c via Aud io cabl e
aut omati cally . When pu lling o ut the au dio cab le, spe aker wil l switc h to
pla y music v ia Blue tooth .
Dev ice cha rging fu nctio n
You ca n charg e your dev ice via U SB outp ut por t. Not e that de vices w ill
con tinue t o charge w hen the S ounde X is turn ed off as l ong as th e AC
ada ptor is p lugge d in
-7 -
·Con venie nt Rotat able Cr adle an d base de sign
Cra dle can ro tate al lowin g the use r to adju st the ti lt angl e by grab bing th e
top o f the sma rtpho nes and t ablet s and pus hing or p ullin g it.
Laz y Susan ” base de sign al lows th e speak er to
rota te 360- degre es for mu ltipl e viewi ng angl es.
-8 -
FCC Warning
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any
interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
NOTE 1: Any changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.