Teledyne TA660СА User Manual

BUS Analyzer-Exerciser
User’s Manual
Revision 4.0, Compatible with Software Revision 4.X
Enterprises, Inc.
1439 Torrington Court San Jose, CA. 95120 Phone 408.268.4145 Fax 408.268.8280
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................................1
WHAT'S IN THIS MANUAL.........................................................................................................................1
OPTIONAL AUXILIARY PCI CONNECTOR............................................................................................2
TA660 ANALYZER CARD...........................................................................................................................3
STATUS LED FUNCTION DESCRIPTION...............................................................................................3
RECEIVING AND INSPECTING YOUR ANALYZER....................................................................4
UNPACKING YOUR ANALYZER.................................................................................................................4
INSTALLING YOUR ANALYZER .........................................................................................................5
HARDWARE INSTALLATION.......................................................................................................................5
SOFTWARE INSTALLATION.........................................................................................................................6
TA660 OVERVIEW......................................................................................................................................7
TA660 CONFIGURATIONS.......................................................................................................................... 7
STATE ANALYZER ONLY.......................................................................................................................7
STATE & TIMING ANALYZER................................................................................................................7
STATE ANALYZER & EXERCISER..........................................................................................................7
PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS.....................................................................................................................8
STATISTICAL ANALYSIS.........................................................................................................................8
SPECIAL CAPABILITIES........................................................................................................................... 9
LAUNCHING YOUR TA660 ...................................................................................................................11
OPERATING IN SIMULATION MODE ........................................................................................................12
LPT PORT SETTING...................................................................................................................................13
CONFIGURATION MENU......................................................................................................................14
SYSTEM CLOCK.........................................................................................................................................15
ENABLING V OLTAGE CHECK...................................................................................................................15
ANALYZER WINDOW COLORS.................................................................................................................16
G LOBAL SOFTWARE SETTINGS................................................................................................................17
PROTOCOL ERRORS...................................................................................................................................17
EXTERNAL SIGNAL NAMES...................................................................................................................... 17
EXTERNAL TRIGGER SETTINGS................................................................................................................17
EASY MODE................................................................................................................................................19
INSTANT DATA CAPTURE & TRIGGER ....................................................................................................19
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
SELECTIVE DATA CAPTURE................................................................................................................22
DATA CAPTURE & TRIGGER EXAMPLES...........................................................................................23
DATA CAPTURE OPTIONS....................................................................................................................24
PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS........................................................................................................................25
TRACE S TATISTICS....................................................................................................................................27
OBTAINING TRACE STATISTICS..........................................................................................................27
TRACE ANALYSIS OPTIONS.................................................................................................................31
EXERCISE AND CAPTURE..........................................................................................................................33
DEFINING AN EXERCISER PROGRAM..................................................................................................33
CREATING A DATA BLOCK FILE.........................................................................................................35
EDITING FILES IN ASCII...........................................................................................................................37
EXERCISER UTILITIES ............................................................................................................................... 38
DUMP MEMORY....................................................................................................................................38
READ/MODIFY WRITE .........................................................................................................................38
WRITE READ VERIFY...........................................................................................................................39
ADDRESS TEST ...................................................................................................................................... 40
TA660 AS MEMORY.............................................................................................................................42
SCAN CONFIGURATION REGISTERS....................................................................................................44
G ENERATE TRAFFIC AND MEASURE PERFORMANCE ........................................................................... 46
G ENERATE TRAFFIC AND MEASURE TRACE STATISTICS.....................................................................47
PERFORM TIMING ANALYSIS...................................................................................................................49
TIMING VIOLATION CAPTURE ............................................................................................................49
SEARCH FOR SETUP & HOLD LIMITS................................................................................................. 51
ADVANCED MODE...................................................................................................................................53
CAPTURE DATA PROJECT..................................................................................................................53
PROGRAMMING THE EXERCISER.............................................................................................................55
SETTING EXERCISER OPTIONS............................................................................................................58
SET INTERRUPTS................................................................................................................................... 60
DEFINING EVENT PATTERNS.................................................................................................................... 61
DEFINING AN EVENT PATTERN........................................................................................................... 62
PROGRAMMING THE SEQUENCER............................................................................................................ 64
DEFINING A BOOLEAN EXPRESSION................................................................................................... 66
PROGRAMMING THE SEQUENCER AS TEXT ....................................................................................... 67
SET TRIGGER.............................................................................................................................................. 69
V IRTUAL ADDRESS TRIGGER................................................................................................................... 70
STATE & TIMING ANALYZER..................................................................................................................71
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SEARCH FOR SETUP & HOLD LIMITS................................................................................................. 73
PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................75
REAL-TIME ANALYSIS...............................................................................................................................75
PERFORMING A PRE-DEFINED ANALYSIS...........................................................................................76
CREATING A NEW ANALYSIS PROJECT .............................................................................................76
SETTING ANALYSIS OPTIONS:..............................................................................................................77
DEFINING EVENT PATTERNS ................................................................................................................78
WRITING AND EDITING ANALYSIS EQUATIONS....................................................................................79
PROGRAMMING THE EXERCISER........................................................................................................... 80
SAVED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS REVIEW .............................................................................81
TRACE S TATISTICS....................................................................................................................................82
CREATING A NEW TRACE PROJECT ...................................................................................................82
SETTING TRACE OPTIONS.................................................................................................................... 83
DEFINING EVENT PATTERNS ................................................................................................................84
PROGRAMMING THE EXERCISER........................................................................................................... 84
DEFINING EQUATIONS .........................................................................................................................84
RUNNING THE TRACE PROJECT ............................................................................................................84
EXAMPLE FILES .......................................................................................................................................85
COMPLIANCE DEVICE TEST.............................................................................................................87
EXECUTING A COMPLIANCE DEVICE TEST ............................................................................................88
SETTING THE COMPLIANCE TEST O PTIONS.......................................................................................89
EXECUTING A SAVED CONFIGURATION.................................................................................................90
EXAMPLE TEST ..........................................................................................................................................90
PROGRAM DEVICE.....................................................................................................................................94
DISPLAY MANIPULATION...................................................................................................................95
ADDING AND REMOVING SIGNALS FOR DISPLAY.................................................................................97
LATENCY REPORT .....................................................................................................................................99
USING THE CURSORS.................................................................................................................................99
JUMP WITHIN DATA DISPLAY...............................................................................................................101
USING ZOOM IN THE WAVE WINDOW ..................................................................................................102
ZOOM O PTIONS...................................................................................................................................102
USER DEFINED DISPLAY CONFIGURATION..........................................................................................102
CONVERTING CAPTURED DATA .................................................................................................. 109
CONVERT TO TEXT .................................................................................................................................109
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CONVERT TO EXCEL............................................................................................................................110
CAPTURE A SCREEN................................................................................................................................112
TOOLS TO ANALYZE CAPTURED DATA................................................................................... 113
COMPARE ..................................................................................................................................................113
FILTERING CAPTURED DATA.................................................................................................................115
SPECIAL SETUPS...................................................................................................................................118
PROTOCOL ERRORS.................................................................................................................................118
NUMBER OF ERRORS...........................................................................................................................121
PROTOCOL ERROR TYPE....................................................................................................................121
DISPLAYING PATTERNS MATCHING MNEMONICS.........................................................................124
EXTERNAL SIGNALS/TRIGGER...............................................................................................................125
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION............................................................................................................131
MULTIPLE USERS.....................................................................................................................................131
TROUBLESHOOTING.......................................................................................................................... 132
HARDWARE NOT FOUND....................................................................................................................132
NO TRIGGER .........................................................................................................................................132
APPENDIX A TA660 C-API............................................................................................................... 133
APPENDIX B ............................................................................................................................................ 145
TA660CA COMPACTPCI CARD...................................................................................................145
STATUS LED FUNCTION DESCRIPTION................................................................................................146
POWER JUMPER CONFIGURATION.........................................................................................................146
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
What's In This Manual
This manual describes the installation and operation of your Catalyst PCI Bus Analyzer / Exerciser. Examples of some typical applications are included.
The terms TA660 and PCI analyzer thereafter are used for referring to both PCI and CompactPCI analyzers (see Appendix B).
Your TA660 PCI Bus Analyzer is a powerful and versatile analysis tool that will permit you to debug and characterize PCI designs operating on any PCI system architecture . To perform analysis you simply install the analyzer card in a PCI slot in the target machine and connect it to the host computers Bi-directional parallel port using the 25 pin parallel cable, provided with your analyzer. A typical setup may include a Host and a Target systems interconnected via the parallel port with the analyzer card installed in the Target Machine and a Windows based host running the analysis software.
If your target machine operates under Windows it may also act as the host. In this case, the analyzer card and the analysis software reside in the same machine and require you to connect the analyzer card to the Host high-speed parallel port using the 25 pin parallel cable. See Figure 1.
Operating the analyzer in this mode, however, may impact Performance Analysis measurement accuracy since the analyzer software runs in the same system space as the application software. For a precise Performance Analysis it is recommended that you use a separate Host system.
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Figure 1 Target and Host Operating in the Same Machine
Optional Auxiliary PCI connector
The PCI Bus Analyzer Card incorporates a PCI connector on top which extends the system PCI bus and allows other PCI cards to be plugged into the analyzer for development or production testing. This feature allows the analyzer to monitor the same point-to-point signals such as REQ# & GNT# on the card under test without requiring any external connections. In this mode, both the analyzer and the card under test require only one PCI slot. Special design methodology has been incorporated to minimize any reflections, delay or cross-talk.
This feature only exists on the TA660A PCI analyzer and not on the Compact PCI version.
Figure 2 illustrates such a test setup. An On-Off switch on the analyzer card enables and disables the power and signal connections between the system and the card under test allowing rapid cycling of the test cards without shutting off the system power.
Figure 2 Testing a PCI Bus Card
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TA660 Analyzer Card
Figure 3 shows a TA660 PCI Analyzer card identifying Status LED locations, external trigger input and output connections and the external signal input connector with the supplied cable attached.
Figure 3 TA660 PCI Analyzer Card
Status LED Function Description
SYS When green Indicates if the system voltages are within 5%
of their value. If any of +5V, +3.3V, +12V drop more than 5% the SYS LED turns red. SYS LED also comes up red as a test on power on and then if the voltages are okay it turns green once the software is executed. To enable voltages for sensing see on page 15.
DUT Indicates that the voltage to the DUT is on. In this case the
user may not remove or insert any card in to the top connector of the TA660.
CONF Indicates that TA660 has been recognized and configured
by the software, therefore the parallel port link is working.
TRIG Indicates that the analyzer has met the trigger condition and
is awaiting for the defined post-trigger data to be captured.
For TA660CA Compact PCI analyzer/exerciser LED status information see APPENDIX B TA660CA CompactPCI Card.
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
Receiving and Inspecting Your Analyzer
Your analyzer includes the following components:
Analyzer card identified in the packing list
Software on CDROM
Bi-directional parallel port host interface card
DB-25 Cable, parallel port connection
User’s Manual
Cable for external signals
Unpacking Your Analyzer
Inspect the received shipping container for any visible damage. In the event of visible damage, retain all shipping materials until all of the contents per the packing list have been checked for completeness and absence of damage. Unpack the shipping container and account for each item on the packing list. Visually inspect each item for damage. In the event of damage notify the shipper and Catalyst Enterprises.
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
Installing Your Analyzer
Hardware Installation
1. Make sure that the Target Machine is powered down.
2. Remove the case from your machine in accordance with the
instructions supplied for it.
3. Install the Analyzer card in any available PCI slot and secure the
mounting bracket to the chassis with the mounting screw.
Warning: Make sure to take precautions to avoid static electricity
discharge damage to the Analyzer Card by using a grounding strap or touching a grounded metal surface just prior to handling the analyzer card. Avoid touching any components and handle card by the edges only.
4. Interconnect the Analyzer DB-25 connector to the Host system Bi-
directional parallel port using the provided DB-25 pin cable.
Host and Target Same The Analyzer may be used in a configuration such that the
Host and Target are the same machine.
Bi-Directional Port The Analyzer requires that The Host parallel port support
Bi-directional data transfers. See LPT Port Setting for verifying that your parallel port supports and/or is set to a Bi-directional mode. If the parallel port on your Host system does not support Bi-directional data transfers you must then install the parallel port card supplied with your analyzer in a spare ISA slot and connect to it.
Port Configuration The parallel port card supplied with your analyzer is pre
configured for LPT2 (H278). If the Host system is using this address for its printer port, you must then change the jumper configuration on the ISA parallel card to H378 (LPT1).
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
Software Installation
On systems operating under Windows 95, 98, NT or 2000:
1. Insert the CD ROM.
2. The installation will automatically start the setup unless the auto Run
is turned off, in that case select the CDROM from “My Computer” and click on setup.
3. After the warning for closing all other programs and before starting
the installation, the Install Component selection window will open as shown in Figure 4.
Windows NT If you are operating under Windows NT, be sure to select
the NT driver for installation. If the host system operating software is not Windows NT, this selection will be automatically Deselected.
Figure 4 Install Component Selection
4. Select the desired components for installation.
5. Click Next to complete the installation.
NT driver Restart If you installed the NT driver you must restart your
computer before you can use your analyzer software.
Error Message If you get an error message during installation of the NT
driver consult your system administrator. Your system may
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
be setup to only allow an administrator level to copy such driver files.
TA660 Overview
The TA660 PCI Bus Analyzer/Exerciser has a convenient, easy to use Easy Mode that allows you to perform 95% of your PCI bus data capture & trigger without any programming.
An Advanced Mode offers you a powerful programming capability for complex triggering.
The TA660 incorporates an Exerciser that generates bus transactions to exercise the bus as a master or target while allowing you to monitor and capture the resulting performance.
A Timing Analyzer capability is also included that allows the user to capture bus timing violations.
Additionally, the TA660 includes Performance Analysis for real­time and statistical measurement as well as comprehensive Device Compliance Test capabilities.
TA660 Configurations
The TA660 may be operated in one of 3 configurations, each offering a convenient Easy Mode which requires no programming:
State Analyzer Only
To perform a variety of data capture and trigger and bus analysis.
State & Timing Analyzer
To perform timing analysis for possible violation and to characterize Setup & Hold limits on all or selected signals.
State Analyzer & Exerciser
To perform Device compliance testing, characterize a PCI device by emulating various bus cycles & terminations, injecting errors and generating traffics to measure the PCI bus response. The exerciser may be used as a bus master to test and debug new designs.
The operating configuration is selectable on the Main Menu Bar.
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
Performance Analysis
The TA660 provides continuous Real-Time performance analysis that operates with Pre-defined or User-defined analysis files. On-board dual ported FIFOs interface between the counters and the host system for transferring the measured data in real-time without ever having to stop the counters. This feature provides a very complete and accurate event count of up to 533 MB/Sec. An implementation of twelve counters with up to 32 bits allows a virtually unlimited count of events.
TA660A includes 12 counters, 8 of which may be programmed to monitor the primary bus activities and the other 4 may used for connection to point-to-point signals or the secondary bus.
Your TA660 includes complete setups to measure the most typical parameters as well as giving you the ability to create your own setup. Real time Performance Analysis allows you to count actual data transfers for any agent or agents matching user specified address, measure and report bus utilization efficiencies, throughput, latencies and retries, on-the-fly.
You may use real time Performance Analysis simultaneously with the exerciser to generate traffic on the bus and measure performance of the target.
Performance Analysis results are presented in a Twelve-color display that you may customize with your own color preferences and may be recorded in graphical format for later review or demonstration.
Measurement intervals are selectable from 500 µsec to 10 minutes.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical Analysis is implemented by capturing data in memory and then performing software post processing.
Statistical Analysis measures and reports on Min, Max and Average occurrences for several different parameters such as Latencies, Retry, Data Transfers, Command Utilization, Bus Utilization and various Target Terminations.
The PCI Analyzer (Allowing the Master card to be plugged into the expansion slot on top) can also measure latencies from request to the 1st data transfer including all of the retries in between.
The data capture & trigger for post processing may be initiated per user defined events on the bus, therefore yielding a very repetitive and consistent result.
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
The parameters measured may be selected for graphical display on the screen and may be saved as graphical or list files for later review.
In the exerciser mode the TA660 can initiate data transfer to a target while the trace statistics measures the latency response of the target.
Special Capabilities
Several other features are included in the TA660 such as Protocol Errors, Mnemonics, Device Compliance Testing. Please refer to the appropriate sections for each of these features.
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TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
Launching Your TA660
Double click the TA660 Icon in the Program Manager Window.
The TA660 software is pre-configured at the factory to look for LPT2 as the selected port for the analyzer. If the software finds this port connected to the analyzer program will launch immediately otherwise the software will ask you to specify which LPT port is connected to the hardware.
If you have connected your hardware to a different port, select the that port and click OK to launch the analyzer program.
Find LPT Port If you are not sure which LPT port your hardware is
connected to, click “Search For LPT Port” and let the software automatically locate the LPT port that is connected to the hardware. Once the correct LPT port is detected the analyzer program will launch, perform initialization, perform a self test and display the analyzer tool bar as shown in Figure 5
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Figure 5 Analyzer Tool Bar
In the event that no LPT port connected to the hardware is found, the software will display the Hardware Not Detected message. To configure an LPT port see LPT Port Setting on page 13
Simulation Mode Clicking OK in this dialog box will launch the analyzer
software to operate in the simulation mode.
LPT Port Problems If your analyzer hardware is connected to an LPT port and
there is power to the analyzer, but you are still getting the message Hardware Not Detected then see the section on LPT Port setting below.
Bi-directional Port The host system LPT port must be a Bi-directional port. See
LPT Port Setting below.
Launch Problems In the event that you experience difficulties in launching
your software, please see section on LPT Port Setting.
Operating in Simulation Mode
Your system will operate in the Simulation Mode as default if the hardware is not detected, however, you may operate in Simulation Mode directly without installing the analyzer hardware. To operate without hardware, select Hardware Not Installed (Simulation Mode) in the LPT Port Setting dialog box and click OK.
The Analyzer program will launch and display the tool bar as shown in Figure 5, but with the limitation that the analyzer will display previously captured bus data.
Limitations The Simulation mode lets you try all of the available
functions, but keep in mind that the system is not
capturing any real data and is displaying pre-captured results.
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
LPT Port Setting
Your system parallel port may not necessarily be set to a Bi­directional mode even if your system supports this mode.
Port not Configured If you continue to get a Hardware Not Detected even if
you have set the required LPT port, please check your system setting for your parallel port.
To set the parallel port :
1. Restart your computer and during boot, press F1 key to enter Setup
(some systems may use a different key than F1, please consult your system manual).
2. Once in setup select the Advanced, then Peripheral Configuration
and then Parallel Port Mode.
3. Select the Parallel Port to be configured. If your system supports Bi-
directional mode you must have choices for at least one of the following:
Bi-directional, ECP or EPP, preferably Bi-directional first then ECP and last EPP.
Note that Standard or Compatible modes are not a Bi­directional mode.
4. When finished with the configuration press ESC to exit setup and
save the new configuration.
Supplied Card If your system does not support a Bi-directional mode of
operation or if you like to keep the system port for printer then you may use the Bi-directional parallel card provided with your analyzer.
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
Configuration Menu
Click Configuration on the main menu bar to display the various configuration options.
Working Mode Allows you to select the analyzer configuration. The choices
are, State Analyzer Only, State & Timing Analyzer or
State Analyzer & Exerciser.
Protocol Errors Used to configure a Protocol Errors mask for use in
triggering on protocol errors. See Protocol Errors on page 118
Mnemonics Used to define Mnemonics. Mnemonics may be used to
display user assigned names to specific patterns, in search a pattern in the display or filter data patterns from a display. See Mnemonics on page 123.
External Signal Names Allows users to assign specific names to external signals for
display for display purposes. See External Signals on page 126.
External Signal/Trigger Settings Allows you to configure external input and
output triggers. See External Signals/Trigger on page 125.
System Clock Only used to set the system frequency for TA660 boards.
TA660A and TA660CA boards automatically detects the system frequency. See System Clock on page 15.
Voltage Check Used to select or deselect the voltages to be monitored for
tolerance compliance. See on page 15.
Zoom Options Used to select zoom about X or Y cursor or between X and
Y cursor when displaying a Wave data capture window. See
Using Zoom in the Wave Window on page 102
Color Setting Used to set custom color combinations for the Analyzer
Performance Analysis Window.
Software Settings Used to set global software user preferences. See Global
Software Settings on page 17.
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
System Clock
When the TA660A software is first executed it automatically detects the system clock frequency and updates the screen. For earlier models, TA660 boards, you must set the frequency as follows:
Click Configuration on the main menu bar and then select System Clock . . . to open the System Clock Setting dialog box and type in the frequency.
Display Function Only The system clock setting only set the time tag resolution in
the captured data display windows.
Enabling Voltage Check
The TA660 is capable of monitoring the critical voltages on your PCI bus. TA660 monitors a 5% drop in voltage for selected voltages and turns the SYS status LED from green to red if any of the voltages drop by 5%.
To select voltages for monitoring:
Click Configuration on the main menu bar and then select Voltage Check . . . to open the Voltage Check dialog box.
Figure 6 Voltage Check Dialog Box
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
Check the boxes next to the voltages that you wish to be monitored and click OK.
Analyzer Window Colors
Click Configuration on the main menu bar and then select Color Setting . . . to open the Analyzer Window colors setting
dialog box. This color setting is used for the graph display in Performance
Analysis and Trace Statistics Analysis.
TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
Global Software Settings
Click Configuration on the main menu bar and then select Software Settings . . . to open the Global Settings dialog box.
Figure 7 Global Software Settings Dialog Box
Check the options that suit your needs and click OK.
Protocol Errors
To trigger on protocol errors immediately in Easy Mode, see Protocol Errors on page 23 and for Advanced Mode operation see Protocol Errors on page 118
External Signal Names
To assign unique names to external signals see External Signals on page 126
External Trigger Settings
To set external trigger parameters see External Signals/Trigger on page 125
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TA660 User's Manual Catalyst Enterprises, Inc
Easy Mode
The Easy Mode offers you the capability to perform 95% of your bus analysis tests without the need for any programming. When operating in the Easy Mode your analyzer can perform the following:
Capture data and trigger on bus protocol immediately.
Perform Timing Violation detection and a search for Setup/Hold
Capture bus activity while exercising the bus.
Do Performance analysis on PCI bus activity.
Compute Statistics on selected parameters.
Perform Compliance Device test.
Instant Data Capture & Trigger
Make sure that the TA660 is in the State Analyzer Only configuration and is operating in the Easy Mode as shown on the Main Menu bar below.
1. Click the Green button on the Main Menu bar to open the Capture
Data and Trigger dialog box shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8 Capture Data and Trigger Dialog Box
2. Select a Pre-Defined Trigger Point (See Table 1) from the Trigger
On dropdown list and click Run. Wait to capture data and to view
result. Figure 9 and Figure 10 show a typical Wave and List result display.
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Table 1 Pre-Defined Trigger Points
0 Address Triggers on specified address
1 Any Interrupt Trigger when any interrupt occurs
2 Burst Longer Triggers when the burst is longer than nnn times
3 Burst Shorter Triggers when the burst is shorter than nnn times
4 DMA Transfers Triggers when data burst is transferred
5 Data at Address Triggers on specified data at address
6 External Input Trg. Triggers on external input trigger
7 GNT# Triggers when GNT# is asserted
8 Master Abort Triggers when a master abort occurs
Occurrence of SERR#
or PERR#
Triggers when error SERR# or PERR# occurs
10 Protocol Error Triggers when any PCI protocol error is detected
11 REQ# Triggers when REQ# is asserted
12 Reset De-asserted Triggers when reset is de-asserted
13 Assert – De-assert Signal xxx asserted and then de-asserted nnn times
14 Asserted Signal xxx asserted for more than nnn times
15 De-assert – Assert
16 De-asserted Signal xxx de-asserted for more than nnn times.
17 Signal Shorter Triggers when signal xxx is shorter than nnn times
18 Target Abort Triggers when a target aborts
19 Target Disconnect Triggers when a target disconnects
20 Target Retry Triggers when a target Retry occurs
21 Target Retry nnn times
Signal xxx de-asserted and then asserted for more than nnn times
Triggers when a consecutive target Retry occurs more than nnn times
22 Target Termination Triggers on target termination, combination
23 Vendor & Device ID Triggers on Vendor & Device ID access.
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Figure 9 Wave File Output Display
To view the result as a list file output display, click the List button.
Figure 10 List File Output Display
To return to the wave file output display, click the Wave button.
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Selective Data Capture
You may refine your data capture by checking the Data Capture Selection as Specific Addresses .
Figure 11 Capture Data At Specific Addresses Dialog Box
Selecting this option allows you to specify data capture at up to 3 address ranges with a specific associated command that is selected from the CBE# dialog box. To open the CBE Type dialog box click the ellipses button next to the Command edit box.
Figure 12 CBE Select Dialog Box
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Data Capture & Trigger Examples
The capture data and trigger dialog box changes depending on the type of Trigger On chosen. The following are some examples.
Signal on shorter than nnn times. When this Trigger On selection is chosen,
note the additional List Box for selecting a signal and the Edit Box for specifying the number of times.
Figure 13 Specify Signal And Number of Times
Protocol Errors When this Trigger On selection is chosen, note the PE
button next to the Trigger On list box. Clicking this button opens the Protocol Error mask.
Figure 14 Trigger on Protocol Error
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Data Capture Options
Memory Display You may limit the captured data display to a specific
number of samples by checking Partial Memory and entering the number of Samples to be captured or, you may check entire memory to allow the capture for the entire memory.
Pre-Trigger Pre-Trigger is set by default at 50% which defines the
percentage of data to be captured before and after the triggering event. You may change this percentage by dragging the slider to the desired value.
Pre-Trigger Data: The capture of the specified percentage of the data prior to
the triggering event cannot be guaranteed and may in some cases be 0. This can occur in cases where the triggering event occurs before the required number pre-trigger event data can be stored. In these cases the data display will show fewer than the specified data points prior to the triggering event. For more detail see Set Trigger on page 69.
Manual Trigger Select this option when you wish to manually interrupt the
data capture based on some external event. With this option selected, data will be continually captured to memory and overwritten as required until you stop the data capture.
Continuous Mode Continually captures data for the number of times specified.
A separate data file is generated each time that a capture is performed.
Exclude Cycles To simplify the captured data display you may check the
options to exclude, Idles, Wait States and Retries.
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