Teledyne 514 User Manual

Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
P/N M63700
ECO # 99-0323
Copyright © 1999 Teledyne Analytical Instruments
All Rights Reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any other language or com­puter language in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, whether it be elec­tronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Teledyne Analytical Instruments, 16830 Chestnut Street, City of Industry, CA 91749-1580.
This equipment is sold subject to the mutual agreement that it is warranted by us free from defects of material and of construction, and that our liability shall be limited to replacing or repairing at our factory (without charge, except for transportation), or at customer plant at our option, any material or construction in which defects become apparent within one year from the date of sale, except in cases where quotations or acknowledgements provide for a shorter period. Components manufactured by others bear the warranty of their manufacturer. This warranty does not cover defects caused by wear, accident, misuse, or neglect. We assume no liability for direct or indirect damages of any kind and the purchaser by the acceptance of the equipment will assume all liability for any damage which may result from its use or misuse.
We reserve the right to employ any suitable material in the manufacture of our apparatus, and to make any alterations in the dimensions, shape or weight of any parts,
in so far as such alterations do not adversely affect our warranty.
Important Notice
This instrument is intended to be used a tool to gather valuable data. The informa­tion provided by the instrument may assist the user in eliminating potential hazards caused by the process that the instrument is intended to monitor; however, it is essential
that all personnel involved in the use of the instrument or its interface with the process being measured be properly trained in the process itself, as well as all
instrumentation related to it.
The safety of personnel is ultimately the responsibility of those who control process conditions. While this instrument may be able to provide early warning of imminent danger, it has no control over process conditions, and can be misused. In particular, any alarm or control system installed must be tested and understood, both as they operate and as they can be defeated. Any safeguards required such as locks, labels, or redundancy must be provided by the user or specifically requested of Teledyne.
The purchaser must be aware of the hazardous conditions inherent in the process(es) he uses. He is responsible for training his personnel, for providing hazard warning methods and instrumentation per the appropriate standards, and for ensuring that hazard warning devices and instrumentation are maintained and operated properly.
TAI, the manufacturer of this instrument, cannot accept responsibility for condi­tions beyond its knowledge and control. No statement expressed or implied by this
document or any information disseminated by the manufacturer or his agents is to be construed as a warranty of adequate safety control under the user's process conditions.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Method of Analysis............................................................1-1
1.2 Modules (Condulets) .........................................................1-2
1.2.1 Source Module .......................................................1-5
1.2.2 Sample Module ..................................................1-5
1.2.3 Power Module ..................................................1-5
1.2.4 Detector Module ..................................................1-5
1.2.5 Local Meter Readout ..............................................1-6
1.2.6 Control Module ..................................................1-6
1.3 Typical Applications ..........................................................1-6
2.0 Operational Theory
2.1 Circuit Description.............................................................2-2
2.1.1 Source Module .................................................... 2-2
2.1.2 Sample Module ..................................................2-3
2.1.3 Power Module ..................................................2-4
2.1.4 Detector Module ..................................................2-8
2.1.5 Control Module ..................................................2-10
3.0 Installation
3.1 Location ............................................................................3-1
3.2 Sample Saction Installation...............................................3-1
3.2.1 Filtering ..................................................................3-1
3.2.2 Effluent Return........................................................3-2
3.2.3 Flow Control ...........................................................3-2
3.2.4 Selector Manifold....................................................3-3
3.2.5 Automatic Zero Operation.......................................3-3
3.3 Electrical Installation .........................................................3-3
3.3.1 Power Check..........................................................3-3
3.4 Analysis Unit .....................................................................3-5
3.5 Optical Alignement............................................................3-6
4.0 Operations
4.1 Control Functions..............................................................4-1
4.1.1 General Purpose Version: Analysis Section...........4-1
4.1.2 General Purpose Version: Controle Module...........4-2
4.1.3 Explosion-Proof Version: Control Module ..............4-3
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
4.2 Start-up..............................................................................4-4
4.2.1 Preliminary Inspection............................................4-4
4.2.2 Pre-Start-up Electrical Checkout ............................4-5
4.2.3 Power On Observation ...........................................4-5
4.3 Calibration.........................................................................4-6
5.0 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
5.1 Replacement of Sample Cell Optics .................................5-2
5.2 Replacement of Filter Wheel Optics..................................5-2
5.3 Replacement of Source Lamp Assembly ..........................5-3
5.4 Replacement of Filter Position Sensor..............................5-4
5.5 Replacement of Preamplifier Circuitr Card........................5-4
5.6 Re-screening of Lens ..................................................5-5
5.7 Troubleshooting ..................................................5-5
Specifications ....................................................................A.1
Application Data ................................................................A.2
Recommended Spare Parts List .......................................A.3
Drawing List ......................................................................A.4
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
Introduction 1.0
1.0 Introduction
The Model 514 Photometric Analyzer measures the concentration of one component in a mixture of liquids or gases continuously by measuring the radiation absorbed in selected bands in the near infrared (NIR) spectral region. Most liquids or gases having a characteristic absorption spectrum in this region can be measured with the analyzer. When we refer to the NIR region we mean that portion of the electromagnetic energy spectrum from
1.0 to 2.8µ. This range can be extended to somewhat longer wavelengths using special detectors. Most organic and some inorganic compounds can be analyzed in the NIR region.
For example, the 514 is used to analyze parts per million (PPM) or the percentage concentration of water in a variety of compounds (see Typical Applications). The analyzer can also be used to measure the concentration of one organic compound in the presence of another organic compound.
1.1 Method of Analysis
The 514 contains an optical system consisting of a quartz iodine source lamp for NIR energy emission, collimating lens, sample cell and detector. Isolator or light beam tubes filled with nitrogen gas interconnect the source and sample, and sample and detector modules. In front of the detector is a motor-driven filter wheel containing two optical interference-type filters, located 180° from each other. These filters, designated the reference and measuring filters, are alternately and continuously rotated in and out of the optical path. The sample flows continuously through the sample cell absorb­ing energy at various wavelengths throughout the NIR spectrum. The wave­lengths and intensities of absorption peaks throughout the spectrum are characteristic of the specific compounds that are present in the sample.
In any photometric analysis, there is always the component that we are interested in analyzing, and background components that we are not inter­ested in measuring. Both the component of interest and the background component may have complex NIR absorption spectra.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
1.0 Introduction
The quantitative measurement of a compound using the 514 is based on Beer’s Law, which states that the intensity of a beam of monochromatic radiation transmitted through a sample decreases exponentially as the con­centration of the absorbing sample increases.
To approximate monochromatic radiation, a specific wavelength is isolated by the use of the interference-type filters. The filters allow transmis­sion of NIR over a narrow band pass region of the NIR spectra and com­pletely block all other wavelengths. Proper selection of the measuring and reference filter wavelengths allows the accurate isolation and measurement of the component of interest.
The use of two filters allows cancellation of energy changes due to turbidity, dirty sample cell windows, and aging of the source and electronic components.
The center band pass of the measuring filter is selected to transmit energy in a narrow region where the component of interest absorbs strongly in comparison with background absorbance. The center band pass of the reference filter is selected to transmit energy in a band pass region where the background absorption of NIR energy is equivalent to that seen by the measuring filter. The reference filter is also selected to be in a region where the component of interest has minimal absorption of energy.
The optical beam is converted from steady state to pulsed energy by the rotation of the filters in the optical path. The measuring and reference pulses of radiation strike a detector which converts the pulses of radiation into electrical pulses which are then amplified. Signal processing involves converting the electrical signals to logarithmic signals, and then comparing the measuring to the reference logarithmic signals in order to give a readout representing the concentration of the component of interest in the sample.
1.2 Modules (Condulets)
Physical layout of the analyzer is shown in Figures 1-1 and 1-2. The control module is usually located apart from the analysis unit in a control room. The explosion-proof version has the control and analysis units mounted in one weather-resistant NEMA-12 enclosure suitable for outdoor installation.
The analysis section is designed for hazardous area installation. Hous­ings are rated for use in Class I, Div. I, Group D hazardous environments.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
Introduction 1.0
Figure 1-1. Model 514 Photometric Analyzer (with General-Purpose Control Unit)
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
1.0 Introduction
Figure 1-2. Model 514 Photometric Analyzer (with Explosion-Proof Control Unit)
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
Introduction 1.0
1.2.1 Source Module
The source module or condulet houses the quartz iodine source lamp, collimating lens/lens holder, and transformer. The 115 VAC power to the source transformer is derived directly from the line voltage regulating trans­former installed in the power module.
1.2.2 Sample Module
The insulated sample module has sample inlet and outlet lines con­structed of 1/8" O.D. 316SS tubing. The sample is routed through a preheater, through the sample cell, then drained from the outlet port. A thermistor-controlled preheater and compartment space heater are powered from temperature controllers located in the power module. A thermal cutout switch prevents temperature “runaway”.
The sample cell, which is configured for each particular application, is provided with sapphire windows to admit NIR radiation.
1.2.3 Power Module
The power module contains a line voltage regulating transformer (with capacitor) and three temperature controller circuit cards.
Each of the controllers incorporates a bridge circuit containing a ther­mistor located in the volume/compartment to be controlled. Bridge imbalance produces an error signal, resulting in operation of the final control element (heater) to restore bridge balance, and controlling the temperature to within a fairly narrow proportional band.
Control functions for the analysis section are located on the power module (see Figure 4-1).
1.2.4 Detector Module
As noted above, the detector is a part of the optical system (see Figure 2-1). The detector cell is mounted within a hermetically sealed block with a quartz window through which the optical energy enters. The assembled cell block, together with the preamplifier subassembly, filter wheel, and filter position sensor, are contained within a temperature-controlled compartment
In addition to the heated optical compartment, the detector module contains the chopper motor, power transformer, and six circuit cards whose function is described in section 2. 2. 4, Detector Module.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
1.0 Introduction
1.2.5 Local Meter Readout
For analyzer configurations having a remotely located control module, the local meter is used to read the reference and measuring peak heights, or the voltage output from the buffer amplifier before voltage-to-current conver­sion.
When the control module is integral with the analysis section, i. e., the explosion-proof configuration, the meter is connected to the output of the control module in order to display the concentration of the component of interest as well as the previously mentioned information.
1.2.6 Control Module
In the explosion-proof version, the calibration meter is used as an all purpose readout; in this case, there is some modification in the switching at both the control module and power module.
In addition to control switching, adjustment (zero and span), and read­out components, the control module has provisions for five circuit cards: an automatic zero/extended voltage amplifier, E-to-I converter, I-to-E converter, power supply, and alarm comparator. The alarm comparator circuit card incorporates two circuits with jumpers that permit setting the alarm(s) for high, low, high/low, high/high, and low/low settings. Setpoint adjustments are performed with potentiometers on the module front panel.
1.3 Typical Applications
Background Typical Range
Acids, including: 0–4000 PPM
Acetic Formic
Sulfuric Acetaldehyde 0–1000 PPM Air 0–2% Alcohols, including: 0–400 ppm
Methanol Alkanes, including: 0–500 ppm
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
Ammonia 0–1000 ppm Aromatics, including: 0–500 ppm
Benzene Cumene Toluene Xylene
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons including: 0–200 ppm
Carbon Tetrachloride Ethyl Chloride Ethylene Dichloride Methyl Chloride Perchloroethylene Propylene Dichloride Trichloroethylene
Vinyl Chloride Chloroprene 0–200 ppm Chloropicrin 0–200 ppm Deuterium Oxide 0–200 ppm Epichlorohydrin 0–2000 ppm Ethylene Glycol 0–500 ppm Freons 0–500 ppm Gasoline 0–500 ppm Hydrogen Fluoride 0–10% Hydroperoxides 0–5% Kerosene 0–500 ppm Ketones 0–1000 ppm Methyl Acetate 0–1000 ppm Methyl Methacrylate 0–1000 ppm Oils 0–1% Olefins 0–500 ppm Pentane 0–300 ppm α-Picolene 0–300 ppm Phenol 0–1000 ppm Polyols 0–500 ppm Propylene Glycol 0–500 ppm Propylene Oxide 0–200 ppm Sulfinol 0–15% Sulfur Dioxide 0–1000 ppm Vinyl Acetate 0–2%
NOTE: Range may be higher or lower per application.
Introduction 1.0
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
1.0 Introduction
Acetic Acid Alcohols Amines Aromatics Butadiene Carbonyls Chloroprene Esters Hydrocarbons Hydrogen Chloride Hydrogen Fluoride Hydroxyl Value Ketones Olefins Oximes Epoxides Methylene
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
Operational Theory 2.0
2.0 Operational Theory
The energy source for the analyzer is provided by a high intensity quartz iodine lamp located in the source module. Quartz iodine was chosen because it produces sufficient NIR to operate the system and maintains a nearly constant brightness over its lifetime. (See Figures 2-1 and 2-2).
This energy is then fed through the sample, which is temperature controlled, and into the detector module where it passes through a rotating filter wheel before reaching the lead sulfide (PbS) detector.
The filter wheel, driven at 30 RPS or 1800 RPM by a synchronous AC motor, contains two optical filters with bandpasses selected for each application, thus providing reference and measuring pulses from which the required information may be obtained.
The detector receives pulses at the rate of 60 PPS, or two pulses per revolution of the filter wheel. Every other pulse is from the measuring filter, while the alternate pulse is from the reference filter, so that pulses through the measuring filter alternate with pulses through the reference filter. A filter position sensor, which is an optical device having an integral light source and light detector, differentiates between the two.
The two entrained pulses received by the detector each revolution are amplified through a preamplifier which is physically located inside the sealed compartment with the filter wheel and detector. This signal is then sent to a clamping circuit where an exact zero reference is established.
This clamped video signal is then fed through a gain control network, which is controlled by the automatic gain control loop, through another amplifier, to the electronic switch. This switch is controlled by the switch driver network which derives its information from the filter position sensor in order to separate the entrained video signal into its component parts of a measuring peak and a reference peak. These peaks are then fed through a balancing network and channeled into separate peak height detectors which produce DC voltage levels which are exactly equal to the peak height or absolute magnitude of the voltage from the base to the peak of each of the pulses.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
2.0 Operational Theory
At this point the reference signal is fed back to the automatic gain control loop to maintain the desired system gain. In addition, both the measuring and reference levels are fed to selector switches in order to enable direct meter indication, which greatly eases the task of balancing the system during initial system installation and periods of calibration.
The DC voltage levels are fed to a logarithmic ratio amplifier which produces a voltage output that is proportional to the logarithm of the ratio of the two DC input voltages. This output voltage, directly proportional to the concentration of sample, is, within certain limits, a linear function of the concentration. For purposes of transmission, the voltage signal is converted by an E-to-I converter; thus, the output signal from the analysis unit is a current signal that is proportional to the concentration of sample in the sample module.
Upon arrival at the control module, which is normally located in a remote location away from the analyzer unit, the signal is processed through an I-to-E converter which incorporates fine zero and span controls for calibration. Following the span control, a buffer amplifier provides isolation between the calibrated signal and any of the selected output devices. This signal is then sent to the meter driver circuit and readout meter, to the alarm comparator circuits, voltage output circuits, current output circuits, etc., depending upon the particular application requirement.
There is also an option of providing an automatic zero circuit (see drawing B-14729) in the control unit. This circuit provides electrical signals for switching a fluid which contains none of the material to be measured into the sample module, electrically adjusting the zeros and switching back to sample.
2.1 Circuit Descriptions
2.1.1 Source Module
The source module is the source of infrared energy. This is provided through the use of a high-intensity quartz iodine lamp operating directly from a 6.3 V transformer. To ensure a stable source of radiation in the face of line-voltage variations, the lamp transformer derives its input directly from a line voltage-regulating transformer, selected for its ability to main­tain a constant output voltage level regardless of fluctuations in the input line voltage within the control range of 105 to 130 VAC.
In some applications where we have an abundance of energy due to low sample absorption, the focusing lens is removed to avoid excess energy reaching the detector. However, other systems have high energy
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
Operational Theory 2.0
losses in the sample module due to strong sample absorbance or exception­ally long sample path-lengths. These systems require a focusing lens to gather and collimate the radiation for maximum utilization of source energy. The collimating lens is quartz.
Figure 2-1. Optical System
2.1.2 Sample Module
The sample cell, generally constructed of 316SS, is located in the path of the NIR radiation, between the source and the detector modules. Each compound in the sample path exhibits its own characteristic absorption spectrum. Cell spacer thicknesses will vary depending upon the absorbance of the component of interest at the measuring wavelength. Due to the possible variation of absorption with temperature, it is necessary to main­tain the sample at a constant temperature during analysis. To achieve this, two separate methods of temperature control are employed
1. A preheater is used on the incoming sample stream to raise it to the desired level.
2. The entire sample module is separately controlled to maintain the sample temperature during analysis.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
2.0 Operational Theory
Figure 2-2 Analyzer System - Block Diagram
2.1.3 Power Module
See Figure 2-3. The power module controls power to the analyzer unit, providing the switching function for the local meter, and providing tempera­ture control for the sample and detector modules. In the case of the explo­sion-proof configuration, where the control unit is mounted locally, the power module simply routes the AC input power to its destination and allows the control unit to provide the ON/OFF function.
When power is applied to the system, it is directed to the constant voltage transformer and to the three temperature controllers which are insensitive to line voltage fluctuations.
In order to facilitate easier calibration and to provide a quick visual indication of the instrument’s status, a local meter is provided. With the
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
Operational Theory 2.0
NORM/ZERO switch on the power module set to the NORM position, the meter will provide a constant readout of either the reference level or the measuring level. During calibration periods, the ZERO switch control may be used to monitor the signal into the E-to-I converter, and if a known zero sample is applied, then the ZERO potentiometer may be varied to ensure zero output to the control unit.
115 VAC
60 Hz
From Detector Module
15 VDC
Line Voltage
To Log Amplifier
To Meter Driver
Sample Module
115 VAC to
Source Module
115 VAC to
Detector Module
and Heater
and Heater
and Heater
Figure 2-3. Power Module - Block Diagram
All of the temperature controller circuit cards for the analyzer are located in the power module. The schematic diagram for these circuits is shown in dwg. B-15016.
The purpose of the time-proportional temperature controllers is to sense the temperature in the compartment or volume to be controlled and, at a rate of approximately twice per second, turn on the heater(s) for a specified portion of the time cycle, depending upon how much heat is needed. When
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
2.0 Operational Theory
ON, the heater is fully turned on; only the duration of the ON interval will vary.
As the compartment heats up, the heater-on time interval is shortened. The less heat needed, the shorter the heater-on interval during each cycle. Since TRIAC Q1 is used as the control element for the heater, it is supplied with the full AC line power. The output TRIAC is mounted on a heat sink and can handle the full heater wattage.
A4 is a zero crossing switch and TRIAC driver, providing a gating signal output pulse to turn on the TRIAC. Turn-on pulses are only applied to TRIAC Q1 when commanded by a control signal, i.e., at the time the line voltage crosses zero.
A1B is a comparator that compares the output of the temperature amplifier (voltage representing temperature) A1A (at pin 5) with a refer­ence ramp voltage from A2B (at pin 6), causing TRIAC Q1 to be turned on for a time interval proportional to the required heat.
A2B and A3 comprise a ramp generator that produces a sawtooth voltage ranging from 6 to 12 VDC with a period of approximately one-half second.
The output voltage from the temperature amplifier A1A will range from less than 6 volts to something more than 12 volts. When the output voltage is greater than 12 volts, the TRIAC will be turned on a full time interval each cycle. When the output is less than 6 volts, the TRIAC will be turned off all the time. When the output is in the middle of the range (approximately 9 volts), the TRIAC will be turned on for about one-half of the time interval.
The thermistor, which is a negative temperature coefficient device, is set up in a bridge circuit. Resistor R2, the setpoint resistor, is selected to be approximately equal to the resistance of the thermistor at the desired operating temperature. The other half of the bridge, the voltage divider network comprised of resistors R4 and R5, is balanced. When the resis­tance of the thermistor is equal to the resistance of R2 at the desired opera­ting temperature, the bridge is balanced and the voltage at pins 2 and 3 of A1A is the same.
When the temperature in the compartment rises, the thermistor resis­tance will decrease and the inverting input of A1A will fall below the reference point. This input will be amplified by A1B to broaden the pro­portional band and preclude the possibility of the device overshooting and operating as an on/off temperature controller.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
PbS Detector
Circuit components C1, D3, and D4 provide stable internal power to
the rest of the controller circuitry.
Video Signal
Filter Pos.
(Gate Pulse)
15 VDC 24 VDC
Operational Theory 2.0
Manual Peak Balance
Ref. Level
Switching Signals
(S, S', P, P')
Elec.S ig.
Sw. & Peak
Level Detect.
To Meter
115 VAC
60 Hz
10 to 18 mA (Nominal Value)
To ControlModule
Figure 2-4. Detector Module - Block Diagram
Operating controls for the analysis section are located on the door casting of the power module enclosure. In the general purpose configura­tion, these controls include the POWER ON/OFF switch, the MEAS/REF switch to select the measuring or reference peak voltage to be fed to the local meter driver, ZERO control, and the NORM/ZERO switch, which operates in conjunction with the MEAS/REF and ZERO controls.
When used with the explosion-proof control module, the NORM/REF and NORM/MEAS switches are used on the module instead of the MEAS/ REF switch. A NORM/ZERO switch is also included.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
2.0 Operational Theory
2.1.4 Detector Module
See Figure 2-4. After energy has passed through the sample, it arrives at the filter wheel where it is fed alternately through two filters (measuring and reference) before reaching the detector.
These filters are specially selected for each application according to the absorption characteristics of the compounds under analysis. The reference and measuring filter waveforms occur along a baseline at approximately 16 milliseconds intervals; each reference or measuring waveform reoccurs at a time interval of 33 mS, or one per revolution of the filter wheel.
At the detector, infrared energy is transformed into electrical pulses and fed through an impedance-matched preamplifier (see dwg. A-14619). De­pending upon the application, length of the cell spacer, etc., the gain of the preamplifier may vary from 1 to 10, depending upon the energy intensity at the detector, to achieve an AC signal output of approximately 0.1 to 1.0 volt peak-to-peak.
Additionally, the detector, filters, and preamplifier are housed in an electrically and thermally isolated box to provide maximum stability and minimum noise. This box, or compartment, is normally temperature con­trolled at 46 °C.
The negative-going video from the preamplifier is fed to the clamp circuit (see dwg. B-14561) to establish a precise zero reference to the baseline of the pulses. This is accomplished by applying a gate to Ql at a time when neither filter is in the energy path. This gated signal is fed through A2 where it subtracts itself from the composite signal at the non­inverting input. The signal output of A3 is clamped to ground and has an amplitude of approximately two times the input.
The gating pulse for the clamp circuit is derived from the filter posi­tion sensor which is located in the detector compartment. The sensor emits radiation which is reflected from the white pattern on the rear side of the rotating filter wheel and sensed by a photo transistor. This creates a square wave of 5 volts amplitude at TP4 which is then further processed by Q2, A4 and A5 to generate the gating pulse for the clamp circuit as well as the switching signals S, S', P and P', which are later used to demodulate the composite video.
The clamped-to-ground, negative-going video is then sent to the automatic gain control circuit (see dwg. B-14564). This circuit receives a reference signal from the peak level detector and uses it to adjust the current through LEDs B1 and B2. The current through LED B1 controls its
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
Operational Theory 2.0
light output and, therefore, the resistance of its shunt resistors. This enables the signal at TP2 to be continually adjusted up or down to hold the reference signal at a constant level (nominally 9 volts) and thus eliminate the effects of turbidity or other foreign substances in the sample, within design limits.
After the automatic gain control circuit, the signal proceeds to the peak level detector, where it is demodulated by A1 and A2, using the timing signals previously generated (see dwg. B-14554). Potentiometer R3 can be used to precisely balance the signal levels by adjusting the feedback loop gain resistance of the two respective peaks. The separate peaks are then sent through peak detector networks where they are transformed into stable DC voltage levels. In the case of the reference peak level, it is from here that a +9 VDC signal is fed back to the automatic gain control network. The signal levels are then fed to either one of two logarithmic ratio amplifiers (see dwgs. C-14586 and C-14907).
For applications of high sensitivity, a chopper-stabilized log amplifier is used (see dwgs. C-14586 and C-17706). A3 generates an approximate 200 Hz square wave which alternately allows the signals to be fed into the log amplifier (A1) itself, and then blocks the measuring level and feeds the reference level into both log amplifier inputs, allowing it to zero itself. The log signal is then applied through amplifier A4 and A6 to A7 where a coarse zero offset voltage may be applied through the ZERO potentiometer on the power module
For less sensitive applications, a simpler log ratio circuit is used (dwg. C-14907). The reference and measuring levels are processed through a filter network before being compared by A1. This comparison results in the log ratio output which is fed to A2 for application to a zero offset voltage from the zero adjust potentiometer on the power module.
From the log amplifier the signal is finally sent to the voltage-to­current (E-to-I) converter for transmission to the control unit. Conversion of the voltage signal to a current signal allows for signal transmission over greater distances without noise pickup.
The E-to-I converter (see dwg. B-14075) is set with a nominal offset so that with 0 VDC input, 10 mA output is obtained. This baseline setting is adjustable through R7, the zero adjustment.
The converter is scaled so that with a 0.5 VDC input, the output will be 20 mA (set with balance potentiometer R12). Output nominally ranges from 10 mA to 18 mA with a 0 to 0.4 VDC input. When required, zero drift can be accommodated; i.e., inputs ranging from -0.5 to +0.5 VDC will produce 0 to 20 mA outputs.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
2.0 Operational Theory
Power for the detector module is provided by a center-tapped trans­former which takes 115 VAC input, reduces it to 40 VAC, then feeds the voltage to the DC power supply. An additional winding on the transformer provides output power to the E-to-I card.
The power supply utilizes a fullwave rectifier in order to provide +24 VDC unregulated. The 24 VDC is further filtered, then fed through a voltage regulator to obtain +15 VDC regulated.
As noted previously, the filter wheel is driven by a synchronous AC chopper motor which operates at 1800 RPM. The filter wheel performs two functions: (1) switching filters, and (2) chopping the optical signal to give pulses which can be amplified for high quality processing.
2.1.5 Control Module
The control module provides voltage and current output signals which are properly scaled for the application, alarm signals in the form of relay contacts, and a meter output. Optional provisions are also included for an automatic zero and dual-range capability.
Upon arrival at the control module, the milliampere signal is con­verted to a 0 to +2 volt full scale output for connection to the span potentiometer (see dwg. A-14620). An optional millivolt output can also be provided by the I-to-E converter circuit card. At this point, fine zero control is also applied by means of a potentiometer located on the front of the module.
The voltage is then scaled so that 1 VDC full scale output is obtained at the center of the span potentiometer. This signal is coupled through an extended voltage amplifier circuit and used to drive the 0 to 100 µA meter on the control module.
The standard 0 to 1 VDC output is also generated by the extended voltage amplifier circuit (see dwg. B-16221).
The 0 to 1 VDC full scale from the span potentiometer is connected to the alarm comparator circuit (see dwg. B-14718) where it is used to drive a pair of amplifier circuits which couple the alarm setpoints to relays K1 and K2.
A current output (normally 4 to 20 mA) is optional. If desired, an optically isolated current transmitter can be installed in the explosion-proof control module.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
Operational Theory 2.0
Power for the control module is provided by a center-tapped trans­former which takes the 115 VAC input, reduces it to 40 VAC, and feeds the voltage to a DC power supply identical to the one installed in the detector module. Power supply outputs are +24 VDC unregulated, and +15 VDC regulated.
To Timer
115 VAC
60 Hz
Input From
Fine Zero
115 VAC
60 Hz
15 VDC
24 VDC
To I-to-E Converter
Ext. Volt.
Auto Zero
(0 to 1 V f.s.)
(0 to 5 mV f.s.)
Manual Setpoint Adjust.
N.O. N.C.
N.O. N.C.
(4 to 20 mA)
Figure 2-5. Control Module - Block Diagram
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A Business Unit of Teledyne Electronic Technologies
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