Teledyne 402REU User Manual

Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer Table of Contents
Analytic al Instruments
P/N M66893
ECO: #99-0323
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Table of Contents Model 402R-EU
Copyright © 1999 Teledyne Electronic Technologies/Analytical Instruments
All Rights Reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any other language or computer language in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, whether it be electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Teledyne Electronic Technologies/Analytical Instruments, (TET/AI) 16830 Chestnut Street, City of Industry, CA 91749-1580.
This equipment is sold subject to the mutual agreement that it is warranted by us free from defects of material and of construction, and that our liability shall be limited to replacing or repairing at our factory (without charge, except for transportation), or at customer plant at our option, any material or construction in which defects become apparent within one year from the date of sale, except in cases where quotations or acknowledgements provide for a shorter period. Components manufactured by others bear the warranty of their manufacturer. This warranty does not cover defects caused by wear, accident, misuse, or neglect. We assume no liability for direct or indirect damages of any kind and the purchaser by the acceptance of the equipment will assume all liability for any damage which may result from its use or misuse.
We reserve the right to employ any suitable material in the manufacture of our apparatus, and to make any alterations in the dimensions, shape or weight of any parts, in so far as such alterations do not adversely
affect our warranty.
Important Notice
This instrument is intended to be used a tool to gather valuable data. The information provided by the instrument may assist the user in eliminating potential hazards caused by the process that the instrument is intended to monitor; however, it is essential that all personnel involved in the use of the instrument or its
interface with the process being measured be properly trained in the process itself, as well as all instru­mentation related to it.
The safety of personnel is ultimately the responsibility of those who control process conditions. While this instrument may be able to provide early warning of imminent danger, it has no control over process condi­tions, and can be misused. In particular, any alarm or control system installed must be tested and under­stood, both as to how they operate and as to how they can be defeated. Any safeguards required such as locks, labels, or redundancy must be provided by the user or specifically requested of Teledyne.
The purchaser must be aware of the hazardous conditions inherent in the process(es) he uses. He is respon­sible for training his personnel, for providing hazard warning methods and instrumentation per the appropri­ate standards, and for ensuring that hazard warning devices and instrumentation are maintained and operated properly.
TET/AI, the manufacturer of this instrument, cannot accept responsibility for conditions beyond its knowl­edge and control. No statement expressed or implied by this document or any information disseminated
by the manufacturer or his agents is to be construed as a warranty of adequate safety control under the user's process conditions.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer Table of Contents
Model 402R-EU complies with all of the requirements of the Com­monwealth of Europe (CE) for Radio Frequency Interference, Elec­tromagnetic Interference (RFI/EMI), and Low Voltage Directive (LVD).
The following International Symbols are used throughout the In­struction Manual for your visual and immediate warnings and when you have to attend CAUTION while operating the instrument:
STAND-BY, Instrument is on Stand-by, but circuit is active
Protective Earth
CAUTION, The operator needs to refer to the manual
for further information. Failure to do so may compromise the safe operation of the equipment.
CAUTION, Risk of Electric Shock
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Table of Contents Model 402R-EU
T a ble of Contents
VI Safety Informations.............................................................VI
1 Introduction
1.1 Principle of Operation .................................................. 1-1
1.2 Analyzer Description ................................................... 1-1
1.3 Sampling System ........................................................ 1-2
1.3.1 Input Porting..................................................... 1-2
1.3.2 Sample Flow Control System ........................... 1-2
1.3.3 Fuel and Blanket Air Systems .......................... 1-3
1.3.4 Flame Ionization Detection Cell........................ 1-3
1.4 Applications................................................................. 1-3
2 Operational Theory
2.1 Electronics................................................................... 2-1
2.1.1 Detection Cell ................................................... 2-3
2.1.2 Electrometer-Amplifier...................................... 2-3
2.1.3 Differential Power Supply ................................. 2-4
2.1.4 Anode Power Supply........................................ 2-4
2.1.5 Flame Guard Circuit ......................................... 2-4
2.1.6 Flame Ignition Circuit........................................ 2 -4
2.1.7 Proportional Temperature Control Circuit ........ 2 -4
2.1.8 Output............................................................... 2 -5
3 Installation
3.1 Electrical Requirements and Connections .................. 3-1
3.1.1 Primary Power.................................................. 3- 2
3.1.2 Voltage Output Signal ...................................... 3-3
3.2 Gas Connections ......................................................... 3-3
3.2.1 Supporting Gases............................................. 3-4
3.2.2 Sample Gas...................................................... 3-5
3.2.3 Effluent ............................................................. 3-5
3.2.4 Sample Bypass Vent ........................................ 3-5
3.2.5 Fuel and Air Connections ................................. 3-5
3.2.6 Fuses................................................................ 3-6
4 Operations
4.1 Equipment................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Preliminary Power-Off Check List ............................... 4-2
4.3 Preliminary Electronic Adjustment .............................. 4-3
4.3.1 Meter-Recorder Alignment ............................... 4-3
4.4 Placing the System in Operation................................. 4- 4
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer Table of Contents
4.5 Activating the Support Gases...................................... 4-4
4.5.1 Air..................................................................... 4- 4
4.5.2 Zero Gas .......................................................... 4-4
4.5.3 Span Gas ......................................................... 4-5
4.5.4 Fuel .................................................................. 4-6
4.6 Flame Ignition ............................................................. 4-6
4.6.1 Verification of the Flame Guard Circuit ............ 4-6
4.6.2 Ignition and/or Flame Guard Circuit Failure ..... 4-7
4.7 Calibration................................................................... 4-7
4.8 Stabilization Period ..................................................... 4-8
4.9 Sampling ..................................................................... 4-8
4.10 Routine Operation ....................................................... 4-9
4.10.1Verification of Calibration ................................. 4 -9
4.10.2Supporting Gases........................................... 4-10
5 Maintenance & Troubleshooting
5.1 Measuring Circuit Electrical Checks............................ 5 -2
5.1.1 Loss of Zero Control......................................... 5-3
5.1.2 Anode Voltage Check....................................... 5-3
5.1.3 Electronic Stability ............................................ 5-4
5.1.4 Printed Circuit Board Replacement .................. 5-4
5.1.5 Collector Cable................................................. 5-5
5.2 Temperature Control Electronic Check...................... 5-5
5.3 Ignition and/or Flame Guard Circuit Checks ............... 5-8
5.3.1 Flame Guard Circuit Calibration....................... 5-9
5.4 Sampling System ...................................................... 5-10
5.5 Printed Circuit Board Descriptions ............................ 5-10
5.5.1 Flame Guard and Anode Power Supply
Printed Circuit Board ...................................... 5-11
5.5.2 Regulated Differential Power Supply
Printed Circuit Board ...................................... 5-12
5.5.3 Proportional Temperature Controller
Printed Circuit Board ...................................... 5-13
5.5.4 Electrometer-Amplifier PC Board ................... 5-15
5.5.5 Comparator Alarm Printed Circuit Board........ 5-17
Specifications ...................................................................... A-1
Application Data .................................................................. A-2
Recommended Spare Parts List ......................................... A-3
Drawing List ........................................................................ A-4
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Table of Contents Model 402R-EU
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer Introduction
The Teledyne Electronic Technologies/Analytical Instruments (TET/AI) Model 402R-EU Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer meets or exceeds all of the requirements of the Commonwealth of Europe (CE) for Radio Frequency Interference and Electromagnetic Interference (RFI/EMI) protection and Low Voltage Directive (LVD). The analyzer is designed to measure the quantity of hydrocarbons present in a positive pressure sample as equivalent methane.
1.1 Principle of Operation
The sample gas is mixed with a fuel (normally a composition of hydrogen and nitrogen) and burned in an atmosphere of “blanket air”. The ions formed in the burning process cause an electrical conduction between two electrodes in the combustion chamber (or detector cell) that is ampli­fied by a highly sensitive electrometer-amplifier circuit. The electrical output of the electrometer-amplifier is directly proportional to the quantity of flame ionizable hydrocarbons present, and is linear over the range of 0-10,000 PPM methane.
1.2 Analyzer Description
The information contained in this manual describes individual analyz­ers of the Model 402R-EU standard series. In cases of special design, other factors may apply requiring additional or supplementary information. These special considerations will be described in detail on specific applica­tion pages labelled Addenda, in each manual. When the Model 402R-EU is a part of a larger system, it is subordinate to that system, and specific installation and operation conditions of that system will apply. Consult system sections of the manuals for those applications, where conditions specific to those systems will be detailed.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Chapter 1 Model 402R-EU
To best suit the needs of the purchaser, specialized designs are avail­able. Details of the design differences may be found in the various draw­ings (outline, assembly, schematic, wiring, and piping diagrams) in the drawings section at the rear of the manual. The standard analyzer is housed in a sheet steel equipment case that has been designed for flush­mounting in a 19" rack.
CAUTION: Since the measured component for the 402R-EU is hydrocarbon
content, and since hydrocarbon lubricants and conditioners as well as synthetic plastics are common to instrumentation supply processes, utmost precaution must be taken at all times to specify hydrocarbon-free gases, regulator diaphragms and supplies.
1.3 Sampling System
All components used to control the sample and supporting gases, as well as the combustion portion of the detector cell, are located inside, behind the electronics control panel. The basic analyzer consists of an isothermal chamber containing the pressure regulators, pressure gauges and flow restrictors. The temperature within the chamber is maintained at 125°F by a heating element. The regulated temperature of the chamber insures stable gas flow. An optional sample selector module is an integral gas selector panel inside the instrument enclosure for conveniently switch­ing between sample and calibration gases. When installed, it is part of the isothermal chamber. The bypass flow is also controlled from this optional panel.
1.3.1 Input Porting
The analyzer is equipped with ports for the introduction of air, fuel, zero, span, and sample gas.
1.3.2 Sample Flow Control System
Stable sample flow is achieved by maintaining a constant pressure across a restrictor through the use of a back-pressure regulation system, which includes an adjustable regulator, pressure gauge, throttle valve, and flowmeter. The throttle valve and flowmeter are included so that the bypass flow required by the back-pressure regulator can be limited. With­out these controls, a high sample point pressure would result in unneces­sary sample waste through the back-pressure regulator.
The components of the system are arranged so that no dead volume is present in the sample path to the detector cell. This guarantees rapid re­sponse to changes in hydrocarbon concentration—a fact that can be dem-
Teledyne Analytical Instruments1-2
Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer Introduction
onstrated when zero and span gas are exchanged during the standardization procedure.
The restrictors used in the system look alike; however, they are not
1.3.3 Fuel and Blanket Air Systems
The fuel and blanket air systems use similar components. Stable flow is achieved by maintaining a constant pressure across restrictors upstream from the cell. Each system incorporates an adjustable pressure regulator, pressure gauge, and restrictor. A flame out light is included to indicate when the flame fails. A fuel shut-off solenoid valve, mounted on the line that supplies hydrogen, stops the fuel flow in case of flame failure. This valve is located in line with the fuel port; except for instruments using hydrogen as the sample gas. In this case, the sample is used as fuel and the valve is located in line with the sample port. See Figure 1-1A for a flow schematic for instruments equipped with a sample selector module. Figure 1-1B shows the flow schematic for instruments without the optional gas selector module.
1.3.4 Flame Ionization Detection Cell
The sample and fuel are combined within a tee fitting located in the isothermal chamber. The mixed gas is emitted from a burner within the sensor assembly. Blanket air is introduced into the sensor (or cell) by means of a separate fitting that is located in the base section of the assem­bly. The upper half of the assembly houses the anode-igniter, collector, and flame guard thermistor. The cell is located at the left hand front area inside the enclosure for easy access. See Figure 1-2.
1.4 Applications
Monitoring the purity of oxygen, argon, nitrogen and other gases in the manufacture of microcircuits.
Monitoring hydrocarbon contamination in air liquefaction and other gas production processes.
Gas purity certification.
Detecting trace hydrocarbons in ambient air.
Detecting atmospheric pollutants.
Monitoring for fuel leakage or toxic solvents.
Monitoring hydrocarbons in a wide range of process streams.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Chapter 1 Model 402R-EU
Figure 1-1A: Schematic Flow Diagram With Gas Selector Panel
Figure 1-1B: Schematic Flow Diagram Without Gas Selector Panel
Teledyne Analytical Instruments1-4
Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer Introduction
Figure 1-2: Flame Ionization Cell
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Chapter 1 Model 402R-EU
Teledyne Analytical Instruments1-6
Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer Operational Theory
Operational Theory
2.1 Electronics
The analyzer features semiconductor circuitry throughout. Integrated (IC) circuits are employed in the highly sensitive electronic circuits of the instrument to reduce circuit component requirements and increase reliabil­ity. Aside from the necessary power transformers, three fuses, and electri­cal controls, all circuitry is mounted on plug-in type printed circuit cards. The circuitry has been sectionalized so that spare circuit cards can be employed without the use of expensive test equipment or the services of a highly-trained technician. With spare circuit cards available for replace­ment, you will only need a multimeter to isolate and remedy an electronic malfunction.
All the electronic PC board units (except the electrometer-amplifier) plug into an interconnecting unit called the motherboard. See Figure 2-1 for motherboard location.
WARNING: The PCBs in the 402R-EU contain dangerously high
voltages. Ensure that all power to the instrument has been removed before disconnecting or handling any of the PCBs.
The only electromechanical devices used are the control and fuel shut­off relays in the flame guard circuit.
The isothermal chamber components including the detector cell are interconnected with the electronics chassis by means of plug-in cables.
The bulk of the electronic circuitry is located behind the hinged door of the analyzer. Access to the interior of the analyzer is gained by rotating
(See Section 1 Page VII: "PROCEDURE FOR RE-
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Chapter 2 Model 402R-EU
Figure 2-1: View Inside 402R-EU Cabinet
(with internal door cover removed)
the doorknob located on the upper right-hand side of the hinged door, and swinging it out.
To gain access to the electronics mounted on the inside of the door,
the cover must be removed.
WARNING: No user serviceable parts are located in this area
and hazardouz voltage exist in this area. There fore this cover should only be removed by suit­ably trained service personnel. (
See Section 1
While reading the following descriptive subsections, refer to Figure 2-1 and the schematics, electronics chassis component layout and wiring diagrams in the drawings section at the rear of the manual. In addition, detailed descriptions of the various plug-in printed circuit boards are provided in the printed circuit board description section of the manual. Any specialized information unique to your instrument will be detailed in an Addendum and included at the front of this manual.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments2-2
Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer Operational Theory
2.1.1 Detection Cell
The upper section of the stainless steel flame ionization cell houses the cylindrical collector electrode, the high voltage (+260 VDC) anode­igniter coil, and the sensing thermistor of the flame guard circuit (see cell wiring diagram and Figure 2-1).
WARNING: Dangerous high voltage exists at the anode igniter
coil (+260 VDC). Do not attempt to disconnect the igniter coil cable or disassemble any of the flame ionization cell components without first applying the following procedure in
, then disconnect plug P3 from
Section 1 Page VII: "PROCE-
receptacle J3.
The collector is interconnected with the electrometer-amplifier PC board by a coaxial cable. Although the cable and fittings are intended for coaxial service, the cable is actually being used as a shielded single-con­ductor connection.
The anode-igniter, as its name implies, serves two functions. When the selector switch is held in the ignite position, the coil becomes an elec­trical heating element that glows red hot and ignites the hydrogen fuel. When the switch is released, the heater circuit is broken, and the coil is connected to the +272 volt DC terminal of the anode-flame guard power supply PC board. In this configuration, the necessary potential difference is established between the coil (anode) and collector to promote ionization of the burned hydrocarbons. The coil functions as the high voltage anode in all three range positions of the selector switch.
The thermistor acts as the sensor in the flame guard circuit. Its ambi­ent temperature resistance is in the 100 K region. When the flame is ignited, its resistance is reduced by a factor of 100. The thermistor is coupled to a semiconductor control circuit on the anode-flame guard power supply PC board, which will be described in a following section.
The cell electrodes of both the anode-igniter and flame guard ther­mistor are connected to the electronics chassis by means of a plug-in cable.
The electrode section of the cell may be removed for inspection by turning off the power, disconnecting the electrode lead plug, and removing the screws which retain the electrode assembly in the sensor body.
2.1.2 Electrometer-Amplifier
The collector cable is coupled directly to a coaxial fitting located on the electrometer-amplifier PC board. The plug-in PC board is located on
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Chapter 2 Model 402R-EU
the side panel next to but outside of the isothermal chamber. See Figure 2-1. and consists of an electrometer amplifier and an operational amplifier. This circuit is a very high-gain, current-to-voltage converter circuit, having an input impedance measuring in the billions of ohms. It is static sensitive and highly susceptible to contamination. Special care must be taken in handling this PC board.
Refer to Section 5-4: Electrometer-Amplifier PC Board for more
information concerning the electrometer-amplifier and the other printed circuits that follow.
2.1.3 Differential Power Supply
The positive and negative operating voltage required by the electrom­eter-amplifier is furnished by a regulated, differential power supply circuit. The output of the power supply as referenced to chassis ground is positive 15 (±1) VDC, and negative 15 (±1) VDC. Regulation is better than 1% of the rated voltage.
2.1.4 Anode Power Supply
The high voltage anode power supply components are mounted on the anode power supply printed circuit board. High voltage regulation is achieved through the use of series-connected zener diodes. The simplicity of this circuit’s design can be attributed to the extremely low current demand of the anode circuit. The positive output voltage is nominally 250 volts. Output tolerance is ±22 volts from the specified 250 volts.
2.1.5 Flame Guard Circuit
A thermistor-controlled, transistorized switching circuit is employed to operate a relay in the event of a flameout condition. A panel indicator light and fuel shut-off solenoid valve are operated by the relay to alarm personnel that a flameout condition has occurred. The fuel shut-off sole­noid valve stops the hydrogen flow.
2.1.6 Flame Ignition Circuit
The flame ignition circuit includes the anode-igniter electrode (in the detector cell), a transformer, and the momentary IGNITE position of the selector switch.
2.1.7 Proportional Temperature Control Circuit
The temperature of the isothermal chamber containing the sampling components is regulated by a thermistor-directed electronic circuit. The thermistor and heating element are located in the chamber, and the balance of the circuit components are mounted on the temperature controller printed circuit board. A temperature limit switch protects the isothermal
Teledyne Analytical Instruments2-4
Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer Operational Theory
chamber against excessive temperature, which may occur if the tempera­ture controlling system fails.
2.1.8 Output
The electrometer-amplifier output is connected to a span potentiom­eter, whose slider is connected to a 3½ digit digital panel meter (DPM) a voltage-to-current (E-to-I) converter, as well as optional output circuits which may be utilized, such as alarm comparators. Description of optional circuits employed can be found in the Printed Circuit Board Description section of Chapter 5.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
+ 39 hidden pages