Teledyne 3350 User Manual

Model 3350
Oxygen Alarm Monitor
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
P/N M70682
Copyright © 2000Teledyne Analytical Instruments
All Rights Reserved. No part of this manual may be reproduced, transmitted, tran­scribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any other language or computer language in whole or in part, in any form or by any means, whether it be electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Teledyne Analytical Instruments, 16830 Chestnut Street, City of Industry, CA 9174
This equipment is sold subject to the mutual agreement that it is warranted by us free from defects of material and of construction, and that our liability shall be limited to replacing or repairing at our factory (without charge, except for transportation), or at customer plant at our option, any material or construction in which defects become apparent within one year from the date of shipment, except in cases where quotations or acknowledgements provide for a shorter period. Components manufactured by others bear the warranty of their manufacturer. This warranty does not cover defects caused by wear, accident, misuse, neglect or repairs other than those performed by Teledyne or an autho­rized service center. We assume no liability for direct or indirect damages of any kind and the purchaser by the acceptance of the equipment will assume all liability for any damage which may result from its use or misuse.
We reserve the right to employ any suitable material in the manufacture of our apparatus, and to make any alterations in the dimensions, shape or weight of any parts, in so far as such alterations do not adversely affect our warranty.
Important Notice
This instrument provides measurement readings to its user, and serves as a tool by which valuable data can be gathered. The information provided by the instrument may assist the user in eliminating potential hazards caused by his process; however, it is essential that all personnel involved in the use of the instrument or its interface, with the process being measured, be properly trained in the process itself, as well as all instrumenta­tion related to it.
The safety of personnel is ultimately the responsibility of those who control process conditions. While this instrument may be able to provide early warning of imminent danger, it has no control over process conditions, and it can be misused. In particular, any alarm or control systems installed must be tested and understood, both as to how they operate and as to how they can be defeated. Any safeguards required such as locks, labels, or redun­dancy, must be provided by the user or specifically requested of Teledyne at the time the order is placed.
Therefore, the purchaser must be aware of the hazardous process conditions. The purchaser is responsible for the training of personnel, for providing hazard warning methods and instrumentation per the appropriate standards, and for ensuring that hazard warning devices and instrumentation are maintained and operated properly.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments (TAI), the manufacturer of this instrument, cannot accept responsibility for conditions beyond its knowledge and control. No state­ment expressed or implied by this document or any information disseminated by the manufacturer or its agents, is to be construed as a warranty of adequate safety control
under the user’s process conditions.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Model 3350 complies with all of the requirements of the Com­monwealth of Europe (CE) for Radio Frequency Interference, Elec­tromagnetic Interference (RFI/EMI), and Low Voltage Directive (LVD).
The following International Symbols are used throughout the Instruc­tion Manual for your visual and immediate warnings and when you have to attend CAUTION while operating the instrument:
Protective Earth
CAUTION, The operator needs to refer to the manual
for further information. Failure to do so may compromise the safe operation of the equipment.
CAUTION, Risk of Electric Shock
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
1.1 Overview........................................................................ 1-1
1.2 Main Features of the Analyzer ....................................... 1-1
1.3 Front Panel Description.................................................. 1-2
1.4 Rear Panel Description.................................................. 1-3
Operational Theory
2.1 Introduction .................................................................... 2-1
2.2 Micro-Fuel Cell Sensor .................................................. 2-1
2.2.1 Principles of Operation .......................................... 2-1
2.2.2 Anatomy of a Micro-Fuel Cell................................. 2-2
2.2.3 Electrochemical Reactions .................................... 2-3
2.2.4 The Effect of Pressure............................................ 2-3
2.2.5 Calibration Characteristics ...................................... 2-4
2.3 Electronics ..................................................................... 2-5
2.3.1 General.................................................................. 2-5
2.3.2 Signal Processing .................................................. 2-5
2.4 Alarms............................................................................ 2-6
3.1 Unpacking the Analyzer................................................. 3-1
3.2 Installation...................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Installing the Micro-Fuel Cell ......................................... 3-2
3.4 Electrical Connections ................................................... 3-2
3.5 Power and Signal Connections ...................................... 3-3
3.6 Calibration ..................................................................... 3-8
3.7 Operation ....................................................................... 3-9
3.8 Cell Warranty ................................................................. 3-10
3.9 Safety Checklist ............................................................. 3-10
3.5.1 AC and Battery Backed Standby Power ................ 3-3
3.5.2 Battery Backed Standby Power ............................. 3-4 Connecting the Rechargeable Battery ..... 3-5
3.5.3 Analog Outputs ...................................................... 3-6
3.5.4 RS-232 Port (optional) ........................................... 3-6
3.5.5 Alarm Relays ......................................................... 3-7
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
3.10 Accessory Flow-Through Adapter ................................. 3-11
4.1 Using the Function and Data Entry Buttons ................... 4-1
4.2 Alarm Conditions ........................................................... 4-2
4.3 Calibration ..................................................................... 4-2
5.1 Replacing the Fuse........................................................ 5-1
5.1.1 Standard AC Version ............................................. 5-1
5.1.2 AC with Battery Backup Version ............................ 5-2
5.2 Sensor Installation or Replacement ............................... 5-2
5.2.1 When to Replace a Sensor.................................... 5-2
5.2.2 Ordering and Handling of Spare Sensors .............. 5-3
5.2.3 Removing the Micro-Fuel Cell ............................... 5-3
5.2.4 Installing a Micro-Fuel Cell .................................... 5-4
5.2.5 Cell Warranty Conditions ....................................... 5-4
A.1 Specifications ................................................................ A-1
A.2 Spare Parts List ............................................................. A-2
A.3 Reference Drawing........................................................ A-3
A.4 Miscellaneous................................................................ A-3
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
This is a general purpose instrument designed for usage in a nonhazardous area. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure safety especially when combustible gases are being analyzed since the potential of gas leaks always exist.
The customer should ensure that the principles of operating of this equipment is well understood by the user. Misuse of this product in any manner, tampering with its components, or unau­thorized substitution of any component may adversely affect the safety of this instrument.
Since the use of this instrument is beyond the control of T eledyne, no responsibility by T eledyne, its affiliates, and a gents for damage or injury from misuse or neglect of this equipment is implied or assumed.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Alarm Oxygen Monitor Introduction 1
1.1 Overview
The Teledyne Electronic Technologies Analytical Instruments (TET/AI) Model 3350 is a microprocessor-based Oxygen Alarm Monitor for real-time measurement of the oxygen content of the atmosphere surrounding its sensor.
The Model 3350 standard instrument is configured to run from an AC power source and is also available with continuous charging, DC battery backup option. The rated battery life is approximately 17 hours configured in failsafe mode and 48 hours in non-failsafe mode.
The instrument is designed as a safety monitor. However, it is the responsi­bility of the user to establish whether or not the total system or instrument, environment, alarm components and any other relevant devices will actually assure safety in his/her particular circumstances.
1.2 Main Features of the Analyzer
Accurate readings of oxygen content at the standard 0-25% range. (Consult factory for other ranges)
Large, bright, light emitting diode meter readout.
Nylon cell holder.
Simple pushbutton span controls.
Advanced Micro-fuel Cell, for percent analysis, has a 12 month warranty.
Unaffected by oxidizing gasses.
Fast response and recovery time.
Microprocessor based electronics: 8bit CMOS microprocessor with on-board RAM and 16KB ROM.
Air calibration range for convenient spanning at 20.9% oxygen.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
1 Introduction Model 3350
Two factory preset alarms, form C relay contacts, configured as Failsafe or Non-Failsafe.
Sensor failure alarm, form C relay contact, configured as Failsafe or Non-Failsafe.
Three analog outputs: two for measurement (0–10 VDC, and negative ground 4–20 mADC) and one for range identification (0-10 VDC).
Optional RS232
Compact and rugged, wall mounted NEMA-4 rated enclosure.
CE Approval
1.3 Front Panel Description
All controls and displays except the power switch are accessible from the front panel. See Figure 1-1. The front panel has three pushbutton membrane switches, a digital meter, and an alarm indicator LED for operating the monitor. These features are described briefly here and in greater detail in Chapter 4, Operation.
Figure 1-1: Front Panel
Span Key: Pushbutton membrane switch is used to span calibrate the ana-
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Alarm Oxygen Monitor Introduction 1
Data Entry Keys: Two pushbutton membrane switches are used to
manually change the span measurement parameters of the instrument as they are displayed on the LED meter readout:
Up Arrow Increment values of parameters upwards as they
are displayed on the LED readout.
Down Arrow Increment values of parameters downwards as
they are displayed on the LED readout.
Digital LED Readout: The digital display is a LED device that
produces large, bright, 7-segment numbers that are legible in any lighting environment. It has three functions:
Meter Readout: As the meter readout, it displays the oxygen
concentration currently being measured.
Measurement Parameters Readout: It displays the span
calibration point when it is being checked or changed.
Alarm Condition: It displays intermittently, “CAUt” and the gas
readings when a CAUTION Alarm has been initiated and “dAng” for DANGER Alarm.
1.4 Rear Panel Description
The rear panel contains the electrical input and output connectors. Sepa­rate rear panel illustrations are shown in figure 1-2 for the AC and DC battery backup versions of the instrument. The connectors are described briefly here and in detail in the Installation chapter of this manual.
Figure 1-2 Rear Panel, Control Unit - AC
(viewed from inside front door)
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
1 Introduction Model 3350
Figure 1-2 Rear Panel, Control Unit - DC
(viewed from inside front door)
Power Connection AC version: Universal 100–240 VAC, at
50/60Hz. The connector housing includes the fuse holder and the power switch.
DC Battery Backup Version: , 10 to 36 VDC. Supplied by universal 100-240VAC.
Fuse Holder: Replacing the fuses is described in Chapter 5, Maintenance.
I/O Power Switch: Turns the instrument power ON (1) or OFF (0).
Analog Outputs 0–10 VDC concentration output. 0–10 VDC range ID (or optional overrange) output. 4–20 mA DC concentration output, negative ground.
Digital Output RS232 (optional).
Audible Alarm Output for standard internal or customer supplied external audible alarm (12VDC@5mA).
Alarm Connections Alarm 1 (CAUTION), Alarm 2 (DANGER), and Sensor Failure Alarm connections.
Sensor Connector Sensor Connector.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Alarm Oxygen Monitor Operational Theory 2
Operational Theory
2.1 Introduction
The analysis is specific for oxygen, i.e., the measuring cell will not generate an output current unless oxygen is present in the sample gas. Thus, the instrument has an absolute zero and no zero gas is required to operate the analyzer.
The measuring cell has the ability to respond accurately to the presence of oxygen irrespective of flowrate. TAI recommends using ambient air as a span gas or, if that is not possible, using a known calibration gas of about 80% of the range of interest value.
The measuring cell (U.S. Patent #3,429,796) is a solid-state maintenance­free structure that carries a TAI guarantee for performance and usable life. The cell consumes oxygen from the gas surrounding it and generates a proportional microampere current. The Control Unit processes the sensor output and trans­lates it into electrical concentration, range, and alarm outputs, and a percent oxygen meter readout. It contains a microcontroller that manages all signal processing, input/output, and display functions for the analyzer.
2.2 Micro-Fuel Cell Sensor
2.2.1 Principles of Operation
The oxygen sensor used in the Model 3350 is a Micro-fuel Cell designed and manufactured by TAI. It is a sealed, disposable electrochemical transducer.
The active components of the Micro-Fuel Cell are a cathode, an anode, and the aqueous KOH electrolyte in which they are immersed. The cell converts the energy from a chemical reaction into an electrical potential that can produce a current in an external electrical circuit. Its action is similar to that of a battery.
There is, however, an important difference in the operation of a battery as compared to the Micro-Fuel Cell: In the battery, all reactants are stored within the cell, whereas in the Micro-Fuel Cell, one of the reactants (oxygen) comes from outside the device as a constituent of the sample gas being analyzed. The Micro-Fuel Cell is therefore a hybrid between a battery and a true fuel cell. (All of the reactants are stored externally in a true fuel cell.)
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
2 Operational Theory Model 3350
2.2.2 Anatomy of a Micro-Fuel Cell
The Micro-Fuel Cell is made of extremely inert plastic (which can be placed confidently in practically any environment or sample stream). It is effec­tively sealed, though one end is permeable to oxygen in the sample gas. At the permeable end a screen retains a diffusion membrane through which the oxygen passes into the cell. At the other end of the cell is a connector and temperature compensation network (restrictors and thermistor) on a printed circuit board.
Refer to Figure 2-1, Basic Elements of a Micro-Fuel Cell, which illus­trates the following internal description.
Electrical Connector
Circuit Board with temperature compensation network.
Cathode Teflon Membran e
Figure 2-1. Basic Elements of a Micro-Fuel Cell (not to scale)
At the sensing end of the cell is a diffusion membrane, whose thickness is very accurately controlled. Near the diffusion membrane lies the oxygen sensing element—the cathode.
The anode structure is larger than the cathode. It is made of lead and is designed to maximize the amount of metal available for chemical reaction.
The space between the active elements is filled by a structure saturated with electrolyte. Cathode and anode are wet by this common pool. They each have a conductor connecting them, through some electrical circuitry, to one of the external contacts in the connector receptacle, which is on the top of the cell.
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
Alarm Oxygen Monitor Operational Theory 2
2.2.3 Electrochemical Reactions
The sample gas diffuses through the Teflon membrane. Any oxygen in the sample gas is reduced on the surface of the cathode by the following HALF REACTION:
O2 + 2H2O + 4e– → 4OH
(Four electrons combine with one oxygen molecule—in the presence of water from the electrolyte—to produce four hydroxyl ions.)
When the oxygen is reduced at the cathode, lead is simultaneously oxidized at the anode by the following HALF REACTION:
2(Pb + 2OH–) → 2(Pb+2 + H2O) + 4e
(Two electrons are transferred for each atom of lead that is oxidized. TWO ANODE REACTIONS balance one cathode reaction to transfer four elec­trons.)
The electrons released at the surface of the anode flow to the cathode surface when an external electrical path is provided. The current is proportional to the amount of oxygen reaching the cathode. It is measured and used to determine the oxygen concentration in the gas mixture.
The overall reaction for the fuel cell is the SUM of the half reactions above, or:
2Pb + O2 2PbO
(These reactions will hold as long as no gaseous components capable of oxidizing lead are present in the sample. The only likely components are the halogens—iodine, bromine, chlorine and fluorine.)
The output of the fuel cell is limited by (1) the amount of oxygen in the cell at the time and (2) the amount of stored anode material.
In the absence of oxygen, no current is generated.
2.2.4 The Effect of Pressure
In order to state the amount of oxygen present in the sample as a percent­age of the gas mixture, it is necessary that the sample diffuse into the cell under constant pressure.
If the pressure changes, the rate that oxygen reaches the cathode through the diffusing membrane will also increase. The electron transfer, and therefore the external current, will increase, even though the proportion of oxygen has not changed.
Fortunately, Dalton's Law confirms that every gas in a mixture contributes the same pressure to the mixture that it would exert if it were alone in the same
Teledyne Analytical Instruments
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