Please readthis warranty card.
Keep yourpurchase receipt toenable you toproceed quickly inthe event ofa WarrantyService.
Warranty Terms & Conditions
1. TEAC warrants to the originalretail purchaser only, thatthis product isfree from defectsin material
and workmanship undernormal domestic useand authorises freeservice during thewarranty
period atany TEAC Authorised Centreonly. TEACwarranty only appliesto products purchased,
used andserviced in Australia.
2. Subject to the terms herein,this warranty effectivelycovers the equipmentas specified inthe Warranty
Periods Table from thedate of purchase.
3. All parts, except the externalcabinet, are warrantedas specified inWarranty Periods Table,and will be
repaired or replaced at the solejudgement of TEAC.
4. Normal customer maintenance as describedin the owner'smanual is notcovered by thiswarranty (such
as cleaningVCR heads etc).
5. This warranty does not applyto equipment showingabuse, damage orthat it mayhave been tampered
with, alteredor repaired outsideany TEAC AuthorisedService Centre. Ifso, the warrantywill be void.
6. In the event that thisunit or anydefective parts mustbe returned toTEAC Service Centres,a copy of
this warrantycertificate and ofyour purchase receiptmust be enclosedto be avalid warranty. Such
equipment orparts must besent to the nearestauthorised TEAC ServiceCentre. After therepair, the
unit willbe available forcollection by theowner or itwill be returnedto the owner. Thewarranty does
not coverfreight or insurance.In all casesof in-transit damagesor loss, aclaim must befiled against the
carrier bythe purchaser.
*Yournearest Authorised TEAC ServiceCentre is listedin your OwnersManual
7. In home service will onlybe provided aspart of thiswarranty if allthe following conditionsare met;
a) The product is a ColourTelevision of 59cm screen sizeor over.
b) The product is within thefirst 12 monthsof ownership.
c) The product is located withinthe normal servicearea of thelocal TEAC ServiceProvider.
In anyother situation orcircumstance, where anin home servicecall is made,a service feewill be
charged bythe Service Provider.
8. No one is authorised toassume any liabilityon behalf ofTEAC or imposeany obligation onit, in
connection withthe sale ofany equipment otherthan as statedin this warrantyand outlined above.
9. In no event will TEACbe responsible orliable for indirector consequential damagesfrom interrupted
operations orother causes.
10. Warranty isnot transferable toany subsequent purchaserif the productis sold duringthe warranty
Televisions Widescreen 16 x 9
Digital SetTop Boxes
Audio Systems
1 Year
3 Years
1 Year
1 Year
1 Year
1 Year
Keep this warranty information and your purchase receipt
Yourproof of purchase(receipts) will enablefast and efficient servicein the event of repair.
Please keep this information for your own records.
Please referto the owner'smanual to ensurethat you havefollowed the correctinstallation and
operating procedures.
1. Read owner's manual carefully.
2. If you require WarrantyService, please contact the TEAC Service Centre or Authorised
Service Provider(listingin
owner's manual).
3. Please have your purchase receipt as your proof of purchase and the followingdetails
completed fora valid Warranty.
Serial No.
Owner's Name
Owner's Address
Model Name/No.
Dealer's Name
Dealer's Address
4. Please ensure that your product is packed appropriately upon return to the servicecentre.
If youhave any otherqueries regarding serviceor warranty pleasecontact the TEACService
TEAC Total Care Ph: 1800 656 700