GVI Release Notes – Version 3.52 November 22, 2006
Please check http://www.tascam.com for the latest updates.
Manual Addendum.......................................................................................................... 1
New Feature in 3.52........................................................................................................ 1
New Features In 3.51...................................................................................................... 1
Maintenance Items in 3.52.............................................................................................. 3
Maintenance Items In 3.51.............................................................................................. 3
Known Issues In 3.52...................................................................................................... 4
Manual Addendum
Using GVI and the VSL Performance Tool
1. Download the Maple MIDI Router – Free from http://www.marblesound.com
2. Open GVI as a plug-in in your host DAW
3. Set the Performance Tool input to “physical in” and output to Maple MIDI router
4. Set the DAW track's input to the Maple virtual MIDI cable and its output to GVI
New Feature in 3.52
Bank / Patch Manager
The following functionality has been added to the Loaded Instrument Viewer:
• Right-click an instrument to display the Bank/Patch Manager interface
o Pressing “Resolve All Conflicts” will automatically assign new
Bank/Patch values to loaded instruments to eliminate duplicates.
o The bank and/or patch number of the selected instrument can be manually
New Features In 3.51
• GVI now supports multiple instances on multi-processor (dual core) computers
for Steinberg’s Cubase, Steinberg’s Nuendo and Digidesign’s Pro Tools.
• GVI now includes a per instance memory usage meter when hosted in a VST or
RTAS DAW application.
• GVI now supports access to instrument help documentation, when provided with
a soundware library. This is accessed from the MIDI channel pulldown menu in
the MIDI Mixer where the instrument is loaded. If no help file is present, this
menu item will not be displayed.
• GVI now includes a link to the product registration web page under the Help
menu. Registration gains the user access to informative newsletters, special deals
& promotions and freebies.
• The Loaded Instrument Viewer can be brought up by either selecting “Loaded
Instruments” from a MIDI Mixer channel pulldown or by pressing the Instrument
Viewer toolbar icon. Once open, instruments can be loaded onto any MIDI
channel by drag & drop.

GVI now includes all four original NFX effect algorithms from GigaStudio. These
effects can be applied to any loaded instrument via a flexible new FX buss insert
architecture. These effects are:
• Chorus
• EQ
• Delay
• Reverb
To access these effects, click the
FX toolbar button to bring up the
FX tab.
• Click “Add FX Insert” to add a new FX Insert Buss. An FX Insert Buss creates a
new output from GVI into which effects can be inserted.
• Effects are added using the “Add effect” pulldown.
• At the bottom of each FX Insert Buss is a pulldown allowing the output of that buss
to be routed to a GVI output. When hosted as a plug-in, this would go to a DAW
input. When running standalone this would go to an audio interface’s hardware
• Each effect can be enabled/disabled using the ON/OFF button in the upper left corner
of the effect UI.
• The last effect can be removed using the X in the upper right of its UI.
• FX Insert Busses can be routed to in the output routing pulldown of the MIDI Mixer.
NOTE: When a GigaPulse instance is present from an encoded instrument, an FX Insert
Buss is automatically created for that GigaPulse instance. Press the EDIT button to
access the UI for that instance of GigaPulse. For instruments with more than one
GigaPulse process encoded, both will appear in the grey list box. Highlight one and press
EDIT to access the UI for that instance.