Portable Recorder/Trainer for Guitar and Bass
Handheld Recorder
Por tabl e, ha ndheld stereo
MP3 and WAV fi le recordi ng an d
playback to/from SD/SDHC card
Selectable recording formats:
WAV at 16 or 24 bit–
MP3 at 32, 64, 96, 128, 192, –
256 or 320 KBit/s
48-kHz or 44.1-kHz recording
Built-in high-quality stereo
condenser microphone
Var iable -ang le mi crop hone
mechanism with A/B
configuration allows natural
wid e so und n ear to h uman
Stereo microphone input with
plu g-in power for an ext ernal
ste reo or mo no micr ophone
(mini jack)
Stereo li ne in put for othe r
recording sources (mini jack)
Swi tchab le low-c ut f ilter
(80 Hz or 120 Hz)
he GT-R1 is the ideal recording and practising solu-
tio n for the guitaris t and the ba ssist . It combines the
merits of a Tascam MP-GT1 Guitar Trainer with the record-
ing possibilities of Tascam’s successful handheld recorder
DR-1, thus offering all new possibilities. By being able
to practi se and record at the same time, users can now
play along to one of 88 preset rhythm patterns or to their
favourite son g and listen to the ir ef forts afterwards.
GT-R1 Portable Recorder/Trainer for Guitar and Bass
Apart from Tascam’s popular trainer fun ctions which
are a great help in learning tricky passages, the GT-R1
is loaded with 55 multi-ef fects that ca n be assi gned to
the input or playback signal. Moreover, a built-in stereo
Ana logue auto gain cont rol a nd
limiter to prevent clipping
Guitar/Bass Trainer
Dir ect conn ecti on of ele ctri cal
guitar or bass guitar
Built-in Guitar/Bass multieffects (55 presets with variable
Ef fect s ca n be appl ied t o the
input or playback signal
Built-in rhythm machine with
88 preset rhythm patterns
Ove rdub fe ature to r ecor d to an
existing recording or to the
rhythm machine
Par t ca ncel feat ure t o reduce
gui tar/b ass or ot her p art s from
the play back sign al (w ith
selectable range and pan point)
Loop, repeat and single t
playback modes
Variable speed playback
(–50 % to +16 %)
VSA fu ncti on (temp o con trol
without affecting the key)
Key cont rol (to tune the
pla ybac k sou nd up or down
by 1–6 semitones)
Chr omat ic tu ner a nd o scill ator
with calibration
Hea dpho ne/Li ne outp ut
(stereo mini jack)
Folder or playlist playback
MP3 ID3 t ag display (up to t
version 2.4)
1-Gigabyte SD card included
USB 2.0 c onnecti on f or f ile t
transfer to/from computer
128 x 64 grap hic L CD wi th
Rec harg able removable
Lithium-ion battery
Optionally available:
BP-L2 replacement battery–
PS-P520 AC adapter–
AK-D R1 ac cesso ry k it (t ripo d, –
tripod ad apter, micr ophone
stand adapter, wind shield)
mic rophone and additional c onnec tors make the h andy
uni t a full-featured recorder for any kind o f music o r
spoken word.

Portable Recorder/Trainer for Guitar and Bass
Audio inputs and outputs
GUITAR IN in put 6.3-mm mono jack, unbalanced
Nominal input level –26 dBV (>1 MOhm)
Mic inp ut (M IC I N) 3.5-mm stereo jack (switchable plugin power)
Input impedance 30 kOhm
Nominal input level –64/–48/–32 dBV (HIGH, MID, LOW), 30 kOhm
Line input 3.5-mm stereo jack
Nominal input level –10 dBV (23 kOhm)
Headphones/Line output 3.5-mm stereo jack
Nominal output level (Line) –14 dBV
Maximum headphones output 15 mW + 15 mW (at 32 Ohm)
Audio performance (LINE IN > LINE OUT)
Frequency range 20 Hz to 20 kHz, +1/–3 dB
Dis tor tio n <0.03 %
S/N ratio >90 dB
55 multi-eects for guitar and bass; Rhy thm machine with 88 preset rhythm patterns.
Tuner func tion (chromatic tuning and oscillator); Par t cancelling feature.
Audio file compatibility
MP3 files 32–320 KBit/s, 44.1/48 kHz sampling frequency,
WAV files 44.1/48 kHz sampling frequency,
Rec ord ing m edi um SD card (64 MB–2 GB) or SDHC card (4–32 GB)
Fil e sy ste m FAT16/ 32
variable bit rate (playback only), ID3 tag support
up to Ver sion 2.4
16/24-bit resolution
Computer requirements
Supported operating systems Windows 2000, XP and Vista, Mac OS X 10.2 or later
Windows Pentium 300 MHz or faster
M acin tos h POWER PC, iMac, G3, G4 266 MHz or port
USB por t USB 2.0 re commended, 500 mA bus po wer require d
Rec omen ded USB hos t con tro ller Intel chipset
128 MB or more memory
64 MB or more memory
Power supply and other specifications
Lithium-ion battery 3,7 V, 1800 mAh
Battery life (Recording in MP3
format with the built-in mic)
Power consumption 1 W (during MP3 playback)
Dimens ions (W x H x D) 70 mm x 135 mm x 27 mm
Weight 0.208 kg (including battery)
Accessories available for purchase PS-P520 AC adapter, BP-L2 lithium-ion battery,
Approx. 7 hours
(varies with operating conditions)
accessory kit (tripod, tripod adapter, microphone
stand adapter)
Input settings; Overdub function (to mix the input with an existing recording).
© 20 09 TEAC Europe GmbH All Rights Reser ved. All sp ecific ations are s ubject to c hange without notice.
All tradem arks a re prop erty of th eir re specti ve hol ders.
Visit www.tascam-europe.com or www.tascam.com for most up-to-date information.
TASCAM Division, TEAC Europe GmbH, Bahnstr. 12, 65205 Wiesbaden, Germany
TEAC UK Ltd., Suites 19 & 20, Building 6, Croxley Green Business Park, Hatters Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD18 8TE, UK