TASCAM GigaStudio 3.04 Known Issues
Following are known issues at the time of GigaStudio 3.04 shipping that you may run into:
GigaStudio 3 Application
• GS2 and GS3 cannot be installed on the
same machine.
• The GS3 performance file contains many
new parameters not found in GS2. If you
open any GS2 performances in GS3, save the
GS3 versions separately – do not overwrite
the GS2 versions unless you have them
backed up.
• Performance files do not restore correctly
when saved while a DSP Station channel
is solo’d. Clear all solos before saving a
• DSP Station Insert FX must be added/removed in order – it is only possible to remove
the most recently loaded FX.
• DSP Station Dynamics & EQ channel strip
FX produce a small click when enabled/disabled and their settings are modifying the
signal’s gain.
• If a stacked instrument .gsi file is loaded
that contains instruments that are already
loaded, they will be in the wrong stack order.
• GSI performances built when the entire GigaPiano-II .gig file is loaded, load with extra
instances of GigaPulse. The workaround
is to load the individual instrument from
within the GigaPiano-II .gig file and build
your .gsi performance from that.
• Do not use “Save as…” on a GigaPulse encoded
instrument from the GigaStudio Instrument
Editor. Doing so may cause the instrument
to be unplayable.
• You may notice that the MIDI Mixer meters
stick on when GigaPiano-II is loaded but
not being played. GigaPiano-II has a sample
that is triggered for damper OFF (D#8) and
a different one for damper ON (D8). It only
sends the note off for the opposite sample
when the damper is pressed or released, so
effectively there is always a note ON.
• DSP Station channel strip dynamics are not
available on non-SSE processors.
• DSP Station channel strip EQs are not available on non-SSE processors.
• Do not change hardware buffer settings
while GigaStudio is playing audio. Doing
so may crash GigaStudio.
• Sometimes instruments within a Gig file
appear in the wrong order. The workaround
is to rebuild the QuickSound database.
• If convolution encoded instrument is copied
onto a GS3 system without its associated
.gx99 file, a “No Banks Found” error message will be displayed upon loading the
instrument. Always be sure to keep .gx99
files together with their .gig files.
• In order for the correct sound to always be
heard on FX coupled instruments (GigaPulse
encoded instruments), the ability to bypass
FX in the MIDI Mixer is currently disabled.
This is in contradiction to the FX button
behavior noted in the GS3 Manual.
GigaStudio 3.04 Known Issues

TASCAM GigaStudio 3.04 Known Issues
Hardware Compatibility
• 64-bit processors are not supported at this
• Testing has revealed an incompatibility between GS3 and the SanDisk USB SmartMedia
Drive. This drive should not be connected
to your GS3 computer.
• GSIF-2 MIDI is only supported on a device
when it is also acting as your audio interface.
Only a combination audio/MIDI interface
can act as a GSIF-2 audio/MIDI interface
with GigaStudio.
Third-Party Software Compatibility
• Known incompatible VST plug ins:
° Steinberg Tools One
° Yamaha Vocal Rack
° NI Absynth – If this is on your GS3 ma-
chine, ensure that it is not in the GigaStudio 3 VST search path. (NOTE: GS3 does
not support VST instruments)
• Properly implemented GSIF2 drivers are
required for GigaStudio to recognize named
audio ports such as “Analog” or “ADAT”.
• GigaStudio MIDI ports do not appear in the
Pro Tools sequencer. The workaround is to
use ReWire MIDI ports.
• Do not stop the audio engine while in ReWire mode. If you do, the ReWire device
will have to be re-initialised.
• Due to the wide variety of PC hardware, there
may be some systems that exhibit instability
when Hyper Threading is enabled. If you
find your system unstable with HT, disable
it and send us detailed system specs and a
Diag report to TASCAM Operational Support.
Further improvements are planned to be
made in this area.
• Steinberg’s Clean 5 cannot be installed on
the same computer as GigaStudio 3.
• Cakewalk Project 5 cannot be installed on
the same computer as GigaStudio 3.
• Do not run Microsoft Outlook on the same
computer as GigaStudio 3.
• Ahead Nero InCD cannot currently be installed on the same computer as GigaStudio
3. Note that this only applies to the “InCD”
component of Nero, the other components of
the Nero package do not exhibit problems.
Symptoms of conflict with InCD include
less than optimal amounts of kernel RAM
available to GigaStudio.
GigaPiano II and GigaPiano II LE
• If you hear popping in the audio as the sustain damper pedal is moved up and down:
• Try increasing the audio buffer size in your
sound card driver (See your sound card documentation for details on changing GSIF buffer size). In the GigaPiano-II and GigaPiano-II
LE, the dynamic damping of the convolution model causes momentary changes in
the real time computing cpu loading. On
some sound cards, if the buffer setting is
too small, the audio can become overrun
with momentary changes in read/write
position. A more robust setting (i.e. larger
hardware buffer size) is recommended for
increased reliability in the audio output.
GigaStudio 3.04 Known Issues