ANT-WiFi Network Adapter
For use with Tanita ANT+ Wireless Body Composition Platforms
There are 2 methods of connecting to the Tanita Wi-Fi Network
1. Private Network – No existing wireless network present
2. Existing Network (Recommended)– through an existing wireless
network(using a Wi-Fi router)
Note: To update My Tanita website data, you need to use the Existing
Network method. Make sure to go to rst and create a
new account.
Mac users skip to page 5.
1. Private Network
1. Plug the Tanita Wi-Fi Network Adapter into an outlet. When
the ANT scale is detected the ANT light will turn green (wait
approximately 30 sec.). If the ANT light is RED on the Tanita
Wi-Fi Network Adapter your scale is too far (over 17 feet) and you
need to move it closer to the Tanita Wi-Fi network Adapter.
The Wi-Fi light on the Tanita Wi-Fi Network Adapter will be
blinking(private network mode).
2. Using your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad go to the Home Page
Settings, Wi-Fi and select “TanitaWiFi” and press the home
3. Open the Tanita WiFi Lite App
go to Settings, Prole and enter
your prole information, press
Settings. (If you don’t have the
App you can downloaded for free
from the App Store or from
4. Click on Measurements and press
Get New to get a new
5. When the scale light blinks green, step on the scale and wait until
you hear 2 beeps.
6. You should now see your body composition readings in your App,
press Save.
7. You can now view your measurements and graphs in your App.
8. From now on to get a new reading you can simply open the App
and press Get New.
2. Existing Network
1. Plug the Tanita Wi-Fi Network Adapter into wall outlet
2. Using your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad go to the Home Page
Settings, Wi-Fi and select “TanitaWiFi”, press the home button.
3. Open Safari and enter
in the address line and press Go
4. You will now see the Tanita splash
5. Click “Network”
6. Select “Existing Network” and
locate your network name in the
drop-down list
7. If you have security on your
Wireless router select the security
from the drop-down list and enter
the security code, press Save.
8. Your network settings will now
change to the existing network.
Once the Tanita Wi-Fi Network
Adapter’s Wi-Fi light turns from
red to green click OK
(approximately 30 sec.). The light
should now be solid green
(existing network mode).
IMPORTANT NOTICE: write down the new IP Address you will
need to know this for connecting later _____._____._____._____