Tadano AML-C Service Manual

資料番号 W301-0411E
Load Moment Indicator


This service manual (this document) is compiled to
provide information on the AML-C that is equipped on
the crane.
"Input/Output Signals of the AML System" in this
document offers the general description on the
electrical circuit of the crane. For the detailed electrical
circuit, refer to the service manual (Circuit diagrams
and Data) of each model.
For the actual works, perform appropriate repair and
service with referring to the separate operation and
maintenance manual, parts catalog, and service
manual of the applicable model.
When part replacement is needed, refer to the parts
catalog first to check the disassembly unit as well as
the parts sales unit.

1. Applicable Crane Model / Spec. No.

Crane model
Spec. No. GR-1000-2-00101
Spec. No. GR-750-2-00101
With the crane models not shown in the above table, refer to this service manual when the document number of this manual is noted in the service manual for each model.
Figures and contents in this manual are subject to
change depending on improvements, etc.

2. Table of Contents

1. Applicable Crane Model / Spec. No................... i
2. Table of Contents...............................................ii
3. Acronyms and Abbreviations............................iv
4. International Standard ...................................... v
5.Crane Performance ......................................... vii
6.Reduction of Rated Capacity.......................... viii
Chapter A
(Component of AML System)
A-1 Components of the AML System ............... 1
A-2 Input/Output Signals
of the AML System ....................... 11
2.1 AML Control Unit (Pin Assignment)
CN1 – CN9
B-6 Do Output Control.................................... 59
6.1 Cause for AML Automatic Stop
Output .......................................... 59
6.2 Do Output Abnormality Processing.... 64
6.3 Drum Indicator Control Function........ 65
6.4 Output of warning .............................. 66
B-7 AML Control............................................. 67
7.1 Backward Stability Stop Function ...... 67
7.2 Working Range Limit Stop Function .. 67
7.3 Output of Interference Prevention
Warning .................................. 70
7.4 Winch Drum Position Selection
Function ....................................... 71
B-8 Proportional Control Function.................. 75
B-9 AML Cancel Function .............................. 76
Chapter C
(Maintenance Mode)
Chapter B
(User Mode)
B-1 Functions and How to use
the User Mode.............................. 26
B-2 Registration of Operating State and AML
Function Check ............................ 28
B-3 Alarm and Recovery Operation ............... 38
3.1 Type of Warning Codes and Buzzer .. 38
3.2 Warning Code and Crane Model
Comparison Table ........................ 39
3.3 Warning code and Remedy List......... 40
B-4 Other Functions ....................................... 43
4.1 Working Range Limit Function........... 43
4.2 TARE Function................................... 49
4.3 Mute Alarm Function .......................... 49
4.4 Fuel Consumption Indicator............... 50
4.5 User Adjustment Menu ...................... 51
Outline of Maintenance Mode......................... 80
C-1 Operation Keys and Menu ....................... 81
C-2 Individual Main Menu Functions .............. 85
C-3 Integrated Information Display Screen ...117
C-4 Error Code............................................. 122
4.1 Classification of Error Code ....................122
4.2 Error History............................................122
4.3 Error Notification .....................................123
4.4 Error Code Table.....................................124
4.5 CPU State Indicator LED ........................133
C-5 Required Adjustment after AML System
Part Replacement ...................... 134
C-6 Disassembly and Assembly................... 135
B-5 Action against AML System Error ............ 58
Chapter D
(Adjustment Mode)
Outline of Adjustment Mode.......................... 150
D-1 Operation Keys and Menu ..................... 151
D-2 Detector Adjustment .............................. 156
D-3 Valve Adjustment ................................... 166
3.1 Adjustment Sub Menu ............................ 166
3.2 Swing Output Adjustment
(Offset Method) ................................ 167
3.3 Swing Output Adjustment
(Characteristics Measurement Method) ....... 168
3.4 Elevating / Telescoping
Output Adjustment............................ 170
3.5 Function of Slow Stop............................. 171
Chapter E
(Information and Data)
E-1 AML Adjustment Value List.................... 180
E-2 Detector Check...................................... 184
E-3 AML Control Function List ..................... 190
E-4 AML Input/Output List............................ 192
D-4 Performance Setup................................ 172
D-5 Operation History Erase ........................ 174
D-6 Option Select ......................................... 175
D-7 AML Emergency / Override Switch
History Erase.............................. 178
D-8 Outrigger Emergency Setting
History Erase.............................. 179

3. Acronyms and Abbreviations

The following list contains some of the acronyms and
abbreviations used in this manual.
AML: Load Moment Indicator AML override: Refer to Chapter B-9 Actuator: A mechanical device which converts
supplied energy into mechanical work
(Ex. hydraulic motor, hydraulic cylinder) Ai: Analog Input A/D conversion: Analog/Digital conversion Ao: Analog Output Aux.: Auxiliary ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers CAN: Controller Area Network (SAE1939) CHG: Charge CPU: Central Processing Unit C/W: Counter weight D/A: Digital/ Analog conversion DCU: Display Control Unit (Meter controller) Di: Digital Input Do: Digital Output Eco mode: Environmental communication mode ECU: Engine Control Unit FET: Field-effect Transistor F.B.: Feed back Fig.: Figure Flash memory:
A Semiconductor memory device which can
be electrically erased and rewritten. FMI: Failure Mode Identifier FLJ: Full auto Luffing Jib F/J: Front Jack F/R: Front Right F/L: Front Left ICF: Information Controller for Telematics ID: Identification ISO: International Organization for Standardization J/S: Joystick LCD: Liquid Crystal Display LED: Light Emitting Diode MDT: Multiplex Data Transmitter MMT: Moment OE: Output Enable signal
(Fail-safe is active when the signal is ON.)
O/R: Outrigger
PC: Personal Computer Pi: Pulse input Pin Assignment:
Assignment of signals to the pins of
connectors PT: Power Tilt PTO: Power Take-off RAM: Random Access Memory ROM: Read Only Memory rpm: Revolution per minute RY: Relay R/J: Rear Jack SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers Si: Serial input SOL: Solenoid SPN: Suspect Parameter Number
(Data Classification Number) STM: Signal Transmitter (D, E type) SW: Switch S/T: Single Top Tr: Transistor T/C: Torque Converter T/M: Transmission USB: Universal Serial Bus VCU: Vehicle Control Unit (node) WDT: Watched dog timer 3S: 3 Second 20ms: 20 millisecond (20/1000 second)
Rated capacity = Max. Hoist medium load
Hoist medium load = _Net load + Hook Assy
_Net load = Payload + Sling

4. International Standard

ISO 4306-1
(Only description in English is shown here.)
Cranes – Vocabulary - Part 1: General
Fourth edition 2007.10.15
(Only description in English is shown here.)
Hoist medium
Fixed load-lifting attachment(s)
Non-fixed load-lifting
Hoist rope hanging down from jib head Hoist rope hanging down from crab
Hook assembly Hook assembly Bottom block Bottom block Bottom block
Skip and chain Net Rope slings
and chain
Net load + Hook
Hoist medium load =
Gross load
Net load =
Payload + Slings
Contents of
Contents of net
Box and contents
Scrap iron
Contents of
Table 1

5. Crane Performance


6. Reduction of Rated Capacity

Boom Lift
The rated capacities for boom lift assume that the jib is stowed in the specified position and the main winch is used. When the jib is attached to the boom end during boom lift, subtract the value in the table below from the rated capacity.
Single Top Lift and Jib Lift
The rated capacities for single top lift or jib lift assume that the main winch is used. If you perform single top lift or jib lift using the auxiliary winch, subtract the mass of the main hook block from the rated lifting capacity values.
(ex. : GR-750XL-2)
343-979-01200 343-979-01190
△ △
Chapter A
Components of AML System
A-1 Components of the AML System.... 1
1.1 System configuration ................................. 1
1.1.1 Diagram of the Main System ...................... 1
1.1.2 AML-C Block diagram.............................. 2
1.2 Display Unit................................................ 3
1.2.1 Display panel.............................................. 4
1.2.2 LED Display................................................ 6
1.2.3 Control switches......................................... 7
1.3 AML Main Unit ........................................... 8
1.3.1 Construction ............................................... 8
1.3.2 Panel outside view (CN1 – CN9)................ 9
1.3.3 Boards and Inner connectors ................... 10
A-2 Input/Output Signals of the
AML System ...........................11
2.1 AML Control Unit (Pin Assignment) ..........11
2.1.1 CN1 Connector (8-Pin) ............................. 11
2.1.2 CN2-1 Connector (20-Pin) ........................12
2.1.3 CN2-2 Connector (16-Pin) ........................14
2.1.4 CN3 Connector (12-Pin) ...........................16
2.1.5 CN4 Connector (6-Pin) .............................17
2.1.6 CN5 Connector (16-Pin) ...........................18
2.1.7 CN6 Connector (14-Pin) ...........................22
2.1.8 CN7 Connector (20-Pin) ...........................23
2.1.9 CN8 Connector (8-Pin) .............................24
2.1.10 CN9 (USB) Connector (4-Pin)................25
2.1.11 Explanation of the Signals (Di, Do) ........25
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System

A-1 Components of the AML System

1.1 System configuration

1.1.1 Diagram of the Main System
(Overwind detector)
1. Load
2. Anti-twoblock (overwind) stop
3. Backward stability stop:
4. Working range limit stop:
moment ratio 100%
AML vent / compulsory unload of the main relief valve.
٠If an overload occurs, the AML stops the 24-V output from Do1. Thus the solenoid valve for VENT is
returned to neutral by the spring and vents the oil in the spring side of the balance piston in the main-circuit safety valve into the tank circuit. The whole oil discharged by the pump is unloaded into the tank, making crane operation toward critical sides impossible.
٠When crane operation toward non-critical sides (hoisting down, boom raising, boom retraction) is detected,
no oil is vented from the safety valve into the tank. Thus the crane operation becomes available.
If operation toward critical sides (hoisting up, boom lowering, boom extension) is attempted while the hook block is over wound, 24-V output from Do1 stops. Thus the crane operation toward critical sides becomes impossible due to AML vent (compulsory unload) in the same way as overload. When operation toward non-critical sides is detected, the operation becomes available.
When the boom is raised over the specified angle, the output from Do1 stops and the crane operation stops automatically due to AML vent. Recovery from the automatic stop is possible only by boom raising.
When the boom head approaches a pre-registered limit of the working range, slow stop function works and the AML energizes the corresponding proportional solenoid valve. It slowly closes the pilot pressure circuit for the main control valve to decelerate crane operation until the main control valve becomes neutral and the output from Do1 stops to make AML vent disable crane operation. For swing limit, however, the proportional solenoid valve makes the main control valve immediately to stop the crane. In this case the crane does not swing beyond the limit even if the AML override is activated, and it swings only toward within of the limit.
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System
1.1.2 AML-C Block diagram
1. While the PTO switch is ON, AML-C and DCU give and take the data on the version No. of the DCU and error
occurring in the DCU.
For details of the data, refer to the "N-1 DCU" section in the service manual for the corresponding model.
2. The signal transmitter (STM-E) is common to all GR model.
For details of the data, refer to the "N-1 STM-E" section in the service manual for the corresponding model.
3. Communication between STM-E and ECU on the machine with Mitsubishi engine (GR-750XL-2,
GR-1000XL-2) is sent via K-LINE.
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System

1.2 Display Unit

Composition of the display Unit
1. The LED display indicates the limit state of each working range, rotation state of the winch drum, and AML
control state. The display panel indicates the moment ratio, crane state, outrigger state, swing position, and
error code.
2. AML startup
When the PTO switch is set to "ON," the AML starts.
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System
1.2.1 Display panel
Load moment ratio is not a ratio of the
hoist medium load to the rated capacity. Find the correct hoist medium load from the rated capacity.
The AML is not a hoist medium load
indicator. The hoist medium load indication is a reference value, and not a correct mass of the lifted load.
(1) Load moment ratio display
Shows the load moment ratio with a bar graph.
(2) Load moment ratio index
Serves as an index how critical the load moment ratio is by the bar graph; safe (green), warning (yellow),
orcritical (red).
(3) Jib lift indicator symbol
Appears when the jib lift is registered.
Flashes when the jib set state is registered to the load moment indicator.
Chapter A Chapter A
(4) Single top lift indicator symbol
Appears when the single top lift is registered.
(5) Counterweight indicator
Indicates the state of the mounted counterweight.
(6) Crane status indicator (A-1) Boom telescope
(7) Crane status indicator (A-2
(8) Crane status indicator (A-3) Jib dismount
(9) Crane status indicator (A-4) Winch selection
(10) Crane status indicator (B-1) Boom telescoping or Auxiliary winch Control
(11) Crane status indicator (B-2)
The indicator (icon) shows a crane state.
Refer to "Operation Indicator Display" (Chapter B-1) for the meaning of the icons.
(12) Swing position display
Shows the current swing position.
The display is graduated in 45°.
Components of AML System
) Jib lock
Hydraulic oil temperature, Outrigger switch out of neutral or Outrigger state emergency registration
(13) Front position symbol
Appears when the boom is directed to the front of the vehicle.
(14) On-rubber status indicator symbol
Flashes during on-rubber creep operation, and turns on steadily during on-rubber stationary operation.
(15) Outrigger status indicator symbol
Indicates the extension width of outriggers.
The outer frames of the symbol represent the maximum available steps of the outrigger extension, and the
inner frames (black-filled segments) represent the current step of outrigger extension.
(16) Boom Lift Indicator Symbol
Appears when the boom lift is registered to the AML.
(17) Fuel consumption indicator
The fuel consumption rate during crane operation is indicated.
(18) Eco mode indicator
Lights up when Eco mode switch is on and displays current mode such as Eco mode 1 or Eco mode 2.
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System
1.2.2 LED Display
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System
1.2.3 Control switches
Table 1.2.3
No. Name Description
0 Preset menu key Used for go to the preset menu.
1 F1 key Used to select the function shown as “F1” in the pop-up window.
2 F2 key Used to select the function shown as “F2” in the pop-up window.
3 F3 key Used to select the function shown as “F3” in the pop-up window.
4 F4 key Used to select the function shown as “F4” in the pop-up window.
5 Working range limit key Used to register/cancel the working range limit.
6 Counterweight set key Used to select the mass of the mounted counterweight on AML.
7 Rope part line key Used to select the number of part lines on AML.
8 Lift state select key
9 Outrigger state select key Used to select the outrigger extension width on AML.
Used to select the lift state (boom, jib in various length and offset angle)
on AML.
10 Exit key Used to close the pop-up window.
11 Display change key Used to change the display content.
12 Set key Used to confirm (register) the selected state.
13 Check key Used during pre-operational inspection.
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System

1.3 AML Main Unit

1.3.1 Construction
1. Case assembly
2. Case assembly
3. Bracket
4. Case 1
5. Dustproof sponge assembly
6. CON1 board
LED (3 pcs)
7. CON2 circuit board
8. Case 2
9. Display board
10. CPU board
11. Surface sheet assembly
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System
1.3.2 Panel outside view (CN1 – CN9)
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System
1.3.3 Boards and Inner connectors
Jumper lead
CON2 board
CON1 board
CON1 + CON2 boards
Cable assembly for CN11
DISP board
CPU board
CPU + DISP boards
Jumper lead
LCD connection cable
Graphic liquid crystal display
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System

A-2 Input/Output Signals of the AML System

2.1 AML Control Unit (Pin Assignment)

Below are the names of the signals that are input to/output from the connectors, and the descriptions of their
functions. (Refer to 1.3.2 Panel outside view, from the back)
2.1.1 CN1 Connector (8-Pin)
CN1 connector
Pin No. Name
1 MBGND Signal name: Ground Output voltage: DC 0 V
Signal names and functions
2 MBGND Signal name: Ground Output voltage: DC 0 V
3 DOPOW Signal name: Power for circuit Output voltage: DC 24 V
4 MBGND Signal name: Ground Output voltage: DC 0 V
5 MBGND Signal name: Ground Output voltage: DC 0 V
6 MBPOW Signal name: Power for AML main body Input voltage: DC 24 V
7 DOPOW Signal name: Power for circuit Output voltage: DC 24 V
8 DOPOW Signal name: Power for circuit Output voltage: DC 24 V
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System
2.1.2 CN2-1 Connector (20-Pin)
CN2-1 connector SW status in AML
Pin No. Name
1 Di1+
2 Di2+
- Signal name: Boom telescoping / Aux. winch operation
Detects whether boom telescoping or auxiliary winch operation is selected.
- Signal name:2nd boom section full retraction detection Detects that 2nd boom section is fully retracted.
Signal names and functions
(Data No. #---)
ON (0) OFF (1)
Aux. winch
No full
3 Di3+
4 Di4+
5 Di5+
6 Di6+
7 Di7+
8 Di8+
9 Di9+
- Signal name:3rd—top boom section full retraction detection Detects that 3rd, 4th and top boom sections are fully retracted.
- Signal name: Swing free detection Detects swing free/lock status.
- Signal name: Anti-twoblock cancel Cancels the anti-twoblock function of the hook.
- Signal name: Anti-twoblock cancel indication Detects the indication of anti-twoblock cancel.
- Signal name: 100% stop cancel (AML cancel) Cancels the overload stop function.
- Signal name: 100% stop cancel indication Detects the indication of 100% stop cancel.
- Signal name: Jib connecting (lock) pin insertion detection Detects that the jib connecting (lock) pin is inserted when the jib is stowed.
- Signal name: Jib extension detection Detects the jib extension status.
- Signal name: Swing over-front detection Detects the swing position is in over-front (within 2° over-front).
- Signal name: Main hoist-up detection Detects the main winch hoist-up operation.
Swing free Swing lock
Stop disabled Stop enabled
Stop disabled Stop enabled
Jib stowed Jib extension
No operation Operation
No full
No cancel
No cancel
Not inserted
Other than
Chapter A Chapter A
CN2-1 connector SW status in AML
Pin No. Name
Components of AML System
(Data No. #---)
Signal names and functions
ON (0) OFF (1)
10 Di10+
- Signal name: Main hoist-down detection Detects the main winch hoist-down operation.
No operation Operation
11 Di11+
- Signal name: Auxiliary hoist-up detection Detects the auxiliary winch hoist-up operation.
No operation Operation
12 Di12+
- Signal name: Auxiliary hoist-down detection Detects the auxiliary winch hoist-down operation.
No operation Operation
13 Di13+
- Signal name: Boom extension detection Detects the boom extending operation.
No operation Operation
14 Di14+
- Signal name: Boom retraction detection Detects the boom retraction operation.
No operation Operation
15 Di15+
- Signal name: Boom raising detection Detects the boom raising operation.
No operation Operation
16 Di16+
- Signal name: Boom lowering detection Detects the boom lowering operation.
No operation Operation
17 Di17+
- Signal name: Swing right detection Detects the swing operation to the right.
No operation Operation
18 Di18+
19 Di19+
- Signal name: Swing left detection Detects the swing operation to the left.
- Signal name: Outrigger emergency setting Detects the selection of outrigger emergency setting.
No operation Operation
20 Di20+ (Spare)
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System
2.1.3 CN2-2 Connector (16-Pin)
CN2-2 connector SW status in AML
Pin No. Name
1 Di21+ (Spare)
2 Di22+
3 Di23+
- Signal name: Counterweight fitting detection Detects fitting status of the counterweight.
- Signal name: Main over-unwind detection Detects the over-unwinding status of the main winch drum.
Signal names and functions
(Europe spec.)
- Signal name: Aux. winch over-unwind detection
4 Di24+
Detects the over-unwinding status of the auxiliary winch drum.
(Europe spec.)
(Data No. #---)
ON (0) OFF (1)
Mounted Not mount
5 FG Frame ground (Connected with ground on circuit board)
6 P3 (Spare)
Signal name: Drum indicator input (Aux.) Detects the rotation of auxiliary winch drum.
Signal name: Drum indicator input (Main) Detects the rotation of main winch drum.
9 Di25+
- Signal name: Jib removal detection Detects removal of the jib from the crane boom.
Mounted Removed
- Signal name: Deactivation of over-unwinding cutout
10 Di26+
Deactivates stop due to over-unwinding only among the automatic stop functions of the AML.
stop deactivated
stop activated
(Europe spec.)
11 Di27+
- Signal name:3rd—top boom section extension switch Shifting operation of boom telescoping cylinder (from No. 1 to No. 2)
Chapter A Chapter A
CN2-2 connector SW status in AML
Pin No. Name
12 Di28+
13 FG Frame ground (Connected with ground on circuit board)
14 PSRC (Spare)
15 P2B
16 P1B
- Signal name: Twoblocking detection Detects the twoblocking.
Signal name: Drum indicator input (Aux.) Detects the rotation of auxiliary winch drum.
Signal name: Drum indicator input (Main) Detects the rotation of main winch drum.
Components of AML System
(Data No. #---)
Signal names and functions
ON (0) OFF (1)
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System
2.1.4 CN3 Connector (12-Pin)
CN3 connector
Pin No. Name
1 +5V
2 Ai1
3 Ai2
4 Ai3
- Signal name: 5-V impressed voltage power output for detectors Impressed voltage output to boom length detector, boom angle detector, swing angle detector 1, and swing angle detector 2
- Signal name: Boom length Input voltage of boom length detector (DC 0 to 5 V)
- Signal name: Boom angle Input voltage of boom angle detector (DC 0 to 5 V)
- Signal name: Swing angle detector 1 Input voltage of 2-potentiometer type swing angle detector 1 (DC 0 to 5 V)
Signal names and functions
7 +5V
8 Ai4
9 Ai5
10 Ai6
- Signal name: Analog ground Ground for boom length detector, boom angle detector, swing angle detector 1, and swing angle detector 2
Signal name: Shield (Connected with ground on circuit board) Shield for boom length detector, boom angle detector, swing angle detector 1, and swing angle detector 2
- Signal name: 5-V impressed voltage power output for detector Impressed voltage output to elevating cylinder pressure sensor
Signal name: Swing angle detector 2 Input voltage of 2-potentiometer type swing angle detector 2 (DC 0 to 5 V)
- Signal name: Elevating cylinder extension side pressure Detects the pressure of elevating cylinder tube side chamber (elevation raising). Usage: Used for moment detection
- Signal name: Elevating cylinder retraction side pressure Detects the pressure of elevating cylinder rod side chamber (elevation lowering). Usage: Used for moment detection
- Signal name: Analog ground Ground for elevating cylinder pressure sensor
- Signal name: Shield (Connected with ground on circuit board) Shield for elevating cylinder pressure sensor
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System
2.1.5 CN4 Connector (6-Pin)
CN4 connector
Pin No. Name
1 FG
2 +5V
3 Ai7
4 Ai8
Signal names and functions
Signal name: 5-V impressed voltage power for detector Impressed voltage to main pressure detector
Signal name: Main pressure Input voltage to main pressure detector
Signal name: Analog ground Ground for main pressure detector
Signal name: Shield Shield for main pressure detector
Chapter A Chapter A
Components of AML System
2.1.6 CN5 Connector (16-Pin)
CN5 connector
Pin No. Name
1 Do1+
2 Do2+
Signal names and functions
- Signal name: AML stop output (AML vent / compulsory unload) Controls the unload solenoid valve, and performs the automatic stop output.
- Signal name: Lever non-operation output Shifts the flow volume in the hydraulic circuit from the stand-by status to large-volume status when a control lever is operated.
(Data No. #---)
- Signal name: Telescoping control output 1 Output of telescoping cylinder change solenoid valve
3 Do3+
The values for (A) and (B) are as follows:
Applied to special telescoping mode (Tel. mode II)
- Signal name: Telescoping control output 2 Output of No.2 telescoping cylinder retraction prevention solenoid valve
4 Do4+
(A), (B) data is/are as follows.
Output (ON) condition: (1) or (2) or (3) (1) Boom length is (B) or more. (2) Boom length is between (A) and (B), and the next boom section extension input is ON. (3) Boom length is between (A) and (B), and the boom full retraction 2 detection is OFF.
Output (OFF) condition: (4) or (5) (4) Boom length is (A) or less. (5) Boom length is between (A) and (B), and the boom full retraction 2 detection is ON.
GR-750XL-2 : (A) 18.60m, (B):19.40m - for tel. mode I (#20586) GR-1000XL-2 : (A) 20.35m, (B):21.15m - for tel. mode I
Output (ON) condition: (1) or (2) (1) Boom length is(B) or more. (2) Boom length is between (A) and (B), and the extension input of next boom section is
Output (OFF) condition: (3) or (4) (3) Boom length is (A) or less. (4) Boom length is between (A) and (B), and
the boom full retraction 2 detection is ON and the next boom section extension input is OFF.
GR-750XL-2 : (A) 34.60m, (B) :35.40m (
GR-1000XL-2 : (A)37.85m, (B) : 38.65m
Chapter A Chapter A
CN5 connector
Pin No. Name
5 Do5+
6 Do6+
- Signal name: Tactile type drum indicator (Main) Interlocked with the drum indicator LED, output is performed to the tactile type drum indicator.
- Signal name: Tactile type drum indicator (Aux.) Interlocked with the drum indicator LED, output is performed to the tactile type drum indicator.
Components of AML System
(Data No. #---)
Signal names and functions
7 Do7+
8 Do8+
9 Do9- (Spare)
- Signal name: Jib set output Improves the winch capacity when in the jib set status.
-Signal name: AML normal output (Normal: 24V output, Abnormal: 0V) Detects the reckless driving of task, and outputs the result.
- Signal name: Main winch high-speed hoist-down
10 Do10-
11 D o 11 -
12 Do12-
Output to drive the high-speed hoist-down valve of main winch
(Spare) [GR-750XL-2]
- Signal name: Auxiliary winch high-speed hoist-down Output to drive the high-speed hoist-down valve of auxiliary winch
(Spare) [GR-750XL-2]
- Signal name: Buzzer output (AML warning) Controls the external buzzer depending on the load moment ratio. There are two outputs: intermittent output for when notice is made and continuous output for when limit is reached.
Output when condition(s) is/are met: OFF output
Output condition: Load moment ratio of 90% or more and less than 100%; intermittent
output with 0.8 s interval
Load moment ratio of 100% or more: Continuous output
13 Do13-
- Signal name: Buzzer output (twoblocking warning) Twoblocking warning buzzer sounds when the twoblocking status is reached. Output when in twoblocking status: ON output
Chapter A Chapter A
CN5 connector
Pin No. Name
Components of AML System
(Data No. #---)
Signal names and functions
- Signal name: External indicator lamp (up to 90%, green) When the moment load factor is less than 90%, the green external indicator lamp lights. Output condition:
(1) and (2) and (3) (1): Load moment ratio is less than 90%. (2): 100% cancel indication (Di6) is "Not canceled" status. (3): Twoblocking cancel indication (Di5) is "Not canceled" status.
When in the boom operation with jib elected (during main operation with jib elected), the green external indicator lamp lights when the load moment ratio described below is reached.
14 Do14-
Output when condition is met: OFF output
Outrigger extension width Maximum extension Middle extension 2 Middle extension 1
GR-750XL-2 GR-1000XL-2
Less than 78 Less than 84
Less than 77 Less than 83
Less than 70 Less than 82
- Signal name: External indicator lamp (90% to 100%, yellow) When the moment load factor is 90% or more and less than 100%, the yellow external indicator lamp lights. Output condition:
When in the boom operation with jib (during main operation with jib yellow external indicator lamp lights when the
load moment ratio described below is reached.
15 Do15-
Output when condition is met: OFF output
(1) and (2) and (3) (1): Load moment ratio is 90% or more and 100% or less. (2) 100% cancel indication (Di6) is "Not canceled" status. (3): Twoblocking cancel indication (Di5) is "Not canceled" status.
elected), the
Outrigger extension width Maximum extension Middle extension 2 Middle extension 1
GR-750XL-2 GR-1000XL-2
78% or more
Less than 88
77% or more
Less than 87
70% or more
Less than 80
84% or more
Less than 94
83% or more
Less than 93
82% or more
Less than 92
+ 181 hidden pages