Thank you for making the Tactic
TTX300 2.4GHz SLT system
your choice for radio control!
This system uses modern 2.4GHz Spread
Spectrum technology – an innovation that
allows for automatic channel selection and
interference-free control of R/C models.
For safe operation and best results, it’s strongly
recommended to read this manual in its entirety
before use! Also read and understand the instructions
included with the model. Damage resulting from
misuse or modifi cation will void your warranty.
● 2.4GHz Spread Spectrum Technology
● Ergonomic and stylish case design
● Transmitter can bind to multiple receivers
● Tiny, lightweight receiver with internal antenna
● Built-in fail-safe
● Steering and Throttle trim dials
● Steering rate adjustment
● Power LED with low battery warning indication
● Multi-function programmable 3rd channel
● Steering and throttle end point adjustments

IMPORTANT: Do not operate an R/C model with weak batteries as
it could result in reduced range and/or possible loss of control!
The transmitter (Tx) requires 4 “AA” batteries.
Non-rechargeable alkaline or rechargeable nickelcadmium (NiCd) or nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) cells
can be used. Do not mix old and new cells, or mix
non-rechargeable alkaline cells with rechargeable
NiCd or NiMH cells, etc. See the SERVOS AND
ACCESSORIES section at the end of this manual
for optional rechargeable NiCd and NiMH batteries
and chargers. Note the TTX300 transmitter does
not include a charge jack for rechargeable cells. A
separate “AA” cell charger will be necessary.
Figure 2
Channel 3
Press the power switch to turn the Tx on (see fi gure 2). The “POWER” LED
should illuminate. If not, turn off the Tx and check the batteries to make sure
each cell is fi rmly in place and in the proper direction. If the Tx LED blinks, the
batteries are low on power and should be replaced.
For proper installation and operation of the 2.4GHz transmitter and receiver
system, it is necessary to “bind” them together electronically. This ensures
sole communication between the two and prevents other transmitters from
being able to control the receiver. To bind the Tx and Rx:
1. Turn on the transmitter.
2. Apply power to the receiver (see the INSTALLATION section that follows
for how to do this).

3. If the receiver’s LED fl ashes once and then stays on, the Rx is already
bound to the Tx and you can skip to the next section. Otherwise, push
and hold the receiver’s “BIND” button until its LED glows red and then
turns off after about one second.
4. Release the bind button.
5. If the binding is successful, the LED will fl ash once and then remain ON.
6. Test for proper Tx / Rx functionality by completing the next section. If it
doesn’t seem the radio has bound properly, repeat steps 1-6 above.
Receiver: Mount the receiver as specifi ed in your model’s instructions. As a
guideline, mount in a secure location using double-sided tape. Route the servo
wires so they do not interfere with any moving parts. For boat applications,
it’s highly recommended to wrap the receiver in a balloon or enclose it in a
water-tight box.
Figure 3
Link LED
(B) Battery/
(1) Steering
(2) Throttle
Channel 3
Servos: See the SERVOS AND ACCESSORIES section at the end of this
manual for a full list of optional servos. CENTER THE TRIM DIALS on the Tx.
Mount the servos inside the model and connect the linkages to the servo using
an appropriate length servo arm. Make sure all mechanical linkages are free
of obstructions and can move smoothly. Connect the servos to the receiver as
shown in Figure 3. Turn the transmitter’s trim dials to fi nely adjust the servo’s
center point as needed to match the installation.
Electronic Speed Control (ESC): If using an electronic speed control,
connect it to channel 2 of the receiver (throttle). Center the transmitter’s
throttle trim and follow the ESC instructions for programming.

Several of the TTX300 features are adjusted electronically by entering the
programming mode. To enter the programming mode, follow these steps:
1. With the transmitter turned off, turn steering wheel full right, pull the trigger
to the full throttle position and turn the transmitter’s power switch to ON. The
LED will fl ash to confi rm when performed correctly.
2. Release the wheel and trigger at this time.
End Point Adjustments
1. Enter programming mode.
2. LEFT EPA: Turn wheel FULL
channel push buttons to adjust.
3. RIGHT EPA: Turn wheel FULL
CLOCKWISE, use 3rd channel
push buttons to adjust.
Channel 3:
The TTX300 3rd channel is programmable and offers a wide variety of options
to suit many applications. Selecting the number of positions and end point
adjustments are performed at the same time. To change the function and set
end point adjustments for CH3, follow these steps:
REVERSE: Press and hold the bottom push button and power ON
transmitter. The LED will fl ash one time. After 3 seconds, the LED will fl ash
two times when performed correctly. Release the bottom push button.
MULTI-POSITION: The TTX300 3rd channel can be programmed to
function as 2 position, 3 position, 4 position or proportional control switch.
Selecting each position and end points for each position are performed
simultaneously. The default position of CH3 is 2 position. To change the
function of CH3, follow these steps:
1. Enter programming mode: Press and hold the top push button, power
ON transmitter. Continue to hold until the LED fl ashes fi ve times.
Release the top push button.
Use CH3 push buttons to adjust CH3
accessory/servo to desired 1st position.
Turn steering wheel clockwise (right) to
confi rm position 1. The LED will fl ash
one time to confi rm position 1 has been
saved. Note: Press and holding CH3
push buttons will adjust rapidly. Press
and release will fi nely adjust positions.
1. Enter programming mode.
2. THROTTLE EPA: Pull trigger to the
FULL THROTTLE position, use 3rd
channel push buttons to adjust.
3. BRAKE EPA: Push trigger to the
FULL BRAKE position, use 3rd
channel push buttons to adjust.
First use
CH3 buttons
to set.
Then turn wheel
to confirm.