Super Systems SuperDATA User Manual

language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without prior written permission
of Super Systems Inc., 7205 Edington Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45249 USA.
SuperData is a suite of software programs to be used by the Heat Treater. Super Systems Inc. is not responsible or liable for any product, process,
or damage or injury incurred as a result of using SuperData. Super Systems Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the
contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties or merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
Super Systems Inc.
7205 Edington Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45249
513-772-0060 / 800-666-4330
Fax: 513-772-9466
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Table Of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................ 2
SUPERDATA COMMUNICATIONS .................................................................. 8
SDIO INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 8
STARTING SDIO ............................................................................................................................................. 8
MENU OPTIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Action Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Settings Menu. ......................................................................................................................................... 9
View Menu .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Comms View ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Status View ................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Chan Data View ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
Help Menu ............................................................................................................................................. 13
SDIO INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................................... 14
SDIO CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................... 18
Overview ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Protocols ............................................................................................................................................... 18
Instrument Types ................................................................................................................................... 19
Overview ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
System Instruments ...................................................................................................................................................... 19
System Channels ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Physical Instruments ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Super Systems Instruments ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Eurotherm Instruments ............................................................................................................................................. 19
Honeywell Instruments ............................................................................................................................................ 20
Yokogawa Instruments .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Marathon Instruments ............................................................................................................................................... 21
Other Instruments .................................................................................................................................................... 22
TypeID Reference ......................................................................................................................................................... 22
Configuration File .......................................................................................................................................................... 23
RES Section .............................................................................................................................................................. 23
CONx Section ............................................................................................................................................................ 24
Instrument Section.................................................................................................................................................... 25
System Channels ............................................................................................................................................................................. 25
Super Systems Instruments .............................................................................................................................................................. 26
Generic MODBUS Instruments ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
MMI 10Pro and Barber Coleman 560 Instrument ........................................................................................................................... 28
MMI V3 and V3.5 Instruments ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
MMI V4 Instruments ....................................................................................................................................................................... 30
MMI CARB-PC Instruments ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
Honeywell CPL Instruments ........................................................................................................................................................... 32
Honeywell MODBUS Instruments .................................................................................................................................................. 33
Honeywell DPR3000 Instruments ................................................................................................................................................... 35
Yokogawa CPL Instruments ............................................................................................................................................................ 36
AllenBradley DF1 Instruments ........................................................................................................................................................ 37
Eurotherm Controllers ..................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Sample SCSPSYS.CFG File ......................................................................................................................................... 39
Alarm Block Configuration.............................................................................................................................................. 42
COMMUNICATIONS UTILITIES ............................................................................................................................ 44
Utilities .................................................................................................................................................. 44
SDCommSrv .......................................................................................................................................... 44
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ChStat ................................................................................................................................................... 44
SDIOConfig ............................................................................................................................................ 45
SDIOConfig Main Screen................................................................................................................................................ 47
SDIOConfig Connection Dialog ....................................................................................................................................... 48
SDIOConfig Instrument Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 48
ComRBridge ........................................................................................................................................... 50
ComRBridgeSrv ...................................................................................................................................... 53
Krunch .................................................................................................................................................. 53
CompDT ................................................................................................................................................ 54
ComSlots ............................................................................................................................................... 54
GetBuff ................................................................................................................................................. 55
PutBuff .................................................................................................................................................. 55
RWI ...................................................................................................................................................... 56
GetData ................................................................................................................................................ 56
GetStats ................................................................................................................................................ 57
SUPERDATA OPC COMMUNICATIONS ........................................................ 58
OPCBRIDGE ................................................................................................................................................ 58
OPCBridge Graphical Enviornment ............................................................................................................ 58
Starting OPCBridge ................................................................................................................................. 58
Menu Options ........................................................................................................................................ 58
File Menu. ..................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Chanel Menu. ................................................................................................................................................................ 58
OPC .............................................................................................................................................................................. 59
View ............................................................................................................................................................................. 59
Help .............................................................................................................................................................................. 60
SDOPC Installation ................................................................................................................................. 60
OPCBridgeSrv.exe................................................................................................................................... 65
OPCBridge Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 66
SUPERDATA DISPLAY AND INTERACTION ................................................. 71
REALEDIT.EXE .............................................................................................................................................. 71
RealEdit Graphical Environment ............................................................................................................... 71
Menus ........................................................................................................................................................................... 71
File ........................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Edit .......................................................................................................................................................................... 71
View ......................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Options ..................................................................................................................................................................... 72
Window .................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Help ......................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Toolbar ......................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Coolbar ......................................................................................................................................................................... 74
REALEDIT COMMON FORMS .............................................................................................................................. 74
Property Edit Sheet ................................................................................................................................. 74
Colors: .......................................................................................................................................................................... 75
Size and Position: .......................................................................................................................................................... 75
Lists:............................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Combo Box: .................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Color Dialog ........................................................................................................................................... 76
Caveats with the Color Dialog .................................................................................................................. 77
List Builder ............................................................................................................................................ 77
ODBC Edit Wizard ................................................................................................................................... 78
RealEdit Settings .................................................................................................................................... 79
Scale Factor ........................................................................................................................................... 80
REALEDIT OBJECTS ........................................................................................................................................ 81
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Communications ..................................................................................................................................... 82
Communications Channel Definitions.............................................................................................................................. 82
Properties ................................................................................................................................................................. 82
Communications Channel Source Parameter................................................................................................................... 82
Properties ................................................................................................................................................................. 82
Communications Channel Destination Parameter ............................................................................................................ 82
Properties ................................................................................................................................................................. 82
Fonts .................................................................................................................................................... 84
Constants .............................................................................................................................................. 86
Data Processes....................................................................................................................................... 86
Data Values ........................................................................................................................................... 88
Data Value Lists ..................................................................................................................................... 90
ODBC Connections.................................................................................................................................. 92
Pointers ................................................................................................................................................. 93
Trend Lines ........................................................................................................................................... 94
File References....................................................................................................................................... 96
Picture File References .................................................................................................................................................. 96
Application File References ............................................................................................................................................ 96
INI File References ........................................................................................................................................................ 96
Flat ASCII File References ............................................................................................................................................. 97
Link Screen File References ........................................................................................................................................... 98
Crystal Report File References ....................................................................................................................................... 98
Datalog File References ................................................................................................................................................. 98
Data Socket Sources ............................................................................................................................... 99
Data Socket Destinations ....................................................................................................................... 100
Function Sources .................................................................................................................................. 101
Image Boxes ........................................................................................................................................ 102
Simple Shapes ..................................................................................................................................... 103
Logic Boxes ......................................................................................................................................... 104
Portable Images ................................................................................................................................... 105
Simple Labels ....................................................................................................................................... 106
Auto Labels.......................................................................................................................................... 107
Edit Boxes ........................................................................................................................................... 108
Lookup Lists ........................................................................................................................................ 109
Spin Buttons ........................................................................................................................................ 110
Meters ................................................................................................................................................ 111
Simple Scales ....................................................................................................................................... 112
Recipe Boxes ....................................................................................................................................... 113
Alarm Lists .......................................................................................................................................... 114
Link Screen Buttons .............................................................................................................................. 116
RealTime Event Buttons ........................................................................................................................ 117
Data Grids ........................................................................................................................................... 118
Graphs ................................................................................................................................................ 118
Historical Graphs .................................................................................................................................. 120
Dials ................................................................................................................................................... 123
Toggle Buttons ..................................................................................................................................... 124
Numeric Edits ...................................................................................................................................... 127
Date Pickers ........................................................................................................................................ 127
iTools .................................................................................................................................................. 129
Animations .......................................................................................................................................... 130
Event Lists ........................................................................................................................................... 130
REALTIME EVENTS ....................................................................................................................................... 132
Copy Data Value X to Destination. .......................................................................................................... 132
Copy Pending Edit of Data Value X to Destination..................................................................................... 132
Append Blank Record. ........................................................................................................................... 132
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Show Hourglass Mouse Cursor. .............................................................................................................. 132
Clear Hourglass Mouse Cursor. ............................................................................................................... 132
Delete Database Record. ....................................................................................................................... 132
Send Pending Edit. ............................................................................................................................... 132
Cancel All Pending Edits. ....................................................................................................................... 133
Discard Current Screen. ........................................................................................................................ 133
Show Message with No Buttons. ............................................................................................................ 133
Show Message with Abort Button Only. ................................................................................................... 133
Show Message with Continue Button Only. .............................................................................................. 133
Show Message with Abort and Continue Buttons. ..................................................................................... 133
Wait For Continue Button. ..................................................................................................................... 133
Wait For Data Value X = Data Value Y. ................................................................................................... 133
Hide a Message. ................................................................................................................................... 134
Refresh All Files. ................................................................................................................................... 134
Reload All Lookup List. .......................................................................................................................... 134
Unconditional Screen Update. ................................................................................................................ 134
Discard All Other Screens. ..................................................................................................................... 134
Abort Button Branch Point. .................................................................................................................... 134
Append and Copy Value List to Destination. ............................................................................................. 134
Copy Value List to Destination. ............................................................................................................... 135
End RealTime....................................................................................................................................... 135
Exit Event if Data Value X = Data Value Y. .............................................................................................. 135
Update All Edit Boxes on the Screen. ...................................................................................................... 135
Clear Database Fields for Current Record. ............................................................................................... 135
Send a Report to the Screen. ................................................................................................................. 135
Send a Report to The Printer. ................................................................................................................ 135
Run an External Application File. ............................................................................................................ 135
End RealTime and Run an External Application File. ................................................................................. 136
Start New Screen. ................................................................................................................................ 136
Start v3.5 Recipe Program. .................................................................................................................... 136
Stop v3.5 Recipe Program. .................................................................................................................... 136
Search Datalog Data. ............................................................................................................................ 136
Erase a Destination File. ........................................................................................................................ 136
Print Current RealTime Screen. .............................................................................................................. 136
Minimize Current RealTime Screen. ........................................................................................................ 136
Maximize Current RealTime Screen. ........................................................................................................ 137
Normal Size Current RealTime Screen. .................................................................................................... 137
Set a Bit (Data Value X) in Destination. ................................................................................................... 137
Reset a Bit (Data Value X) in Destination. ................................................................................................ 137
Toggle a Bit (Data Value X) in Destination. .............................................................................................. 137
Refresh ODBC Specified in Destination. ................................................................................................... 137
Copy Data Value X to Pending Edit Value. ............................................................................................... 137
Move to First Record. ............................................................................................................................ 137
Move to Previous Record. ...................................................................................................................... 138
Move to Next Record. ........................................................................................................................... 138
Move to Last Record. ............................................................................................................................ 138
Copy pending edit value X to Destination ................................................................................................ 138
Append Value List to ODBC Destination as New Record............................................................................. 138
Exit to abort branch point if Data value X =Data Value Y .......................................................................... 138
Exit RTEvents....................................................................................................................................... 138
Jump to next Abort branch point ............................................................................................................ 138
Do while (data value X)<=(data value Y) ................................................................................................ 139
While end (must follow Do While Event) ................................................................................................. 139
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For 1 to (Data value X) ......................................................................................................................... 139
Next (must follow for loop) .................................................................................................................... 139
Suspend Execution for X milliseconds...................................................................................................... 139
Enable/Disable Screen Object ................................................................................................................ 139
Start SSI Recipe ................................................................................................................................... 139
Stop SSI Recipe ................................................................................................................................... 140
Hold SSI Recipe ................................................................................................................................... 140
Resume SSI Recipe ............................................................................................................................... 140
Advance SSI Recipe .............................................................................................................................. 140
Edit SSI Recipe .................................................................................................................................... 140
Run Edited SSI Recipe .......................................................................................................................... 140
Cancel SSI Recipe................................................................................................................................. 141
SUPERDATA RECORDER ........................................................................... 142
OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................................ 142
DISPLAY ................................................................................................................................................... 143
Components of SDRecorder Display ........................................................................................................ 143
CHART VIEW .............................................................................................................................................. 144
CURSOR DATA AREA ..................................................................................................................................... 145
CHART CONTROL AREA ................................................................................................................................. 146
MENUS ..................................................................................................................................................... 148
File Menu ............................................................................................................................................ 148
Export Menu ........................................................................................................................................ 148
Points Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 148
Options Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 148
View Menu .......................................................................................................................................... 149
Loads Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 149
Notes Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 149
Help Menu ........................................................................................................................................... 149
TOOLBAR .................................................................................................................................................. 150
HOW TO ................................................................................................................................................... 151
Open a Chart ....................................................................................................................................... 151
Create a Chart ..................................................................................................................................... 151
Add a Chart Pen ................................................................................................................................... 151
Edit a Chart Pen ................................................................................................................................... 152
Delete a Chart Pen ............................................................................................................................... 153
Select a Process Scale ........................................................................................................................... 153
Set Chart Times ................................................................................................................................... 154
Use the Cursor ..................................................................................................................................... 155
Zoom .................................................................................................................................................. 156
Pan ..................................................................................................................................................... 157
Hide a Pen ........................................................................................................................................... 157
View a Pen's Statistics ........................................................................................................................... 158
Print a Chart ........................................................................................................................................ 160
View the Data Grid ............................................................................................................................... 161
Historical Load Chart ............................................................................................................................. 162
View an Alarm Report ........................................................................................................................... 164
Use Notes ............................................................................................................................................ 164
Viewing Notes .............................................................................................................................................................. 165
Adding Notes ............................................................................................................................................................... 167
FILES AND CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................................ 168
SDRec Files .......................................................................................................................................... 168
SDRec Configuration ............................................................................................................................. 168
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Command Line ..................................................................................................................................... 171
Alternate Command Line: ............................................................................................................................................. 171
REVISION HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................... 172
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SuperData Communications
SDIO Introduction
The SuperData Comms application (SDIO.exe) is the communications program that provides up to 127 channels of serial communications to configured instruments and builds shared data tables for other applications to access instrument data. The communications program supports up to 8 serial ports and 120 Ethernet/TCP ports. Each port may be configured with a different serial protocol (e.g. MMI, Modbus, CPL, DF1, etc.). This provides the flexibility to connect to a wide variety of industrial controllers.
The following functions are provided by the SuperData Communications application:
1. Automatic polling for configured instruments.
2. Shared data tables for other applications to access instrument data.
3. Automatic data logging of all configured instruments on a minute-by-minute basis.
4. Real Time updates of process data.
5. Message handling system to allow other applications to read and write to configured instruments.
6. Provide communications statistics.
7. Provide communications error handling.
8. Periodic compression of logged data.
9. Provides an application event log for communications error and warning messages. The event log may be viewed using the Windows event log viewer.
Starting SDIO
SDIO must be configured prior to running the application. Configuration consists of defining:
File locations
Serial Ports
Instrument types, addresses and polling
Configuration is normally accomplished by Service personnel when SuperData is installed. The section contains details on how to configure SDIO.
SDIO.exe is normally located in the \SSI\BIN directory and may be started manually from the directory by clicking on the application file. However, SDIO is designed to run all of the time (24/7) and is normally started as a service. When SDIO is run as a service, it will start automatically any time the computer is turned on (logon is not required). To setup SDIO as a service, see the section
When SDIO is running, you will see the SDIO icon in the Quick Launch Toolbar portion of the Taskbar (normally on the lower right portion of the desktop). When communications are normal, the dot above the "i" in the icon will blink rapidly. Clicking the icon will bring the SDIO window to the foreground. Only one instance of SDIO is allowed to run on a computer.
in the
Communications Utilities
SDIO Configuration
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Menu Options
The following menu options are available on the
SuperData Communications
menu bar:
Action Menu
The Action menu dropdown shows the 8 serial connections. Configured connections are in normal text. Connections that are not configured are shown in dimmed text. Clicking on a connection will toggle between connect and disconnect. This is a useful tool to reinitialize the communications port without having to shutdown and restart SDIO. A connection with a checkmark is connected. A disconnected connection will only remain disconnected for a max of 30 minutes. This is useful to re-initialize the communications port without having to shut down and restart SDIO.
The Exit menu item stops the communications program.
Settings Menu.
The Settings menu item displays the following Settings dialog box:
The COM Options section of this dialog is used to view or set the communications options for each connection. Setting the communications options with this dialog is
revert to the settings in the configuration file (SCSPSYS.CFG). To make settings change the configuration file. To make temporary communications changes, the associated connection must first be disconnected. The PORT dropdown will display the connection assigned to the port. The Display options section is used to set the information is to be displayed in the Comm view. The Display Connection and Display Channel dropdowns select which connections and channels are to be displayed in the Comm. View. The Display Channel selection is used to set the channel to view data in the Chan Data view.
The Font button is used to open the Font selector dialog.
View Menu
The View Menu is used to select the Comms, Status or Chan Data view. This menu may also be used to turn the view off. When the view is turned off, the display will stop updating until the comm. or Status view is selected. The Comms view displays messages and errors for selected channels as configured in settings. The status view displays an overall status of the communications. The Chan Data view displays the polled data received from the instrument. SDIO will normally be in the Status view.
. When the program restarts, the settings will
, you must
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Comms View
The Comms view is normally used for trouble-shooting communications. Leaving the comm view open can slow down communications throughput so it is best to return to the status view when not using the comms view. Transmitted messages from the Comms program are displayed in BLACK, responses from the instrument are displayed in PURPLE, and errors are displayed in RED. The screen scrolls as messages are transmitted and received. To stop scrolling, use the "View Off" menu.
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Status View
There will be one line for each configured instrument. Normally communicating instruments will be displayed in BLACK, disconnected instruments will be displayed in dimmed text (GREY), invalid instruments (instruments that are incompatible with the connection protocol) are displayed in RED, and instruments with errors (i.e. valid but not communicating) are displayed in dark YELLOW
The following columns are displayed for each channel: Chan – the logical channel number (1-127)
Ch-Name – the channel's name (up to 11 characters)
TYP – the channel's type identifier followed by L (logged channel) or N (not logged).
PC – the physical channel (in HEX). The first hex character is the connection (0-7 for serial connections 1-8; 8 – 127 for TCP connections), the remaining 2 hex characters identify the instrument's physical address.
TBL – an optional Table identifier.
PP – the current polling priority (1-3). If communications are good, polling priority will be 1. When the instrument has 10 or more consecutive errors, polling priority will be set to 2 and the SDIO will only try to reconnect to the instrument every 30 secs, when the consecutive error count exceeds 20 errors, priority will be set to 3 and communications will attempt to reconnect every 2 minutes.
EC – the current consecutive error count.
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CPS – the estimated communications throughput in characters per second.
EPH – the estimated error rate in errors per hour.
UTI – the estimated update time interval in seconds (time between complete updates for the instrument).
COMM STATUS – identifies the instruments Station, Connection ID and current status. In most configurations the Station will be zero.
CTR – update counter, counts the number of times the channel has been updated (rolls over at 9999 counts.)
- System Channels (maintained by other applications) are a special case. SDIO does not know
their communications status. They will always contain the following column values
TYP - x14 PC – x000 TBL – x00 PP – 01 EC – 00 CPS – 001 EPH – 000 UTI – 999.9 COMM STATUS – SC01-OK CTR – 0001
Chan Data View
This table displays the current value of all 80 slots of the Channel selected in the Settings Menu.
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The values displayed in black are decimal while the ones in red are in hexadecimal format.
are reserved for use by SDIO
. Slot 78 is used for CPS, and slot 79 is used for special alarm purposes (ABC
Note – Slots 78 and 79
Help Menu
The Help Menu provides options to display the help file or to display the SuperData Communications about box.
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SDIO Installation
Note – The person installing the SD_Comms Software must have administrative rights on the computer(s) where the installation is taking place for the installation to be successful
Insert the SuperData Installation CD into the computer’s optical drive and navigate to the SuperData folder. Double­click on the setup file - SDComms_Setup.msi - to start the auto-installation. If there is no version of the SD_Comms running on the computer, the installation will display a splash screen.
Clicking the Next > button will continue with the installation process.
Clicking on the Cancel button will cancel the installation process. The user will have to confirm the cancellation.
If there is a version of the SD_Comms already installed on the computer, The following screen will be displayed:
The installer will either re­install the software (Repair button) or remove the software from the computer (Remove button). Clicking on the Cancel button will cancel the actions. The user will have to confirm the cancellation.
Note - the installer does not remove any subfolders in the main SSI folder. These files will have to be manually removed
. The
Repair option will allow the user to repair the installed files. This option is useful if the installation was interrupted in
some way and did not finish on its own.
The Remove option will remove the main executable file from the computer.
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The next screen will prompt the user for the download location. The default location is “C:\SSI\”.
Note: The installer will automatically create a “Bin” folder to install the files to. For example, if the default location, “C:\SSi\” is used, then the files will be installed to “C:\SSi\Bin”.
The user can click on the Browse button to select an alternate location (right).
Clicking on the Disk Usage button will display the available computer drives onto which the application can be downloaded, as well as the total space, available space and total space required (below). Clicking on the OK button will close out the disk usage screen.
Clicking on the < Back button will display the previous screen.
Clicking the Next > button will continue with the installation process.
Clicking on the Cancel button will cancel the installation process. The user will have to confirm the cancellation.
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Clicking on the Cancel button will cancel the installation process. The user will have to confirm the cancellation.
Clicking on the < Back button will display the previous page.
Clicking on the Install button will install the software to the specified location.
Click Finish to complete the installation process.
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SD_Comms Minimum System Requirements
• Computer with a minimum of 600 MHz processor clock speed (Intel, AMD, etc).
• Operating System – Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista
• Memory – 256 MB RAM or higher
• Disk Space - Minimum of 1 GB storage space
• CD-ROM drive or DVD-ROM drive
• Keyboard and mouse
• Monitor with 1024 x 768 resolution or higher and 256 colors
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SDIO Configuration
SuperData Comms Configuration File (SCSPSYS.CFG)
SuperData Comms is configured using a configuration file called SCSPSYS.CFG. This file is normally found in the C:\SSi directory and may be edited using the configuration tool SDIOConfig.exe, (see Page 45), or any text editor (e.g. Notepad, WordPad, TextPad, etc). When editing this file, always save this file as an ASCII text file. Anytime the file is modified SuperData Comms will automatically reconfigure – there is no need to stop and restart SuperData Comms (SDIO).
The configuration file consists the following sections:
RES– the basic communications parameters. CONx– the communications configuration for each connection used (up to 8 sections) INST – the instrument configuration parameters ABC– optional section containing custom Alarm Block Configurations
The following protocols are currently supported by SDIO:
MB-RTU Protocol is used for any instrument capable of Modbus RTU comms. This protocol is a binary protocol.
Modbus is capable of using integer or floating point data; However, SDIO converts all floating point data to integer data for data logging and display. Modbus instruments may be connected using either RS485 2-wire or RS485 4­wire. A wide variety of control instruments now use Modbus RTU comms including: Super Systems, Eurotherm, Honeywell, Yokogawa etc.
ModbusTCP This protocol is Modbus over Ethernet used for any instrument capable of ModbusTCP or may be used on Modbus RTU instruments with the addition of a Ethernet to Serial converter. Super Systems 9000 series instruments directly support ModbusTCP.
HW-CPL Protocol is used with the Honeywell DCP550 controller. This protocol is a variation of PC Link. Data is transmitted as a mix of binary and ASCII values. Instruments may be connected using either RS485 2-wire or RS485 4-wire.
MMI-MSI Protocol is used for all Marathon Instruments. This protocol is an ASCII protocol and always uses 7 data bits, EVEN parity and 1 stop bit. Baud rates depend on the instrument type. This is the only protocol that can be used with the Marathon COMMUX board. Data is transmitted by WORDS (16 bit integers) or BLOCKs of 24 WORDS. Instruments are always connected using RS485 2-wire. Note: SuperS ystems does not recommend using the Marathon COMMUX board - it is no longer in production and no longer supported by Marathon Sensors.
YOK-CPL Protocol is used with Yokogawa UT series controllers. This protocol is a variation of PC Link. Data is transmitted as a mix of binary and ASCII values. Instruments may be connected using either RS485 2-wire or RS485 4-wire. Note: Most Yokogawa instruments now support Modbus RTU protocol and Modbus is the preferred method of communications to those instruments.
AB-DF1 Protocol is used with AllenBradley PLC controllers. Typically, these controllers use RS232 ports. For long distance, multidrop connections, each controller will require an RS232 to RS485 converter. Note: SDIO supports only a limited subset of the DF1 protocol. The preferred method of talking to Allen Bradley PLCs is RSLinx (an OPC Server) with Super Data's OPCBridge.
Note - If the instrument in use does not support one of the above protocols, SuperData may still communicate with the instrument if there is an OPC Server available
supports numerous control instruments. If an OPC Server is available - Super Data's OPCBridge - see the section to learn how to map data from the OPC Server to SDIO. This allows SuperData to communicate with nearly all instruments used in the Heat Treat Industry.
. Software Toolbox's TOPServer
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Instrument Types
Supported Instrument Types
SuperData Communications supports a variety of control instruments used in the Heat Treating industry. In the following sections, the instrument ID (indicated in CAPS) is used to identify the instrument in the SCSPSYS.CFG file. The instrument type code (numeric) follows each ID and is displayed in decimal and Hex. The Hex value is displayed as the type on the SDIO status display and the ChStat display. Instruments that are not specifically supported, may be supported by using an OPC Server in conjunction with SuperData's OPCBridge.
System Instruments
System Channels
System channels are SDIO channels that are maintained by an external application. SDIO does not provide direct communications with these instruments. SDIO does log the data in these channels and makes the data available for trending and screen display applications.
Examples of System channels:
OPCBridge channels ComRBridge channels Load Tracking applications Dummy channels used for test/development
Physical Instruments
Super Systems Instruments
Super Systems Controllers
SSI-9000 SSI-9200 SSI-9205 SSI-9205V2 SSI-9210 SSI-9220
Note - For the 9000 Series instruments Slots 0 through 25 are predefined. Specific Modbus blocks can be added starting at Slot 26
Generic MODBUS Instruments
MOD_PMC note 1 MMI_MOD note 2
Note 1. This protocol uses Modbus FN 03 to read registers and FN 6 or FN 16 to write registers. Values to be polled are specified in the instrument configuration line. Note 2. This protocol uses Modbus FN 04 to read registers and FN 6 or FN 16 to write registers. Values to be polled are specified in the instrument configuration line.
Eurotherm Instruments
Eurotherm Controllers
MOD_ET2200 note 1.  MOD_ET2400 note 1.
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MOD_ET2600 note 1.
Note 1. Configured the same as Generic Modbus.
Generic MODBUS Instruments
MOD_PMC note 1 MMI_MOD note 2
Note 1. This protocol uses Modbus FN 03 to read registers and FN 6 or FN 16 to write registers. Values to be polled are specified in the instrument configuration line. Note 2. This protocol uses Modbus FN 04 to read registers and FN 6 or FN 16 to write registers. Values to be polled are specified in the instrument configuration line.
Honeywell Instruments
Generic Honeywell CPL Instrument
CPL_HW note1. Note 1. The only instrument tested using this protocol is the Honeywell DCP550. . Values to be polled are specified in the instrument configuration line.
Honeywell Modbus Instruments
HWM_DPR3000 note 1
HWM_GEN note 2
HWM_DPR100 note 2
HWM_DPR180 note 2
HWM_DPR250 note 2
HWM_RSX note 2
HWM_VRX note 2
HWM_VPR note 2
HWM_DR4300 note 2
HWM_DR4500 note 2
HWM_UDC2300 note 2
HWM_UDC3300 note 2
HWM_UDC5300 note 2
Note 1. Supports READ only using Modbus FN 04. Data inputs are read in register pairs, one register for the mantissa and one for the decimal indicator. Data inputs are converted to integer with implied decimal location for SuperData. Inputs to be read are selected in the instrument configuration line. Note 2. Generic Instrument for Honeywell Modbus using Modbus FN 03 For reading data . Data is read as either Integer single registers or Floating-point as register pairs, each pair representing an IEEE floating point number. Data inputs are converted to integer with implied decimal location for SuperData. Data to be read are selected in the instrument configuration line.
Generic MODBUS Instruments
Honeywell instruments may be configured as Generic Modbus instruments. In this case, only integer data is supported.
MOD_PMC note 1
MMI_MOD note 2 Note 1. This protocol uses Modbus FN 03 to read registers and FN 6 or FN 16 to write registers. Values to
be polled are specified in the instrument configuration line. Note 2. This protocol uses Modbus FN 04 to read registers and FN 6 or FN 16 to write registers. Values to be polled are specified in the instrument configuration line.
Yokogawa Instruments
Yokogawa CPL Instruments
CPL_YOK note 1
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Note 1. Testing was on a UT750. The following instruments use the same protocol and should communicate with this protocol: UT550 series and UT350 series. These instruments are slower to respond than most. Most Yokogawa instruments now support the Modbus RTU protocol.
Generic MODBUS Instruments
MOD_PMC note 1
MMI_MOD note 2 Note 1. This protocol uses Modbus FN 03 to read registers and FN 6 or FN 16 to write registers. Values to be polled are specified in the instrument configuration line.
Note 2. This protocol uses Modbus FN 04 to read registers and FN 6 or FN 16 to write registers. Values to be polled are specified in the instrument configuration line.
Marathon Instruments
Marathon Instruments
MMI 10Pro Series and Barber Coleman 560 Instruments
Note 1. The 10Pro-E (series) may be configured as either a 10Pro or as an MMIGEN-V4.0 instrument. Configure it as an MMIGEN-V4.0 to use the 10Pro-E's block transfer communications capability for faster communication throughput.
MMI V3x Instruments
Note 1. These are obsolete versions of the Multicarb-IR. New versions (with Siemens analyzers) support block communications and must be configured as either DUALPRO-V4.0 or MMIGEN-V4.0.
MMI V4x Instruments
DUALPRO-V4.0 note 1,2. CARBPRO-V4.0 UNIPRO-V4.0 MMIGEN-V4.0 note 1,3. DPSTD-V4.0 note 1,4
Note 1. For communications purposes, the MMI Multipro is the same as a Dualpro and must be configured as a DUALPRO-V4.0, MMIGEN-V4.0 or DPSTD-V4.0. Note 2. Later model Dualpro and Multipro instruments are also capable of communicating with MODUS protocol on either the Host or Aux port. For MODBUS comms these instruments must be configured as MMI_MOD instruments. Note 3. MMIGEN-V4.0 instrument type may be used for any instrument that uses the V4.0 communications protocol. This includes, but is not limited to, 10Pro-E, 10Pro-L, AACC2000 (series), and DualPro/MultiPro instruments. The user specifies the Blocks (up to 3) to be polled. Note 4. This instrument definition should be used for a DualPro that is not running a BackGround program to populate data collection parameters. This will collect most of the DualPro's useful data and populate it in the integer table. Do not use this definition if the DualPro is running a standard Background program.
MMI CARB-PC Instruments
CARB-PC note 1.
Note 1. The CARB-PC supports both word and block communications and may be configured as either 10PRO or CARB-PC. When configures as CARB-PC, the block transfer mode is used.
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V4.0 (x2F)
Other Instruments
AllenBradley DF1 Instruments
AB_SLC Note 1. The SuperData support for DF1 is a very limited subset of the AllenBradley DF1 protocol.
Note 2: The preferred method for SuperData comms to an AB PLC is via RSLinx (an OPC server) and SuperData's OPCBridge. This method brings much more flexibility to the overall application.
TypeID Reference
The "Type Name" is used in the Scspsys.cfg file to identify the instrument type. The "Type Number" is displayed in the SDIO Status View "TYP" column.
Type Name Type Number
CPL_HW (x01) CPL_YOK (x02) MOD_PMC (x10) SSI_CON (x10) MMI_MOD (x12) SYS (x14) BARBER-COLEMAN 560 (x18) 10PRO (x18) MCARB-V3.0 (x21,x22) UCARB-V3.0 (x23,x24) UCARB-V3.5 (x25,x26) MCARB-IR (x29,x2A) MCARB-IR-V3.5 (x2B,x2C) DPSTD-V4.0 (x2E) DUALPRO-V4.0 (x2F)
MMIGEN-V4.0 (x30) UNIPRO (x33,x34) UNIPRO-V3.5 (x35,x36) CARB-PC (x39) UNIPRO-V4.0 (x3F) HWM_GEN (x46) HWM_DPR3000 (x47) HWM_DPR100 (x48) HWM_DPR180 (x49) HWM_DPR250 (x4A) HWM_RSX (x4B) HWM_VRX (x4C) HWM_VPR (x4D)
HWM_DR4500 (x4F) HWM_UDC2300 (x50) HWM_UDC3300 (x51) HWM_UDC5300 (x52) MOD_ET2200 (x55) MOD_ET2400 (x56) MOD_ET2600 (x57) MOD_SMPP (x5A) SSI_CON (x5B)
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SSI_9000 (x5C) SSI_9005 (x5D) SSI_9010 (x5E) SSI_9200 (x5F) SSI_9205 (x60) SSI_9210 (x61) SSI_9215 (x62) SSI_9220 (x63)
Configuration File
The configuration file, SCSPSYS.CFG consists the following sections:
RES– the basic communications parameters. CONx– the comm configuration for each connection used (up to 8 sections) INST – the instrument configuration parameters ABC– optional section containing custom Alarm Block Configurations
RES Section
Serial communications is provided through one or more of the computer's comm ports or the Ethernet connection. SDIO is capable of using up to 8 serial ports. These ports may be RS232 or RS485 ports. RS232 ports provide point-to-point short distance comms, to use RS232 ports for long distance multidrop communications, they must be routed through a RS232 to RS485 converter. Multiport RS485 cards may be installed in the computer and used without a converter.
The RES section specifies general information for the communications program and may be used for the Connection 1 setup information. This section is started by "{SRES}" and ends with "{ERES}". A sample RES section follows:
BAUD = "57600" DBITS = "7" PARITY = "NONE" SBITS = "1" STA = "0" KRUNCH = "03:15AM" {ERES}
COMMUX BOARD - "NO" if not using a COMMUX board "16" if using a COMMUX board. PROTOCOL-The desired protocol for connection 1. PORT-Computer's comm port "COM1", "COM2", etc. (ports 1-16 are supported) BAUD-Baud rate "1200", "2400", "4800", "9600", "19200", "38400" or "57600" DBITS-The number of Data bits. (7 or 8) PARITY-The type of parity. (ODD, EVEN, or NONE) SBITS-The number of stop bits. (1 or 2) STA-The station number of the computer (Normally 0). KRUNCH-Sets the time of day to automatically run the datalog compression program.
Note: It is generally best to use the highest reliable BAUD rate available. The port configuration must match the instrument communication configuration for all instruments attached to the connection.
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CONx Section
Serial communications is provided through one or more of the computer's comm ports or the Ethernet port. SDIO is capable of using up to 8 serial ports. These ports may be RS232 or RS485 ports. A serial Connection is a communications link to one of the installed Comm Ports using a specific protocol. A port only supports one protocol. You cannot have multiple protocols defined for one port. The characteristics of a connection are specified in the CONx sections. There may be 8 (CON1 thru CON8) connections configured. The Ethernet connection is CON9 and is not configurable. A sample CONx section follows:
BAUD = "9600" DBITS = "8" PARITY = "EVEN" SBITS = "1" NADDR = "7" {ECON2}
COMMUX BOARD - "NO" if not using a COMMUX board "16" if using a COMMUX board. PROTOCOL-The desired protocol for connection 1. PORT-Computer's comm port "COM1", "COM2", etc. (ports 1-16 are supported). Use "none" to disable the
BAUD-Baud rate "1200", "2400", "4800", "9600", "19200", "38400" or "57600" DBITS-The number of Data bits. (7 or 8) PARITY-The type of parity. (ODD, EVEN, or NONE) SBITS-The number of stop bits. (1 or 2) NADDR-The Host computers Node Address (required only for AllenBradley DF1 Protocol).
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Instrument Section
system channels. Physical address is ignored.
Each line in the instrument configuration section specifies a logical channel attached to an instrument. The following items apply to all types of instruments. For additional items see the configuration section for the specific instrument type.
[C]CH#LLL(PPP ) = "ID,[…Instrument Specific Configuration…],[NOLOG ], [ABC] " = "tag "
Note: Items enclosed in brackets [ ] are optional but may be required for certain instrument types.
Item Definition
C Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Specifies the Connection Identifier (1-8
for serial connections and 9 for Ethernet). The protocol for the connection must match the protocol for the instrument. If not included, defaults to Connection 1.
LLL Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The logical channel number assigned (1-
128). PPP Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The physical address of the instrument. ID Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The instrument ID (e.g., SSI-CON) NOLOG Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Do not log data from this channel.
Include this when communications are required for real-time data but are not required for historical data logging. If this is not included, the channel will be data logged at one minute intervals.
ABC Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Alarm Block Configuration . Caution: any
specified channel can use either ALM or ABC but not both.
Allows a custom Alarm Block Bitmap (one word) to be setup for any instrument but generally used only for non-programmable instruments that are not capable of maintaining alarm bitmaps. See the section on Custom Alarm Block Configuration.
TAG Required. Applies to ALL instruments. Instrument name. Limited to 12
Characters with no spaces.
System Channels
[C]CH#LLL(PPP ) = "ID,[NOLOG],[ALM]" = "tag "
1CH#12(0) = "SYS, ALM (0,800,66,0,12)" = "System"
Note: Items enclosed in brackets [ ] are optional but may be required for certain instrument types.
Note: When the system channel is an OPCBridge or ComRBridge channel, these applications will automatically add the System channel to the SCSPSYS.cfg file.
Item Definition
C Optional. These are non-communications channels and may be used on any
Connection. Protocol is not important.
LLL Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The logical channel number assigned
PPP Required. Applies to ALL instruments. Always use physical address 0 for
ID Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The instrument ID: SYS. Note: Any
ID may be changed to a SYS channel by prefixing the ID with the letters
NOLOG Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Do not log data from this channel.
Include this when communications are required for real-time data but are not required for historical data logging. If this is not included, the channel will be data logged at one minute intervals.
ALM Optional. Applies to Channels that contain bitmapped alarms. The ALARM
configuration setup.
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ALM(PAL slot, Alarm offset, Alarm Bitmap Start Slot,
Alarm ACK Bitmap Slot, Number of Bitmap Slots).
Normally this will be configured by SSI personnel familiar with the application. If you are not sure, do not include Bitmapped support. Invalid configurations may cause spurious invalid alarms to be reported on RealTime and in AlarmReports.
Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Alarm Block Configuration . Caution: any specified channel can use either ALM or ABC but not both.
Allows a custom Alarm Block Bitmap (one word) to be setup for any instrument but generally used only for non-programmable instruments that are not capable of maintaining alarm bitmaps. See the section on Custom Alarm Block Configuration.
Required. Applies to ALL instruments. Instrument name. Limited to 12 Characters with no spaces.
Super Systems Instruments
[C]CH#LLL(PPP ) = "ID,[ALM],[ NOLOG],[ABC]" = "tag "
SSi 7 series - may also be used for 20Q or 20PQ 2CH#5(1) = "SSI-CON,MB:122-2,MB:130-1,MB:137-2" = "SSIS7"
SSi AC20 series 2CH#6(2) = "SSI-CON,MB:122-9,MB:137-7" = "SSIAC20"
AC20 with events 2CH#7(2) = "SSI-CON,MB:122-9,MB:137-7,EB:300-8,EB:310-10" = "SSIAC20"
SSi SPP 2CH#7(3) = "MOD_PMC,MB:96-24,ALM(0,100,19,0,1)" = "SSISPP" 2CH#1(4) = "SSI-SPP,ALM(23,100,19,1)" = "9000"
SSi 9200 series 2CH#1(4) = "SSI-SPP,ALM(23,100,19,1)" = "9000" 2CH#1(4) = "MOD_PMC,IP:,MB:100-78" = "SSi9200"
Same instrument over ethernet 9CH#1(250) = "SSI-SPP,IP:,ALM(23,100,19,0,1)" = "9000" 9CH#1(250) = "MOD_PMC,IP:,MB:100-78" = "SSi9200"
For the SSI9xxx instruments, a predefined , model specific ID may be used that automatically reads the first 25 slots of Model # 9000, 9010, 9200, 9205, 9210, 9220, or 30 slots of Model #9005 and
9215. The unused slots (26 or 30 - 77) may be added using MB:Ofst-count specifiers.
CH#17(1) = "SSI9200, MB:1000-20" = "SSi218A" CH#26(2) = "SSI9005-1,MB:1000-20" = "SSi221A" CH#27(3) = "SSI9005-2 ,MB:1000-10" = "SSi221B" CH#28(4) = "SSI9010, MB:1000-5" = "SSi221C" CH#29(5) = "SSI9215, MB:1000-5 ,ALM(23,100,19,0,1) " = "SSi222" CH#30(6) = "SSI9220, MB:1000-2 , ALM(23,100,19,0,1) " = "SSii223"
The following are examples with Ethernet comms. Note that the connection number is always 9 and the physical channel is always 250 when Ethernet comms is used.
9CH#17(250) = "SSI9200,IP:,PI:1,MB:1000-20" = "SSi218A" 9CH#26(250) = "SSI9005-1,IP:, PI:1,MB:1000-20" = "SSi221A" 9CH#27(250) = "SSI9005-2,IP:, PI:1,MB:1000-10" = "SSi221B" 9CH#28(250) = "SSI9005-3,IP:, PI:1,MB:1000-5" = "SSi221C" 9CH#29(250) = "SSI9220,IP:, PI:1,MB:1000-2 ,ALM(23,100,19,0,1)" = "SSi221D"
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Item Definition
C Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Specifies the Connection Identifier (1-8
for serial connections and 9 for Ethernet). The protocol for the connection must match the protocol for the instrument. If not included, defaults to Connection 1.
LLL Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The logical channel number assigned (1-
PPP Required. Applies to ALL instruments. Always use physical address 0 for
system channels. Physical address is ignored.
ID Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The instrument ID (e.g., SSI-CON)
IP: Required, Applies to ALL Ethernet instruments. The Ethernet address of the
PI: Required, Applies to ALL Ethernet instruments. The target polling interval in
seconds. Range 1-10 seconds.
NOLOG Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Do not log data from this channel.
Include this when communications are required for real-time data but are not required for historical data logging. If this is not included, the channel will be data logged at one minute intervals.
ALM Optional. Applies to Channels that contain bitmapped alarms. The ALARM
configuration setup. ALM(PAL slot, Alarm offset, Alarm Bitmap Start Slot, Alarm ACK Bitmap Slot, Number of Bitmap Slots). Normally this will be configured by SSI personnel familiar with the application. If you are not sure, do not include Bitmapped support. Invalid configurations may cause spurious invalid alarms to be reported on RealTime and in AlarmReports.
Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Alarm Block Configuration . Caution: any specified channel can use either ALM or ABC but not both. Allows a custom Alarm Block Bitmap (one word) to be setup for any instrument but generally used only for non-programmable instruments that are not capable of maintaining alarm bitmaps. See the section on Custom Alarm Block Configuration.
Required. Applies to ALL instruments. Instrument name. Limited to 12 Characters with no spaces.
Generic MODBUS Instruments
[C]CH#LLL(PPP ) = "ID,[MB:xxx-yyy-t],…,[MB:xxx-yyy-t], [SMULT:SSxVALUE,…,SSxVALUE],[ALM],[ NOLOG],[ABC]" = "tag "
5CH#24(5) = "MOD_PMC,MB:6144-30-F" = "HWCHART" 6CH#114(2) = "MMI_MOD,MB:0-10" = "MP-MOD2" 4CH#70(1) = "MOD_PMC,MB:0-50,MB:50-25" = "1RB01"
The following are examples with Ethernet comms.
9CH#24(250) = "MOD_PMC, IP:, PI:1,MB:6144-30-F" = "HWCHART" 9CH#114(250) = "MMI_MOD, IP:, PI:1,MB:0-10" = "MP-MOD2" 9CH#70(250) = "MOD_PMC, IP:, PI:1,MB:0-50,MB:50-25" = "1RB01"
Note: Items enclosed in brackets [ ] are optional but may be required for certain instrument types.
Item Definition
C Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Specifies the Connection Identifier (1-8
for serial connections and 9 for Ethernet). The protocol for the connection must match the protocol for the instrument. If not included, defaults to Connection
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ALM(PAL slot, Alarm offset, Alarm Bitmap Start Slot, Alarm
LLL Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The logical channel number assigned (1-
PPP Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The physical address of the instrument.
For MODBUS instruments the address is in the range 1-247.
ID Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The instrument ID. MOD_PMC (Uses
FN Code 03 for reading) MMI_MOD (Uses FN Code 04 for reading)
IP: Required, Applies to ALL Ethernet instruments. The Ethernet address of the
PI: Required, Applies to ALL Ethernet instruments. The target polling interval in
seconds. Range 1-10 seconds.
MB: Required. Specifies the Data block(s) to be polled. Up to 20 blocks may be
specified. Blocks are specified as xxx-yyy-t where xxx=address offset, yyy=count of words to be read and t = data type. Total word count may not exceed 78 words.
The data type is either I for integer or F for IEEE floating­point, defaults to integer if not specified. Floating point data is converted to integer for SuperData, use slot multipliers as required.
Example: to read 2 blocks of integer data, specify MB:1-10,MB:100-6. To read floating point data, specify MB:1-10-F.
Optional. Specifies Slot Multipliers. A multiplier may be specified for any of the 78 slots (slots 0-77). Format as follows: SMULT:SSxVALUE,…,SSxVALUE Example: SMULT:2x100,12x0.01 The example applies a multiplier of 100 to slot 2 and a multiplier of 0.01 to slot 12. If not specified, the default multiplier is 1. Note: In the MODBUS protocol data is sent as binary WORD registers, one WORD normally represents an Integer value. However, two words may be used to send an IEEE floating point value. In SuperData all data is stored as Integer with implied decimal locations. Thus a floating point value of 1.12 would normally be stored in SuperData as 1. To store the value in SuperData as 112 with implied decimal of 2, specify a slot multiplier for the associated slot.
NOLOG Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Do not log data from this channel.
Include this when communications are required for real-time data but are not required for historical data logging. If this is not included, the channel will be data logged at one minute intervals.
ALM Optional. Applies to Channels that contain bitmapped alarms. The ALARM
configuration setup. ACK Bitmap Slot, Number of Bitmap Slots). Normally this will be configured by SSI personnel familiar with the application. If you are not sure, do not include Bitmapped support. Invalid configurations may cause spurious invalid alarms to be reported on RealTime and in AlarmReports.
Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Alarm Block Configuration . Caution: any specified channel can use either ALM or ABC but not both.
Allows a custom Alarm Block Bitmap (one word) to be setup for any instrument but generally used only for non-programmable instruments that are not capable of maintaining alarm bitmaps. See the section on Custom Alarm Block Configuration.
Required. Applies to ALL instruments. Instrument name. Limited to 12 Characters with no spaces.
MMI 10Pro and Barber Coleman 560 Instrument
(Note: the 10PRO-E may also be polled in block mode using the MMIGEN-V4.0 instrument type polling block 1).
[C]CH#LLL(PPP ) = "ID,[NOLOG],[ABC] " = "tag "
1CH#10(5)="10PRO"="Temper_1" 1CH#12(6)="BARBER-COLEMAN-560,NOLOG"="Temper_2"
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or 10Pro controller for temperature.
Note: Items enclosed in brackets [ ] are optional but may be required for certain instrument types.
C Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Specifies the Connection Identifier (1-8
for serial connections and 9 for Ethernet). The protocol for the connection must match the protocol for the instrument. If not included, defaults to Connection 1.
LLL Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The logical channel number assigned (1-
PPP Required. Applies to ALL instruments. (see MMI Instrument Physical
Addresses )
ID Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The instrument ID: 10PRO or
NOLOG Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Do not log data from this channel.
Include this when communications are required for real-time data but are not required for historical data logging. If this is not included, the channel will be data logged at one minute intervals.
Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Alarm Block Configuration . Caution: any specified channel can use either ALM or ABC but not both. Allows a custom Alarm Block Bitmap (one word) to be setup for any instrument but generally used only for non-programmable instruments that are not capable of maintaining alarm bitmaps. See the section on Custom Alarm Block Configuration.
Required. Applies to ALL instruments. Characters with no spaces.
Instrument name. Limited to 12
MMI V3 and V3.5 Instruments
[C]CH#LLL(PPP ) = "ID,[PROG],[BC CONT ],[AEVT ],[EVT ],[NOLOG],[ABC] " = "tag "
2CH#22(2)=" UCARB-V3.0,PROG(3),BC_CONT,EVT(4)"="FCE_2" 2CH#23(3)=" UNIPRO,PROG(3),EVT(4)"="TEMPER_1"
Note: Items enclosed in brackets [ ] are optional but may be required for certain instrument types.
Item Definition
C Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Specifies the Connection Identifier (1-
8 for serial connections and 9 for Ethernet). The protocol for the connection must match the protocol for the instrument. If not included, defaults to Connection 1.
LLL Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The logical channel number assigned
PPP Required. Applies to ALL instruments. (see MMI Instrument Physical
Addresses )
ID Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The instrument ID: MCARB-V3.0,
PROG Optional. Always set this to PROG(3) for V3 and V3.5 Instruments.. BC CONT Optional. Used to indicate if a V3.x Carb instrument has an attached BC560
AEVT Optional. Used to indicate if a V3.x instrument has attached analog events
on the events port. Indicate the number of analog modules: e.g. AEVT(4).
EVT Optional. Used to indicate if a V3.x instrument has attached digital events
on the events port. Indicate the number of digital modules: e.g. EVT(4).
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NOLOG Optional. Applies to ALL instruments.
Do not log data from this channel. Include this when communications are required for real-time data but are not required for historical data logging. If this is not included, the channel will be data logged at one minute intervals.
Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Alarm Block Configuration . Caution: any specified channel can use either ALM or ABC but not both.
Allows a custom Alarm Block Bitmap (one word) to be setup for any instrument but generally used only for non-programmable instruments that are not capable of maintaining alarm bitmaps. See the section on Custom Alarm Block Configuration.
Required. Applies to ALL instruments. Instrument name. Limited to 12 Characters with no spaces.
MMI V4 Instruments
[C]CH#LLL(PPP ) = "ID,[PROG],[ACW ],[BLK],[NOLOG],[DPOL],[ALM],[ABC] " = "tag "
CH#1(1) = "DUALPRO-V4.0, PROG(1), ACW:E3, ALM(36,0,0,0,0)" = "CH1"
CH#20(1-29) = "MMIGEN-V4.0, BLK:012,ALM(1,800,2,14,12)" = "CH1_T29" CH#21(1-27) = "MMIGEN-V4.0, BLK:345, NOLOG" = "1_XXX"
CH#2(2) = "DUALPRO-V4.0, PROG(3), ACW:E3, ALM(36,0,0,0,0)" = "CH2"
Note: Items enclosed in brackets [ ] are optional but may be required for certain instrument types.
Item Definition
C Optional. Applies to ALL instruments. Specifies the Connection Identifier (1-8
for serial connections and 9 for Ethernet). The protocol for the connection must match the protocol for the instrument. If not included, defaults to Connection 1.
LLL Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The logical channel number assigned (1-
PPP Required. Applies to ALL instruments. (see MMI Instrument Physical
Addresses )
ID Required. Applies to ALL instruments. The instrument ID: DUALPRO-V4.0,
PROG Optional. Applies to DUALPRO-V4.0, DPSTD-V4.0. Type of programs run in
the Foreground of a Dualpro instrument. Set this as PROG(1) if using LOGIC programs in the Foreground. as PROG(2) for RECIPE programs in older Dualpros (ver 4.87 and earlier) and as PROG(3) for RECIPE programs in all newer Dualpros.
ACW Optional. Applies to DUALPRO-V4.0. Alarm Control Word. Used with
Dualpros running special applications. Set this to the Hex parameter of the ACW defined in the Dualpro's Background application program (e.g., ACW:EF).
BLK Optional. Applies to MMIGEN-V4.0. Poll blocks. Used with MMIGEN-V4.0 to
specify which blocks to poll (3 maximum) (e.g., BLK:038 will poll blocks 0, 3, and 8). Each block contains 24 words of data. Block 0 = words 0-23 (x00­x17)
Block 1 = words 24-47 (x18-x2F) Note: the 10Pro-E and 10Pro-L have only 1 block: Block 0. All other instruments will normally have 10 blocks: Blocks 0-9
DPOL Optional. Applies to MMIGEN-V4.0. Poll this channel only on demand.
Normally, all channels are continuously polled. When demand polling is set, the channel will be polled only when the Demand Poll Word (DPW) changes. If used, the DPW will be defined in the Dualpro's Background program and the parameter specified here must match that definition. (e.g., DPOL:EE).
ALM Optional. Applies to DUALPRO-V4.0, MMIGEN-V4.0. The ALARM configuration
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