Super Systems SDS 8120 User Manual

7205 Edington Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45249
513-772-0060 800-666-4330
Fax: 513-772-9466
Table of Contents
Product Specifications ........................................................................................................................... 5
Software Installation .............................................................................................................................. 6
Changing the System Date and Time ................................................................................................... 6
Finding and Setting the IP Address of the Color SDS Data Logger ................................................. 7
Calibration ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Getting Started ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Analog Inputs ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Voltage connections............................................................................................................................ 11
4 – 20 mA Current Loop connections ................................................................................................. 11
Survey Templates ................................................................................................................................. 11
Installing the SDS Software ................................................................................................................ 13
Connecting the SDS Data Logger to a Network ............................................................................... 14
In Windows Vista and Windows 7 ...................................................................................................... 15
In Windows XP .................................................................................................................................... 16
Web Portal .............................................................................................................................................. 19
Home Screen ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Menu ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Survey .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Instrument Information ...................................................................................................................... 23
Chart Scaling ....................................................................................................................................... 24
View Input Types ................................................................................................................................. 24
View Offsets ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Select Input Channels.......................................................................................................................... 26
Edit Input Types .................................................................................................................................. 28
Edit Offsets .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Spool Correction ................................................................................................................................. 29
About................................................................................................................................................... 30
Calibration ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Datalog Deletion ................................................................................................................................. 34
Passcodes ............................................................................................................................................ 35
Cold Junction Thermistor Calibration ................................................................................................. 36
Full Data Action ................................................................................................................................... 36
Exit Program ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 37
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Reset Calibration Dates ....................................................................................................................... 38
Set Nominals ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Set K Factors ........................................................................................................................................ 41
SDX Control ......................................................................................................................................... 42
Modbus Control .................................................................................................................................. 43
SDS Reporter ........................................................................................................................................ 45
File Menu Options ................................................................................................................................. 45
File New / New Button .......................................................................................................... 45
File Open / Open Button .......................................................................................................... 46
Manually Creating a Survey Record .................................................................................................... 48
Comparison Check .............................................................................................................................. 57
File Save / File Save As / Save Button .................................................................................. 60
File Export....................................................................................................................................... 60
File Print ......................................................................................................................................... 60
Print Button ................................................................................................................................. 62
File Print Preview ........................................................................................................................... 63
File Exit ........................................................................................................................................... 63
SDS Menu Options ................................................................................................................................ 63
SDS Manage Survey Templates ...................................................................................................... 63
SDS Download Surveys and Data ................................................................................................... 63
SDS Launch Direct FTP .................................................................................................................... 65
SDS View Real-time Data ................................................................................................................ 66
SDS Manage Survey Records .......................................................................................................... 68
SDS Perform Comms Test ............................................................................................................... 70
Options Menu Options .......................................................................................................................... 72
Options  Multiple SDS Mode ........................................................................................................... 72
Options Show Labels On Chart ....................................................................................................... 72
Options  Color Screen Scanning ...................................................................................................... 72
Help Menu Options ............................................................................................................................... 72
Help Check for Updates .................................................................................................................. 72
Help About ..................................................................................................................................... 73
SDS Data Tags ...................................................................................................................................... 74
Creating a Personalized Template ...................................................................................................... 82
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SDS Template Manager ....................................................................................................................... 84
Description of Template Manager Screen Tabs ............................................................................... 87
Revision History ...................................................................................................................................... 91
Appendix 1: Quick Start Guide ................................................................................................................ 92
Unpacking the Color SDS Data Logger ................................................................................................ 92
Warming Up and Charging the Data Logger ....................................................................................... 93
Turning on the Data Logger ................................................................................................................ 94
Connecting the Thermocouple Wires and Setting the Input Type ..................................................... 94
Using Survey Templates ...................................................................................................................... 95
Starting a Survey ................................................................................................................................. 95
Stopping Survey .................................................................................................................................. 97
Installing SDS Reporter ....................................................................................................................... 97
Connecting the SDS Data Logger to a Local Computer via USB .......................................................... 98
Downloading Data with SDS Reporter ................................................................................................ 99
Generating a Report .......................................................................................................................... 101
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Color Touch Screen Data Logger Operations Manual
The Color SDS Touch Screen Data Logger (SDS8120 / SDS8140) provides the hardware and software needed to meet industry standards for furnace temperature uniformity by logging and generating temperature and data log reports.
It is easy to use and addresses the many industrial applications where data logging, trending, and reporting are required. The product is available in either the 20- or 40­channel version with user-defined inputs for each channel and comes with reporting software to easily generate survey reports.
The easy to use Survey Template and Report Manager provide users with all of the tools needed to generate uniformity reports. The Report Manager includes a report writer that allows the user to set up reports to meet their specific requirements. The Template Manager allows survey specific data to be created, updated and used during the reporting process. All reports can be printed, saved electronically and emailed using the software utilities. The SDS software tools, along with the data logger, combine to create a powerful solution for data logging and reporting temperature uniformity surveys.

Product Specifications

User defined “logging” intervals as frequently as 10 seconds
AC (90 – 240 V) and DC Power
Rechargeable battery – Approximately 12 hours of “runtime”
Dimensions: 16”D X 20”L X 8”H
Password protected menu options
Easy calibration
Web-page enabled real-time view
Ethernet and USB serial communications
16-Bit A/D converter
1 gigabyte of on-board storage
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Degrees F.

TC Type

Full scale
Full Scale
At 1600 Degrees
At 1600 Degrees F
with thermistor
Table 1 - Thermocouple Types, Scaling, and Accuracy
*** Note: Accuracy at 1600 Degrees F with thermistor error requires SDS firmware level 1.10 or later ***

Software Installation

You will find the SDS Reporter software CD that ships with the unit includes all the reporting and administrative utilities. Insert the CD into the optical drive on your computer and click the setup.exe file. You will be given a step-by-step instruction for completing the installation process. See Installing the SDS Software section for more details.

Changing the System Date and Time

The time and date that SDS uses are based on the time and date of the touch screen operating system. To change the time and date, first shut down the SDS software (Figure 1); note that this requires administrator access. Once the software is shut down, double tap on the time shown in the task bar at the bottom of the screen on the operating system desktop (Figure 2). Change the date and time in the dialog box that appears.
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To find the current IP address of the data
Figure 1 - Option to Shut Down the SDS Software
(Administrator Access required)
Figure 2 - Date and Time Change Dialog Box
Once you have changed the date and time, you will need to save the changes to the operating system registry. This is done using the “SaveRegs” application. In most cases, the “SaveRegs” shortcut will be installed on the operating system desktop. Double tap on the shortcut and save the registry settings. Then close the “SaveRegs” window.

Finding and Setting the IP Address of the Color SDS Data Logger

For certain functions, it may be necessary to find the IP address (the address that identifies the device on a network) of the Color SDS Data Logger. A possible example of this could be Connecting the SDS Data Logger to a Network. Less frequently, it may be necessary to change the IP address of the data logger, or to change it from a dynamic IP address assigned by the local network to a static IP address that does not change (unless you change it or set the IP address back to dynamic).
logger, simply open the Instrument Information screen and scroll down to the Screen IP Address (Figure 3)
By default, the Windows CE operating system on which the data logger software runs obtains IP addresses dynamically. This means that the IP address may change depending on a number of factors. In order to change IP assignment or the IP address itself, you will need to shut down the SDS software and access the operating system Control Panel. This procedure is described below.
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Figure 3 - Location of Screen IP Address in
Instrument Information screen
To change the IP address of the Color
Next, click Start, Settings, and Network
Double tap on the connection for the Color
Make sure that the IP address does not conflict with another IP address already assigned on the network.
responsible for routing network traffic.
SDS Data Logger, first shut down the SDS software. This requires administrator access.
and Dial-up Connections (Figure 5).
Figure 4 - Exit Program option
(requires administrator access)
SDS touch screen device (in the example, it is called “SMSC91181”). An Ethernet Driver settings window will appear, giving you the ability to specify an IP address. To do so, click the “Specify an IP address” radio button (see Figure 6). Then enter an IP address manually.
You will also need to add a Subnet Mask and a Default Gateway. The subnet mask is usually already determined for the network. A common subnet mask is; however, check with the network administrator to be sure. The default gateway is usually the address of the network router or other device that is
Figure 5 - Accessing the Network and Dial-Up
Figure 6 - Specifying an IP Address
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The SDS data logger is calibrated prior to shipment. The calibration process is available through the touch screen Menu on the data logger. Instructions for calibration are included in this manual. Super Systems calibrates the SDS data logger using NIST traceable instruments that are listed on the calibration certificate included with the device. The default calibration is performed using a zero and span routine for the millivolt range of 0 – 80mV unless otherwise specified on the purchase order. Ranges and thermocouple types will be listed on the certification provided with the SDS data logger. Each range that is being used should be calibrated. For a list of suggested mV ranges by thermocouple types, please refer to Table 1 - Thermocouple Types, Scaling, and Accuracy. Other calibration ranges are available upon request.
An input device will be used to input a specific type K thermocouple value and the data logger value will be recorded. This will be performed at different temperatures and printed with the certificate.

Getting Started

When using SDS Reporter with the Color SDS Data Logger, Options >
Color Screen Scanning must be selected. Refer to the section Options Color Screen
Scanning for more details.
When logging data, the operator will use the on-board display to start and stop the data logging / survey process. The first steps related to data logging are connecting the inputs to the terminal strips on the data logger. Each terminal strip represents a single analog board with 5 inputs. You can remove these terminal strips by pulling up on both ends of the terminal strip.
Depending on the model number, you have either 20 or 40 input channels for data logging. For each channel there will be a positive and negative connection which must be attached to the appropriate input.
The operator defines an input type for each channel.
Once the inputs have been connected, the operator selects which inputs will be included in the survey. This is done in two ways:
1. When a template has been selected, the input channels setup for the template,
as defined in the Template Manager, will be the selected channels for the survey. It is strongly suggested that you select a template prior to running a survey. If you want to create new templates, please see the section
. Survey Control and input selection screens are shown in Figure 7.
SDS Template
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Figure 7 - Survey Control and Input Selection screens
IMPORTANT: Input channels defined in the Survey Template will override the settings in the
Select Input Channel
option once the survey is started. All channels are being data logged at all times. The active inputs provide real time information on the display and evaluation for stabilization, hottest TC and coldest TC. In the event that a TC is not selected, it can be selected when using SDS Reporter for inclusion in the final survey report.
2. Once a survey is started, the input selection can be updated on the data logger
using the
Select Input Channels
Figure 8 - Select Input Channels Option in Main Menu

Analog Inputs

The Super Systems, Inc. 31631 Analog Board contains a group of five channels isolated from the main DC power source. The board can be connected to thermocouples, voltage sources from 20mV full scale to 1.28 Volts full scale, or 4 – 20 mA current loops. current loops to avoid damaging the input (see 4 – 20 mA Current Loop connections).
Thermocouple wires can be connected directly to the terminal blocks. The thermocouple junctions should not be grounded. If they do touch a ground reference, all thermocouples on a
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Take caution when using
board must have a common ground reference. If multiple thermocouples are connected to different ground reference points, the accuracy of all thermocouples on the board cannot be guaranteed to be accurate.

Voltage connections

Voltages from 0 mV to 1.28 Volts can be directly connected to the terminal blocks. When measuring ground-referenced voltages, all references must share a common ground reference. If the voltage sources are connected to different ground reference points, the accuracy of all the voltage sources connected to the board need to be checked for accuracy.

4 – 20 mA Current Loop connections

Before connecting the current loop, insert the shorting jumper on the board for each channel used to measure current loops. This jumper inserts the 62-ohm shunt resistor across the input of the A/D. If multiple current loops are connected to one board, all must share the same power supply and ground reference points or the accuracy of all the current loops need to be checked for accuracy.

Survey Templates

The data logger will default to the last survey template used. To modify the template being used, the operator can go to the
menu option. This data will be carried over for the reporting process to make the reporting quick and easy. On the Survey Template screen there are parameters, such as setpoint, that can be modified for a specific survey. After setting the required parameters, the start survey process can be selected. This will timestamp the selection and the data logger will log all channels that have been selected for logging.
The operator may receive deviation alarms depending on the current input and setpoint as well as the alarm settings. The alarm will notify the operator when an input is outside the plus/minus tolerance for the setpoint. The alarm information will display on the data logger and show the number of channels above tolerance and below the tolerance. The survey continues to run. It is simply providing the operator with the information on the display.
The operator can view the input channel data on a number of different screens. The
will display all channels on the device.
At any time, the operator can view the data in real time from the computer using the SDS Reporter software. When selected, the real time data option displays data every 10 seconds. The system will update the data in 10 second intervals every minute. Follow instructions for connecting the data logger to the PC.
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Figure 9 - Current Trends Screen (SDS Reporter)
While the survey is running, several options are available: To stop the survey, select
main menu). Use heating up to its target temperature. Use
Click data being logged.
After stopping the survey, other surveys can be taken by repeating the above steps. At any time, all survey data can be downloaded to the PC using the Download Surveys and Data option on SDS Reporter. Follow instructions for connecting the data logger to the PC.
Once the data has been downloaded, it is available for reporting. By clicking on the File > Open menu option, the operator will be given the Report dialog to generate a survey report. Reports use logged data and the user specified interval in the report. The report template that is selected will form the final report view with all of the template data, survey data and additional report parameters that are entered. The report templates are user-defined and should be configured to meet your needs. All reports can be saved and displayed at a later date.
from the Survey Control screen (which can be opened using the Survey option from the
Mark Approach
Figure 10 - Survey Control Window (visible from the data logger during a survey)
View Surveys
to view data on past surveys. Click
to add a timestamp to the survey on when the furnace was
Mark Survey Start
View Chart
to mark when the survey began.
to view the current chart of
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Installing the SDS Software

IMPORTANT: The person installing the SDS Software must have administrative rights on the computer(s) where the installation is taking place for the installation to be successful.
Double-click on the setup file, setup.exe, to start the auto-installation. (Avoid installing from SDSSetup.msi, as this will not install prerequisites if necessary.) If there is no version of the SDS Reporter running on the computer, the installation will prompt the user for the download location (Figure 11).
Figure 11 - SDS Reporter setup screen
Prerequisites for installing SDS Reporter include .NET Framework 2.0, SQL CE 3.5, and either ActiveSync or Windows Mobile Device Center. The setup.exe program will check to make sure that these prerequisites are installed and, if necessary, install them.
The default location is “C:\SSI\SDS”. Click on the “Browse” button to select an alternate location. Clicking on the “Disk Cost…” button will display the available computer drives onto which the SDS Reporter can be downloaded, as well as the total space, available space, and required space for each drive. Selecting the “Everyone” option will install the SDS Reporter for all users on the computer, while selecting the “Just me” option will only install the SDSReporter for the current user. Clicking on the “Cancel” button will prompt the user to confirm exiting the setup without continuing. Clicking on the “< Back” button will display the previous screen, which is the introduction screen for the installer. Clicking the “Next >” button will continue with the installation process (Figure 12).
Figure 12 - Installation ready screen
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Clicking on the “Cancel” button will prompt the user to confirm exiting the setup without continuing. Clicking on the “< Back” button will display the previous page, which is the installation setup page (Figure 11). Clicking on the “Next >” button will install the software to the specified location. Once the software has been installed, the installer can be closed. The SDS Reporter software will now be ready to use.
If there is a version of the SDS Reporter already installed on the computer, the installer will either re-install the software (Repair SDS Reporter option) or remove the software from the computer (Remove SDS Reporter option) (Figure 13). Clicking on the “Finish” button will proceed with the selected action. Note: The installer does not remove any subfolders in the main SDS folder. These files will have to be manually removed.
Figure 13 - Repair/Remove SDS Reporter screen

Connecting the SDS Data Logger to a Network

Every SDS Data Logger shipped includes an Ethernet crossover cable that will connect the data logger to a network. Once the data logger is connected to a network, the SDS Reporter software will be able to find it during any searches.
Connecting the data logger to your network or directly to a PC can be accomplished using the Ethernet port on your data logger.
Figure 14 - Location of Ethernet and USB ports
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If you are connecting the data logger to your network, you will need an Ethernet cable (the cable
In Windows Vista and Windows 7, open the
provided is a crossover cable for direct connections to a PC). The cable is plugged into the data logger Ethernet plug; the other end should be plugged into a network hub. If the IP Address of the data logger needs to be changed, this can be done on the data logger through the Set IP Address menu option.
If you are not putting the data logger on the network, you should use the Ethernet crossover cable that has been provided with the device. Ethernet crossover cables are most often used when connecting two Ethernet computers without a hub. An Ethernet crossover cable has its send and receive wires crossed. When using a hub or switch, this is automatically done for you.
With a crossover cable, you are forming a network between the computer that you are directly plugged into and the data logger. There will be some network settings on the data logger and on the computer that you will have to configure for the two devices to communicate.
Setting an IP address in the data logger is described in Finding and Setting the IP Address of the Color SDS Data Logger above.
Network settings can be found through the
Control Panel
in Microsoft Windows.
Using the crossover cable will require the Local Area Connection to be modified.

In Windows Vista and Windows 7

Network and Sharing Center menu within Control Panel. Click “Change adapter settings”. This will bring up a list of network connections, including active and inactive ones. Right click on the name of the network to which the Color SDS Data Logger is or will be connected, and then click Properties.
Figure 15 - Accessing Network Connection
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The network properties window will appear.
In the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
Click on the line that reads “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” and then click Properties.
Properties window, you will need to select the option for Use The Following IP Address. These settings should match the settings on the Color SDS Data Logger.
To change the network settings on your computer you may need additional information. If needed, please refer to the computer manual.
Figure 16 - Accessing TCP/IPv4 Properties

In Windows XP

The Properties can be changed by highlighting the connection and using the right mouse button to click and select the Properties tab or by highlighting the connection and clicking on Change setting of this connection.
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Figure 17 - Changing IP address settings
Figure 18 - Network Connection Properties
Once the Local Area Connection Properties screen is displayed, the Local Area Connection Properties tab should be highlighted. Click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and then click the Properties button to display Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties.
Figure 19 - Network Connection Dialog Boxes
In the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties window, you will need to select the option for Use The Following IP Address. These settings should match the settings on the Color SDS Data Logger.
To change the network settings on your computer you may need additional information. If needed, please refer to the computer manual.
Connecting the SDS Data Logger to a Local Computer via USB
The data logger can be connected directly to a local computer using a USB cable and SDS Reporter. Windows uses special software to transfer files and information between the data logger and the local computer when connected via USB. If you are using Windows XP, this software is called ActiveSync. If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, the software is called Mobile Device Center. If the required software was not installed prior to installing SDSReporter, the SDSReporter Setup utility (run from setup.exe) would have installed the required software.
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Windows XP requires a driver for it to properly
NOTE: If there is any question as to whether
shown in Figure 23. Other devices, such as
connect to the data logger’s color touch screen operating system. Install this driver, if necessary, by selecting the “Check Screen Driver Installation” option under the menu in SDSReporter (
Figure 20), and then clicking “Start Driver Installation” on the next screen.
Figure 20 - Color Screen Driver Installation option
If you are using an older version of SDSReporter, be sure to update it by clicking “Check for Updates”, also in the
Help menu, and then downloading the update when prompted.
To connect the SDS Data Logger to a local computer with USB, first make sure that the data logger is turned on and that the SDS software is running on the touch screen. Next, identify the USB connection point used to connect the data logger to the local computer (shown in Figure
21). To connect the data logger to the computer, you will need a USB cable with cable ends that look like those in Figure 22.
Figure 21 - Location of USB connection point for
connecting data logger to local computer
Connect the SDS Data Logger to the local computer via USB. If you are connecting the data logger to the computer via USB for the first time, you may see a message on the screen saying that Windows is installing drivers, especially on Windows Vista and 7. Windows may also ask you if you want to set up the device. If this happens, allow Windows to install the drivers, but close the device setup window from ActiveSync or Mobile Device Center.
the computer is detecting the data logger and connecting to it properly, check the “My Computer” window in Windows XP or the “Computer” window in Windows Vista and 7. The data logger should appear in this window with a mobile or portable device icon, as
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Figure 22 - USB connection types
Figure 23 - Data Logger Device Icons in
Windows XP (left) and Windows 7/Vista (right)
Standard-A (left), Standard-B (right)
smartphones, may also appear as part of the same list.
To access the web portal, first open a web
Once the SDS Data Logger is connected to the computer via USB, start SDS Reporter.

Web Portal

The Color SDS Data Logger features a web-based portal that can be accessed by web browser, using Ethernet, from any computer that is connected to the same network as the data logger. The web portal displays current temperature readings for each thermocouple input.
browser (such as Internet Explorer or Firefox). Next, in the location bar, type
followed by the IP address of the data logger. One way of finding this IP address is to obtain it from the Instrument Information window, as shown in
Figure 24.
Figure 24 – Instrument Information screen and IP address
Once you’ve entered the needed web address, you will see a screen that looks like the following one.

Home Screen

The default Home Screen for the SDS will display the temperature at each channel. The grey bar along the top represents the 4 analog boards and the numbers along the left-hand side represent the 5 channels for each board.
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Figure 25 - Web Portal Screen
Figure 26 - Home Screen


Menu contains the list of operations that the SDS performs as well as other information about the unit. The viewable Menu items change depending on the login value. The complete list of Menu items includes:
User-Level Access (or Higher) Required:
Instrument Information
Chart Scaling
View Input Types
View Offsets
Select Input Channels
Edit Input Types
Edit Offsets
Spool Correction
Supervisor Access (or Higher) Required:
Voltage Calibration
CJ Trim
Datalog Deletion
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Please call Super Systems Inc.
Control, or Modbus Control.
Administrator Access (or Higher) Required:
Cold Junction Thermistor Calibration
Full Data Action
Exit Program
Highest Level Security Access Required:
Reset Calibration Dates
Set Nominals
Set K Factors
SDX Control
Modbus Control
Technical Support (800-666-4330) before attempting to access any of these Menu items: Configuration, Reset Calibration Dates, Set Nominals, Set K Factors, SDX


This option contains the survey information and the controls to perform a survey. The appropriate template can be chosen from the dropdown menu in the top right-hand corner. The Edit Template button allows for changes to be made to the selected survey. When editing a survey, pressing OK will make changes only for that particular survey, while pressing Save will permanently change the template. The View Surveys button will display a list of previous surveys from the selected time range. Once the template
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Figure 27 - SDS Menu
Color Touch Screen Data Logger Operations Manual
has been selected and any necessary edits have been made, press Start Survey to begin.
Figure 28 - Survey Window
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Instrument Information

Figure 29 - Instrument Information
Instrument Information displays the condition of several parameters for the SDS, and no changes can be made to this screen.
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Chart Scaling

Figure 30 - Chart Scaling Window
Chart scaling allows the user to adjust the maximum and minimum degrees displayed on the chart. To change, press the blue button with the max or min number, press OK, then press Save.

View Input Types

This menu option displays the thermocouple type for each of the 20 channels. No changes can be made to this screen.
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Figure 31 - View Input Types

View Offsets

View Offsets displays the offset values for each thermocouple channel on the SDS. No changes can be made to this screen.
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Figure 32 - View Offsets

Select Input Channels

Select Input Channels allows the user to manually determine whether a thermocouple is included in a survey or not while the survey is running. First press Select Inputs. Then, highlight the Input # to toggle between Select/Deselect. To save changes, press OK.
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Figure 33 - Select Input Channels
Figure 34 - Select Inputs
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Edit Input Types

Edit Input Types allows the type of thermocouple to be changed for any channel. The drop-down bar contains a list of thermocouple types. Select the appropriate thermocouple types. The Range Start and Range End correspond to the channels of the SDS that will be changed. To change only one channel, set the Range Start and Range End both to that number. To change all channels, the Range Start will be 1 and the Range End will be 20. Any interval in between can also be used. Press Set Range Input Types to save.
Figure 35 - Edit Input Types

Edit Offsets

The Edit Offsets option will change the offset for each thermocouple. Press the blue number button next to Select Input and enter the appropriate channel number. Press OK. Then enter the Offset Value and press OK.
NOTE: These offsets should be used to address the calibration report parameters to correct for a known deviation by individual channel at a specific temperature OR to compensate for an individual thermocouple wire for each channel. All offsets that are used can be displayed on the final report using the reporting tags.
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Figure 36 - Edit Offsets

Spool Correction

This menu item allows the thermocouple Spool Correction to be modified. First select the temperature type from the drop down menu, then enter the spool correction value and press Set Spool Correction to save. Press return to go back to the Menu list. The thermocouple spool correction can be used to before a survey is run so that the data displayed is corrected. You can also enter the TC offset in after the survey is completed using the SDS Reporter software.
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Figure 37 - Set Spool Correction


This screen will display basic information about the SDS including the version and the serial number. Nothing on this screen can be changed.
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+ 74 hidden pages