Appendix G – Examples ..................................................................................................... 199
Example 1 – Cascade Setup for the 9205 ......................................................................... 199
Revision History ................................................................................................................ 201
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Main Menu
Configurator main display
The main menu consists of three sections: File, Options, and Help.
File Æ Close
This command will exit the Configurator application. This is the same as clicking on the close
button on the top right of the form,
Options Æ Settings
This command will display the System Management form. This is the same as clicking on the
System Settings button,
Help Æ About
This will display a small about screen.
Configurator – Help Screen
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Toolbar Buttons
The toolbar across the top of the form, below the main menu, contains five icons:
1. The Connection button
When the program starts, the device is disconnected and the connect button will show
Also, the status bar in the bottom left corner will read “disconnected.” To connect to a device,
make sure that a device is selected from the drop-down list located on the top right of the form,
and click this button. While the Configurator is in the process of connecting, the connect button
will show
bar in the bottom left corner will read “coms good.” If the connection is not successful, the
connect button will remain
bad.” Clicking on this button again will disconnect the device.
2. The Login button
There are four levels of security with the Configurator – Operator, Supervisor, Administrator,
and SSi Special. Each level provides additional functionality with the Configurator software.
When the program starts, the device is logged in as Operator and the login button will show
(blue). The Operator level does not require any passcodes. To login at a higher level, click on
this button. A dialog box will pop up with a field for a user name and password.
login button will show
configuration of the device and the password can only be obtained from Super Systems. To
login as SSi Special, enter the pass code as the password.
SSi Special level
3. The Show Overview Display button
4. The System Settings button
. If a connection is successful, the connect button will show and the status
and the status bar in the bottom left corner will read “coms
To login as Supervisor, enter “Supervisor” as the
user name and enter the level 1 passcode as the
password. The user name is not case-sensitive. If
the login is successful, the login button will show
(gold). To login as Administrator, enter
“Administrator” as the user name and enter the
level 2 passcode as the password. The user name
is not case-sensitive. If the login is successful, the
(green). The SSi Special level is only used at Super Systems Inc for
No username is required for the
. If the login is successful, the login button will show (red).
The system settings button,
access or higher. The systems settings feature allows the user to manage any controller(s) and
also backup/restore any controller(s).
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, is only available to those users who have a Supervisor level
Configurator Manage Controllers display
Manage Controllers Tab
The list box at the top of the form shows any controller setup that is currently stored in the
Configurator. The user can edit, add, or delete a controller setup from the Configurator.
Add a Controller
First, click on the “Add” button under the controller list.
Configurator Add/Edit Controller section
The “Name” is the name the user wishes to give the controller. This is how the Configurator
will refer to this controller throughout.
The “Controller Type” is a drop-down list of all of the available controller types (9005, 9200,
9220, etc). This refers to what kind of controller you are adding.
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The “Ethernet” option specifies the IP Address of the controller. Clicking on the scan button
next to the text box,
SSi Device Selector
, will allow the user to scan the network for all available devices with
Configurator – SSi Device Selector
Clicking on the Scan button will initiate the scan procedure. Please note that this scan could
take a few minutes. Once the scan has completed, the list of available devices will be
displayed. Clicking on one of the devices will highlight that line in blue. Clicking on the OK
button once a device has been selected will set that device’s IP address in the Ethernet IP
address textbox. Clicking on the Cancel button will cancel the process and close down the
Device Selector
The “Serial” option specifies the “Com Port” (COM1 – COM20), the “Baud” rate (1200 –
115200), and the “Address” (0 – 250).
The “SuperData” option specifies the channel for SuperData (1 – 128).
The “Chart File” specifies the chart file (.ctm) to be used. Clicking on the open button,
, will
display a Windows open file dialog box that will allow the user to navigate to the proper
location, if necessary.
Check the checkbox next to “Display on overview” if you want to display this on the
Clicking on the Menu button will allow the user to set up the menu options for each access
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Configurator – Edit Menu screen
Use the drop-down list at the top of the form to select the access level to change. The list on
the right of the screen is the current menu list for the specific access level. The list on the left
of the screen lists the remaining items. To add a menu option, select the desired menu option
on the left and click on the Add button,
on the Add All button,
. To remove a menu option, select the desired menu option on
the right and click on the Remove button,
click on the Remove All button,
. To add a menu option to a specific position, click on
. To add all of the menu options at once, click
. To remove all of the menu options at once,
the menu option on the right where the new option will be inserted, click on the menu option
on the left to add and click on the Insert button,
. Click the OK button to accept the
changes or the Cancel button to close the form without accepting the changes.
Clicking on the Save button will save the changes, while clicking on the Cancel button will
cancel the action.
The right side of the form displays the Aux Instruments and the text for those instruments,
Alarms and the text for those alarms, Input Event Descriptions and the text for those
descriptions, Input Descriptions and the text for those descriptions, and the Output Event
Descriptions and the text for those descriptions. To change the text, double-click on the
specific item to change. The Configurator will display an input box that will allow the user to
change the current text value.
Configurator – Edit text input box
Clicking OK will change the text value, and clicking Cancel will not change the text value.
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To save these changes and add the controller, click the Save button. Click on the Cancel
button if this controller is not to be added. The bottom section of the form will become invisible
Edit a Controller
Double-click on the specific controller that is to be modified, or single-click on the controller and
click the Edit button to begin editing. Change the necessary values, then click on the Save
button to save the changes or click on the Cancel button to cancel this operation. See the
above section
Add a Controller
for a description of the different fields.
Delete a Controller
Click on the specific controller that is to be deleted. Click on the Delete button to delete this
controller. The Configurator will display a message box asking the user to confirm the delete.
Configurator – Confirm Delete Device
Clicking on the Yes button will delete the controller. Clicking on the No button will cancel the
Backup/Restore Tab
Configurator Backup/Restore Display
The Backup/Restore display allows the user to create a backup of a controller configuration, or
restore a controller to a previous configuration.
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Backup Section
This area will allow the user to either backup the current controller, or restore the current
controller to a previous configuration.
before being able to backup or restore a configuration
option will allow the user to backup the controller. Once this section is selected, the Delete
and Restore buttons will become disabled, as well as the drop-down lists for the “Backup Files”
section, as they deal only with backed-up configuration files. Clicking on the Backup button
will backup the current configuration. The progress bar at the bottom of the section will update
the backup progress.
Configurator – Backup Section with progress
The Show/Print button will display a print preview with the current controller’s configuration.
Note: The user must be connected to a device
. Selecting the “Online Device”
Configurator – Print Preview screen
From this screen, the user can either print out the configuration by clicking on the printer icon,
, or close the print preview by clicking on the Close button or the close button on the top
right of the screen,
Selecting the “Backup Files” option will allow the user to manage the backup configurations on
the local computer. When this option is selected, the Backup button will become disabled.
The Delete button will delete the selected configuration. The user must confirm the delete
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Configurator – Confirm Delete Backup file
Clicking on the Yes button will delete the configuration, but clicking on the No button will
cancel the delete.
Clicking on the Restore button will restore a backup configuration to the connected device.
The user must confirm the restoration.
Configurator – Confirm Restore backup
Clicking on the Yes button will restore the selected configuration file, but clicking on the No
button will cancel the restoration. The progress bar at the bottom of the section will update the
restore progress.
Comparison Section
The Comparison section allows the user to compare two backup files to each other.
Note: The
user must be connected to a controller if he/she wishes to use the active device for
. If the user wishes to use the device the Configurator is connected to, the user
can check the “Active Device” check box. This will disable the top two drop-down lists.
Configurator Compare section with “Active Device” checked
To compare a specific file with another, do not check the “Active Device” checkbox. If this
checkbox is not checked, then all four drop-down lists will be enabled. The user can then select
the device from the first drop-down list and the specific file for the comparison from the second
drop-down list. The user can select the device where the file to compare to is from the third
drop-down list, and the file to compare to can be selected from the fourth drop-down list. Once
all of the necessary information has been setup, the user can click the Compare button. The
progress bar at the bottom of the section will update the comparison. If the devices are
identical, the Configurator will display a message box.
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Configurator – Devices are identical message box
If the devices are different, the Configurator will display a print preview will the first device’s
values and properties printed in red, and the second device’s values and properties printed in
Configurator – Print Preview with different files
The Printer… button will allow the user to select page setup information for the printed
Note: The printer settings are set to their defaults whenever
Configurator loads. Any setting changes made through this button will not be
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Configurator – Printer page setup screen
The user will be able to select the size and source of the paper, the orientation of the printed
material, and the margins for the printed material. Clicking on the OK button will set the page
settings. Clicking on the Cancel button will cancel the setup process. Clicking on the
Printer… button will allow the user to select the printer to send the information to.
Configurator – Select Printer screen
The user will be able to select the appropriate printer from the drop-down list. Clicking on the
Properties… button will display the properties for the selected printer. Clicking on the
Network button will allow the user to search through the local network for a printer. Clicking
the OK button will set the selected printer. Clicking the Cancel button will cancel the printer
Users Tab
The Users tab allows the user to modify the user settings for any user on Configurator.
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Configurator – Users tab with Administrator User info
The default three users within Configurator are: Operator, Supervisor, and Administrator.
Add a User
To add a user, click on the Add button. This will display the user fields: Name, Access Level,
Password… button, Save button, and Cancel button. Enter the name of the user and select
the appropriate access level. To set a password, click on the Password… button. A password
does not have to be given to add a user. The password fields are displayed: New Password,
Retype New Password, Save button, and Cancel button. The user can type in the password in
the “New Password” and “Retype New Password” fields. Clicking on the Save button will save
the password, and clicking on the Cancel button will cancel the password add.
Configurator – Add User Password fields
If the passwords do not match, then Configurator will display an error message.
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Configurator – Passwords do not match error message
Clicking on the Save button will save the user and add the user name to the list. Clicking on
the Cancel button will cancel the add user process and hide the user fields.
Edit a User
To edit a user’s settings, select a user from the list and click on the Edit button, or double-click
on the user name in the list. This will display the user fields. The rules for adding a user apply
to editing a user as well. See the section
Add a User
for instructions.
Delete a User
To delete a user, select a user from the list and click on the Delete button. The user will have
to confirm the deletion.
Configurator – Confirm delete user
Clicking on the Yes button will delete the user, and clicking on the No button will cancel the
delete process. Once a user has been deleted, the list of users will update.
The Recipe Security Level will determine what level of recipe security the users will have. Once
the user has selected a different level, the Save button will have a red background.
Configurator – Change User Recipe Security Level
Clicking on the Save button will save the new recipe security level.
Configuration Tab
The Configuration tab will allow the user to change the configuration of Configurator. The
“Data Access” section displays the location for all of the data files that Configurator uses, such
as backup files, user configurations, etc. To change this location, click on the Change button.
This will display a dialog box that will allow the user to browse and select a new location.
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Configurator – Select Directory dialog box
The user can browse to a new location and click on the OK button to set that location as the
new location. Clicking on the Cancel button will cancel the change.
Note: The main
Configurator files (Configurator.exe, SSiLibrary.dll, etc) do not need to be in the
same directory as the data files
The “Configurator Settings” section deals with Configurator’s screen size. The Restore button
will restore Configurator’s screen size to the default size. The list below the Restore button
will display any archived configurations. To archive a configuration, click on the Archive
button. The user will have to give the archive a name.
Configurator – Archive Name input box
Clicking on the OK button after inputting a name will archive the configuration settings and
update the list. Clicking on the Cancel button will cancel the archival process. Clicking on the OK button without giving an archive name will stop the archive process. To restore an archived
configuration, select the configuration from the list and click on the Restore button. The user
will have to confirm the restoration.
Configurator – Confirm restore archive
Clicking on the Yes button will restore the archive, while clicking on the No button will cancel
the restore process. The user will have the option to archive the current settings before
restoring the configuration settings.
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Configurator – Archive Settings message box
Clicking on the Defaults button will restore all default values to Configurator. Since some data
may be lost, the user will have to confirm the action.
Configurator – Restore defaults
Clicking on the Yes button will restore the defaults, but clicking on the No button will cancel
the restoration.
To remove a configuration from Configurator, select the configuration to remove and click on
the Remove button. The user will have to confirm the removal.
Configurator – Confirm Remove Archive
Clicking on the Yes button will continue with the removal, while clicking on the No button will
cancel the removal. Since removing the archived configuration will result in the loss of data,
the user will have to confirm the removal a second time.
Configurator – Second Confirm Removal
Clicking on the Yes button will remove the archived file, while clicking on the No button will
cancel the removal.
R/W Data
The R/W Data button will display the raw data from the selected controller.
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Configurator – Read/Write Raw Data screen
The user must use the SSi Special passcode to access the R/W Data screen. Values can be
written directly to the controller through this screen. Select the Modbus Read Offset value to
start reading data. Select the Modbus Write Offset write data to a specific Modbus register.
Configurator allows the user to write multiple words to sequential Modbus registers. Starting
from the Modbus register provided, any of the value boxes that do not have the “disable”
checkbox checked will write the value indicated to the sequential Modbus register. The top row
contains registers 1 through 5 and the bottom row contains registers 6 through 10. The screen
shot below shows how this process works.
Configurator – Write multi-word offsets
Since the “Write Offset” field was set to 610, this is the starting point for the write.
Clicking on the Done button will close out the Read/Write Raw Data screen.
Set Factory Defaults
Clicking on the Set Defaults button will set the factory defaults for Configurator. The user will
have to confirm this action.
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Configurator – Set factory defaults confirmation
Clicking on the Yes button will set the factory defaults; clicking on the No button will cancel the
FD Preserve
The FD Preserve button will set the factory defaults while also preserving the recipe
information. The user will have to confirm the action.
Configurator – Confirm set factory defaults with recipe preserve
Clicking on the Yes button will set the factory defaults and preserve the recipe information.
Clicking on the No button will cancel the action.
Clicking on the OK or Cancel button will close the
5. The Recipe Editor button
The Recipe Editor button is available to users of all access levels, however, users with Operatorlevel access cannot save recipes. This form allows users to manually edit a recipe.
The toolbar at the top of the form contains the basic Windows-type functions, new, cut, copy,
etc. The Windows-type shortcuts apply to most of the functions as well: Ctrl + C to copy, Ctrl +
X to cut, etc. The menu will list the shortcut next to each command.
System Management
Configurator – Recipe Edit toolbar
From left to right are: New (load a blank recipe), Print (print out the recipe steps), Cut (cut a
selected step), Copy (copy a selected step), Paste (paste the cut or copied step), Insert Step
(inserts a selected step into the program…all steps below the inserted step will move down),
Insert NO-OP Step (insert a NO-OP step into the program…all steps below the inserted step will
move down), and Help (display a help page).
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Configurator Recipe Editor screen
Recipe Editor Tab
Load/Save Recipes
The box in the top left of the form is where the user can select which recipe (0 – 300) to load.
Use the up or down arrows, or just type in the recipe number and click on the Load button.
The recipe steps will be filled in the white area on the form. Once the Load button has been
clicked, the box to the right of the Save As button will be filled with the recipe number
selected. By default, the Save As recipe will be the same as the Load recipe. To save the
loaded recipe as a different recipe number, use the up or down arrows, or just type in the new
number (0 – 300) in the box next to the Save As button and click this button.
Checking the “Use Online Device” check box will load and save the recipes on the currently
connected controller. Not checking this check box will load and save the recipes on the local
computer (PCGroup).
The “Recipe Description” line is a text description of the recipe.
Modify Recipes
To modify any of the steps in the recipe, double-click on the row of the step that will be
modified. This will display the
Edit Step
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Configurator Recipe Step Edit form
The drop-down list under “Opcode” allows the user to select the specific opcode that will be
used in the recipe step. Checking the “Alphabetical” checkbox will allow the user to alphabetize
the list. If a temperature value or an atmosphere value is needed, these can be set using the
up or down arrows, or by just typing in the value. If these are not needed, check the “Disable”
checkbox and the boxes will become unavailable. Note – for some opcodes, the display text will
change and the
Edit Step
screen will look slightly different to accommodate the different types
of values associated with each opcode, but the functionality of each item will remain the same.
The box(es) on the right side of the form is the action or value that should be taken. For
instance, with opcode “SetPt”, the box on the right is the “Option” and there is a drop-down list
of available options: wait, wait up, wait down. However, for opcode “soak”, the temperature
value and atmosphere value fields disappear and the boxes on the right of the form are “Soak
Time hoursminutes”, and there are two boxes that have values ranging from 0 to 1000 for the
hours and 0 to 59 for the minutes. These values can be adjusted by using the up or down
arrows, or by typing the new value in. The user can add an optional comment to the recipe
step in the “Comment” field, if desired. Once all of the changes have been made, the user can
click on OK to save these changes.
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Recipe Management Tab
Configurator – Recipe Management tab with Recipes tab
Recipes Tab
The “Recipe Logo:” will allow the user to select a bitmap (.bmp) image to act as a logo for the
recipes. Clicking on the Browse button will open up a dialog box that will allow the user to
browse to the desired picture.
Transfer Section
The Transfer section will allow the user to transfer one or more recipes from one location to
another. The “Source” field could either be the currently connected device (“Use Online
Device”), or one of the offline groups (“PCGroup”). The “Destination” field could either be the
currently connected device (“Use Online Device”), or one of the offline groups (“PCGroup”).
The “Send One” option will send only one recipe from the source to the destination. The recipe
to send will be based upon the numeric value within the box next to the “Send Multiple” option.
The “Send Multiple” option will send any number of sequential recipes from the source to the
destination. When the “Send Multiple” option is selected, there will be another numeric value
box visible next to the first numeric value box. This second box will be invisible when the “Send
One” option is selected. Once all of the required information is present (source, destination,
recipe to send), clicking on the Send button will send the recipes. The progress bar at the
bottom of the section will update the send process.
a controller may take a few minutes
Note: Transferring recipes from or to
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Printing Section
The Printing section allows the user the ability to print out recipes. The “Source” field could
either be the currently connected device (“Use Online Device”), or one of the offline groups
(“PCGroup”). The “Print One” option will print only one recipe from the source. The recipe to
print will be based upon the numeric value within the box next to the “Print Multiple” option.
The “Print Multiple” option will print any number of sequential recipes from the source. When
the “Print Multiple” option is selected, there will be another numeric value box visible next to
the first numeric value box. This second box will be invisible when the “Print One” option is
selected. Clicking on the Print button will display a print preview dialog, where the user will be
able to view and/or print the recipes. Clicking on the Setup button will display a
Page Setup
screen, which will allow the user to set up the page settings for printing, as well as select the
Note: Printing recipes from a controller may take a few minutes
Groups Tab
Configurator – Recipe Management tab with Groups tab
The Groups tab will allow the user to add, modify, or delete the offline groups of recipes. The
offline recipe groups are used throughout the
Recipe Edit
screen, both on the Recipe Editor tab
and the Recipe Management tab.
To add a recipe group, click on the Add button. This will display the recipe group fields: Name,
Model, and Programmer Type. Enter or select the desired values and click the Save button to
save the new group, or click the Cancel button to cancel the add process.
To edit a recipe group, click on the group name to edit from the list and click on the Edit
buttons, or double-click the group name in the list. This will display the recipe group fields with
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the selected recipe group’s information loaded. Modify the desired values and then click the
Save button to save the changes, or click on the Cancel button to cancel the edit process.
To delete a recipe group name, click on the group name to delete and click on the Delete
button. The user will have to confirm the delete.
Configurator – Confirm delete recipe group
Clicking on the Yes button will continue with the delete, while clicking on the No button will
cancel the delete process. Since deleting a recipe group will result in the loss of data, the user
will have to confirm the delete a second time.
Configurator – Second confirm delete recipe group
Clicking on the Yes button will delete the recipe group, while clicking on the No button will
cancel the delete process.
Clicking on the Done button will close the screen down.
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Configurator Main Form
The right side of the form contains a drop-down list that contains all of the devices configured
with the Configurator. To view a specific device, select it from the drop down list.
Configurator - Device drop-down list
The selected menu items on the left, and the values on the screen, will change to reflect the
new device’s values.
The area right below the drop-down menu list allows the user to start, stop, hold, or resume a
Clicking on the Run button will display the
the recipe to run.
Run Recipe
screen, from which the user can select
Configurator – Run Recipe screen
Use the number box next to the “Recipe:” to select a recipe number from 1 to 300. Once the
recipe number has been selected, click on the Load button. This will display the steps in the
recipe in the white area. If the user wants the recipe to start from a step other than step 1, the
user can select which step from the number box to the right of the Load button. The user can
edit the steps in the recipe just like in the
Recipe Management
screen. Once the recipe number
and the starting step number have been chosen, the user can click on the Run button. This
will begin the recipe. If the user does not wish to run the recipe, clicking on the Cancel button
will close the form without starting the recipe.
While a recipe is running, there will be a green highlight across the program display area.
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Configurator - Program running display
The Hold button will put the recipe on hold, but it will not stop the recipe. To hold a recipe,
click on the Hold button. The user will have to confirm the action.
Configurator – Confirm hold recipe
Clicking on Yes will hold the recipe, and clicking on No will not hold the recipe. Once the
program has been held, the Hold button will say Cont, there will be a yellow highlight across
the program display.
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