Super Systems Inc. Page 11 Video Recorder Manual Version 2 Rev. F
With a crossover cable, you are forming a network between the computer that you are directly plugged
into and the touch screen. See Appendix A: Wiring Diagrams.
Each screen and Video Logging device is configured and setup with a fixed IP address. The screen is
configured to communicate with a specific device. This is done through the
Target VR IP
Menu Option.
Change the IP Address of the Brick
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If changing the IP address of both the Touch Screen and the Brick, the Brick must
be changed first.
Go to the main menu and log in as “2.” Scroll down the options, select “Video Recorder IP” and tap
“View” to display the current IP address. From here, you can change the IP address to the desired
Change the IP Address of the Touch Screen
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If changing the IP address of both the Touch Screen and the Brick, the Brick must
be changed first. See section above for instructions on this procedure. After changing the IP address of
the Brick, use the touch screen to select “Target VR IP Address” under the “Configuration” menu and set
it to the new address of the Brick.
It is important to obtain an available IP address and correct Net Mask and Default Gateway from an
administrator or IT associate before changing any of the IP settings. In order to change the IP address of
the touch screen, the program must be shut down. To do this, scroll down the menu options and select
“Exit Program.” Then, click on Start Menu Settings Network and Dial-up Connections. This will
display the Network settings screen. Double-Click on the existing connection to display the properties.
To specify an IP address, select the “Specify an IP address” option and fill in the sections for the IP
Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway using the on-screen keyboard, which can be started by
clicking on the Pen/Paper icon in the lower right corner and then clicking on “Keyboard” from the menu
option. Move the keyboard to a position where you will still be able to see the IP address section and the
keyboard at the same time. Highlight the first section of the IP address and enter the IP address.
Note –
The cursor will move to the next section once three digits have been entered
. To enter a two or one-digit
section of the address, begin the section with zeroes, i.e., 001 instead of 1. Repeat for the Subnet Mask
and Default Gateway.
To have the IP address assigned by the network, select the “Obtain an IP address via DHCP” option. This
option will disable the text boxes for entering the IP address, since the IP address will be given by the
network. Click on the OK or X button on the top of the screen to close the screen.
Note – If the IP
address of the touch screen is changed, then the corresponding profile in the VR Manager will have to be
updated as well
If you are not comfortable with this procedure, contact SSi at 513-772-0060 for assistance.