Operations Manual
Self-Heated Oxygen
Measurement and Control
Please read, understand, and follow these instructions before operating this equipment.
Super Systems, Inc. is not responsible for damages incurred due to a failure to comply with
these instructions. If at any time there are questions regarding the proper use of this product,
please contact us at (800) 666-4330 for assistance.
7205 Edington Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45249
513-772-0060 / 800-666-4330
Fax: 513-772-9466
HP 15 Manual Rev A Page 1 of 1

Table of Contents
Table of Contents................................................................................................................. 2
General Information .............................................................................................................3
Electrical Connections........................................................................................................... 4
Plumbing Connections .......................................................................................................... 7
HP 15 Screens ..................................................................................................................... 8
Initial Screen.................................................................................................................... 8
Main Menu .......................................................................................................................8
Set Points..................................................................................................................... 8
Temp Mode .................................................................................................................. 9
CO Factor ..................................................................................................................... 9
Hydrogen Factor ........................................................................................................... 9
Pump Control ............................................................................................................. 10
Auto / Manual............................................................................................................. 10
O2 View ..................................................................................................................... 10
Configuration Menu ........................................................................................................ 10
PVT Type ................................................................................................................... 10
Network Settings ........................................................................................................ 11
PID Settings ............................................................................................................... 11
Loop PID Settings – Page 1 ..................................................................................... 11
Loop PID Settings – Page 2 ..................................................................................... 12
Loop PID Settings – Page 3 ..................................................................................... 12
Loop PID Settings – Page 4 ..................................................................................... 12
Burn Off Setup............................................................................................................ 13
Analog Input Setup ..................................................................................................... 13
Analog Input Settings – Page 1 ................................................................................ 13
Analog Input Settings – Page 2 ................................................................................ 14
Analog Input Settings – Page 3 ................................................................................ 14
Analog Output Setup................................................................................................... 15
Analog Output Settings – Page 1.............................................................................. 15
Alarms ....................................................................................................................... 15
Alarm Settings - Page 1 ........................................................................................... 15
Alarm Settings – Page 2 .......................................................................................... 16
Alarm Settings – Page 3 .......................................................................................... 17
Over Temp Alarm........................................................................................................ 17
SSi Information Screen................................................................................................ 17
Spare Parts List.................................................................................................................. 18
Appendix 1 – Factory Defaults ............................................................................................ 19
Universal Defaults........................................................................................................... 19
Carbon PVT Defaults....................................................................................................... 20
Dewpoint PVT Defaults ................................................................................................... 20
Oxygen PVT Defaults ...................................................................................................... 20
Probe mV PVT Defaults ................................................................................................... 21
Probe Redundancy PVT Defaults...................................................................................... 21
Simple Nitrider PVT Defaults ........................................................................................... 22
Dual Loop PVT Defaults .................................................................................................. 22
Revision History ................................................................................................................. 23
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General Information
The HP15 system includes two main enclosures. The first contains the heater and the Gold
Probe and is painted with a heat resistant black paint. The second is the blue electrical control
panel. Proper operation of this system requires that these two enclosures be wired to each
other to allow the heater to be controlled by the electrical enclosure. For detailed information
regarding the connections between the enclosures, please refer to the E
section of this manual.
lectrical Connections
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Electrical Connections
Insert the probe into the coupling at the base of the large box. It is important that the
probe is inserted at the correct depth to allow proper heating and prevent damage
to the ceramic well inside the unit. There should be between 10.0” and 10.5” between the
bottom of the adjustable 1” NPT gland and the end of the probe (see sketch below).
Once the probe has been inserted into the heater, make the necessary electrical connections at
the head of the probe. The green thermocouple wire from the electrical enclosure box should
be attached to the thermocouple connection at the head of the probe (Positive (+) = Black and
Negative (-) = Red). The sensor wire should also be attached to the probe (Positive (+) =
Black and Negative (-) = White).
This unit has been pre-configured and tested prior to shipment. To maximize the accuracy and
longevity of the Heated Probe, it is recommended that the unit be operated at 1500°F. It is
also possible to configure the HP to match the temperature of your furnace.
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Inside Electrical Enclosure
6.0 AMP
6 Amp Circuit Breaker
Incoming Customer 110VAC (Line)
Incoming Customer 110VAC (Neutral)
110VAC (Neutral) To Heate
110VAC (Line) to Heater Enclosure
110VAC (Switched Line) to Heater Enclosure
Enriching Gas Contact #1
Enriching Gas Contact #2
Dilution Air Contact #1
Dilution Air Contact #2
Alarm Contact #1
Alarm Contact #2
24VDC (Negative)
24VDC (Positive)
Dry Contact for Sample Inhibit
Dry Contact for Probe Burn-Off
Dry Contact Common
Pump Terminal
110VAC (Neutral) - Spare
Incoming Customer 110VAC (Ground)
Host Communications connect to the Host Computer.
nalog Output #1 is the 4-20mA signal for Process Variable Retransmission.
nalog Output #2 is the 4-20mA signal for Temperature Control (Optional).
RS485 Host Communications Shield
RS485 Host Communications RT- (Negative)
RS485 Host Communications RT+ (Positive)
Analog Output Common (Positive)
Analog Output #1 (Negative)
Analog Output #2 (Negative)
Inside Heater Enclosure
Incoming 110VAC (Line) from Electrical Enclosure
Incoming 110VAC (Neutral) from Electrical Enclosure
Incoming 110VAC (Switched Line) from Electrical Enclosure
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1. Connect incom ing 120VAC to the Electrical E nclosure:
110 VAC Line Terminal 1000
110 VAC N eutral Terminal 1002
110 VAC G round Terminal GN D
2. Connect Electrical Enclosure to Heater Enclosure:
3. Connect "S" Type Thermocouple wire from P robe to Model 9120 Controller in Electrical Enclosure
4. Connect Millivolt wire from P robe to M odel 9120 Controller in Electrical Enclosure
Electrical Heater
Terminal 1003 Terminal 1003
Terminal 1002 Terminal 1002
Terminal 1103 Terminal 1103
Probe M odel 9120
+ T'CPLE (Black) Terminal 30
- T'CP LE (R ed ) Term ina l 29
Probe M odel 9120
+ SENSOR Terminal 32
- SE NS OR Terminal 31
Connect Furnace Thermocouple to Model 9120 Controller in Electrical Enclosure
Probe M odel 9120
+ T'CPLE Term inal 28
- T'CPLE Terminal 27
Connect RS485 Communications to H ost Com puter
Electrical Host Computer
Terminal 1021 Shield
Terminal 1031 RTTerminal 1041 RT+
Connect Enriching Gas Contact
Electrical (Custom er)
Terminal 1601 T.B.D
Terminal 1602 T.B.D
Connect Dilution A ir Contact
Electrical (Custom er)
Terminal 1621 T.B.D
Terminal 1622 T.B.D
Connect Dilution A ir Contact
Electrical (Custom er)
Terminal 1681 T.B.D
Terminal 1682 T.B.D
Connect Dry Contact for Sam ple Inhibit
Electrical (Custom er)
Terminal 1320 T.B.D
Terminal 1340 T.B.D
Connect Dry Contact for Probe Burnoff
Electrical (Custom er)
Terminal 1330 T.B.D
Terminal 1340 T.B.D
4-20m A O utput for Process Variable Retransm ission
Electrical (Custom er)
Terminal 1350 T.B.D +
Terminal 1360 T.B.D -
4-20m A O utput for Temperature Control
Electrical (Custom er)
Terminal 1350 T.B.D +
Terminal 1380 T.B.D -
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Plumbing Connections
The sample gas can be transported from the sample port on the furnace to the bottom of the
external filter on the side of the electrical enclosure using silicone tubing. The sample flow
should be between 4.0 and 5.0 SCFH. Silicone tubing should also connect the ports on the side
of the electrical enclosure to the probe in the heater enclosure. Connect tubing from the fitting
on the electrical enclosure marked “To Probe Reference” to the “Ref. Air” port on the probe. A
connection should also be made between the “To Burnoff Port” fitting and the “B.O.” fitting on
the probe. There is a barb fitting on the stainless steel well on the heated probe. This is the
vent, which needs to be routed to an appropriately safe location.
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