Super Systems Inc.
7205 Edington Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45249
Fax: 513-772-9466

Furnace Utilization Reporting System (FURS) Operations Manual
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Furnace Utilization Reporting System (FURS) Operations Manual
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Setup and Use Diagram ..................................................................................................................... 5
Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 6
FURS Concepts .................................................................................................................................. 8
Data Point ....................................................................................................................................... 8
Additional Technical Details ...................................................................................................... 8
Data Point Group ............................................................................................................................ 9
Data Points, Data Point Groups, and Report Generation ............................................................ 10
Scripting (VBScript) ...................................................................................................................... 11
Report Templates ......................................................................................................................... 11
Configuration Screens ................................................................................................................. 11
If Using Load Data and Running FURS for the First Time .............................................................. 11
Using the Software........................................................................................................................... 13
Main Window ................................................................................................................................ 14
File Menu .................................................................................................................................. 14
View Menu ................................................................................................................................. 15
Settings Menu ........................................................................................................................... 15
Help Menu................................................................................................................................. 17
Language Menu ........................................................................................................................ 17
Data Point Setup Window ......................................................................................................... 17
Data Point Group Setup ............................................................................................................ 19
Report Generation .................................................................................................................... 22
Revision History ............................................................................................................................... 23
Appendix 1: Configuration File Settings (AppOptions.xml) ............................................................ 24
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Furnace Utilization Reporting System (FURS) Operations Manual
Part of the SSi SuperDATA suite of programs, the Furnace Utilization Reporting System (FURS)
provides powerful tools for analyzing and generating reports on utilization of furnace
equipment. FURS works seamlessly with SuperDATA, generating reports and visual graphs
based on log file data created by SuperDATA. The cost of fuel to run a furnace (or group of
furnaces) can be estimated based on log data and rates provided by the user. FURS allows for
customized scripting based on VBScript.
The setup diagram below shows the suggested procedure for installing, configuring, and using
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Furnace Utilization Reporting System (FURS) Operations Manual
Setup and Use Diagram
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Furnace Utilization Reporting System (FURS) Operations Manual
To install, open the “SetupFUR.msi” file. The
Setup Wizard
FURS has some prerequisites in order to run properly. Windows XP or higher operating system
is required. Windows 7 or higher is recommended.
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 or higher is required to run FURS. The URL for .NET is as
follows: http://www.microsoft.com/net/downloads
Required for accessing load data (optional) from an SQL Server
: SQL Server 2008 R2 Express
Edition or higher. The URL for downloading SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition is as follows:
. [Note: If load data is being
accessed, the <UseSQLEXPRUtilDB> option will be “true” in the AppOptions.xml file. See the
Appendix 1: Configuration File Settings (AppOptions.xml) section for more information.]
window will appear. Click “Next”
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Furnace Utilization Reporting System (FURS) Operations Manual
The License Agreement window will appear.
The next window will give you the options to
A Confirm Installation window will appear. Click
Read the terms of the license and, if in
agreement, select “I Agree” and then click
change the installation folder for FURS, to
install FURS for the current user or for all users
of the computer, and to estimate the amount of
disk space that will be used when the program
is installed. Click “Next” to continue.
Record the folder name where
FURS is installed so that you can refer to it in
the future.
“Next” to continue.
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Furnace Utilization Reporting System (FURS) Operations Manual
An installation status window will appear.
Once the installation process has finished, the
Installation Complete
If a window appears on screen asking if you want
to authorize changes being made to your
computer, simply choose “Yes”.
window will appear. Click
“Close” to close the window.
FURS Concepts
Before using FURS, it is helpful to have an understanding of the concepts used in the software.
Data Point
The main building block of a FURS report is a Data Point. A Data Point represents a measurable
property associated with a furnace. Examples might include fuel consumption, non-production
time, load time, or percentage of utilization during certain periods of the day. Data is gathered
from SDIO (the SuperDATA communications engine) and, for calculations that involve loads,
from an SQL database. Using scripting within the program, the user can then instruct FURS on
how to use that data to generate meaningful calculations on a furnace property. These
calculations are used to generate Data Points, which are then used to generate graphs, tables,
and reports within FURS.
Additional Technical Details
A data point represents a one-minute resolution data item which is calculated by using any
number of available “raw data points” as inputs. The VBScript language can be used on the
inputs to create the desired output.
Currently, data points with the following units of measurements are available in the
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