General Information .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Aux Analog Inputs ................................................................................................................................................. 24
Analog Input Setup ................................................................................................................................................ 31
Analog Output Setup.............................................................................................................................................. 32
User Calibration .................................................................................................................................................. 37
Full Calibration ................................................................................................................................................... 38
Appendix 1 – Standard Configurations for PVT Types .................................................................................................. 41
Appendix 2 – Accessing the SSi 9120 Web Page ......................................................................................................... 43
Revision History ........................................................................................................................................................ 45
Furnace Setup
Analog Input Setup
Analog Output Setup
Alarm Setup
Menu Option ...................................................................................... 9
Menu Option ............................................................................ 11
Menu Option .......................................................................... 13
Menu Option ....................................................................................... 15
Communications Setup
PID Loop Setup
Menu Option .................................................................................. 17
Menu option ........................................................................ 17
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 2 Super Systems Inc
GGeenneerraall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
The SSi 9120 is a single or dual loop blind controller/signal conditioning/data concentrating device that can be used in
carbon, oxygen, millivolt, SSi redundant probe, simple nitriding and universal dual loop applications. The 9120 is supplied
with Ethernet communications capability and has a limited web server for thin client control and supports ModbusTCP
host communications. Serial I/O includes two (2) RS-232 ports and three (3) RS-485 ports. As a data concentrator, the
9120 is capable of communication to SSi's analog input modules as well as up to 25 slave serial instruments and supports
host communications via Modbus over RS232 or RS485 or ModbusTCP communications.
The SSi 9120 Controller is a single or two loop device that can be configured to be used for control of:
% Carbon
Dew Point
Redundant Probe
Simple Nitrider
Dual Loop
Temperature Mode
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 3 Super Systems Inc
SSSSii 99112200 SSeettuupp
This section will explain how to set the SSi 9120 controller up. The steps required to set up the SSi 9120 through a local
computer are:
1. Install Configurator 2.0 on the local computer
2. Connect the SSi 9120 to a network or local computer
3. Configure Configurator 2.0 on the local computer
4. Complete Configurator
5. Complete Configurator
6. Complete Configurator
7. Complete Configurator
8. Complete Configurator
9. Complete Configurator
Furnace Setup
Analog Input Setup
Analog Output Setup
Alarm Setup
Communications Setup
PID Loop Setup
menu option
menu option
menu option
menu option
menu option
menu option
Step 1 – Install Configurator 2.0 on the Local Computer
Configurator 2.0 is a configuration utility developed by SSi that will allow the user to interface with an SSi instrument
directly or over a network. The installation file, ConfiguratorSetup.msi, should be included with the installation CD
provided by SSi. If this file is not on the CD, contact Super Systems at 513-772-0060.
Double-click on the installation file to begin the installation
The first page displayed is just for information purposes.
Click on the Next > button to move to the next page, or
press the Cancel button to cancel the installation.
The second page is a warning about Configurator 2.0.
Since Configurator 2.0 is a Microsoft .Net 2.0 product, the
local computer will have to have the .Net 2.0 framework
installed before Configurator 2.0 can be used. Click on the
Next > button to continue or the Cancel button to cancel
the installation.
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 4 Super Systems Inc
Page 3 will allow the user to select the location of the
installation. The default location is “C:\SSi\”. To change this
location, click on the Browse button and select a new location
from the dialog box that is displayed. The Disk Usage button
is a utility that will display the available hard drive space on the
local computer. Click on the Next > button to move to the
next page.
Page 4 will allow the user to review the installation settings, if
necessary. Click on the Install button to install the software.
Page 5 will display a progress bar as the installation proceeds.
Note: The installation should only take a few minutes
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 5 Super Systems Inc
Page 7 is the informational screen about the makers of
the installation software. Click on the Finish button to
close out this screen.
Page 6 is the finishing screen, which is displayed after the
software has been installed. Click on the Next > button to
Step 2 – Connect the SSi 9120 to a Network or Local Computer
To connect the instrument to the network, through a wall port or switch, use a regular Ethernet cable. To connect the
instrument directly to a computer, use an Ethernet crossover cable. Contact your IT Department for the necessary
cables. Once the SSi 9120 is connected to a network, the Configurator 2.0 software will be able to find it during any
searches. Connecting the instrument to your network or directly to a PC is accomplished using the Ethernet port on the
instrument. If you are connecting the instrument to your network, you will need an Ethernet cable. The cable is plugged
into the instrument Ethernet plug and then other end should be plugged into a network hub. If the IP Address of the
instrument needs to be changed, this can be done through the Configurator software (see Step 3 below). If you are not
putting the instrument on the network, you should use an Ethernet crossover cable. Ethernet crossover cables are most
often used when connecting two Ethernet computers without a hub. An Ethernet crossover cable has its send and receive
wires crossed. When using a hub or switch, this is automatically done for you. With a crossover cable, you are forming a
network between the computer that you are directly plugged into and the SSi 9120. There will be some network settings
on the computer that you will have to configure for the 2 devices to communicate. The SSi 9120 will have the network
setting already setup with the following default IP address – This can be modified through the
Configurator software.
Network settings can be found through the
operator will be given a list of the current available connection types. Using the crossover cable will require the “Local
Control Panel
in Microsoft Windows. By selecting
Network Setting
, the
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 6 Super Systems Inc
Area Connection” as seen in the diagram to be
modified. The Properties can be changed by
highlighting the connection and using the right
mouse button to click and select the
tab or by highlighting the connection and
clicking on Change setting of this connection.
Once the
screen is displayed, highlight the Internet
Protocol (TCP/IP) option. Click the Properties
button to display Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Properties. On the Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP) Properties tab, you will need to select
the option for Use The Following IP Address.
Enter in the following data on these fields:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Gateway:
Note: These fields are suggestions. Contact your IT department to get a
valid IP address, Net Mask, and Gateway for the local computer.
To change the network
settings on your
computer you may need
addition information so
please refer to the
computer manual.
Local Area Connection Properties
Step 3 – Configure Configurator 2.0 on the local computer
When Configurator starts up for the first time, the user will see the main screen, which will be blank because no
instruments have been set up yet. The first step is to set up an instrument in Configurator.
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 7 Super Systems Inc
First, the user will need to log in
with administrative rights.
The user will need to be logged in
with at least administrative rights;
Supervisor rights will not allow the
user to add an instrument
four levels of rights in Configurator
are: operator, supervisor,
administrator, SSi Special. The
lock on the toolbar will let the user
know what level is currently logged
in. Operators are blue, supervisors
are gold, administrators are green,
and the SSi Special, which is used
for configuration purposes before
the unit is shipped, is red. Click on
the lock and log in with the
following information: username =
administrator, password = 2.
Note: The supervisor and
administrator passwords can be
Furnace Setup
. The lock should now
be green. Click on the
Click on the Add button to display the rest of
the screen. First, give the instrument a
name. The name can be anything the user
wants, but it is suggested that the user
makes the name descriptive. Next, select the
model from the drop-down list. Next, enter
the IP address in the “Ethernet” section and
make sure the “Ethernet” option is selected.
Note: The SSi 9120 is shipped with a default
IP address of This is set
this way so that it will not interfere with any
other instruments/computers on the network.
menu, then select
. This will display the
changed on the
menu page
System Management
Note: even if the local computer is hooked up
directly to the instrument through a crossover
cable, the IP address will still need to be
to find all available SSi instruments by
clicking on the search button next to the
“Ethernet” IP address box. This will set up
Configurator for Ethernet communications.
To set it up for serial or SuperData
communications, the proper option will need to be selected and filled out. Click on the Save button to save the
information. Click on the Done button to close down this screen.
. The user can also scan the network
. The
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 8 Super Systems Inc
Click on the Connect button on
the left of the toolbar to
connect to the device. If the
connect button has a red
square on it, then the device is
disconnected. If the button
has a green triangle, then the
device is connected. Also, the
connection status is displayed
along the bottom of the
Once the device is connected,
the user can move on to “Step
4 - Complete Configurator
Furnace Setup
menu option”.
Step 4 – Complete Configurator
Furnace Setup
Note: This menu item is also located later in the manual under the
enter the PV’s name.
Menu Option
Section 1 – 9120 Configurator Menus
The Furnace Setup menu option is an
administrative access only option. Do not make
any adjustments on this screen without first
contacting Super Systems Inc.
Date and Time
This option will display the current date and time
on the 9120 controller. From this menu option,
the user can change the date/time
Furnace Name
This value will define the name of the furnace.
Clicking on the “Value” column will bring up an
input box where the user can enter the furnace’s
PV1 Name
This value will define the name of the first
process variable. Clicking on the “Value” column
will bring up an input box where the user can
on the 9120
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 9 Super Systems Inc
PV2 Name
This value will define the name of the second process variable. Clicking on the “Value” column will bring up an input box
where the user can enter the PV’s name.
PVT Type
The PVT type is the mode the device runs in (Carbon, Dewpoint, etc.). The mode selected determines the calculations
and scaling for the Process Variable.
performs a simple calculation based on that input
defaults to ensure all parameters have been changed to the new Process Variable (
→Set Defaults button or FD Preserve button). Clicking on this value will display an input box with a drop-down list
from which the user can select a new PVT Type.
The values for the PVT type are:
This value determines the specific temperature scale to be used. Clicking on the value will allow the operator to change
the value. It can be either Degrees °°°°F or degrees °°°°C.
Level 1 Code
Typically, operations used by a supervisor require a level 1 code for access. When a supervisor is logged in, the lock on
the toolbar will be gold, . To change the level 1 passcode, click on the “Level 1 Code” value (range is –32768 to
32767) and an input box will be displayed where the user can select a new value.
Level 2 Code
Typically, operations used by an administrator require a level 2 code for access. When an administrator is logged in, the
lock on the toolbar will be green, . To change the level 2 passcode, click on the “Level 2 Code” value (range is –
32768 to 32767) and an input box will be displayed where the user can select a new value.
Web Level 1 Code
This value is the supervisor-level passcode for any web-based operations with the 9120 controller. Clicking on the value
will allow the operator to change the value. The range for the passcode is 0 to 9999.
Note: The Simple Nitrider only reads the H2 cell on the female RS232 port and
. Any time this selection is changed it is necessary to reset the factory
menu →
menu option
Web Level 2 Code
This value is the administrator-level passcode for any web-based operations with the 9120 controller. Clicking on the
value will allow the operator to change the value. The range for the passcode is 0 to 9999.
Web Change Enable
This will either enable or disable the web change feature, which will allow changes to be made over the web page for the
9120 controller. Clicking on the value will allow the operator to change the value. Select either a 0 (Web Change
Disable) or a 1 (Web Change Enable).
O2 Mode
This value will allow the operator to select the oxygen mode.
Clicking on the value will allow the operator to change the value.
The options are:
% with control
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 10 Super Systems Inc
Sample Pump Mode
This menu option will allow the user to turn the sample pump On or Off. For the HP PVT types (% Carbon, Dewpoint,
Oxygen, Millivolt, and Redundant Probe), there is the option to set a minimum temperature in order for the pump to
run. See the “Minimum Temp/Pump Run” description below.
Remote Setpoint
This option will allow the user to select where the remote setpoint will come from. The options are:
Remote Setpoint Hysteresis
This option will allow the user to enter the remote setpoint hysteresis. The range is 0 to 9999.
Minimum temp/pump run
This option will set the minimum temperature for the pump to run, if that feature is used. A 0 value will disable the
minimum temperature feature.
for the pump minimum temperature feature to work
Input 1
This value will display the Input 1 type. This value cannot be changed from this screen.
Input 2
This value will display the Input 2 type. This value cannot be changed from this screen.
Input 3
This value will display the Input 3 type. This
value cannot be changed from this screen.
Note: The furnace that is being sampled must have its temperature connected to input 3
Loop 1 PV
This value will display the Loop 1 PV type.
This value cannot be changed from this
Loop 2 PV
This value will display the Loop 2 PV type.
This value cannot be changed from this
Step 5 – Complete
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 11 Super Systems Inc
Menu Option
Analog Input
Note: This menu item is also located later in the manual under the
The 9120 controller has two analog inputs. Each of the inputs comes with a factory default configuration dependent on
the application (refer to PVT type under the
or in the field by a technician or qualified/trained person with the proper security code.
Analog Input Terminals
Analog Input 1 – terminals 31 and 32
Analog Input 2 – terminals 29 and 30
Parameter Definitions
Input Type
The thermocouple type for most applications can be modified depending on your specific needs. Please note that in some
applications, some of the inputs DO NOT allow the user to modify the Input type.
make sure to set the appropriate jumpers, if necessary
Furnace Setup
The jumper will need to be manually changed on the input board
section). It can be modified prior to shipment to your facility
before changing the input type to a 10:1 setting (non-thermocouple types)
input you want to change by selecting it in the pull-down menu just below the main menu list. Clicking on the Value will
display an input box, and then you can use the pull-down menu to select the desired parameter. Once selected, click
and the displayed Input type under Value will be the current type.
The following is a list of the options:
B S 12.5 volts
C T 781.25mv
E 2.5 volts 195.3125 mV
J 1.25 volts
K 78.125 mV
N 19.53125 mV
NNM 4-20 mA
R 25 volts
Filter time
The filter time is a factory applied averaging tool used to help maintain steady control in high EMI environments. The
filter time should not be adjusted with consulting SSI. Clicking on this value will display an input box from which the user
can select a new value. The range is 0 to 32767.
Initial Scale
This is the initial scale value. Clicking on this value will display an input box from which the user can select a new value.
The range is –32768 to 32767.
Full scale
This is the full scale value. Clicking on this value will display an input box from which the user can select a new value.
The range is –32768 to 32767.
Decimal Point Location
This is the decimal point location value. Clicking on this value will display an input box from which the user can select a
new value. The range is 0 to 4.
Open TC
This is the open TC value. Clicking on this value will toggle between up scale, and down scale.
Input Offset
The input offset value is algebraically added to the input value to adjust the input curve on read-out.
offsets are unscaled
. The range is –5000 to 5000.
Section 1 – 9120 Configurator Menus
Note: Before changing the input type,
. To change the Input type, first select which
Note: The input
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 12 Super Systems Inc
Trip Point 1 Setpoint
This is the trip point 1 setpoint value. The range is –32768 to 32768.
Trip Point 1 Force Value
This is the trip point 1 force value. The range is –32768 to 32768.
Trip Point 1 Direction
This is the trip point 1 direction. The options are: input above setpoint or input below setpoint.
Trip Point 2 Setpoint
This is the trip point 2 setpoint value. The range is –32768 to 32768.
Trip Point 2 Force Value
This is the trip point 2 force value. The range is –32768 to 32768.
Trip Point 2 Direction
This is the trip point 2 direction. The options are: input above setpoint or input below setpoint.
High Input Limit Setpoint
This is the setpoint for the high input limit. The range for this can be –32768 to 32768.
High Input Limit Hysteresis
This is the hysteresis for the high input limit. The range for this can be –32768 to 32768.
Step 6 – Complete Configurator
Analog Output Setup
Menu Option
Note: This menu item is also located later
in the manual under the
Configurator Menus
The 9120 controller has the option of two
analog outputs. The outputs are ranged
for a 4 – 20 milliamp signal or a 0 – 20
milliamp signal. Each output comes with
a factory default configuration dependent
on the application. Each output can be
modified prior to shipment to your facility
or in the field by a supervisor.
Analog Output Terminals
Analog output 1 – terminals 24 and 25
Analog output 2 – terminals 25 and 26
The analog output assignment can be
modified depending on your system
requirements. To change the Assignment
first select which analog output you want
to change by selecting it in the pull-down
menu just below the main menu list.
Clicking on this value will display an input box, and then you can use the pull-down menu to select the desired parameter.
Once selected click OK and the displayed assignment under Value will be the current assignment type. The following is a
list of the options:
PV 1 retrans Input 1 retrans
Section 1 – 9120
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 13 Super Systems Inc
Combo example for carbon – 4 – 12 mA Air
12 – 20 mA Gas
This is the starting point, the Process Variable value at which you get 4 milliamps. Clicking on this value will display an
input box from which the user can select a new value. The range is –32768 to 32767.
This is a Process Variable value between 4 and 20 milliamps. Clicking on this value will display an input box from which
the user can select a new value. The range is –32768 to 32767.
Note: The range, although not displayed with a
decimal point, contains a decimal point that is dependent on the process variable selected. For example, If the offset is
20 mV for 4 mA, and you want 100 mV to be 20 mA, then your range should be 80. If the process variable is
temperature, then the range will be 80, since temperature PVs do not have a decimal. If the PV is % Carbon, then the
range will need to include the two decimal points for % Carbon. So, a range of 80 will be entered as 8000
for more examples.
Current Selection
Provides the option of 4-20 mA or 0-20 mA control. Clicking on this value will display an input box with a drop-down
list from which the user can select either of the two values listed above.
Example: if 4 – 20 mA = 800 mV - 1200 mV and PV is Temperature
Offset = 800 (starting point)
Range = 400
Example: if 4 – 20 mA = 800 mV - 1200 mV and PV is O2
Offset = 800 (starting point)
Range = 4000 (400.0)
Example: if 4 – 20 mA = 800 mV - 1200 mV and PV is % Carbon
Offset = 800 (starting point)
Range = 40000 (400.00)
O2 Exponent Range
This menu option will allow the user to set the Oxygen exponent range. The range is 0 to 10.
The 9120 controller has the option of using eight relay outputs. All of the relays have a positive common terminal and
independent negative terminals. All of the relays are configured in a normally closed position except relay number eight,
which has both a normally closed (NC) and a normally open (NO) terminal.
. See below
4574 - SSi 9120 Manual Rev A Page 14 Super Systems Inc
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