Sungale ID801WT User Manual

User manual
Before operation
Navigation cont rols Memory ca rds conn ection
PC connection and AS SP tool
Getting started
Getting s tarted
Basic functions
eReader/Photo /Music /Video
Documents /Cloc k/Note P ad/Set ting
Advanced functions
Network Net Dict/ Weather/IP radio/News
Gmail/R oute/P icasa/ Stock/ Fastfl ip
Screen calibration
Screen ca librat ion
25 26
Product introduction
Sungale Cyberus i s a smar t info rmat ion en gine w hich w ill offer y ou gre at conve nience to pl ay mul ti-m edia f iles a nd sur f on lin e with w irel es net work ing capability.
revie w pictu res in y our Pi casa a ccou nt. look over sto ck inf orma tion , guid ing tr aff ic, ma ke a not e for th e impo rtan t issu es, set up da te and t ime as w ell as a larm . Its ma in men u’s p ictu re is as f ollo w:
read Go ogle a nd Yahoo news,r ecei ve G-m ails ,
Tips : You should firstly set up ne twor k befo re enj oy the se fun ctio ns: Ne t Dict , Weather, IP Radio, News, Gma il, Ro ute, P icas a,St ock, Fast flip . Plea se ref er to the con tent o f Netw ork.
Product specification
Audio file fo rmat s: wma , ogg, a ac Video file forma ts: av i, mjp eg, di vx, xv id, da t, wmv, 3gp, f lv, mp g Pictu re fil e form ats: J PG, TIF, PNG, B MP, GIF (Sta tic pi ctur e) E-boo k file f orma ts: PD F, txt, ht ml, ep ub, fb 2, rtf , ztxt , chm, p luck er, pal mdoc , tcr, oe b, openr eade r, non- DRM’ ed mob ipoc ket Memor y card s supp ort: S D/MM C USB Con nect ion: U SB dev ice Brigh tnes s: 500 :1 Contr ast: 2 50cd /m2 Power: AC Adapter Inp ut 110 -240 V, DC 5 V Compatibl e PC sys tem: W indo ws 200 0/XP /Vi sta/ 7, Mac into sh com pute r (MAC )
Envir onme ntal o pera ting r ange s Opera tion : 32~9 5F, Humi dity 0 ~85% Stora ge:- 4~14 0F, Humi dity 1 0~90 %
Safety precautions
Safety precautions
Parts and components
Navigation controls
Memory cards connection
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