Stryker Orthopaedics would like to thank
Dr. Masini for his help in developing the
Scorpio Trial Cutting Guide.
Michael A. Masini, MD
Ann Arbor Bone and Joint Surgery
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital
Ann Arbor, MI
Clinical Instructor in Orthopaedic Surgery
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI
This surgical protocol is a supplement
to the Scorpio Total Stabilizer Revision
Knee System Surgical Protocol
(Lit No. LSTS/ST).
The Scorpio Trial Cutting Guide is an
intramedullary based instrumentation
system focused on the restoration of the
joint line and proper flexion-extension
gap assessment.
Tibial and Femoral Canal Preparation
Scorpio Trial Cutting Guide
Tibial Preparation
Prepare the tibia following the Scorpio
Total Stabilizer Revision Knee System
Surgical Protocol (Lit. No. LSTS/ST, pages
1- 5). If an offset is needed, use the tibial
offset reamer to prepare for the tibial
offset. Insert the assembled trial into the
tibia (Figure 1 and Figure 2).
Note: The Scorpio Trial Cutting
Guide (TCG) is designed for use
with its own mating tibial insert
trial. The trial insert does not have
a post to allow for more accurate
assessment of the ligaments
during surgery.
Femoral Canal Preparation
Prepare the femoral canal to accept a
stem as described in the Scorpio Total
Stabilizer Revision Knee System Surgical
Protocol (Lit. No. LSTS/ST, page 5). If an
offset is needed, use the femoral offset
reamer to prepare for the femoral offset
(Lit. No. LSTS/ST, page 9) (Figure 3).
Figure 1Tibial Canal PreparationFigure 2Tibial Trial Assembly and
Femoral Offset Reamer
Reamer Depth Stop
8200-0047 80mm stem with offset
8200-0048 155mm stem with offset
The Scorpio Trial Cutting Guide (TCG)
can be assembled for either a left or right
knee. Assemble the offset adapter into the
housing of the TCG so the offset adapter
is pointing to the appropriate left or right
orientation (Figure 4).
Figure 4Trial Cutting Guide in “Right” Orientation
Assemble the trial cutting guide, offset
adapter, and appropriate size trial stem
as shown (Figure 5).
A neutral offset adapter may be used
initially to construct the trial cutting
guide assembly until the need for a
femoral offset is determined.
First, assemble the trial stem to the offset
adapter, then assemble the offset adapter
into the Trial Cutting Guide housing and
secure the anterior set screw. Once “finger
tight” pressure is achieved, rotate
counterclockwise 1/2 turn to allow the
offset adapter to rotate freely. The anterior
set screw will be fully secured after the
appropriate offset and rotation is
determined (Figure 6).
Note: Rotating counterclockwise
1/2 turn will allow the offset
adapter to rotate freely without
disassembling from the Trial
Cutting Guide housing. Rotating
counterclockwise more than 1/2
turn will cause the offset adapter
to fall out of the Trial Cutting Guide
Note: Femoral chamfer cuts cannot
be made with the TCG. However, if
bone loss is minimal and it is
determined that chamfer cuts are
required, the Scorpio Total
Stabilizer (TS) All-In-One Cutting
Block may be used to make
chamfer cuts (Lit. No. LSTS/ST,
Page 8).
Joint Line Restoration
Insert the TCG into the femoral canal
(Figure 7) and align the TCG medial
epicondyle (ME) scribe line reference mark
with the medial epicondyle (Figure 8). The
ME scribe line is 28mm from the distal
surface of the TCG. When the ME scribe
line is in line with the medial epicondyle,
the distal surface of the TCG will be
approximately located at the joint line.
(The joint line can also be estimated
using pre-operative radiographs and
anatomic landmarks.)
Figure 7TCG Femoral Canal
ME Scribe
Figure 8Joint Line Restoration to
Medial Epicondyle
Place an initial fixation pin in the middle
of the medial slot on the TCG (Figure 9and Figure 10). Pinning the medial slot
will fix the proximal/distal position while
allowing for slight internal and external
rotation of the TCG.