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5728043430 EN - 05/2017
Forklift data
Forklift data
We recommend that you record the principal
forklift data in the following table so that they
are available if required by the sales network
or authorised service centre.
Serial number
Date of delivery
General information
• This manual contains "Original Instructions"
provided by the manufacturer.
• The "operator" is defin
driving the forklift.
• The "user" is the physical or legal person
who has the forklift truck used by the
• For correct use of the forklift and in order
to avoid accidents, the operator is obliged
to read, understand and apply the contents
of this manual, the "Rules for the use of
industrial vehicles" and the labels and
plates applied to the forklift.
• This manual and the at
the use of industri
carefully and must a
for fast consultati
• The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any accidents to persons or damage
ed as the person
tached "Rules for
al vehicles" must be kept
lways be on the forklift
to things due to the failure to observe the
instructions in this manual, in the "Rules for
the use of industrial vehicles" and on the
labels and adhesive supplied to the forklift.
• The forklift may not be
that than indicated in
• The forklift must be used by appropriately
trained operators only. For the necessary
operator training, contact the authorised
sales network.
• Persons working near the forklift must also
be instructed in the risks associated with
use of the forklift.
• In the interests of cl
illustrations in th
without the safety e
panels, etc.). The f
without safety equi
put to any use other
this manual.
ear information, some
is manual show the forklift
quipment (guards,
orklift may not be used
How to Consult the Manual
There is a table of contents at the beginning
of the manual for ease of use. The manual is
divided into chapters with specific topics. The
name and title of the chapter are given at the
top of each page The following is found at the
bottom of each page: the type of manual, the
identifying code, the language and the manual
728043430 EN - 05/2017
Some general information is provided in this
manual. Please only consider the information
relevant for your specific forklift.
The following symbols have been used to
highlight some parts of this manual.
Failure to observe the instructions highlighted with
this symbol may jeopardise safety.
Failure to observe the instructions highlighted with
this symbol may cause damage to the forklift and,
in some cases, result in warranty invalidity.
Failure to observe the instructions highlighted
with this symbol may cause environmental
This symbol is used to provide additional
28043430 EN - 05/20173
Date of edition and latest update of
this manual
Date of edition and latest
update of this manual
The publication date of these operating
instructions is printed on the cover sheet.
The manufacturer makes continuous efforts
to improve its industrial trucks, and therefore
reserves the right to implement changes and
to accept no claims concerning the information
provided in this manual.
To receive technical assis
contact the service centre
closest manufacturer.
tance, please
authorised by your
Copyright and tradema
These instructions m
translated or made ac
ties—including as ex
express written app
Delivery of the fo
ust not be reproduced,
cessible to third par-
cerpts—except with the
roval of the manufacturer.
rklift and
Ensure that the f
requested and th
the following d
• Instruction and maintenance manual;
• Rules for the compliant use industrial
• EC Declaration
• Spare parts catalogue CD.
If the forklift has been delivered with a traction
battery and/or an external battery charger,
ensure that such products conform to the
order and that the relevant instructions for
operation and maintenance are included, as
well as the EC declaration for the external
battery charger.
If applied equipmen
devices are present,
to the order and that t
maintenance manual a
orklift has all of the options
at it has been delivered with
of Compliance;
t, other equipment or
ensure that they conform
he relative use and
nd of the relative EC
728043430 EN - 05/2017
Delivery of the forklift and docume
declaration (if provided by regulations in
effect) are included.
All of the above documentation must be kept
for the entire operative life of the forklift. In the
event that the documentation is lost or damaged, contact the authorised sales network for
copies of the original documentation.
28043430 EN - 05/20175
EC declaration of conformity in acc
ordance with Machinery Directive
EC declaration of conformity in accordance with Machinery Directive
Berzeliusstraße 10
D-22113 Hamburg Germany
We declare that the
Industrial truck
conforms to the latest version of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
Personnel authorised to compile the technical documents:
See EC compliance declaration
according to these operating instructions
according to these operating instructions
728043430 EN - 05/2017
Technical service and spare parts
Technical service and spare parts
For scheduled maintenance and any repairs to
the forklift, contact only the authorised service
The authorised service network has personnel
trained by the manufacturer, original spare
parts and the tools necessary to carry out
maintenance and repairs.
Servicing by the authorised
and the use of original spare
service network
parts maintain
the technical characteristics of the forklift over
Only original spare parts provided by the manufacturer may be used for forklift maintenance
and repairs. The use of non-original spare
parts invalidates the warranty and renders the
user responsible for any accidents due to the
inappropriateness of the non-original parts.
Normative References
This forklift complies
• The most recent version of Machine Directive 2006/42/EC in effect
• Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive
2014/30/EC and subsequent amendments,
relative to forklifts for handling in accordance with the EN 12895 standard
The noise tests regard
level at the driver's s
ing the sound pressure
eat were carried out
in accordance with the E
and declared according
The vibration tests were carried out in accordance with standard EN 13059 and declared
in accordance with standard EN 12096.
The limit values for the electromagnetic
emissions and immunity relative to the forklift
are those set out in the EN 12895 standard.
N 12053 standard
to the EN ISO 4871
Type of use
"Normal use conditions" of the forklift are
understood as:
• lifting and/or trans
with weight and load c
values provided (see
• transport and/or lifting on smooth, flat and
compact surfaces;
• transport and/or lifting of stable loads
uniformly distributed on the forks;
• transport and/or li
approximately on th
longitudinal plane.
The forklift must not be used for other purposes.
Any other use renders the user solely responsible
for injury/damage to persons and/or objects and
voids the warranty.
port of loads using forks
entre within the
Chapter 6 - Technical
fting with the load centre
e forklift's median
28043430 EN - 05/20177
The following scenarios are examples of
incorrect use of the forklift truck:
• Transport on une
compact) surfac
• loads that exceed the weight and/or load
centre limits;
• transporting non-stable loads;
• transporting loads not e
the forks;
• transporting swinging loads;
• transporting loads whose load centre is
considerably displaced with respect to the
forklift's longitudinal median plane;
• transporting loads of dime
block the view of the operat
• transporting loads piled so high that they
could fall onto the operator;
• travelling with a load over 300 mm off the
ven (irregular or non-
qually distributed on
nsions such as to
or when driving;
Working conditions
• transporting and/or lifting people;
• pushing or pulling loads;
• moving upwards or downwards on
with the load facing downwards
• turning at high speed;
Working conditions
The forklift has been designed and built for
internal transport.
Do not use beyond the limits of the climatic
conditions indicated below:
• Maximum ambient temperature: +40°C
• Minimum ambient temperature: +5°C
• Altitude up to 2000 m
• Relative humidity between 30% and 95%
(without condensation).
Do not use the forklift in dusty areas.
Using the forklift in environments with high concentrations of salty air or water could interfere with its
proper operation and cause corrosion of metallic
If the forklift must be used in conditions that
exceed the limits indicated or, in any case,
under extreme conditions (extreme weather,
• turning and/or moving sideways on slopes
(upwards or downwards);
• colliding with stationary and/or mobile
Improper use of the forklift could cause it and/or at
the load to overturn.
cold-storage rooms, presence of strong magnetic fields etc), appropriate equipment and/or
use precautions are necessary. Contact the
authorised sales network for more information.
The forklift may not be used in environments in
which there is a risk of explosion. It may not be
used to handle explosive loads.
For forklifts that must operate in environments
in which there is a risk of explosion or must
handle explosive loads, appropriate equipment is necessary and must be accompanied
by a specific EC Declaration of Compliance
which replaces that of the standard forklift,
and by the relevant User and maintenance
Contact the auth
orised sales network for more
Modifications to F
No modificatio
otherwise the
will become in
• assembly of the options provided by the
• assembly of applied equipment
for which it is
the authorised
ns may be made to the forklift,
EC certificate and the warranty
valid, with the exception of:
necessary to refer exclusively to
sales network
If the forklift is equipped at the factory or later with
devices that emit non-ionising radiation (such as
radio transmitters, RFID players, data terminals,
scanners, etc), the compatibility of such devices
must be verified with the presence of operators
using medical devices (such as heart pacemakers).
728043430 EN - 05/2017
Applied equipment
Applied equipment
To use equipment that has not been applied,
please contact the authorised sales network,
in order to:
• verify feasibility
• install the equipment
• add a label with the new residual capacity is
• provide documentation on the equipment
(user and maintenance manual and EC
User obligations
Users must comply with app
lation governing forklif
licable local legis-
t use and maintenance.
Environmental consi
Disposal of compone
nts and
The truck is compose
components or batt
and disposed of, th
• disposed of,
• treated or
• recycled in accord
national regulatio
The documentation provided by the battery
manufacturer must be observed when disposing of batteries.
We recommend working with a waste management company for disposal purposes.
d of different materials. If
eries need to be replaced
ey must be:
ance with regional and
28043430 EN - 05/20179
Environmental considerations
During delivery of the truck, certain parts
are packaged to provide protection during
transport. This packaging must be removed
completely prior to initial start-up.
The packaging material must be disposed of
properly after delivery of the truck.
5728043430 EN - 05/2017
Safety Guidelines
Safety Guidelines
General Precautions
Some safety regulations to be followed when
using the forklift are listed below. These
General Safety Rules
• Only allow qualified, trained and authorized
personnel to use the forklift.
• Do not install equipment on the forklift unless supplied or indicated by the manufacturer.
• Maintain the forklift in full working efficiency
in order to limit any type of risk to the
• Do not use the truck with bonnets or doors
open or with guards removed.
• The data plates found on the forklift must
be kept in good condition and replaced if
• Carefully read and follow all of the safety
indications found on the forklift.
• Make sure that the forklift has sufficient
overhead clearance.
• Do not park the forklift in front of fire-fighting
devices or fire escapes or anywhere that it
blocks traffic.
• If the forklift shows signs of failure or
breakage and there is reason to consider
it unsafe, stop, park it, and notify the
maintenance manager.
• Maintain appropriate distances from high
voltage overhead cables. Comply with
the safety distances established by the
competent authorities.
• Never raise the load using just one fork.
regulations integrate those
"Rules for approved use of ind
• Place the load on the fork carriage or in such
a way that the centre of gravity of the load is
as close as possible to the fork carriage.
• The load must be placed on the fork arms
so that the centre of gravity falls lengthwise
on the mid point between the fork arms.
• Do not drive with loads off-centre laterally
with respect to the forklift's median axis.
Lack of compliance with this regulation can
compromise forklift stability.
• Make sure that the surface on which the
load rests is able to support its weight.
• Always use safety clothing compliant with
current regulations and any personal protective equipment that may be applicable.
• Do not travel on loose or hilly ground or on
• Do not drive with loads raised more than
300 mm from ground level.
• Do not turn or stack on slopes.
• Reduce speed on slopes.
• Do not overload the forklift beyond the
capacity limits indicated on the capacity
• Individuals under the influence of drugs and
alcohol are not permitted to use the truck.
• The operator may not use an MP3 player
or any electrical device that may distract
their attention from the surrounding work
in the manual
ustrial vehicles".
Flooring requirements
The work floor must be even and free of holes
or dips, which can be difficult to get around.
Any steps must be equipped with ramps to
5728043430 EN - 05/2017
prevent impacts with the wheels, which affect
the entire structure of the truck.
Safety Guidelines
Passing over cracks or damaged parts of the floor
with the truck is prohibited. Dirt and any objects in
the work path must be removed immediately.
Battery connection cabl
Using sockets with NON-ORIGINAL battery connection cables can be dangerous (see purchase
references in the parts catalogue)
Requirements for the traction-battery
charging area
When the traction battery is being charged, the
area must be sufficiently ventilated in order to
download or eliminate the gases produced
(EN 50272-3).
Safety Regulations Relative to Forklift Use
• The operator must familiarize himself with
the forklift to be able to better describe any
defects and assist maintenance personnel.
The operator, trained and authorized to use
the forklift, must be familiar with the controls
and performances of the forklift.
• Any defect (squeaking, leaks, etc.) must be
promptly reported because, if neglected, it
could cause more serious failures/defects.
• Carry out the inspections indicated in the
chapter on "Daily Inspections".
Report any oil and/or battery fluid leaks: they
are dangerous and highly polluting.
If you notice a burning smell, stop the forklift and
turn off the engine, then disconnect the battery.
28043430 EN - 05/201713
Safety Guidelines
Safety Regulations Relative to Operating Materials
Rules for handling and disposing of
operating materials
Improper use and disposal
cleaning materials can ca
of operating and
use serious damage
to the environment.
Always use and handle the operating materials in a suitable manner and follow the manufacturer's instructions for the product's use.
Keep the operating materials only in containers intended for this purpose and in a location
that satisfies the requirements.
The operating material
avoid contact with hot o
When topping up the operating materials, only
clean containers should be used.
Follow the manufacturer's safety and disposal
instructions regarding the operating and
cleaning materials.
Do not disperse oils o
Any spilt liquid must
and neutralised wit
as an oil binder) and
accordance with curre
Always comply with anti-pollution regulations!
Before carrying out work that involves lubrication, filter replacement or hydraulic equipment
interventions, the area in question must be
thoroughly cleaned.
The replaced parts must a
of in accordance with the
s may be flammable, so
bjects or open flames.
r other operating liquids!
be immediately collected
h a binding material (such
then disposed of in
nt regulations.
lways be disposed
anti-pollution laws.
The incorrect or unlawful use of brake fluid is
harmful to people's health and the environment.
• Do not allow to come into contact with the
• Do not inhale oil vapors.
• Wear appropriate means of individual
protection during forklift maintenance
operations (gloves, goggles, etc.) to
prevent the oil from coming into contact
with your skin.
The used oils and relative filters contain substances that are hazardous to the environment
and must be disposed of according to current
regulations. We advise you to contact the authorised service network.
The penetration in the skin of hydraulic oil that has
leaked under pressure from the forklift's hydraulic
system is dangerous. If this type of lesion should
occur, contact a doctor immediately.
Small high pressure jets of oil can penetrate the
skin. Look for any leaks using a piece of cardboard.
Battery Acid
• Do not inhale the vapor: it is poisonous.
• Use adequate means of individual protection to prevent contact with the skin.
• Battery acid is corrosive: if it should come
into contact with your skin, rinse abundantly
with water.
• Explosive gas mixtures can form when
charging the battery; therefore, the rooms
in which the battery is charged must be in
compliance with the specific regulations on
the subject (e.g. EN 50272-3 etc.).
• DO NOT smoke or use open flames and
lights within a 2 m radius from the charged
battery and in the battery charging area.
5728043430 EN - 05/2017
Residual risks
For greater information, consult the specific
battery manual that comes with the battery.
The batteries contain substances that are hazardous to the environment. The replacement
Residual risks
Residual dangers, residual risks
Despite careful use and compliance with
standards and regulations, the possibility
of other risks occurring when using the truck
cannot be entirely excluded.
comply with current
Nevertheless, even
for its proper purp
are followed, some
Even outside the defined danger areas of
the truck, residual risk cannot be excluded.
Persons in this area around the truck must
exercise a heightened degree of awareness,
so that they can react immediately in the event
of any malfunction, incident or breakdown etc.
All persons that are in the vicinity of the truck must
be instructed regarding the risks that arise through
use of the truck.
In addition, we draw your attention to the Safety
Guidelines in these operating instructions.
er system components
safety requirements.
when the truck is used
ose and all instructions
residual risks cannot be
and disposal of the life-expired battery must
be carried out as required by law. We advise
you to contact the authorised service network
that is equipped for eco-friendly disposal in
accordance with current regulations.
Risks can include:
• Escape of consumables due to leakages,
rupture of lines and containers etc.
• Risk of accidents when driving on ramps or
in conditions of poor visibility, etc.
• Falling, tripping etc. when moving the truck,
especially in wet or icy conditions or when
consumables are leaking.
• Fire and explosion risks due to batteries and
electrical voltages.
28043430 EN - 05/201715
Residual risks
• Human error resulting from failure to
observe the safety guidelines.
• Unrepaired damage or defective and worn
• Insufficient maintenance and t
• Use of incorrect consumables
• Maintenance intervals exceeded
The manufacturer shall not b
ble for accidents involving
the failure of the operating
with these regulations eith
due to negligence.
The stability of the truck has been tested
in accordance with up-to-date technical
regulations and is guaranteed if the truck is
used correctly and in line with the intended
purpose. These standards only take into
account the static and dynamic tipping forces
that can arise during use in accordance
with the operating standards and intended
purpose. In extreme cases there is a risk of
exceeding the moment of tilt due to improper
use or incorrect operation, which will affect
Risks can include:
• loss of stability due to unstable or sliding
loads etc.;
• turns at excessive speed
• moving with the load raised;
• moving with a load that is projecting to the
side (e.g. side shift);
• turning and driving diag
• driving on slopes with the load pointing
• oversized loads;
• swinging loads;
• steps or ramp edges.
e held responsithe truck caused by
company to comply
er intentionally or
onally across
5728043430 EN - 05/2017
Electromagnetic radiation
Electromagnetic radiation
The limit values for electromagnetic emissions
and for immunity relative to the forklift are
those provided by the EN 12895 standard.
Non-ionised radiation
If the forklift is equipped at the factory or
later with devices that emit non-ionising
radiation (such as radio transmitters, RFID
players, data terminals, scanners, etc), the
compatibility of such devices must be verified
with the presence of operators using medical
devices (such as heart pacemakers).
Sound pressure level in driver's seatL
Uncertainty factorKpA=4 dB (A)
The value is determined in a test cycle in
accordance with Harmonised European
Standard EN 12053 and declared according to
EN ISO 4871 with weighted time percentages
of the Transport, Lifting and Idling modes.
The value expressed above can be used to compare forklift trucks of the same category. This cannot be used to determine the noise level in workplaces (daily personal noise exposure). Noise values
that are lower or higher than those indicated above
can occur during actual truck use, for example
following different operating modes, different environmental conditions and additional noise sources.
28043430 EN - 05/201717
Vibrations to which the hands and arms
are exposed
The following value is valid for all truck models:
It is mandatory to specify the hand-arm
vibrations, even where the values do not
indicate any danger, as in this case.
The value expressed above can be used to compare forklift trucks of the same category. It cannot
be used to determine the operator's daily exposure to vibrations during real operation of the truck;
these vibrations depend on the conditions of use
(floor conditions, method of use etc.) and therefore
daily exposure must be calculated using data from
the place of use.
The operating company must ensure that
the truck is checked at least once a year, or
following noteworthy incidents.
As part of this inspection
of the technical conditio
performed with regard to a
In addition, the truck mus
checked for damage that co
have been caused by impro
log must be created. The r
inspection must be retai
inspections have been ca
, a complete check
n of the truck must be
ccident safety.
t be thoroughly
uld potentially
per use. A test
esults from the
ned until a further two
rried out.
The inspection date is indicated by an adhesive label on the truck.
– Arrange for the service centre to perform
periodic safety inspections on the truck.
– Observe guidelines fo
on the truck in accorda
r checks carried out
nce with FEM 4.004.
The operator is responsible for ensuring any
defects are remedied without delay.
– Contact your service centre.
STILL GmbH Hamburg
Regelmäßige Prüfung
(FEM 4.004)
nach nationalen Vorschriften
basierend auf den EG-Richtlinien:
95/63/EG, 99/92/EG, 2001/45/EG
Nächste Prüfung
Die Prüfplakette ersetzt nicht das Prüfprotokoll
Mitglied der:
de la Manutention
Observe the national regulations for your
28043430 EN - 05/201719
Safety devices
Safety devices
Location of safety devices
Main safety devices on the truck
The operator must be aware of the following
safety devices:
1Guard grille
2Anti-crush safety feature
3Braking by releasing the drive control throttle
4Emergency stop button
5OptiSpeed tiller
6Protective guard
These devices must be checked daily, as
described in Chapter 4.
5728043430 EN - 05/2017
8Electromagnetic brake
9Truck braking when the tiller arm reaches
the upper end position and lower end
10Automatic speed reduction with forks raised
approximately 500 mm above the ground.
(only available on 1400 kg version)
Safety devices
Damage, defects and misuse of
safety devices
The driver must report any damage or other
defects to the truck or attachment immediately
to the supervisory personnel.
Trucks and attachments that are not functional
or safe may not be used until they have been
properly repaired.
Do not remove or deactivate
and switches.
Fixed set values may only be changed with the
approval of the manufacturer.
Work on the electrical system (e.g. connecting
a radio, additional headlights etc.) is only
permitted with the manufacturer's written
approval. All electrical system interventions
must be documented.
safety devices
28043430 EN - 05/201721
Safety devices
5728043430 EN - 05/2017
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