Stihl FS 25-4, FS 65-4 User Manual

FS 25-4, 65-4 Contents
1. Safety Precautions 1
2. Introduction 2
3. Specifications 3
3.1 Engine 3
3.2 Fuel System 3
3.3 Ignition System 4
3.4 Gearhead 4
3.5 Special Accessories 4
3.5.1 For User 4
3.6 Dimensions and Wear Limits 5
3.7 Tightening Torques 6
4. Troubleshooting 7
5.1 Removing and Disassembling 10
5.2 Assembling and Installing 10
6.1 Checking/Adjusting Valve Clearance 11
6.2 Checking Oil Level/ Changing Oil 13
6.3 Exhaust Muffler 14
6.4 Rocker Arms/Pushrods 14
6.5 Cam Followers 15
6.6 Cam Gear 15
6.7 Diaphragm 15
6.8 Crankcase, Lower Half 16
6.9 Crankshaft 17
6.10 Valves/Valve Springs 18
6.11 Crankcase/Cylinder 18
9.1 Throttle Trigger/Interlock Lever (Bike Handle) 26
9.2 Contact Springs/Detent Spring in Control Handle (Bike Handle) 27
9.3 Throttle Trigger/Interlock Lever (Loop Handle) 27
9.4 Slide Control (Loop Handle) 28
9.5 Throttle Cable 29
9.5.1 Replacing 29
9.5.2 Adjusting 30
11.1 Air Filter 32
11.2 Carburetor 32
11.2.1 Leakage Test 32
11.2.2 Removing/Installing 33
11.2.3 Adjusting Idle Speed 34
11.3 Tank Vent 35
11.4 Pickup Body 35
11.5 Fuel Hoses 36
11.6 Fuel Tank 37
12.1 Bike Handle 38
12.2 Loop Handle 38
12.3 Drive Shaft/ Flexible Liner 39
12.4 Drive Tube 40
13.1 Gearhead 41
13.2 Clutch Drum 41

1. Safety Precautions

If the brushcutter is startedup in the course of repairs or mainten­ance work, observe all local and country-specific safety regulations as well as the safety precautions and warnings in the owner’s manual.
Gasoline is an extremely flamma­ble fuel and can be explosive in certain conditions.
Improper handling may result in burns or other serious injuries.
Warning! Do not smoke or bring any fire or flame near the fuel. All work with fuel must be performed outdoors only. Spilled fuel must be wiped up immediately.
Wash hands thoroughly after every contact with waste oil.
Do not pour waste oil down the drain or allow it to soak into the ground.
Collect waste oil and take it to an official disposal site for environ­ment-friendly disposal.
14. Special Servicing
Tools and Aids 43
7.1 Ignition Module 19
7.1.1 Ignition Timing 20
7.1.2 Removing/Installing 20
14.1 Special Servicing Tools 43
14.2 Servicing Aids 44
7.2 Flywheel 21
8.1 General 22
8.2 Rope Rotor 22
8.3 Starter Rope 23
8.4 Starter Grip 23
8.5 Rewind Spring 24
8.5.1 Replacing 24
8.5.2 Tensioning 24
8.6 Starter Cup/Fanwheel 25
© 1998, Andreas Stihl AG & Co, Waiblingen
FS 25-4, 65-4 1

2. Introduction

Thisservicemanualcontainsdetai­leddescriptionsofalltherepair andservicingproceduresspecific tothispowertoolseries. Thereareseparatehandbooksfor servicingproceduresforstand­ardizedpartsandassembliesthat areinstalledinseveralSTIHLpo­wertoolmodels.Referenceis madetothesehandbooksinthe appropriatechaptersinthis manual.
Servicingthecarburetorisdescri­bedintheseparate"Carburetors" manual.
Asthedesignconceptofmodels FS25-4andFS65-4isalmost identical,thedescriptionsand servicingproceduresinthis manualgenerallyapplytoboth machines.Differencesare describedindetail.
Youshouldmakeuseofthe illustratedpartslistswhilecarrying outrepairwork.Theyshowthe installedpositionsoftheindividual componentsandassemblies.
Refertothelatesteditionofthe relevantpartslisttocheckthepart numbersofanyreplacementparts needed. PartslistsonmicroficheandCD­ROMarealwaysmoreuptodate thanprintedlists.
Thespecialservicingtoolsmen­tionedinthedescriptionsare listedinthelastchapterofthisma­nual. Usethepartnumberstoidentify thetoolsinthe"STIHLSpecial Tools"manual. Themanuallistsallspecial servicingtoolscurrentlyavailable fromSTIHL.
Symbolsareincludedinthetext andpicturesforgreaterclarity. Themeaningsareasfollows:
shownintheillustration (abovethetext)
-=Actiontobetakenthat isnotshowninthe illustration (abovethetext)
=Pointer =Directionofmovement
Servicemanualsandalltechnical informationbulletinsdescribing engineeringchangesareintended exclusivelyfortheuseofSTIHL servicingdealers.Theymustnot bepassedtothirdparties.
Securetheclamptotheassembly standwithtwowashersandtwo M8nuts.
Thecompletemachinecanthen beswivelledtothebestposition fortheongoingrepairandthislea­vesbothhandsfree.
AlwaysuseoriginalSTIHL replacementparts.
Theycanbeidentifiedbythe STIHLpartnumber,
andthe STIHLpartssymbol Thesymbolmayappearaloneon smallparts.
Afaultonthepowertoolmayhave severalcauses.Apartfromthe chapter"Troubleshooting"inthis manual,alsoconsultthetroubles­hootingchartsforallassembliesin the"StandardRepairs,Troubles­hooting"handbook.
Refertothe"TechnicalInforma­tion"bulletinsforengineering changeswhichhavebeenintro­ducedsincepublicationofthis servicemanual.Technicalinforma­tionbulletinsalsosupplementthe partslistuntilarevisededitionis issued.
2 FS25-4,65-4
Servicingandrepairsaremade considerablyeasierifthemachine ismountedonassemblystand(2) 59108903100withtheaidof clamp(1)59108908800.

3. Specifications

3.1 Engine

FS25-4 FS65-4
Type: GX22 GX31 Displacement: 22cm
Bore: 33mm 39mm Stroke: 26mm 26mm PoweroutputtoISO8893: 0.6kW(0.8bhp) 0.85kW(1.2bhp)
at7,000rpm at7,000rpm Max.enginespeed: Maximumrpmisdeterminedbymainjetandisnotadjustable Idlespeed: 3,100±200rpm Compressionpressure: 29-59kPa(2.9-5.9bar)
at1,200rpm Pistonpindiameter: 8mm Rewindstarter: Pawlengagement Pawls: Singlepawlsystem Reservepullonroperotor: min.1/2turn Starterropediameter: 3mm Clutch: Centrifugalclutchwithpress-fittedlinings Clutchengagesat: 4,200±200rpm Valveclearance Inlet: 0.12±0.02mm Exhaust: 0.15±0.02mm Oilcapacity: 0.1l(100cm
Oilgrade: SAE15W-40

3.2 FuelSystem

Carburetor: Diaphragmcarburetor Carburetorleakagetest atgaugepressure: 8kPa(0.8bar) Functionoftankvent
atgaugepressure: ≤3kPa(0.3bar) undervacuum: ≤0.5kPa(0.05bar)
Fueltankcapacity: 0.45l(450cm
) 0.65l(650cm3) Fuel: Regularbrandnamegasoline Octanerating: min.90RON Airfilter: Oilimpregnatedfoamfilter
FS25-4,65-4 3

3.3 Ignition System Type: Electronic magneto

ignition (breakerless)
with integral trigger unit Ignition timing: 27 degrees B.T.D.C. Air gap: 0.35 - 0.5 mm Spark plug (suppressed): NGK CR5HSB,
Denso U16FSR-UB Electrode gap: 0.6 - 0.7 mm

3.4 Gearhead Type: Spiral-toothed bevel gear drive

Gear ratio: 1:1.4 Bearings: Deep groove ball bearings Lubrication: STIHL gear lubricant
0781 120 1117, 1118 (capacity 7 g)

3.5 Special Accessories

3.5.1 For User Full harness

Safety glasses Transport guard for Metal cutting tools 4119 717 3005 STIHL gear lubricant (80 g tube) 0781 120 1109 STIHL gear lubricant (80 g tube) 0781 120 1117
4 FS 25-4, 65-4

3.6 Dimen sionsandWear Limits

Description Standard Wear limit
Cylinder inside diameter 33.00 mm * 33.10 mm *
39.00 mm ** 39.10 mm **
Piston outside diameter 32.99 mm * 32.90 mm *
38.99 mm ** 38.90 mm ** Piston pin outside diameter 8.00 mm 7.95 mm Cam lift 22.79 mm 22.49 mm
(inlet and exhaust) Free length of valve springs 23.40 mm 22.50 mm Valve stem outside diameter
Inlet: 3.985 mm 3.900 mm Exhaust: 3.950 mm 3.880 mm
Valve guide inside diameter 4.000 mm 4.060 mm Clearance between valve stem and guide
Inlet: 0.015 - 0.048 mm 0.098 mm Exhaust: 0.050 - 0.083 mm 0.120 mm
Valve head diameter Inlet: 12.5 mm *
13.5mm** Exhaust: 12.0 mm
Clutch lining: 2.0 mm 1.0 mm
* FS 25-4 ** FS 65-4
FS 25-4, 65-4 5

3.7 Tightening Torques

DG and P screws (Plastoform) are used in polymer and lightmetal components. These screws form a permanent thread when they are installed for the first time. They can be removed and installed as often as necessary without detrimentally affecting the strength of the screwed assembly, providing the specified tightening torque is observed. For this reason it is essential to use a torque wrench.
Fastener Thread For component Torque Remarks
size Nm
Pan head screw M5x12 Valve cover 4.0 Pan head screw M5x22 Valve cover 4.0 Nut M5 Valve adjusting screw 5.0 Collar nut M8 Flywheel 15.0
M8 Starter cup 8.0 Nut M5 Carburetor 5.0 Pan head screw M6x28 Clutch shoes 10.0 1) Pan head screw M8x28 Clutch shoes 15.0 2) Pan head screw M4x16 Cam gear cover 3.0 Pan head screw M5x18 Crankcase 5.0 Pan head screw M5x55 Crankcase cover
1st stage 3.0
2nd stage 7.0 Spline screw IS-DG5x24 Gear housing/drive tube 8.5 Spline screw IS-M5x12 Clamp, control handle/
drive tube (loop handle) 2.0 Spline screw IS-M5x16 AV sleeve/drive tube (clamp screw) 5.5 Spline screw IS-M5x12 Clamp, control handle/drive tube 2.0 Spline screw IS-M5x16 Clamp/drive tube (harness) 4.5 Spline screw IS-M5x30 Control handle (bike handle) 2.0 Spline screw IS-M6x25 Clamp/loop handle 4.5 Screw plug M11x10 Gearhead 8.5 Plastoform screw IS-P4x16 Control handle/handle moldings 1.0 Collar screw IS-P3.5x10.6 Detent spring/slide control
(bike handle) 1.1 Nut M12x1.5 L Cutting tool 25.0 Spline screw IS-M5x16 Deflector/gearhead 4.3 All other screws M3 1.0 and nuts M5 5.0
M6 9.0
Use the following procedure to fit a DG or P screw in an existing thread: – Place the DG or P screw in the hole and rotate it counterclockwise until it drops down slightly.
– Tighten the screw clockwise to the specified torque. This procedure ensures that the screw engages properly in the existing thread and does not form a new thread,
which would weaken the assembly.
1) FS 25-4
2) FS 65-4 Note: Power screwdriver speed settings for polymer: Plastoform screws max. 600 rpm
DG screws max. 500 rpm
6 FS 25-4, 65-4

4. Troubleshooting

1. Engine difficult to start
Check fuel level in tank.
Adequate fuel in
Operate manual fuel pump and check that fuel is flowing to carburetor.
Fuel flows to
Remove spark plug and check for damp or oily electrodes.
No fuel
Fuel does not flow
to carburetor
Fill up with fuel and try starting again.
– Check fuel line and fuel
filter for blockages.
– Faulty carburetor diaphragm
or float needle valve, replace carburetor
Replace carburetor
Check spark plug for spark.
Powerful spark
Check compression.
Adequate compression
Install spark plug and start engine according to instructions.
No spark or only a
weak spark
Compression too low
– Change spark plug and
repeat the spark test.
– Check ignition lead for
damaged insulation and leakage current.
– Check ignition coil.
Check combustion chamber for excessive build-up of combustion deposits.
– Check, adjust valve
– Valves must be in good
– Check piston, rings and
cylinder for wear.
FS 25-4, 65-4 7
2. Erratic running behavior at low rpm
Inspect air filter element.
Not dirty
Remove spark plug and check electrodes for coking, check electrode gap.
Check to see if fuel line is kin­ked, pinched or cracked. Check carburetor for looseness or air entering through spacer flange.
Clean, replace air filter element.
– Clean spark plug and
adjust electrode gap.
– Replace spark plug.
– If fuel line is kinked
or pinched, fit a new one.
– Tighten loose carburetor
nuts. Examine spacer flange for damage and install properly.
Check fuel filter.
Not dirty
Check correct function of carburetor.
Check compression.
Start engine according to instructions.
Clean, replace filter.
Replace carburetor.
– Check, adjust valve
– Check combustion chamber
for excessive build-up of combustion deposits.
– Check valves for faults. – Check piston, rings and
cylinder for wear.
8 FS 25-4, 65-4
3. Erratic running behavior at high rpm
Inspect air filter element.
Not dirty
Remove spark plug and check electrodes for coking, check electrode gap.
Check to see if fuel line is kin­ked, pinched or cracked. Check carburetor for looseness or air entering through spacer flange.
Clean, replace air filter element.
– Clean spark plug and
adjust electrode gap.
– Replace spark plug.
– If fuel line is kinked
or pinched, fit a new one.
– Tighten loose carburetor
nuts. Examine spacer flange for damage and install properly.
Check correct function of carburetor.
Start engine according to instructions.
Replace carburetor.
FS 25-4, 65-4 9

5. Clutch

5.1 RemovingandDisassembling 5.2 AssemblingandInstalling
Troubleshootingchart-see "StandardRepairs,Trouble­shooting"handbook.
connectthrottlecablefrom carburetor-see9.5.1.
Inspectclutchdrum.There shouldbenoscoresorsigns ofexcessivewear.
10 FS25-4,65-4
Twisttheclutchshoesand detachthespring.
Important:Clutchshoesmust alwaysbereplacedinpairs.
marksfaceoutwards. " "=FS25-4 "R"=FS65-4
6. Engine 6.2 Checking/Adjusting

6.1 ValveClearance

Tightendowncollarscrewsto10 Nm(FS25-4)or15Nm(FS65-
-Installclutchhousingwithdrive tube.
-Onloophandlemachine,attach throttlecabletocarburetor.
-Onbikehandlemachine,install thecontrolhandle.
Takeignitionleadoutofthe retainer.
Pullthrottlecable(2)withshort circuitwire(3)andwasher(4) outofretainer.
FS25-4,65-4 11
whileyouareturningtheflywheel toT.D.C.,rotateflywheelcounter­clockwiseuntiltherecessand projectionlineupagain.
Removeshroudfrombossesat rewindstarterside.
Takeoutscrews(1)atclutch side.
Insertfeelergauge(1)between rockerarmandvalvestem.
Inletvalve(2):0.12±0.02mm Exhaustvalve(3):0.15±0.02mm
Pullventhose(1)offthe valvecover.
Pullignitionlead(2)andshort circuitwire(3)outofthe retainers.
12 FS25-4,65-4
Rotateflywheeluntilblade recess(1)linesupwiththe projection(2)onthecamgear cover(pistonatT.D.C.).
6.2 CheckingOilLevel/ ChangingOil
Slackenoffnut(1).Use2.5mm Allenkeytorotateadjusting screw(2).
Toincreasevalveclearance: Turnscrewcounterclockwise. Toreducevalveclearance: Turnscrewclockwise.
-Holdadjustingscrewsteadyand tightendownnutto5Nm.
-Putenginedownonalevel surface.
-Unscrewthedipstickandwipeit withacleancloth.
-Pushthedipstickintofillerneck asfarasstopbutdonotscrewit home.
-Putenginedownonalevel surface.
-Fillupwithengineoiltoedgeof fillerneck.
-Screwdipstickhomeandtighten downfirmly.
-Checkvalveclearanceagain. Assembleinthereversesequence.
-Tightendownvalvecover screws to4Nm.
Removethedipstickandcheck theoillevel.
Ifoillevelislow,topupwith freshengineoiltoedgeoffiller neck.
-Screwdipstickhomeandtighten downfirmly.
-Tiptheenginetoonesideto drainoilintoasuitablecontainer.
FS25-4,65-4 13
6.3 ExhaustMuffler 6.4 RockerArms/ Pushrod s
-SetpistontoT.D.C.(bothrocker armsrelieved).
Assembleinthereverse sequence.
-Pushrodsmustlocateproperly intheadjustingscrews.
Assembleinthereverse sequence.
14 FS25-4,65-4
Toreplace,slackenoffnut(1) andtakeouttheadjusting screw(2).
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