Stellar X-Tra-Lift Pro User Manual

Owner’s Manual
Serial No. __________________________
Patent No. 6,435,806
Stellar Industries, Inc.
190 State Street • PO Box 169 • Garner, IA 50438
800-321-3741 • 641-923-3741 • Fax: 641-923-2812 •
Manual Part No. 26339 Updated: 11/16/07 XtraliftPRO
If you have questions about your Stellar equipment, please contact one of
the individuals below.
Part Orders, Technical Questions, and Information:
Jeff Horstman Ext. 353
Randy Milhan Ext. 224
Brian Goll Ext. 357
Warranty and Returned Goods:
Lisa Piklapp Ext. 351
Customer Service Manager:
Dave Schwichtenberg Ext. 227
Contact Lisa Piklapp before returning goods
Stellar Industries, Inc.
Return Goods
190 Bush Ave
Garner, IA 50438
Stellar Industries, Inc. products are designed to provide many years of safe, trouble-free, dependable service when properly used and maintained. This manual provides installation and operating procedures to help you obtain efficient and dependable use from your Stellar X-Tra-Lift. This manual also contains mainte­nance information, safety suggestions, optional items, and other general information.
It is specifically recommended that all operating and service personnel consider this manual as mandatory reading material before installing, operating, or servicing the X-Tra-Lift. Keep this manual with the X-Tra-Lift at all times for easy reference. If at any time you have questions, please contact your X-Tra-Lift dealer or the Stellar Industries, Inc. Customer Service Department.
This manual does not cover all maintenance, operating, or repair instructions pertinent to all possible situations. This manual is not intended as a training manual for beginners or unskilled operators. It offers guidelines for correct and safe usage of the X-Tra-Lift, maintenance guidelines, basic installation, and troubleshoot­ing guidelines. If you require additional informa­tion, please contact Stellar Industries, Inc. at 800-321-3741.
Stellar Industries, Inc. reserves the right to update this material without notice or obligation.
X-Tra-Lift Capacity: Not to Exceed 1300 LBS (590 KG)
X-Tra-Lift is not rated for roll bar
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Operation & Safety 1-1
Chapter 2 - Maintenance 2-1
Chapter 3 - Installation 3-1
Chapter 4 - Wiring and Hydraulic Controls 4-1
Chapter 5 - Safety Decals 5-1
Chapter 6 - Assembly Drawings 6-1
Chapter 7 - Options 7-1
Chapter 8 - Troubleshooting 8-1
Mounting instructions specific to vehicle year, make,
and model will be found in mounting kit shipped with
each X-Tra-Lift.
Chapter 1 - Operation & Safety
Congratulations on your purchase of this exciting new X-Tra-Lift Pro. We are sure you will enjoy many years of satisfying use from this high quality product. This manual con­tains very important safety and maintenance information. Failure to read and understand the information contained in this manual will expose you to unnecessary risk. This is a safe and reliable product when used as intended. As with any product, intentional misuse or failure to operate in a safe and pre­scribed manner is potentially dangerous.
1. Prior to operating the lift, park on flat and level ground.
2. Set the parking brake.
3. Lower the tailgate.
4. Check for overhead obstructions (i.e. wires, limbs, building overhangs, etc.).
Control Pendant
PN: 24387
8. Press and hold the “unload” button to cycle the lift out of the truck. The lift is stable throughout the load/unload cycle. It can be set on a higher platform or truck bed safely for loading as long as the lift is in complete contact with the mated sur­face. Continue through the “unload” cycle until you have reached your desired loading surface. The lift will not travel past its pre-set bottom point but will stop travel at a designated level. Do not continue to depress the “unload” button when the lift “limits out” or makes contact with a solid sur­face. Release the “unload” button when the lift makes complete contact with the ground, loading dock, etc.
5. Check to make sure the area behind the truck is clear, and free of people, pets or any other obstructions.
6. Make sure control pendant wire is fully extend­ed and not tangled or wrapped in the structure of the lift in any way.
7. Make sure the container is free of obstructions, and is clear to lift from the truck bed.
Maintain good visual sight lines when operating the lift.
Be aware of
potential conflicts during operation.
Chapter 1 - Operation
& Safety
9. Load your cargo safely. Remember to bind top-heavy loads with a minimum of two ratchet straps, suitable chain-binders, or other appropri­ately rated cargo retention devices. Load heavy items into the center of the container whenever possible. It is much safer and will extend the life of your lift. If the load extends beyond the length of the container, you must secure it to the con­tainer by means of an appropriately rated ratch­et-strap or chain binder.
10. To return the container to the truck bed, press the “load” button on the pendant control. Again, check to make sure there are no obstructions in the path of the lift. Once the lift reaches its stowed position, release the “load” button and safely stow or remove the control pendant. Never leave the pendant in a position for others to oper­ate it without your control or consent.
Once the lift is in the stowed position, check the load and any load binding devices to make sure they have not shifted or loosened during the lifting process.
When driving with a loaded container, be aware that the bulk of the load may obscure your vision from the cab. Also be aware that the weight of the load will affect your vehicle’s stopping distance and center of gravity. Stop periodically to inspect and/or tighten any load retaining devices as necessary.
Never use the lift to move people. It is not designed as a personnel lift and should never be used in this manner.
Do not position any load over a per­son nor should any person be permit­ted to place hiself or herself under a load.
If you desire to load or unload small boats or personal watercraft, it is permissible to sub­merge the X-Tra-Lift container in water. Remember to set your parking brake fully when using the lift adjacent to a body of water. The lift and its container may become slippery when their surfaces are wet. Use caution during these circumstances to avoid slips and falls. If you use the lift frequently in this manner, you may want to attach “no-slip” tape strips to various places around the lift to increase wet operation safety. These can be found at area hardware or building supply stores.
Secure the load extending out the back
Chapter 1 - Operation
ra-Lift is submersible
NOTE: If you are submerging you X-Tra-Lift and carrier into salt water, Stellar Industries recommends you thoroughly wash the lift and carrier after each submersion.
& Safety
Electrical Power Line
1. Park the truck on flat, level ground. This is critical if you desire to remove the container.
2. Set the parking brake.
3. Lower the tailgate.
4. Check for obstructions, both on the ground and above the lift.
5. Press and hold the “unload” button and cycle the lift until it makes complete contact with the ground.
6. Remove the two steel retaining pins (one per side) at the forward end of the container reten­tion blocks. Keep them in a safe place such as the console or glove-box of the vehicle.
7. Press the “unload” button briefly until both retention blocks drop free from the carrier. Mark exactly where your vehicle is parked. To reattach your carrier, it is necessary to be at the correct distance from the carrier to mate the retention blocks to the container.
8. Release the parking break. Drive ahead a few inches. Re-depress parking brake fully.
9. Set the parking break.
9. Press “load” button on the control pendant, until the lift structure, minus the carrier, is in the fully retracted position.
Death or serious injury can occur when operating near power lines or during electrical storms.
Allow extra space for swaying powerlines in windy conditions.
Keep a minimum of ten feet between any por­tion of the X-Tra-Lift and an electrical line. Add an additional 12" for every additional 30,000 Volts or less.
Never operate your vehicle unless the lift is in the sto with or without the container. The only exception occurs during step #8 of Detaching the Container.
Never use the lift for pulling against fixed or imbedded objects. It is only for movement of cargo and/or recre­ational vehicles.
Do not modify or alter the struc­ture of the lift in any way. Limited changes, additions, or modifications to the container are acceptable. (Examples include adding additional tie-downs, no-slip tape, cycle chocks, etc.)
wed position,
For further operating instructions, or for ques­tions about operation, please contact your near­est X-Tra-Lift dealer or the manufacturer
Chapter 1 - Operation
Do not leave the X-Tra-Lift load sus­pended or unattended.
Do not walk under suspended loads.
& Safety
Chapter 2 - Maintenance
Do not operate the lift if the fluid level is exces-
It is recommended to inspect and service the X-Tra-Lift periodically. Please use the following recom­mendations to ensure long and trouble-free service from your X­Tra-Lift.
sively low. This will risk introducing air into the hydraulic system which requires a lengthy bleed­out process and potential seal damage.
Inspect the lift structure and frame cross-member bolts every six months. Re-torque any loose bolts immediately. If bolts repeatedly require tighten­ing, report this situation to the factory or a facto­ry-approved distributor.
Every six months, inspect the joints and pivot points of your lift. Be alert for any cracks, rust, or chipped paint in these areas as they may indicate structural failure. If cracks are found, take the lift out of service immediately. This is a high-quality, well-built product. Such failures are not anticipat­ed, but should be checked for regardless. Also inspect the carrier at this interval for similar cracks.
factory-approved distributor immediately and do not use the lift until repaired.
Inspect hydraulic hoses and fittings monthly for signs of leakage. If leaks are found, call the fac­tory for replacement hoses and/or appropriate fit­tings. Hoses are tightened to approximately 45 In-lbs. at the factory. If leaks are present, check to make sure hoses are tightened to that specifi­cation with an appropriate torque wrench. Over­tightening will only worsen a hydraulic leak. Do not over-tighten fittings.
Inspect the fluid level of the hydraulic reservoir weekly. It should be filled to the recommended level. Do approved hydraulic fluid. Stellar recommends Mobil 13 fluid or equivalent.
Report any failure to the factory or a
not overfill the reservoir. Use only
Inspect all wires and control pendant for signs of fraying or exposed wiring monthly.
Do not modify or alter the structure of the lift in any way. Limited changes, additions or modifications to the container are acceptable (Examples include adding additional tie­downs, no-slip tape, cycle chocks, etc.).
Chapter 2 - Maintenance
Chapter 3 - Installation
The following section is set up to provide a basic guide to the installation of the X-Tra-Lift system. If any questions occur dur­ing the installation process, feel free to con­tact Stellar Customer Service at 800-321-3741.
Plan the installation carefully.
1. Set parking brake on the truck and chock the wheels.
2. Disconnect the battery.
Parking Brake
Chapter 3 - Installation
9. Run electrical wiring harnesses.
10. Place lift carefully inside the truck box.
11. Drill holes per mounting kit instructions. See
specific mounting kit diagrams on pages 3-4 (Chevy) and 3-5 (Ford) for details.
Wiring Harnesses
Drill Holes
Mounting Hardware
12. Put mounting hardware in place and tighten.
Chapter 3 - Installation
+ 22 hidden pages