Fast High Efficiency High Ou
Efficiency High Output Relia
High Output Reliable Fast
Output Reliable Fast High
Reliable Fast High Efficiency
Fast High Efficiency High Ou
Efficiency High Output Relia
High Output Reliable Fast
Output Reliable Fast High
Reliable Fast High Efficiency
Fast High Efficiency High Ou
Efficiency High Output Relia
High Output Reliable Fast
Output Reliable Fast High
Reliable Fast High Efficiency
Fast High Efficiency High Ou
Efficiency High Output Relia
High Output Reliable Fast
Output Reliable Fast High
Reliable Fast High Efficiency
Fast High Efficiency High Ou
Efficiency High Output Relia
High Output Reliable Fast
Output Reliable Fast High
Reliable Fast High Efficiency
Fast High Efficiency High Ou
Efficiency High Output Relia
High Output Reliable Fast
Output Reliable Fast High
Reliable Fast High Efficiency
Fast High Efficiency High Ou
Efficiency High Output Relia
High Output Reliable Fast
Output Reliable Fast High
Reliable Fast High Efficiency
Fast High Efficiency High Ou
Efficiency High Output Relia
High Output Reliable Fast
Output Reliable Fast High
Because boiler-based steamers require frequent maintenance that is difficult to perform and is often overlooked, conventional
steaming equipment presents a variety of potential problems for foodservice operators. Boilers must be regularly delimed and
descaled, are expensive to replace and some boiler-based models consume as much as 90 gallons of water per hour. Stellar
developed boilerless steaming equipment to eliminate all boiler-maintenance issues, reduce water use by as much as 90% and
provide waterfill and pre-heated incoming water features. These combine with a patented cavity design gives steamers with
Stellar's boilerless technology unsurpassed cooking speed.
From the beginning, Stellar has designed steamers to provide greater functionality, superior energy efficiency, quicker cook times
and lower maintenance costs. All these benefits result from Stellar steamers' innovative design, particularly its patented cooking
compartment, which is constructed of cast aluminum to heat up faster and hold heat longer than conventional stainless models.
Because Stellar steamers' cooking cavity uses very little energy to get hot and stay hot, operators use less electricity or gas and can
prepare foods more quickly than with any other steamer on the market.
Most Stellar Steam models are Energy Star rated, meaning that the U.S Environmental Protection Agency has certified that they
are the most energy efficient models in their category – at least 15% more efficient than non-Energy Star units. With energy costs
high and likely to go higher, this translate into tangible savings for operators, year after year. Combined with the fact that Stellar
products use just 10% as much water as competing models, dramatically cutting water-related costs, the end-result is the most
cost-effective steamers available over their useful life cycle. Stellar's patented steaming technology produces more cooking energy
in less time, resulting in steamers that recover faster than competitive products and will cost operators less to clean and maintain.
Advantages of Stellar Boilerless Technology at a Glance
• No boiler to delime
• No boiler replacement costs.
• Lower water and energy consumption than boiler steamers
• Fewer service and maintenance calls