Star Micronics NX-I 00011 User Manual

Specifications and Main Features

  • Designed operation Voltage: 120V
  • Type: Monochrome Printer
  • Compatibility: IBM/Epson printer characters and commands printer.
  • Features:
  • Available software is extensive
  • Lamp displays and a beep tone simplify the operation
  • Maintenance is easy with printer head and ribbon cartridge replacements
  • Sorting of papers is simple (unit sheets, fanfold forms and other multi items)
  • High resolution near letter quality(NLQ) of upto 18 by 23 matrix can be achieved.
  • Varieties in styles and size of types - draft, courier, sans serif and orator are available.
  • Pica, Elite, Condensation and proportion are various types of pitch spacing available.
  • Commands for vertical and horizontal positions for finer adjustments are available.
  • Download graphics and characters in dot forms are supported.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the voltage required for printer to operate?

A: The voltage required for operating printer is120V

Q: What types of styles can be printed with this printer?

A: The printer supports draft style, Their italic versions and small capitals, Courier, Sanserif and Orator.

Q: Is it possible to use fanfold forms with this printer?

A: Yes the printer overcomes the limitation of single sheets and can accommodate fanfold forms along with multi copies forms,

Q: What steps do you take to keep the printer in good shape?

A: Bothering to take care it takes less than a minute to install the ribbon cartridge and only a few minutes to swap out the print head.

Q: Is any software available or can the printer use any software?

A: Indeed, it works with all software that is designed for IBM / Epson printers. Word processors as well as graphics programs are included among them.

Q: What are the counts of types of papers this printer supports?

A: Single sheets, fanfold forms, and multi-copy forms all of which are tractor or friction feed can be used with the printer.

User Manual

NX-I 00011
8082 0340
NX-I 00011
I -
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Federal CommunicationsCommission
Radio FrequencyInterfareneaStatement
llrisqoiprnemgeneratesandusesradiofreqoeneyenergyandifrtotinsttdledandused prcperly,that
is, in strict aCco&nce with the marmfauorer)sinstructions,may cause intesfersstceto radio and televiaionreceptim.Ithasbeentypeteated andformaltocutr ly withtbelimits fora ~ss B computing devicein accordan toprovidereasonablepmtrAoo is no gUamnteethatintorfarertce
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Reorientthe reedingantenna
Movethecomputerorprinterawayfmm the receiver
If necessary,the
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Theabove siaterneti applies only to printers marketed
ce with the
usershouldmrtsrdtthedakr oranexperiencedrsdiohekvisiorrteduticiertfor
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“How to Identify and RCSC4W
The CanadianDepartmentof Communkations
Radio InterferenceRegulations
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Tk above sratenwatap@s only toprhers marketedin Cana&.
NX.l(K)OH,NL-10, NP.1O,NX.1W15, ND-10/15, NR.10/15: Star IBM K, ProprintarX24, ProprintarII, PC-DOS: ImematiamlBusinessMachinesCorp. MicrosoftBASIC, MS.DOS: MicrosoftCo
All rights reserved. Reproductionof artypsrtof this manualin artyform whatsoeverwithout
. %YJ=%sK%X8&f;~%Yo*.ge ti*@tim.
All effortshavebeersmadeto ensurethe ●ecuraeyof the amttattsofthis manualatthetimeof
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llte abovenotwithstanding,~AR cartassumeno responsibilityforartyerrorsin thismanual.
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Trademark Acknowledgements
%kO Epson rp.
MiCtUttiCS Co., hi
?7’”LQ-~ LQ-1OOO,LQ-1500:
@Copyright 1989 Star Mic~nics Co., Ltd.
This manual is organizedinto five chapters and four appendixes. To
learn how to make the best use of your printer you are urged to read all of chapters 1through 5. The appendixescan be referred to as necessary.
Chapter1 explainshow to get the printer unpacked and set up. Read this
chapter before you do anything else. Chapter2 explainsthe control panel. After getting set up, read this chapter
and try out the procedures in it to find out how the printer works. Chapter3 gives tips on using word-processing programs and other com-
mercial software with this printer. Read this chapter in conjunction with your software manual.
i“ —
Chapter4 is addressed to do-it-yourself progr programming examplesusing DOS comma
Chapter5 covers maintenance chapter to see what it contains, then refer to it as necessary later.
AppendixA lists the printer’s technical specifications. Appedix B &tails the functions of escape sequences and other printer
commands. AppendixC presentsa BASICprogram you can useto defineand download
new characters. AppendixD presents tables of the printer’scharacter sets.
troubleshooting.Look through this
ammers. It shows simple
nds and BASIC.
Thisprinter isa compact, convenient,monochrome printerwithout frills but with a fidl complement of features, making it an excellentpartner for a personal computer. It supports the IBM/Epson printer commands and character sets, enabling it to print just about anything your computer can generate,both textand graphics.Someofits main featuresare the following:
. Extensivesoftware support
Sinceit is compatible with the Epson and IBM printers, it works with any software that supports those printers. That includes most word-pro­cessing and graphics programs, spreadsheets, and integrated software packages.
Easy operation
Clearlyunderstandablelamp displaysand beeptonesprovideimmediate feedbackwhenyoupress theswitcheson the controlpanel. The fourswitches can operate in combinations to”perform a surprisingvariety of fimctions, includingmargin setting and micro-alignment.
Easy care and maintenance
The ribbon cartridge can be replaced in seconds;theprint head in a few
Ver=tile paper handling
Singlesheets, fanfold forms, and multi-copy forms (up to triple-ply) are all accepted, and you can use either tractor or friction feed. A special featureenablesyou to keep fanfold formsparked in readinesswhileprinting on other paper.
. High-resolutionnear-letter-quality printing
Whenyouselectan NLQ typestyle,the printer slowsdown and employs a densematrix of up to 18by23 dots to print clear, well-formedcharacters.
Large variety of type stylesand sizes
The printer has one draft style and four NLQ styles(Courier, Sanserif, and Orator with smallcapitals or lower case), plus italicsfor all styles,plus condensedprint, bold print, double-sizedprint, quadruple-sizedprint —see the sampleson the next page:
Type styles are:
J.11””’i!”f:”kC:hal”””actel’””s? Courier characters, SanSerif characters,
with lower case characters,
ITALICS FOt- all isfY”Iziw:.
Print pitches are:
Pica pitch,
Elite pitch,
Condensedpica pitch, Cortdensedelitepitch, proportional spacing for all pitches,
IhxikI1e–s ized,
Various 1ine and character spacings:
Other features:
Ernphas i zed,
Under 1ininq,
Download ch~racters: Dot graphics:
Wer 1 InIng,


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Locating the printer Unpacking and inspection
Check the carton contents
Setting up
Mount the platen knob Remove the top cover Install the ribbon cartridge Replace the top cover Connect the printer to the computer Connect the printer’spower cord
Loading singlesheets
Mount the paper guide Semiautomaticloading Manual loading
Loading and parking fanfold forms
Paper parking Paper unparking
Test printing
Short selftest Long selfttest
Interface test Adjustingthe printing gap DIP switchsettings
Switchesand indicators
Power indicator
On Line switch
Paper Feed switch
Print Pitch switch
NLQ Type Styleswitch Power-up functions
Short test pattern Long test pattern Stay in panel pitch Stay in panel style Hexadecimaldump
Switchcombination functions
Paper parking Page feed
14 14
19 19
1 1 1
Top of form Forward micro-feed Reversemicro-feed Left margin Right margin Clearing the buffer
Chapter 3
Installingyour software 31
Printer menu Printer command options Type styles Page width Initialization sequence
Setting the DIP switches
Using your software 33
Page alignment Type style and pitch selection Other printer commands
WITH DOS AND BASIC 37 Hard-copyingthe screen 37
ng the printer with DOS commands
Programming the printer with BASIC
Chapter 5
MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING 47 Cleaningtheprinter Replacingtheribbon Replacingtheprinthead
Font controlco~ands
Charactersizeand pitchcommands
Horizontal position commands
Graphics commands
Download character commands
Macro instruction commands
Other printer contrcdcommands
47 47 47
53 59
59 63 66
76 80 82 85 86
Appendix C
Draft character NLQ character
Appendix D
Standard character set IBM character set #2 IBM character set #1 Additional character set International character sets
99 100 102 104 105 106
Insidethe cover
chapter 7

Locating the printer

Unpacking and inspection (names of parts)
Setting up
Loading singlesheets
Loading and parking fanfold forms
Test printing
Adjustingthe printing gap
Setting the DIP switches
Givesomethought to the bestplace to put the printer. Both the printer and computer should be used in a normal indoor environment. For best performance, we recommend:
Place the printer on a flat surface.
Keep it out of direct sunlightand away from heat-producingappliances.
Use it only in temperatures where you are comfortable.
Avoid locations with dust, grease, or high humidity.
Supplyit “clean”electricity.Don’tconnectit to the samecircuitas a large, noise-producingappliance such as a refrigerator.
Make sure the line voltageis within 10Yoof the voltage specifiedon the identificationplate.
If you willbe using fanfold forms, place the printer where the forms can
fe~dup to it from-below,with at least a full page hanging free.
Open the carton and check each item in the box against Figure 1-1to
make sure that you have everything (there should be fiveitems).
carton contents
Igure 1-1. Check to make sure you have all five items: 1) Printer, 2) Paper guide, 3) Platen
knob, 4) Ribbon cartridge, and 5) User’s manual.
Make an external inspection of the printer. Note the locations of the
opensandclosesthepaperbailwhichholdsthepaper againstthe platen.
Figure 7-2. The printer’s external parts
Releaseleven releases the platen.
This lever must be down for
printing on singlesheets, and up for fanfold forms.
Top cover: protects the print head and other parts.
Rear cove~ protects the sprocket feed mechanism.
Entry slot: Control panel: Power switch:
for inserting singlesheetsof paper. controls various printer functions. switchespower on and off. for connectingthe computer to the printer.


Mount the platen knob
The platen knob is packed into a recess of the white foam packing materialwhichheldyourprinter insidethepackingbox. Becarefulto remove the knob before disposingof the packing.
Mount the platen knob on its shaft on the right sideof the printer. Turn it until you can push it in all the way.
Power should always be off when you turn the platen knob.
Figure 1-3. Mounting the platen knob
Remove the top cover
Liftthe frontedgeoftheprinter’s clearplastic top cover. Then disengage
the tabs at the back of the cover and remove the cover completely.
. ..
-. a . - . . . .——
Ffgure W4. ttemovmg me Iop cover
Install the ribbon ciwtridge
The top sideof the ribbon cartridge has a handle for turning the ribbon. Turn this handle in the direction of the arrow to tighten the ribbon.
Next place the ribbon cartridge on the print head carnage, guiding the ribbon between the print head and the platen, Press down firmly on the cartridgeuntil it snaps into place.
Figure 1-5. Installing the ribbon cartridge
Replace the top cover
Hold the cover upright and engage the tabs at the back. Then swing the front edge down until the cover is closed.
Leave the cover closedduring normal operation. It keepsout dust and
dirt and reduces the printer’s operating sounds. Open the cover only to change the ribbon or make an adjustment.
Connect the printer to the computer
Connect the printer end of the interface cable to the connector socket
on the right sideof the printer as shown in Figure 1-6.
Make sure the computer is turned OFF, then connect the other end
of the cable to your computer as describedin the computer manual.
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Connect the printer’s power cord.
Check that the printer’spower switch (locatedat the left front) is OFF.
Then plug the printer’s power cord into an
AC wall outlet.
Never plug or unplug the power cord while the printer is turned on.


This section will take you through the procedures for loading single
sheetsof paper.
If you are using the optional automatic sheet feeder (ASF), read the
ASF instruction booklet.
Mount the paper guide
The paper guidefitsinto the two holeson top of the rear cover. Mount
the guide and raise it to the upright position.
igure 1-7. Mounting the paper guide for single sheets
Semiautomatic loading
Single sheets can be loaded manually with power off, or semiauto­matically with power on. We will start the easy way with semiautomatic loading.
1. Check that the releaseleverisdown and the bail leverback (bailclosed), then switch power on. You willhear a short beep tone and the Power indicatoron thecontrolpanelwillflash. Thesearetheprinter’s paper-out signals.
2. Placea singlesheeton the paper guideand insert it down into the entry slot. You will feel a slight resistance as the paper engagesthe paper detector lever. Work the paper past this resistance and insert it down as far as it willgo.
3. Move the bail lever forward. When the bail opens, the printer feeds the paper automatically.
4. Move the bail lever back, The paper will feed slightly forward again, ending in position to print with a top margin of about one inch.
Figure 1-8. Loading a single sheet
Manual loading
Itis also possible to load paper manually while the printer’s power is
off. The procedure is:
Checkthatprinter power is off and the releaselever at the back of the
printer is down.
Insert a singlesheet of paper into the entry slot as far as it willgo, the – same way as for semiautomatic loading.
Move the bail lever on top of the printer forward to open the paper ­bail.
Turn the platen knob clockwiseuntil the front edge of the paper comes out from under the top cover.
If the paper is not straight, move the release lever to the up position, straighten the paper by hand, then move the release lever back down.
Move the bail lever back to close,the paper bail.
Fanfold forms have holesalong the sidesand perforations between the
sheets. They are also called sprocket forms, punched forms, or just plain “computerpaper”. Thisprinter acceptsformsup to 10”wide. Fanfold forms
are loaded, parked, and unparked as explained next.
1. Place a stack of fanfold paper behindand at least onepage-lengthbelow the printer.
2. Turn the printer’spower OFF.
3. Set the releaselever to the up position. If there is paper in the printer, removeit. (Sincethe platen is released,you can just pull the paper out.)
4. Move the bail leverforward to open the bail. Remove the paper guide and put it aside for the moment.
6. Remove the rear cover. Grip it by its front edge and lift upwards and backwards as in Figure 1-9.- -
. .
Figure 1-9. Opening the rear cover
7. Open the sprocket coverson the right and left sprocket units, as shown in Figure 1-10.
8. Flip the clamp leversdown. Thisallowsthe two sprocketunits to move
freelyright and left so you can align them with the holes in the paper.
9. Insert the front edgeof the paper overthe paper detector leverand tuck
it in under the platen.
f-10. Opening the sprocket covers to expose the sprocket teeth
igure 1-11. Closing the sprocket covers
10. Fit the holesin the paper over the sprocket pins. Check that the paper is even.
11. Close the sprocket covers (Figure i-n).
12. Raise one of the clamp leversto lock one sprocket unit in place.
13. Turn the platen knob to feed the paper forward until it comesout from under the top cover.
14. Move the bail lever back to close the bail.
15. Check that the paper is feedingin flat, then raise the other clamp lever to lock the other sprocket unit.
16. Replace the rear cover.
Hold it tilted upward and insert the two tabs
at the bottom into their slots. Then rotate the cover forward, pressing down on the thumb pads on the left and right to snap it into place.
17. Mount the paper guidein the horizontal position shownin Figure 1-12, so that it will-separatethe printed from the unprinted paper.
lgure 1-12. Mounting the paper guide tor Tanrolaterms
Now you are ready to switch power on and print.
. . . .
Paper parking
After loading fanfold paper; you do not have to unload it when you
want to print on a singlesheet. The printer will “park” it for you if you
followthe procedure below.
1. Paper parking starts with power ON, fanfold paper loaded in printing position, the release leverup, and the bail lever back.
2. Press the On Line switchon the control panel to set the printer off-line (On Line indicator otT).
Tear off the printed form at the last perforation, leavingnot more than about half a page showingabove the top cover. If necessary,pressthe Paper Feed switch to feed paper forward until a perforation is located
just above the top cover, and tear there.
Press the Print Pitch switch on the control panel and hold it down. Stillholding the Print Pitch switchdown, press the Paper Feed switch.
The printer willautomatically feed the fanfold form backward until the paper is completelyfree of the platen. Move the releaseleverto the down position.
Mount the paper guide in the upright position.
Now you can load single sheetseither semiautomaticallyor manually, as explained previously. The fanfold paper remains parked at the back of the printer.
When you want to resume using fanfold paper, the procedure is as follows.
Paper unparking
1. Removeall sin~ sheets from the printer and close the paper bail.
2. Mount the paper guide in the horizontal position.
3. Move the releaselever to the up position.
4. With power ON, move the bail lever forward. The printer will auto-
matically feed the parked fanfold paper into position for printing.
5. Move the bail lever back to closethe bail. Now you are ready to print.


After loading paper, you can test the printer as describednext.
Short se/f test
This procedure prints a six-line“barber-pole” test pattern. The lines are eight incheswide, so the paper should be at least that wide.
1. Check that paper is in position for printing.
2. With power off, press the On Line switchon the control panel and hold
it down.
3. Still holding the On Line switch“down,turn the printer’s power on. The printer will automatically start printing its short test pattern. You
can release the On Line switch after printing starts. To remove the paper at the end of the test; switchpower OFF, then turn the platen knob. (Don’t turn the platen knob while power is on.)
I41#*~~, ( ) *+, -. /(,~~345~7~9: ; .:=;. ?
! ,t#$%&, ~~ *+, -- /O I~Z4S67B9:; <:=>7QAECDEFGHI JKLWWOPORSTUVW XYZt\ 1’ .– ‘abcde+ghi jklmnap
‘#*7:&~ ( ) *+, -. ;012T45A769: ;,.:-:. _ #5%.%, ( JK+, -. /0123456789: ; ..=>? @ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPt2RSTUVWXYZ [\ 1- ‘abcdef FIhi jk lmnopqr $>:8, . ! ! *+ , -. ,,0 %%, ( ) *+. –. /1.812345b7e9: : :=:, .-
Figure 7-13. Short test pattern
I 2s4~67S9: ; <:=:,?mABCDEFGH IJ~:LHNopQRsTuvw Xyz [ \ ]’
@&BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPCJRSTUVWXVZ [ \ 1’,,,, ‘a bcdefghi j k lmno
- 71@ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPG!RST!JV WXYZ L\ 1,,,, abcde+ghi jk lmnopq
?I%BCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXV Z C\l’.. yabcdefqh, i k lrnnopqt. st
‘a bcdc<gl,i j}.: lmrmpqr-~
Long self test
To see the printer’svariety of type styles,you can run the long version
of the printer’s selftest.
1. Check that paper is in position for printing.
2. With power off, press the Paper Feed switch on the control panel and hold it down.
3. Stillholding the Pap Feed wvitd down, turn the printer’spower ON. The printer will automatically start printing a test pattern of its full
character wt in various type styles. Watch the lights on the control panel;
they indicatewhichtype styleis printing. The test pattern variesdepending on the settingof DIP switch 1-6(ON—Standard mode, OFF —IBMmode), but more about that later.
This test repeats indefinitelyin a cycleof 30 or 70 lines. To stop the
test, switch power off.
Interface test
After confirming that the printer works by itself, it is time to test the
interface with the computer. The simplest way to do this is with a direct
command. Power up both the printer and computer, load paper, then try a command like one of the following:
MS-DOS or PC-DOS command:
Microsoft BASIC command:
Or you can try any other command understood by your computer to
print a lineof text. Consult your computer manual if you need help. If you repeat the command a few times, the printout willcome into view.
Next you may want to try a testprintout withword-processingsoftware,
but for this to succeed you will have to set the printer’s DIP switches(see the end of this chapter) and install your software to support the printer correctly (seeChapter 3).


The distance between the print head and the platen can be adjusted to accommodatedifferentpaper thicknesses. To make thisadjustment, remove the top cover. The adjustment leveris located near the left end of the paper bail. Pulling the adjustment lever towards you widens the gap; pushing it away from you narrows the gap.
Thereare four positions;youcan feeltheleverclickingintoeach position. The first position (narrowest gap) is the one most commonlyused for single sheets of paper. Try differentpositionsuntilyouget the bestprintingresults.
Figure7-14. Adjusting for different thicknesses of paper
When you remove the printer’s cover and look inside, you will see on the green board at the bottom of the printer two groups of small white switchesmarked DSW1and DSW2. Thesearetheprinter’sDIP (Dual In-line Package) switches. DSW1 has eight switches,named 1-1 to 1-8 from left to right. DSW2 has four switchesnamed 2-1 to 2-4.
For all switches,the ON position is towards the back of the printer and the OFF positionis towards the front. To set a DIP switch,use a ballpoint pen or other smallimplementtomove the switchto theON or OFF position.
Theprinter’s powershouldbeoffwhenyousetthe DIP switches.Settings made while power is on do not take effect until power is switchedoff, then on again, becausethe printer reads the DIP switchesonly at power-up.
‘igure 1-15. DIP switches
I SwitchI Function I ON I OFF I
L 1 I I
1-2 1-3 Oratorlowercase 1-4 Autosheetfeeder
1-5 1-6 Printermode
Chameterset(IBMMode)I Set#2 AutoLF
1-8 2-1 Usageof RAM 2-2
11inches 12inches Yes No Smallcaps Lowercase Inactive Enabled Disabled Standard
IItalics IGraphics
No Buffer
Yes Download
I 2-3 ]In@~ationalcha~ter~tl(see~e~~w) ,
Theprinterisdeliveredwithall DIP switchsetto theON position.These are the standard settings. By changing the settings,you can alter various printer functionsto match your requirements. The followingquestions will help you make the right settings.
Switch l-l:
Is the page length of your paper 11inchesor
Leave this switch ON if you will be using 1l-inch forms.
12inches? Move it to the
OFF positionif you will be using 12-inchforms.
Switch 1-2:
Do you want an automatic carriage return?
Leave this switch ON. The printer will automatically perform a carriage return by movingto the leftmargin at each line feed. Evenifyour software sendsa separate carriage-return code, an extra carriagereturn doesno harm because two consecutivecarriage returns are the same as one. Very few programs require this switch to be OFF.
Switch 1-3:
When you selectthe Orator type style on the control panel, do you want lower-caseletters to print as lower case (OFF) or as small capitals (ON)?
Take your pick from the samplesbelow. Note that lower-caseOrator does not have descendersfor the letters g,j, p, q, and y.
Orator prints this way with switch 1-3 OFF.
you going to use the automatic sheet feeder (ASF)?
Switch 14:
To use the automatic sheet feeder, move this switch to the OFF position. Otherwiseleave it ON.
Switch 1-5: Do you want the printer to stop printing about an inch from
Leave this switch ON except when you need to print very close to the end of the paper. When this switch is OFF the printer ignores the paper-out detector and prints down to (and beyond) the bottom edge.
Selectthe mode compatible with your computer and software. In standard
mode the printer operates likethe Epson LX-800. In IBM mode it operates
like the IBM Proprinter II. The ON position selectsstandard mode. The OFF position selectsIBM mode.
the end of the paper, or to keep printing to the bottom?
Do, you want to use the printer in standard mode or IBM mode?
The action of this switch depends on the mode chosen with switch 1-6.
Ifyou selectedstandard mode, doyou want italicsor graphiccharactes?
Leave this switch ON to print italics in the standard character set. If you setthis switchto the OFF position,in place ofitalicsyouwillget the graphic characters, international characters, and mathematical symbols of IBM character set #2. See Appendix D, character codes 128to 254.
If you selectedIBM mode, do you want IBM character set #1 or #2?
ON selectscharacter set #2, which is for computers with an 8-bit interface (themost common kind). OFF selectscharacter set #1, for computers with a 7-bitinterface.
Switch 1-8: Do you want an automatic line feed? If you leave this switch at the ON position, a separate line-feedcode is re-
quired to obtain a line feed. If you move this switch to the OFF position, the printer performs both a carriage return and line feed each time it receivesa carriage-return code.
Most computer systemssenda line feed code, or both a carriage return and line feed, at the end of each line, so this switch should be left ON.
If you get double line spacing when you expect single spacing, or if lines overprint each other, try changing the setting of this switch.
Switch 2-1: Does your software download new characters to the printer?
To download characters this switch must be OFF. The printer then uses its RAM memory for storingcharacter patterns and provides only a one-line print buffer. If you leavethisswitchON the printer usesits RAM memory asan input buffer,allowingthecomputer to senddata fasterthan the printer prints.
Switches2-2 to 2-4:
Do you want an international character set?
International character setsdifferin their assignmentof 14character codes. Seethe character tables at the back of this manual. With the DIP switches you can select one of eight character sets as follows:
Country 2-2
ON France OFF Germany ON England OFF
2-3 2-4
Country 2-2
ON Denmark I * ON ON ON
Sweden OFF Italy Spain I OFF
2-3 24
* Denmark/Norway when switch 1-6is OFF and switch 1-7is ON.
Thischapterexplainshow to use the controlpanelto:
Pause printing
Feed paper (fast and slow, forward and reverse)
Selectthe print pitch
Selecta type style
Print test patterns
Prevent softwarefrom changing the panel pitch and styleselections
Print a hexadecimaldump
Park fanfold forms
Set the top-of-form position
Set the left and right margins
Clear the printer’s buffer


The control panel has four switchesmarked:
On Line
Paper Feed
. Print Pitch
NLQ Type Style
i -
The On Line, Print Pitch, and NLQ Type Styleswitchesrespond with a beep tone when pressed,and indicators besidethem indicate their current status. There is also a Power indicator that lights when power is on.
The control panel switchescan be pressed singlyto perform the oper­ationsindicated by theirnames. Other functionscan beobtained byholding these switchesdown when you turn the printer’s power on. Still further functions can be executed by pressing the control panel switchesin corn- --­bination. This chapter explains all the switch and indicator functions.
Power indicator
The power indicator lights (yellow)when power is on. When paper is not present, the power indicator flashes. A beep tone
also alerts you to the need to load paper.
On Line switch
TheOnLineswitchsetstheprinter on-lineand off-line.Thestatechanges
each time you press the switch.
In the on-line state the printer receivesdata from the computer and prints the data. In the off-linestate the printer stops printing and sendsthe computer a signalindicating that it cannot accept data.
The printer powers up in the on-line state if paper is present. If paper is not present, the printer powers up off-line with the Power indicator flashing. When you load paper the Power indicator stops flashing,but the printer remainsoff-line.To start printing you must pressthe On Line switch go on-line.
The two main times when you will want to press the On Line switch are:
. Before and after any other panel operation
The other panel switchesoperate only in the off-linestate. First press the On Line switch to go off-line, then perform the panel operation, then press the On Line switch again to go back on-line.
. To pause during printing
Ifyou presstheOn Lineswitchduringprinting,theprinter stopsprinting and goes off-line,allowingyou to check the printout or change a control panel setting. Printing resumes when you press the On Line switch again to go back on-line.
Paper Feed switch
This switch operates only when the printer is off-line. If you press it
oncethe paper feeds forward by one line. If you hold this switchdown, the
printer performs consecutivelinefeeds.
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